Straight To Yes!

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Try the Straight to Yes! Freedom Shopping Challenge -see page 10 for details

Make yourself a yes magnet

Youve finally plucked up the courage to ask for something. The afternoon off. A pay rise. Then comes that crucial moment where you wait with baited breath for the response. Its tense, but it doesnt have to be. You just need to master the art of the ask. Taking a direct, light-hearted, wholly practical approach, Haider Imam zooms straight in on that moment of truth providing a set of proven tools and techniques for getting to yes, every time. He instils readers with the confidence to ask bigger, more often and even ask for the impossible and to get it. Based on sound psychological principles, Straight To Yes! offers tonnes of winning ways to make requests that get you to yes Wholly practical in style and content, the book features accessible, straightforward techniques readers can put into action immediately Designed for quick-reference while on the move, it affords instant access to specific, step-by-step, single-page techniques as needed

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Extracted from Straight to Yes! published in 2013 by Capstone Publishing Ltd (a Wiley Company), The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ. UK. Phone +44(0)1243 779777 Copyright 2013 Haider Imam All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 4LP, UK, without the permission in writing of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, England, or emailed to [email protected].

Same and Different

If its familiar, it hasnt eaten you yet, is a quote I love from Drake Bennett of Bloomberg Businessweek. While were sharing, one of my favourite Hollywood stories is when Dan OBannon and Ronald Shusett, writers of the film Alien, pitched it to Hollywood studios simply as Jaws in Space. Were programmed to like whats familiar to us purely because its not a risk to us. Back in the 1960s, Robert Zajoncs experiments uncovered what we now call the Mere Exposure Effect meaning that the number of times we are exposed to certain stimuli positively influences our preferences for those stimuli. Other landmark studies have shown that when people are faced with a choice between two gambles, they will pick the more familiar one. Sometimes, they even pick the more familiar gamble when the odds of winning are lower. So, it seems the writers of Alien understood processing fluency at a deep level. Presenting a film that radically departed in content and style from what the public was used to still needed a touch of familiarity to clinch the deal. It didnt hurt that their point of reference was a blockbuster classic. Familiarity enables easy mental processing, saves energy and so feels fluent. So, in our minds, we tend to equate the feeling of fluency with familiarity. Put another way, we infer familiarity when a stimulus feels easy to process. More difficult to read, pronounce and/or understand means more foreign, less known, more risky.


A raft of different studies over the years shows how the ease ofprocessing ideas, names or words affects our decision making. For example, test subjects perceived a hypothetical food additive with a name that was harder to pronounce Hnegripitrom as being more harmful than one with an easier to pronounce name Magnalroxate. Deep analysis indicates that listed companies with stock ticker codes that are easier to pronounce (such as AAPL, GOOG) trade more profitably in the long term. We even smile in our brains when we see objects that look easy to pick up, compared to complex objects.

1. A Familiar contrast
If simple, fluent familiarity attracts us and complex, disfluent unfamiliarity repels us, we can leverage this in a myriad of ways. If your industry offers a high number of complicated solutions, the logical approach is to radically simplify your product and offering. Telecoms companies have done this in the last couple of years with success Three Mobiles The One Plan and T-Mobiles The Full Monty remove the Which tariff ? conversation from the mix entirely. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he radically cut the product line, not only to focus business efforts, drive improvements and manage costs but also to simplify the choices for customers. It was part of what turned the company around from bankruptcy to the worlds most valuable company two decades later.

If your industry doesnt have a backdrop of complexity, the most straightforward way I know is to create one. Simply present one or two options that create a degree of disfluency, followed by the option you prefer, presented in an easy, familiar, fluent format. For example, which of the following options would you lean towards if you were a teenager: You can go for party option one, which will be frivolity ad absurdum for a loquacious congregation like yours, or you can go for party option two, which will be seriously fun for you and your crazy mates up to you? I suppose the only caveat to be aware of is where complexity is expected and valued, for example, if you are evaluating something with a high-tech edge to it such as processors in computers, chemicals or minerals in household equipment. However, just like Alien, its worth adding in simple terms what benefits that brings, too. try it Create options. Make the first options disfluent and slightly more complicated; use words with a greater number of syllables or use a touch of industry jargon. Follow this with a simple, straightforward option, articulated in a plain, easy to understand way.

2. Undesired to Desired
Another great way to intentionally create a perception of extra fluency that I have used many times is to present an undesired option followed by the desired option. Although it may seem odd to do this at the point of making your request, it works. After taking the time to understand what your audience wants and doesnt want, its simply a case of first recapping what they dont want, layering in a little complexity to create a sense of disfluency before presenting a simple, attractive version of what they do want. It has the added bonus of showing your audience that youve been listening, youre confirming their thoughts with them and keeping them in the conversation. Very respectful. A visual way to do this is to show the undesired option in black and white or out of focus in some way next to the desired option in fully focused, clear vibrant colour. This heightens appreciation of the colour image more than if it had just been viewed in isolation. Im not saying Ive ever done this subtly featuring slightly defocused competitor logos next to my own sharp company logo, but you get the idea! Its an idea thats often used in television or magazine adverts, to show the transition from rainy, drab and dreary before to sunny, vibrant and cheery after. In fact, the next time you see before and after cosmetic shots, check to see which photograph appears to have been lit more professionally and livened up its always the after shot.

try it First, frame the least preferred option in a slightly complex, disflu- ent way to provide a positive contrast for your preferred, simple, fluent option. Render the undesired option as a lower quality, less coloured or defocused image and your preferred option in full colour, bright and high quality.

3. Rejection then Retreat (Door-in-the-Face technique)

A leader at an Irish client of ours wrote me a letter of thanks after attending a workshop I ran that included this Ask. In her email, she explained how she returned home after the workshop and asked her boyfriend if they could start making plans to buy a new kitchen and redecorate the living room. After she picked him back up from the floor, her beleaguered beau replied that even though they were doing well, doing two rooms together would break the bank. She sighed, looked slightly disappointed and then suggested they Just start with the kitchen this year, to which he eagerly agreed. In truth, she revealed to me, I only wanted the kitchen done. The living room is fine for now. She knew that if shed asked only for the kitchen, the response would have been less favourable, less enthusiastic and with less commitment on her boyfriends part.

Professional negotiators we work with know to always build a buffer into their figures: ask for more than you expect to get, give away less than youre able to and expect the others at the table to have built in a buffer as well. Usually, our clients who ask big and give small come away with better results. Before we even get to the research around this, we intuitively know that when we haggle, are rejected but ultimately arrive at a better deal than the one we started at, we feel satisfied. If wed named our terms and got them immediately, thered always be a nagging doubt in the back of our mind that it was too easy; perhaps we could have asked for more? However, bartering for a deal leaves us with a sense that we got the best deal possible. So, not only does asking big bring you rewards, it helps your audience feel better about the result they have secured. A winwin. In a fabulous experiment over 30 years ago, a group of researchers approached students on campus, posing as the County Youth Coun- selling Programme. In the first version of the experiment, researchers asked the students whether theyd be willing to volunteer to look after a group of troubled youths on a day trip to the zoo, unpaid: 17% accepted; 83% refused. In the second version, the only difference was that a significantly larger request was made before the zoo request spending two hours per week for at least two years in the role of counsellor to the troubled youths. The result? Three times as many students accepted the zoo gig. Why?

There are two reasons why this approach works so powerfully. The first is that we are hardwired for rapport and social bonding we hate to reject (or say No to) each other. As explained in Chapter 1, the work of Zhou, Zheng, Zhou and Guo indicates that the old clich, This is going to hurt me as much as it hurts you, isnt far wrong, at least emotionally. When we reject someone, we instinctively feel more inclined to help him or her or agree to his or her next request. In other words, it triggers reciprocity and the desire for an oxytocin rush. The second ingredient is perceptual contrast. Perceptual contrast is an interesting and well-documented phenomenon in psychology. If youd like to try it yourself, you can take three bowls: fill bowl one with very hot water, bowl two with room temperature water and bowl three with very icy water. Put a hand in bowl one and the other in bowl three for a short time. Then put both hands in bowl two and notice how the hot hand now feels cold and the cold hand now feels hot! The contrast, or differential, is what we respond to, not the actual factual data. Its counterintuitive because we see ourselves as rational creatures when, in fact, we are anything but. The only caveat here is that if we are reckless and make our Ask too extreme, we risk damaging not only our results but also our relationships. The trick is to ask just high enough to provoke an initial No! response before looking slightly disappointed and repackaging a more palatable offer. My advice to influencers is generally that the extreme request should be within the bounds of reality: that there should be some comparison, benchmark or precedent as a backdrop to your Ask.

try it Get clear on what you actually want and then create an initial request that is just extreme enough to produce a No! response (70% more investment than you need, three weeks quicker delivery time when you only want three days quicker, a new kitchen, living room and furniture when you just want a new kitchen). Then, looking or sounding slightly deflated, ask for what you really want as a concession. You could phrase this as, Oh, all right then (sigh). In that case, how about . . .

4. Thats not all . . . (TNA)

Ive attended my fair share of business conferences over the years where experts do their public speaking bit from the stage followed by a one-time-only deal for the audience. If youve been to enough of them, which perhaps you have, and pay enough attention to the structure of their pitch, which perhaps you have, youll see the core framework of the final request. If you havent been to such conferences, watch some TV shopping channels to see the same process in action. It struck me between the eyes at a conference some years ago, where the man who sold the Brooklyn Bridge, Paul Hartunian, used this on a grand scale. He deftly persuaded me, my colleague and about

300 other frenzied members of the audience to spring into action and secure his amazing offer at the back of the conference room, before the limited amount of deals ran out. There was nearly a stampede. I clearly remember feeling wild sensations of blossoming opportunity mixed with swelling anxiety as I battled the mob to sign up. How does it work? The speaker presents what we think is the deal, extolling its virtues and benefits with passion in their delivery and asks us to take action. However, without giving us much time to think, they roll 6 out the Thats not all technique. They typically say, But thats not all! For the first n people, for the next five minutes only, this is what youll also get . . . What follows is a list of deal sweeteners, each followed by a value of n, resulting in a total usual package price of N, (including the main product). However, if we act now, the entire package will only cost us less than the main component by itself. Critically, this is a very different kind of psychological phenomenon to the making of an unsuccessful request then offering a discount. Burgers research concluded that its the immediacy of the added value that creates the effect by removing your audiences time to critique the first offer. Like Rejection then Retreat, the TNA technique has two effects on us. First, it makes us feel that we are receiving concessions from the presenter, initiating reciprocity (see Chapter 8). Second, it provides a contrast for the next part of the deal to look even better.

In one experiment, Burger increased sales of cupcakes and cookies from 40% (a cupcake and two cookies for 75) to 73% (a cupcake for 75 and two cookies for free). In another, he increased sales from 44% (one cupcake for 75) to 73% (one cupcake for $1, but immediately discounted to 75). try it Plan out your TNA. Immediately after presenting your regular offer and without waiting for a response, offer a sweetener to have your audience say, Yes!

5. Freedom Shopping
This is a highly controversial exercise that I sometimes use for people who need more confidence, are terrible with rejection and would like to raise their asking game. Although people are initially uncomfortable with it, the epiphany they sometimes have is astonishing. I developed it from life coach Jamie Smarts version of an approach by psychologist Paul Watzlawick. In his book Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution (1974), Watzlawick is dealing with a young man who is unable to finish his thesis, due to anxiety. Without sharing his reasoning, Watzlawick


instructs the student to go into three shops and make absurd requests. The student does so, experiences a subtle change in his sense of self and completes his thesis shortly thereafter. Jamie Smarts build on this was to go into a shop and ask for something you know they cant offer, for example, asking for a pizza in a fast-food hamburger shop. Freedom shopping, my extension to this, also involves intention- ally courting rejection to realize that, while uncomfortable in the moment, life goes on and you get over it. It also draws on mindfulness, perceptual contrast and reciprocity, making it a rocket-powered request. My workshop students enter a high street shop and ask for something they are confident will result in rejection: a dress in an electrical shop, a sandwich in a sports clothing shop or a sofa in a sandwich shop, perhaps. Once they receive the rejection, they ask for something smaller and give a reason (see Just because . . . in Chapter 13). It often sounds like this, Oh. Well, might I have something for free because Im on a confidence-building course and am supposed to return with a little something. The aim of the exercise is not to see what you can get, or even to get something. The aim is to build your rejection muscle and practise making bigger, bolder, more outlandish requests. However, students often come back with free gifts on average 50% of the time. Over the years, these gifts have ranged in value


from bags of gourmet coffee to headphones, from kids toys to toiletries (in fact, one sandwich chain is so consistently generous, I wont spend money with any other caf, if possible!). One group I worked with in London got so carried away, they returned to the workshop 20 minutes late with bagsful of gifts, totalling about 40 pounds each, wearing a feeding-frenzied expression on their faces. Inappropriate, perhaps, but the next time theyre pitching for venture capital, theyll almost certainly aim higher and get more and leave their audience feeling satisfied that they struck a great bargain. try it Walk into a shop and ask for something outlandish, with a smile on your face, expecting a rejection. Next, ask for something comparatively smaller for free, giving a reason why. Whatever the outcome, keep smiling, thank them and leave graciously. If you try Haiders Freedom Shopping challenge and you are success, why not Tweet us at @thisiscapstone with #freedomshopping and upload a photo of your freebie. All entrants will win a copy of Straight to Yes!


6. Choices: Gold, Silver, Bronze

Now that you know about perceptual contrast, youll appreciate why, Was 1,499 . . . now 799 is so attractive to us as consumers. Great persuaders know this intimately. As soon as one amount (which could be time, price, share, commitment, etc.) is presented, mentioned or even accidentally shown, it becomes fixed in the audiences mind as an anchor to which thinking and decisions inevitably become biased almost as if the anchor is strangely magnetic, which it is. At this juncture, presenting a second, contrasting amount, which is closer to the original expectation is received with exponentially more enthusiasm than if the second amount had been presented on its own. So, following the theory of ABCs (anchors, bias and contrast), a super high price, followed by a more reasonable price will be more attractive than just presenting the reasonable price on its own. Asking for someone to complete a task now, then conceding that they can complete it by the end of today instead, is more attractive than just asking them to complete it by the end of today. Behavioural economics researcher, Dan Ariely, ran a fascinating experiment based on a chance encounter with The Economist website. Accidentally, subscription to the magazine was being offered in three flavours: an online only option for $59, a print only option for $125 and an online plus print option for . . . $125!


He was intrigued enough to run this experiment with his students. When three options were presented, 16% displayed a preference for the online only option and 84% preferred the combination option, print and online. When the unintentional combination was removed, 68% of people preferred the online only option and only 32% went with the print only option. Hypothetically, from a revenue-generation perspective, the inclusion of the mistaken offer led to a 43% uplift. Why? Ariely explains that our perception of value is relative not absolute. In other words, we may not have a reference for what the value of a years subscription to The Economist is, but we do know that print and online for the same price as print only is a better deal. For that reason, we are (a) more likely to commit and (b) more likely to commit bigger when directed to evaluate competing options, than compared to offering a solitary option. Choices, it seems, increase compliance and extent of compliance. Our internal conversation moves away from, Do I or dont I? to Which one would I? In business parlance, we have shifted from a selling conversation to a negotiating conversation: the sale has already been made.


One of the ways my company uses this in business is to give clients options in our proposals, commonly referred to as Gold, Silver and Bronze. Its a great approach to use for managing the expectations of people who expect you to do more with less, at work or in your social life. Using the approaches Ive just outlined, we offer three options. Three seems to be the optimal number of choices, by the way, sup- ported by some cute research cutting the number of product choices consistently increases revenue. Sheena Iyengar, author of The Art of Choosing says, I dont think people dont want a lot of choice. People will say they want a lot of choice but I dont think thats what they really want. What they really want is a better choosing experience. They want to feel competent during the choosing process and they want to feel confident that what they have chosen is a good choice. So, the Gold option comes first; this is the option that delivers on what they need, gives them what they want and also adds in some more value-added work. Its attractive and advisable but more than theyd budgeted for and perhaps not essential right now. It usually produces a sharp-intake-of-breath moment. Next, when they come to the Silver option, they see a scope and price tag that is as they expected; they experience a sense of relief and reinforcement all is right with the world. Finally, they cast their eye over the Bronze option. Its the budget option and leaves out some of the more essential elements they need but its marginally cheaper. In comparison to Silver, it hardly seems worth doing.


Everything points towards Silver and in all my years on consulting, managing and selling, Ive never had anyone go for Bronze or Gold. Of course, sometimes theyve gone for, No, thanks, as the sales process progresses but its important to understand that the only option they ever consider, regardless of whether they follow through, is Silver. For struggling managers, its a great one to use when asked to do the impossible. Classifying the option you want as Silver and outlining what resources youll need to make the various options happen (time, money, training, extra employees and so on) helps manage expectations very clearly indeed. try it Get clear about what you want; call this the Silver option. Create an option that is comparatively lavish and a lot more of an invest- ment of time, money and/or commitment, for example; call this Gold. Create an option that is slightly less than whats wanted or needed but the upside is that its less of an investment than Silver, marginally; call that Bronze. Now present your choices in the following order: Gold, Silver, Bronze.


7. Ugly Twin
Another piece of Ariely research that is useful for visually influencing peoples choice is his ugly twin research. He showed groups of people a headshot of a male avatar named Tom and one named Jerry and asked them to say which avatar was more physically attractive. Straightforward, perhaps? The twist, however, was that Ariely added a third avatar to the line up ugly twin Jerry for some, ugly twin Tom for others. Now, rationally, wed expect whoever is more attractive, Tom or Jerry, to receive the nod, wouldnt we? The results showed something different. The avatar that had its ugly twin next to it was consistently voted most attractive. In other words, when ugly twin Jerry was around, Jerry was most attractive. When ugly twin Tom was around, Tom was most attractive. Our perception of value is based on relatives (excuse the pun), not absolutes. Again, could this partly explain why before and after shots are so prevalent in cosmetics advertising? try it If youre visually displaying images, choices or products, consider featuring three together. Two of these should look very similar to each other: put the very similar looking older, lower quality or less attractive option right beside the pretty one.


8. Time for a Rhyme?

Rhymes are a great example of where fluency is used in advertising campaigns, especially jingles, because research has shown that rhyming increases influence. See if you can complete these famous slogans: (What?) Means Heinz, A Mars a day helps you work, rest and (what?) and Once you pop, you cant (what?). All of them are instantly memorable and therefore perceived as credible. Even half-rhymes such as, Nothing goes together like a pint and Castella, or You cant fit quicker than a Kwik Fit fitter, worm their way into our minds as credible statements, purely because theyre simple and sound familiar. Theres no comeback to such a rhyming statement, just as, He who smelled it, dealt it, meant conceding shame and defeat in my earlier years. try it Playfully, sing or include a rhyming statement in your final request, for example, Those whove been through it, wanna do it. Do you want to do it? Or, reaching out to shake hands (see The outstretched hand in Chapter 7!) try, Goodbye debts, no regrets . . . What do you say? or I cant wait to get started on this! Lets shake it in and rake it in!


9. The Font of Success

In tests, fonts that are easier to read make us twice as likely to opt for a product although research exists that shows that unusual fonts help us remember the information more. What really fascinates me is that in the tests, where subjects have to read instructions in disfluent fonts or illegible handwriting, they report the task itself as more difficult, not the instructions. This is a crucial distinction: the disfluency is passed onto the task, not the instructions. Its subtle, yet impactful. try it Make sure your font or handwriting is clean, clear, simple and large enough to catalyze processing fluency. Use spaces, images, plenty of white space, short sentences and paragraphs where possible. Keep your words simple: complicated writing creates disfluency and is perceived as unintelligent. Use elaborate, stylized or unusual fonts and handwritingif your aim is to have your message remembered!


Same and Different: a Summary

In this chapter you may have noted that: Our minds tend toward options that give us a high degree of familiarity and fluency because theyre safe and easy to process. Simplicity is king. Creating disfluency as a contrast to fluency heightens the perception of fluency. Recapping whats not wanted before what is wanted heightens desire. Contrasting a big demand (going for a No!) with a subsequent reasonable demand makes the reasonable demand more likely. Making your offer then immediately adding a Thats not all . . .creates reciprocity and a contrast. Giving three options is best: most costly first, preferred second, cheap and cheerful last. When we compare similar items and one is slightly less attractive, our attraction to the pretty one is heightened irrationally. Messages that rhyme are more credible. Simple fonts persuade.


Now that you have these insights, how might you use some of these approaches to: Secure a big increase in salary or resource from your boss or bank manager? Enlist a child to do some housework? Have a partner choose the venue youd like? In the next chapter youll learn favourite Asks from the world of business: time-honoured and good to go.


About the Author

Haider Imam was UK Sales Trainer of the Year 2007, and works at home & abroad with global brands teaching influencing skills, sales, negotiation and leadership, contributing to a $75,000,000 return on investment for clients in this work over the last three years. He manages a team of talented consultants, which requires stellar influencing skills. He has been training for ten years, and is a speaker and writer for the Institute of Sales & Marketing Managers. He has clients such as EDF Energy, Merlin (Tussauds, Legoland, Sea Life, etc.) ADS (the UK Aerospace, Defence & Security body) and more, as well as links at Sage UK, Nandos and others.


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