Automatic Generation Control Using Fuzzy Control: Dept of E&E, Vvce, Mysore
Automatic Generation Control Using Fuzzy Control: Dept of E&E, Vvce, Mysore
Automatic Generation Control Using Fuzzy Control: Dept of E&E, Vvce, Mysore
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1. Introduction
Automatic generation control (AGC) plays a very important role in power system as its main role is tomaintain the system frequency and tie line flow at their scheduled values during normal period.Automatic generation control with primary speed control action, a change in system load will result in a steady state frequency deviation, depending upon governor drop characteristics and frequency sensitivity of the load. All generating units on speed governing will contribute to overall change in gyration, irrespective of the location of the load change. Restoration of the system frequency to nominal value requires supplementary control action which adjusts the load reference set point. Therefore the primary objectives of the automatic generation control are to regulate frequency to the nominal value and to maintain the interchange power between control areas at the scheduled values by adjusting the output of selected generators. This function is commonly referred to as load frequency control. A secondary objective is to distribute the required change in generation among the units to minimize the operating costs.Generation in large interconnected power system comprises of thermal, hydro, nuclear, and gas powergeneration. Nuclear units owing to their high efficiency are usually kept at base load close to theirmaximum output with no participation in system automatic generation control (AGC). Gas powergeneration is ideal for meeting varying load demand. However, such plants do not play very significantrole in AGC of a large power system, since these plants form a very small percentage of total systemgeneration.Gas plants are used to meet peak demands only. Thus the natural choice for AGC falls on either thermal or hydro units.An interconnected power system can be considered as being divided into control areas which are connected by tie lines. In each control area, all generator sets are assumed to form a coherent group. The power system is subjected to local variations of random magnitudes and durations, Hence, it is required to control the deviations of frequency and tie-line power of each control area. In actual power system operations, the load is changing continuously and randomly. As the ability of the generation to track the changing load is limited due to physical/technical considerations, there results an imbalance between the actual and the scheduled generation quantities. This imbalance leads to a frequency error i.e. the difference between the actual and the synchronous frequency. The magnitude of the frequency error is an indication of how well the power system is capable to balance the actual and the
scheduled Published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Applications, Jan. 2010 58 generation. The presence of an actual-scheduled generation imbalance gives rise initially to systemfrequency excursions in accordance to the sign of the imbalance and act to reduce the magnitude of actual scheduled generation imbalance. A control signal made up of tie line flow deviation added to frequency deviation weighted by a bias factor would accomplish the desired objective. This control signal is known as area control error (ACE).ACE serves to indicate when total generation must be raised or lowered in a control area. In an interconnection, there are many control areas, each of which performs its AGC with the objective of maintaining the magnitude of ACE (area Control Error) sufficiently close to 0 using various criteria. In order to maintain the frequency sufficiently close to its synchronous value over the entire interconnection, the coordination of the control areas actions is req uired. As each control area shares in the responsibility for load frequency control, effective means are needed for monitoring and assessing each areas performance of its appropriate share in load frequency control.
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The objective of the controller is to generate and delivered power in an interconnected system as economically and reliably as possible while maintaining the voltage and frequency within permissible limits.
The past few years have witnessed a rapid growth in the number and variety of applications of fuzzy logic (FL). FL techniques have been used in image-understanding applications such as detection of edges, feature extraction, classification, and clustering. Fuzzy logic poses the ability to mimic the human mind to effectively employ modes of reasoning that are approximate rather than exact. In traditional hard computing, decisions or actions are based on precision, certainty, and vigor. Precision and certainty carry a cost. In soft computing, tolerance andimpression are explored in decision making. The exploration of the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty underlies the remarkable human ability to understand distorted speech, decipher sloppy handwriting, comprehend nuances of natural language, summarize text, and recognize and classify images. With FL, we can specify mapping rules in terms of words rather than numbers. Computing with the words explores imprecision and tolerance. Another basic concept in FL is the fuzzy ifthen rule. Although rule-based systems have a long history of use in artificial intelligence, what is missing in such systems is machinery for dealing with fuzzy consequents or fuzzy antecedents. In most applications, an FL solution is a translation of a human solution. Thirdly, FL can model nonlinear functions of arbitrary complexity to a desired degree of accuracy.FL is a convenient way to map an input space to an output space. FL is one of the tools used to model a multi-input,multi-output system.
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The design of Fuzzy Logic Controller can be divided into three areas namely, the allocation of the areas of inputs, the determination of the rulesassociated with the inputs and outputs and the defuzzification of the output into a real value. A fuzzy inference system (FIS) essentially defines a nonlinear mapping of the input data vector into a scalar output, using fuzzy rules. The mapping process involves input/output membership functions, FL operators, fuzzy ifthen rules, aggregation of output sets, and defuzzification. An FIS with multiple outputs can be considered as a collection of independent multi-input, single-output systems. A general model of a fuzzy inference system (FIS) is shown above. The FLS maps crisp inputs into crisp outputs. It can be seen from the figure that the FIS contains four components: the fuzzifier, inference engine, rule base, and defuzzifier. The rule base contains linguistic rules that are provided by experts. It is also possible to extract rules from numeric data. Once the rules have been established, the FIS can be viewed as a system that maps an input vector to an output vector. The fuzzifier maps input numbers into corresponding fuzzy memberships. This is required in order to activate rules that are in terms of linguistic variables.
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The fuzzifier takes input values and determines the degree to which they belong to each of the fuzzy sets via membership functions. The inference engine defines mapping from input fuzzy sets into output fuzzy sets. It determines the degree to which the antecedent is satisfied for each rule. If the antecedent of a given rule has more than one clause, fuzzy operators are applied to obtain one number that represents the result of the antecedent for that rule. It is possible that one or more rules may fire at the same time. Outputs for all rules are then aggregated. During aggregation, fuzzy sets that represent the output of each rule are combined into a single fuzzy set. Fuzzy rules are fired in parallel, which is one of the important aspects of an FIS. In an FIS, theorder in which rules are fired does not affect the output. The defuzzifier maps output fuzzy sets into a crisp number. Given a fuzzy set that encompasses a range of output values, the defuzzifier returns one number, thereby moving from a fuzzy set to a crisp number. Several methods for defuzzification are used in practice, including the centroid, maximum, mean of maxima, height, and modified height defuzzifier. The most popular defuzzification method is the centroid, which calculates and returns the center of gravity of the aggregated fuzzy set. FISs employ rules. However, unlike rules in conventional expert systems, a fuzzy rule localizes a region of space along the function surface instead of isolating a point on the surface. For a given input, more than one rule may fire. Also, in an FIS, multiple regions are combined in the output space to produce a composite region. The AGC based on FLC is proposed in this study. One of its main advantages is that controller parameters can be changed very quickly by the system dynamics because no parameter estimation is required in designing controller for nonlinear systems. Therefore a FLC, which representsa model-free type of nonlinear control algorithms, could be a reasonable solution. There are many possibilities to apply fuzzy logic to the control system. A fuzzy system knowledge base consists of fuzzy IF-THEN rules and membership functions characterizing the fuzzy sets .The result of the inference process is an output represented by a fuzzy set, but the output of the fuzzy system should be a numeric value. The transformation of a fuzzy set into a numeric value is called defuzzification. In addition, input and output scaling factors are needed to modify the universe of discourse. Their role is to tune the fuzzy controller to obtain the desired dynamic properties of the processcontroller closed loop .In this paper, the inputs of the proposed Fuzzy
controllers are area control error (ACE), and change ratein area control error (ACE) as shown in Figure, whichis indeed error (e) and the derivation of the error(e) ofthe system, respectively. This gives us a fairly good indicator of the general tendency of the error.According to the conventional automatic control theory, the performance of the PI controller is determined by its proportional parameter and integral parameter. The proportional term provides control actionequal to some multiple of the error, while the integral term forces the steady state error to zero. Whenever the steady-state error of the control system is eliminated, it can be imagined substituting the input ACE of the fuzzy controller with the integration of error. This will result in the fuzzy controller behaving like a parameter timevaryingPI controller; thus the steady-state error isremoved by the integration action. However, thesemethods will be hard to apply in practice because of the difficulty of constructing fuzzy control rules. Usually, fuzzy control rules are constructed by summarizing the manual control experiences of an operator. The operator intuitively regulates the executer to control the process by watching the error and the change rate of the error between output of the system and the set-point value given by the technical requirement. It is no practical wayfor the operator to observe the integration of the error of the system. Therefore it is impossible to explicitly abstract fuzzy control rules from the operators experience. Hence, it is better to design a fuzzy controller that possesses the fine characteristics of the PI controller by using only ACE and ACE. One way is to have an integrator serially
connected to the output of the fuzzy controller, as shown in Fig. 3 . The control input to the plant can be approximated by uutdt(3) Where is the integral constant, or output scaling factor. Hence, the fuzzy controller becomes a parameter timevarying PI controller. The controller is called as PItype fuzzy controller, and the fuzzy controller without the integrator as the PDtype fuzzy controller. In a PItype fuzzy control system, the steady-state error is zero, but when the integral factor is small the response of the system is slow, and when it is too large there is a high overshoot and serious oscillation term forces the steady state error to zero. Whenever thesteady-state error of the control system is eliminated, itcan be imagined substituting the input ACE of the fuzzy controller with the
integration of error. This will result inthe fuzzy controller behaving like a parameter time varying PI controller; thus the steady-state error is removed by the integration action.
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However, these methods will be hard to apply in practice because of the difficulty of constructing fuzzy control rules. Usually, fuzzy control rules are constructed by summarizing the manual control experiences of an operator. The operator intuitively regulates the executer to control the process by watching the error and the change rate of the error between output of the system and the set-point value given by the technical requirement. It is no practical wayfor the operator to observe the integration of the error of the system. Therefore it is impossible to explicitly abstract fuzzy control rules from the operators experience. Hence, it is better to design a fuzzy controller that possesses the fine characteristics of the PI controller by using only ACE and ACE. One way is to have an integrator serially connected to the output of the fuzzy controller, as shown in Fig below. The control input to the plant can beapproximated by u utdt where is the integral constant, or output scaling factor. Hence, the fuzzy controller becomes a parameter timevaryingPI controller. The controller is called as PItype fuzzy controller, and the fuzzy controller without the integrator as the PDtype fuzzy controller. In a PItype fuzzy control system, the steady-state error is zero, but when the integral factor is small the response of the system is slow, and when it is too large there is a high overshoot and serious oscillation.
The type of the FLC obtained is called Mamdani -type which has fuzzy rules of the form If ACE is Ai and ACE is Bi THEN u is Ci i=1,, n. Here, Ai, Bi, Ci, are the fuzzy sets. The triangle membership functions for each fuzzy linguistic values ofthe ACE and ACE are shown in Table 2 [8], in which NB, NM, NS, Z, PS, PM, and PB represent negative big, negative medium, negative small, zero, positive small, positive medium, and positive big, respectively.
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4.6 System under study with FLC FLC is designed for the system using the Fuzzy Logic Tool Box in MATLAB. The fuzzy logic tools for building, editing and observing fuzzy inference systems: Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) Editor, Membership Function (MF) Editor, Rule Editor, Rule Viewer and Surface Viewer. In the FIS editor, the input variables are named as ACE and INTACE and the output variable as ACEOUT and their ranges are specified. In the MF editor the type of MF associated with each variable is defined. In the rule editor rules are framed which define the behavior of the system. The FLC designed is shown in fig. 4.5.The FLC is designed for the system under study and it replaces the conventional integral controller in both areas. Before simulating the model in MATLAB, the FLC (is. 515 file) is saved in the workspace with some name that is further used in the AGC model.4.7 DYNAMIC Responses. The dynamic responses of two equal area reheat
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thermal system without GRC, following a 1% step load perturbations in 136 area I are shown in fig. below,
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Fuzzy logic is used to calculate ACE (out) i.e. control signal in the form of area control error that will beprovided to both the areas to generate according to change in total load to maintain the system frequencywithin permissible limits. Area control error and change in frequency of the system as input are used asinputs for FLC.
The calculation of the control action in the fuzzy algorithm consists of following four steps. 1. Calculate area control error (ACE) and change of frequency (delF). 2. Convert the error and change of frequency into fuzzy variables i.e. linguistic variables such as Positive Big (PB), Positive Medium (PM) etc., as given below. 3. Evaluate the decision rules shown in rule base given below using the compositional rule of inference. 4. Calculate the deterministic input required to regulate the process.The control rules are formulated in linguistic terms using fuzzy sets to describe the magnitude of error, the frequency deviation and themagnitude of the appropriate control action. NS = negative small ZE = zero PS = positive small
Allocation of Areas of Inputs and Outputs The inputs to FLC are taken as ACE and ACE the the previous chapters, with the conventional integral controller the responses for ACE and ACE are plotted as shown in fig.3.5 and 3.6 .By examining these responses, the overall maximum and minimum values are noted. It can be seen from figure that the overall maximum is + 0.003 and overall minimum is 0.022. However, for Fuzzification tolerance is kept for maximum and minimum values. Hence the logical control range is considered as -0.05 and +0.05. This range has been divided into control areas by membership functions that are triangular or trapezoidal. The input output ranges are as shown
Input range for ACE and INTACE with 3 MFs: N [-0.09 -0.055 -0.044 -0.01]; Z [ -0.025 0 025 ]P [0.01 0.04 0.05 0.1]Output range for ACE OUT ( -0.02 to 0.02 ) with 3 MFs: N [-0.03 -002 0.0180 -0.006]Z [-0.013 0 0.009]P[4-0.005 0.018 0.02 003] Fig 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 show the Membership Functions with ranges for input and output variables.
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The rules are developed heuristically for a particular task and are implemented as a set of fuzzy conditional statements. The rules used are obtained by examining the output response to corresponding inputs to the fuzzy controller. The rules used for the design of fuzzy logic controller are described in the fuzzy rule table shown below: ACE OUT, ACE The interpretation of rules is done as follows: If ACE is N and INTACE is N then ACEOUT is N. If ACE is N and INTACE is Z then ACEOUT is N.
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AGS is used in real time control to match the generation with demand .The rising and falling of demand,alters the system voltage and frequency. Real power and reactive power is changed due to change in frequency and voltage. AVR controls the reactive power and voltage.LFC controls real power and frequency. AGC tracks system load and generation level of each committed unit. Modern power system network consists of a number of utilities interconnected together and power isexchanged between utilities over tie-lines by which they are connected. Automatic
generation control (AGC) plays a very important role in power system, its main role is to maintain the system frequency andtie line flow at their scheduled values during normal period. During large transient disturbance andemergencies AGC is by passed and other emergency control takes over. The synchronization of differentsystem to interconnected system depends upon (I) voltage magnitude (2) frequency and (3) phasesequence. Any wide deviation from the nominal value of frequency or voltage will lead the system to total collapse. Hence AGC has gained importance with the growth of interconnected systems and with rise in size of interconnected system automation of the control system have aroused. A number of control strategies exist to achieve better performance. Due to non-linearities of power system, system parameters are linearized around an operating point. PI controller is generally used. The disadvantage of PI controller is that the mathematical model of the control process may not exist or may be too expensive in terms of computer processing powers and memory. Using FLC, applying to LFC problems, gives a better performance. Power system operators have the end responsibility to ensure that adequate power is delivered to the load reliably and economically. In order to ensure this electrical energy system must be maintained at desired operating state represented by nominal frequency, voltage profile and load flow configuration. This is made possible by having a close control of real and reactive power generations of the system. The real and reactive power demands on the power system are never steady, but continuously vary with the rising or falling trend. The real and reactive power generations must change accordingly to match the load perturbations. The control of an electrical energy system, In order to have an exact matching of the generation to load at nominal state, is quite a challenging problem. It is so because in a dynamic system the load continuously changes and system generation, responding to control impulses, chases the load with the transient unbalance of load and generation reflected in speed hence frequency variations. The variations should be with in the tolerance levels. For small perturbations, the active power is dependant on internal machine angle and is independent of bus voltage, while bus voltage is dependant on machine excitation and is independent of machine angle . Change in angle is caused by momentary change in generator speed. Therefore, load frequency and excitation voltage control problems are non interactive for small perturbations hence treated as two independent decoupled
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control problems for all practical purposes. In any power system, it is a desirable feature to achieve a better frequency consistency than is obtained by a speed governing system alone. In the large interconnected power system, it is also desirable to maintain the tie-line power flow at a given level irrespective of load changes in any area. To accomplish this, it becomes necessary to automatically regulate the operations of main steam valves or hydro gates in accordance with a suitable control strategy, which in turn controls the real power output of electric generators. The problem of controlling the output of electric generators in this way is termed as Automatic Generation Control (AGC).The AGC problem of a large interconnected power system is studied by dividing the entire power system into a number of control areas. A control area is defined as a power system, a part of the system or a combination of the system to which a common generation control scheme is applied and the frequency is assumed to be the same through out, in static as well as dynamic conditions. All the generators in the control area swing in unison and form a coherent group. Automatic Generation Control (AGC) of an interconnected system is defined as The regulation of power output of generators within a prescribed area, in response to changes in system frequency, tie-line power, or the relation of these to each other, so as to maintain scheduled system frequency and/or the established power interchanges with other areas within the prescribed limits. The main objectives of AGC would be as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) Each control area should take care of its own load demand. The tie-line flows should be scheduled as per the system economics. The system frequency should be maintained as far as possible isochronously In emergency, neighboring areas should help each other based on system economics.
The present study considers the following qualitative specifications for design purpose according to Elgerd and Fosha. 1. The steady state frequency error following a step load change in an area should be zero. 2. The steady state change in tie-line power following a step load change in an area should be zero. 3. The area control error should be zero. 4. The transient frequency and tie line power errors should be small. The problem of Automatic Generation Control can be sub divided into fast (primary) and slow (secondary) control modes. The loop dynamics following immediately upon the onset of the load disturbance is decided by fast primary mode of AGC. This fast primary mode of AGC is also known as Uncontrolled
mode since the speed changer position is unchanged. The secondary control acting through speed changer and initiated by suitable controller constitutes the slow secondary or the Controlled modes of AGC. The overall performance of AGC in any power system depends on the proper design of both primary and secondary control loops. Literature survey shows that a lot of work pertaining to secondary control aspect of AGC has been reported. Secondary controllers are designed to regulate the area control errors to zero effectively. Many investigations in the area of AGC of interconnected power systems have been reported over the past six decades. The amount of literature in the area of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is very vast. Some of the works have been reviewed here. Most of the research work in AGC deals with net interchange tie line bias control strategy making use of Area Control Errors (ACE), which reflects mismatch of generation and load in a control area. Area supplementary control would change generation in such a manner as to keep the ACE to a minimum. It would not be desirable even if it were possible, to maintain ACE at zero because this would require unnecessary rapid maneuverings of generator unit. Elgerd and Fosha have optimized the gain setting of integral controllers using integral of squared error (ISE) technique considering several values of frequency bias B for a two equal area non reheat thermal system. Their investigations reveal that the best dynamic performance is obtained for B=0.5. However, Cohn, Ross and others have focused in their technical publications that B less than is not acceptable. The investigation of Concordia and Kirchmayer on simulation studies of AGC of two equal area thermal systems shows that for minimum interaction between control areas, frequency bias must be set equal to area frequency response . They have also analyzed the effect of governor dead band o n system dynamic responses. Nanda and Kaul have extensively studied the AGC problem of two equal area reheat thermal system using both parameter plane for optimization of integral gain setting and for investigation of the degree o f stability of the system. They have analyzed the effect of Generator Rate Constraint (CRC), speed regulation parameter R in the optimum controller setting and system dynamic performance.
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The Advantages:
Limits the variations. Avoid machine damages Avoid blackouts Enhance the system reliability and security.
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Automatic Generation control problem of a large interconnected power system has been studied by dividing the whole system into a number of control areas. The standard control strategy used in the industry to meet the requirement of Zero The system dynamic responses have been found by simulating the models in MATLAB. The following table gives a comparison of various modes of operation of two equal area systems. The uncontrolled mode of operation of the two equal area systems is discussed first. It is observed that the responses have a steady state error, which violates the control strategy. Hence, the necessity of having a controller for AGC is emphasized. The two equal area reheat thermal system with Integral controller is modeled and the dynamic responses are observed. The integral controller eliminates the steady state errors in frequency and tie line power. The maximum peak deviations in frequency, tie line power and area control error are found to be -0.022, -0.006, -0.015 respectively. All the responses have settled at around 20 sec. The controlled mode of AGC with Generation Rate Constraint (GRC) is also discussed in this work. The dynamic responses are found to be deteriorating. In the next part of the work, the conventional integral controller is replaced by the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and the dynamic responses are observed after simulation. The FLC is designed with ACE and ACE as the inputs. Three membership functions are considered for input and output variables. It is observed from the responses that with the FLC the oscillations in the positive side are totally eliminated in case of area control error and tie- line power and they are almost eliminated in case of frequency. The maximum peak deviations in the responses remained unaffected. The settling time is also observed to be the same i.e. around 20 sec. It is observed that the Fuzzy Logic Controller provides the oscillations of smaller magnitude compared to the conventional ones. Hence Fuzzy Logic Controller is proved to be effective in Automatic Generation Control of two equal area reheat thermal system. In this work an attempt is made to compare the performance of the Fuzzy Logic Controller with Integral Controller. Further work can be done in designing the Fuzzy controller with 5 and 7 membership functions. But as the membership functions increase, the number of rules increases and the design becomes complex. Fuzzy controller can be designed to improve the dynamic performance of the two area system is included. Variable structure controller, which is a combination of conventional and fuzzy control, can also be designed to study the problem of AGC with and without GRC.
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