Reading: Understanding Text Organization

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text organization Reading: understanding

the main A Readthe text.underline n eachparagraPh.

good conduct. Prrcle' tD' to use from moneY.If we werc to thngs Inos moneyrtirbuy anv of these \\ think we cre lrzi feopie 1^ould Hoq lmasiN,lor e\.lmlte $kin! rh t' trrre r mLr ; do I ulv e )o u n ' r uf uur y, 'ur fnsrk;\s Thot asl]e(ts ttri n :s rre l jles t hat r e r el l ) !J u e not be thr(ann1bpncLd ad loulil ts \o \alurhle \otitr wirt tnrk$ thern [e precjseb rhat tht) a belond

oPt'ons as a cuency 'the obiects in our lives that \\e Pooot w e for rock are morc talked about schemes tadig we cannot not need really value-e stutf Cood rcLrtion\hiP\do out $i'ullr Fe$ peoPle polrrLe\ her to throw l i w Y -mrk rnsunce is ihal whal we vale troble Tbc nemento a personi{ therc that wc laluel cre rble for nohef price on are relationships n i'eif ad what we put irom a a PholograPh wcle a bonusattacnco' wiie and {rom vactioD, Mv hnked mosrutopids often ncxtrjcablv kept tiom chiLdhood Noi surPn'LnglY ol lnches edding. toys series a over 'I love in fel Y(r That is one reasonwe e so fascinaLed plarJ1i{ to do without mone) - vet vou will rest'turants London in bY homes' because thdt do wjthoutm!ncY soLlcties listedon tbe nd cosuned ginlove "falli find nol l t r \ r l\ o filng rel ronshrps the) susrLrr ctirly invaridblv end up after the tlzzv wxter Tbe check,josl solrt money' \\'r Pa) to b Pdrt ofhuge Cifies have done without were a vehicle ior me $hy mcls paid-for when qatheri ngs-festi v1s' carnlr is' but lr;liallY onlY under siege' love which is beyo'1d of ;,.D,ssion nrusror mass sho ws ol | l po.ti ng cold, mmrion and somethinghas in itse value " t" ot" ' price. The lr 1 thecunenc)Pol cmoti on that gi l e us a se se ; be.olle' entrance the behind nroncy is often "hidden' P in somethng more Pofs Crmbodi,ljd\\ itlout it Possible' being c.iught nake to b we Y as iickei slLcn Closofro home,expcrinents neler coler price of a grearbook
to use hme time banks. which seek The

and local economlc

cpturcs its valLe'

cor irom w\{wnewsiatesman Adapted

that supportthe main idea' A again Circlethree examplesin each paragraph B Readthe article in Exercise A again.Circlef (true)or F (false)for eachstatement C Readthe artclen Exercise
:l The auihor believesthat cetain things cannot be boght with money 2 In his opinio& societisshould tunctionwjthout money. 3 Ifyou cannotby somethin8,itbecomes more special. T T T T F F F F

Love is fond at home, but emotronis only found in crowds.

ng @ Vocabulary:marketi
Completethe forum commentwith the correctform of the words in the box.
incentive monetary trigger markup subsidy debt

y FOfUl?? Mone CardCauton Credit

FoRUMs GillD@


7th at 9:35 P.m. tr-'FtrfiFull Yl byJojoon August your recentarticle on creditcards,I begto differ.The creditcard is freelyhandedout by Muchas I enjoyed people can lead don'tnecessarily to spendmoney-money banks as a(n) (1) piece of pay This harmless-looking back. (2) people intoserious , which they cannot people. it as view not even do Many consumers in feeling plastic(3) an irresponsible (5) kind it servesas a of value!Forothers, an object of (4) Thehighinterestratestrick peopleinto the cost-but it doesthe opposite. -in their mindthe cardreduces
payingan added (6) on items they buy. Give these cards less credit!

phrases adverb @ Grammar:

example. with an underlined A Matcheachtype of adverbphrase
1 time 2 frequenry 3 place 4 manner 5 purpose a) In order to prevent fraud, the sites are often moderated. b) A large amount of bartering is done on Internet sites. has become more PoPularin recent times. c) Freerycle@ d) We use fewer of the Earth's resourcesby sharing cars. e) These days,young people barter on a regular basis.

the ad with the wordsin the box. B Complete

everynow and then to notifyyou byjoining dayafter day on our site acrossthe U.S.

(1) town Driving around to work or gong thekidsoffat school, dropping you too, Maybe feeltired, right? a fortune, costs ? Sowhynotshare (2) CarPool, a car?(3) you youcantravel contacts CarPool withsomeone! people whenever (4) pla cesyouwantto go.Andif youpost aregoing (5) anouting , people youfortheride!CarPool operates will pay to (6) , fromCalifornia
life is easy! WthCarPool, Sojoin Jlow. NewYork.


r.rVocabulary: describing useditems

A Complete the tpsfor buying useditemswith the wordsin the box.
!p tor gralrs doesnt matir secondhad r good workng codil oi drop off throw rn

1 Ifthc price is too high, ask thc sell to somcthing free of charge. 2 Ask the selle to atyour house iJ they'e passnrgthrough your nrighborhooct.
3lt il yotL don't lik ihe color of thc

fumitue.You can alr 'aysh:\e it rcpinied later. Always chck that thc item is You can't complain aterthe sl. 5 If sorethinggood is cllqur,kl\.ll m.r) nnl b(.r\.,rl.rbl(l,rter. 6 K(.l,.rn cy( out f,r itels that have bcen uscd ven'littlc.

l ll throw in it,asanaddedncentiv
, as a added fcetrve.

B Complete the conversation with the phrases n Exercise A. Include it or tbem whereappropriate.
Yrn g i Hr , T o( ) . I m f rl l i n g J b ,,( rh e ( l l h}o. YoLrknow, as an addcd incentiv-. Yng: Wor'lThanks, that's eally nice. And nother thing, Joo\ . I, the dcsk lamp srill

desk. ls it slill for sle?

Joey: Ycahritis.Byihewa\rifyoustillwantthechairthtgoes$ilhit,Icould(2)


? l'd likc that,too.Isit (1)

Joey: Yeah,no one bought it. And lt woks fine. But I'm asking Sl0 r( th.rt Yang: Oh,I se. MaybeI'll leve i!, then. Joey:Ir (5)
Would you like me to (6) Yang: Ob I'd rcallv appreciaie that. t don't have an)' transporition Iet, you ser. . sorn,\,nesill bu\ r.-" \oufcl.rkinslsothrng.,g'

Gommunication strategy: making andchanging appointments

Decide whenwe usethesephrases. Check the phrases that are only usedfor changing an existng appointment.
T I 2 I

s.- ethin c. meup.

wr .,, a.l l * ,,l.1.u.*,,.,.,o,: 3 t l l'm busyall daySunda)'.

4 n c " n " , l-" ' ' , ' 1 . . . s Lqre v , , , rr" e . r -, . . 6 L l So, for thc ;ncon\.cnicnce.

B Complete the conversationswith the phrases from Exercse


Clare: Hi, Mik, it's Clare.Can we sct up a time for me to drop offthe second-handbed? Mike: No poblem. (1)_ Clre: l ell,Sundd\ i, probhly be.r tor mc. (2) Mike: No, not ther! sorry But I can nake it at seven. Omar: Hi, Alan.I'm soy, bt

I can't make it onTuesdat either.How aboutThursday? That sounds good. Let's do that. Omr: (4) It doesn't matter at all. Don't ention it. Diane: Hey, Hiromi.Il's Dian.I'm really sorry but't make it for sevntonight.

Hiromi: Sure we can. How about Sunday evening? Is that any good? Diane: Sonl,, bt no. (6) I can do any time on Monday, thongh. Hiromi: Monday's fine.Come over at any Ume atter seven.

count/noncount nouns witha change '_)Grammar: in meaning

A WrteC (couht) or NC(noncount) for eachwordin bold. 1 2 Vegetarians don't eatmeat. I? rike sandwicbplease. 3 _ * "" "it#J"t*T,r,',? Moneyis madeof pdper. the.v throw in

B Check the sentences that are coect. Underline and cofrectthe mistakes.
A: l'd like a pizza$'ith ham,please. Oh,and water. B: Sony. We don't havea pizzatoday. We ran out.
A: I forgot to get paper.Do yo ind going to the newsstand? B; OK. But then I ned to go to that market that sellsfish. A: Waiter,I'm sorry.I've just knocked over glass. B: There'sa glassevenl .herel I hop no one has an accident. A: The markup on soda is crazy. That's no incentive to buy itl B: I know. T'vehad an experienceofwoking in soft cldnks. A: I can't drop it off now.There'sben changein my plans. B: lt doesn't matte. Do vju have a time to do it on Fddav? A: Bills trigger far in people, even when they're not in debt! B: Tti rruc.T'\e dls d). hd fer of mqetdry i--ue..


;'l R eac l e3r t i le. i fu l a k e i n fe re n c e s . C i rc l e Il tfe) ofF(fal se). f 1 1 ! . lloiL. r ld hi. l h i g h c \Pc .i l i o m o fi c h i c !i ng hi s.1cn. ;l Thc lnt c . net pl 1 e d a k e ! ri o l ci h i s i n i ti a l s ccess. : H c ! o ! i, i( r s l, jc r.rfL .ri :\p e .i rc n l e c . r ,trj c.

i {]L T C :]

l .: i .l E :s


r ! J / i] I , k r r:i !. ri r' (,e r:o m .rl . ! :r t I 11. ! lLr : . : ' . . J : :.i t!b s l L ri .a . ,r..r! :., | ... _ t'rL :i,. i !fr I' -!.trr: ar') I s. r: :.:.! r , ll- l. r ' : ili I t : i .rt i ..r' tL | 1 !. r,l a .f : :l fi :, r i: : r r r . r I - ; . r :L a i :i :r a r.r trfr3 . ::.-t. ri fa

! l j

l l

L: . . . r r - ! . . r ' r : r ir , il ! r

- L ;.i rrr:a .: :-tl e r:f-i !-l a _ i l r. I .rir. , : J . r--rl|ape- . p fo -. L L .lI i " c r i _.ri ri,r :c -. .i s t a.ofer!, I l-" .ire:,,t ra .ri . !'/'c s!i-. ,.C to ney 'ren! slPpor -; ,i.';: .r the lr"rcb ! L.- . (l e! f. .i hone o,,,rafslp r trJk a eap forrar c frhel | -;;! ri:rle or .lrr cafty !.rck af beer a oca 'a.1..! e| , .ir--ie ina.Dr.r sfolrrob e Th. r tI-. ,r 1 apeafi c. o l l a| ad ar natoa l c !. d i !1.!l !. nreto' redi haL.e r,,/ou d :i r..r' !i r.. r.t i .rrd g tcl f ol Y erk I B ri i sf Lro!,' : Tr :: p ofpi e.l a !.\ef rJ .fl er h m a f p l o Y rl rr r r .l r re mafag..l to -.:ctraqe fo. a rLrck t1 r i: r f4 .ren faae.l irr 30 hoLrrsn a Torlfto reco rl j i , ri l I l tel ] canr. the l fa k i f i he ca | r : ia.. /n .rp d i]arr a yoLrfll : rgtr. e i .i l vl acD oacayears ease.f rer hcm e P l .). r .r.rhal te for 1c sLl dc t e 'r N . or. . .r-. sl rprsed y th s sl ccess tl rer the ,, .l san r.r rli)Mr t.r eanh f/acDor:r d fr rre f ts erl r3rne | ! ,,pei el P ecpe m grt a:i a ec.e1.r.rt, . r:te.o_!oLrf rmc. D !:.ene.trertrat bcf... ro .t, lras iret.d p.op e bartered

..- r

- r L. r r . r ! 1r :r

lr u ,r.: .: r. :tt f t t!t,i t s !i e-.ti rL .'.r I ;ile:r r..: . ;- r.t,.3d at l , -.rt5 e rL f..]| r I a o p e t! a , r r r ,t : . r ' Lr . br ,!,,1 ,r r ' rre : A r. ri f , r . . : t . r' (i .:.r:rl i a r.' !,rrr l r . l- . . . 1- i. . r I I . r,j e rjLi .r, rl _ .!t t. r-- l L St. b t r r Lf ! ! . i: .),r:r. r;tL re tu ; i I ! ir !l \ ,!:l

r s I .L r.i i e i !!. te5l ,.o

r., : r t .! . ,fr.r o : ' .i r i h rr_rr. !!!l r 1 5f o /' ] r l. . r r r r ! 1. : r r il s L rre r,;c .f 3 .rrt,!l fr Beq , i! t . : ! L. ir ! ' ri .! rf l -;cl e rl i trr..rtri s r' f i. il : t Lli . ' r(l e !.: r;:rl :.! fr r p{i l l i ,.!:1 r r I . i i :rl e t: .io 1i . -.r r : -i: r f . r f r l ,ir l l- r . : t : r " . | :L r f : rterr a .r rl l -.. .rnj r -; p. i|. , i ! i: o. p ! : , [.! l.i r.!i5 Llit:. /iiJlr ! . sfrr-.;C lrlacLl...i tl ld.:l r r r : I f a, r r J lL -r t:ri !i r: ri ).rn r!h L rl r--rl i :.1 :: r. f.rt fe d o L l I rr s ;r,,:-: 1r! ': . ' l; - . ' . . ' r a. ' . :)fft o r, .lu- L{ t I J--of e

Adaptedfro!k U rt!

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