Role of Banks
Role of Banks
Role of Banks
With the expansion of trade and commerce, banks began to play more important
roles to facilitate trade and commerce. Their functions are as follows:
(a) To provide safe keeping for cash deposited in the current, savings and fixed
deposit accounts
(b) To provide a convenient and safe means of making payments through the
current account or by way of bank drafts, bank transfers and bills of exchange
(c) To provide finance by way of loan, overdraft, or discounting bills of exchange
(d) To provide finance in foreign trade by way of documentary credit or
discounting foreign bills of exchange
(e) To give advice on financial investment or on the credit standing of the
1. Accepting deposits
2. Providing a convenient means of making payments
3. Lending to customers
4. Other services
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Department of Business and Computing
Savings Account
- These are known as time deposits or deposit accounts.
- Seven days notice of withdrawal is required.
- Interest is paid on these accounts.
- There are no bank charges for operating such an account.
- It is suitable for investors with small savings.
Fixed Deposit:
- Large amounts of money can be deposited for a fixed period.
- Higher rates of interest are paid on this account.
- There are no bank charges for this account.
- A certificate of deposit is given to the accountholder.
- Money deposited can be withdrawn only when the specified date
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Paying in slip
It is a form used for paying money into bank account
Bank statement
A regular intervals, or on request, the bank will send to a customer a bank
statement which provides a record of all that has taken place.
Amount which reduce the balance in the account are shown in the payments
column, and the amounts which increase the balance in the accounts are shown
in the receipts column. As each payment or receipt is recorded a new figure is
shown as a new balance figure in a third column.
Contents of a Cheque:
• Date: The date is written on the top right hand corner of the cheque. A
cheque has to be presented to the bank within six months of the mentioned
date on the cheque. If not the cheque will be a stale cheque and it will be
• The Drawee: This is the bank on which the cheque is drawn. This is
printed on the cheque and helps when queries arise.
• The Branch Code Number: This appears on the top right hand corner and
at the bottom of the cheque.
• The Payee’s Name: This is written on the top line of the cheque.
• Amount: The amount should be written in words and in figures. The
amounts should be the same. If not the cheque will be dishonoured.
• The Drawer’s Name: This is printed or written at the bottom of the cheque.
• The Drawer’s Signature: The drawer’s signature should appear below the
drawer’s name. If the signature is not the same as the specimen signature
given to the bank, the cheque will be dishonoured.
• The Cheque Number: This appears at the bottom left hand corner of the
• The Account Number: The cheque number also appears at the bottom of
the cheque. This helps in the automatic handling of cheques.
Types of Cheque:
Open Cheque
Anyone who finds an open cheque can cash it. So it is not safe to send an open
cheque. This cheque is sent to persons who do not have bank accounts. Money
for this type of cheque can be received over the counter.
Bearer Cheque
This has bearer written on the cheque. This cheque has the same features of an
open cheque.
Crossed Cheque
When two parallel lines are drawn across the face of a cheque, it becomes a
crossed cheque. Such a cheque has to be deposited in the bank account and sent
for clearing. Money is not paid over the counter in the case of a crossed cheque.
There are different types of crossings:
- General Crossing: These cheques can be paid into any bank.
General crossed cheques with “A/c Payee Only” written within the
two parallel lines have to be paid into the account of the payee only.
- Special Crossing: These cheques must be paid into the bank
written between the two parallel lines.
- Not Negotiable Crossing: The payee cannot negotiate such
cheques to another person.
Dishonoured Cheques
• There may not be sufficient funds in the drawer’s account to make the
• The cheque may be a stale cheque. That is it is presented to the bank six
months after the mentioned date on the cheque.
• The drawer’s signature may not be the same as the specimen signature.
• The amount written in words and figures may not be the same.
• The cheque is mutilated or defaced.
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Department of Business and Computing
Credit transfers
1 A current account holder can instruct his bank to pay directly into the bank
account of the payee. The bank will debit his account and credit the account of the
2. Credit transfer system can be used to make single or multiple payments. Single
credit transfers are frequently used by debtors to pay bills.
3. This facility is useful to the businessman who has to make a large number of
payments at one time to those with bank accounts. Credit transfers can be used
to pay salaries, rents, hire purchase instalments, etc. In the payment of salaries,
for example, the employer has only to make out one cheque for the total amount
together with a list of the employees' names and account numbers and the
amount of salary to be credited.
4. This method of payment is advantageous because it is:
(a) Convenient - both to payer and payee as the former is spared the trouble of
writing and posting several cheques, and the latter need not go to the bank to
cash the cheque.
(b) Economical - the payer pays the stamp duty for only one cheque and he also
saves on postage.
(c) Safe - there is no risk of cheques getting lost or being dishonoured.
1. The current account holder using the facility is informed of the payment made
by the bank on his behalf only when he receives the monthly bank statement, so it
is possible that he may inadvertently overdraw his account if he has only a small
balance in it.
6 Prepared By: Emmanuel George
Direct debit:
1. The bank may provide direct debiting facilities for payments of varying amounts
at irregular intervals.
(a) Under this arrangement, when the supplier sends an invoice to the buyer a
direct debit form is also sent to the buyer's bank informing the latter to debit the
buyer's bank informing the latter to debit the buyer's account and to transfer the
money to his account. Such payments have to be authorized by the buyer.
(b) This saves the buyer the trouble of remembering due dates of payment and
sending off cheques.
(c) The supplier or creditor gets prompt settlement of debts.
(d) This differs from standing orders in that it is the creditor who gives payment
instructions and not the debtor. The amount and date of payment are not fixed as
in the case of standing orders.
1. Remittances are used to send money from one place to another without the
actual physical movement of cash. Examples of bank remittances include
bankers' cheques, bank drafts, mail transfers and telegraphic transfers:
(a) A bankers' cheque or cashier's order is a bank's cheque drawn upon itself. It
can be used for payments of any amount within the same town. It is highly
acceptable since the drawer of the cheque is a bank.
(b) A bank draft is an unconditional order in writing drawn by one bank on another
requesting the drawee bank to pay a third party on demand a specified sum of
(c) A mail transfer is a written instructions given by a remitting bank to its branch
or agent bank to pay a certain sum of money to a third party Such a remittance is
sent by mail. The remitter has to pay the commission and postal charges.
(d) A telegraphic transfer is an instruction that is cabled or telexed to a branch or
agent bank by the remitting bank to pay a certain sum of money to a third party.
The remitter will be charged commission and cable or telex cost.
2. All local remittances are payable in local currency while foreign remittances are
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payable in foreign currencies drawn on an overseas bank. For the latter, the
remitter has to pay the equivalent amount in local currency
3. To the remitter, bank remittances are safe, cheap and convenient to use. To
remitting bank, remittance service provides income from commission, foreign
exchange and the short-term use of interest-free funds.
Bank draft
It is a cheque drawn by one bank on another bank, demanding that the
latter pay a specified sum to the payee named on the draft.
The advantages of using the bank draft to remit money are the same as
those of a cashier's order.
It can be used to remit money to other towns in the same country or even
Debit cards
This is an example of the Electronic Funds Transfer at the Point Of Sale
(EFTPOS). Payments are made electronically from personal accounts to retailers’
accounts. Connect and Switch is examples of debit cards. For this system:
Credit cards:
This enables the customer to obtain instant credit and also cash advances.
The bank charges interest from the day cash is withdrawn or from the day goods
are bought on credit. The advantage to the retailer is the increase in sales. The
best- known credit cards in UK are Barclaycard, Access and Trust card.
The bank gives the credit card to the customers, who can then get credit from
retailers. The retailers prepare three copies of the bill. One is sent to the bank,
one is given to the customer and one is kept by the retailer. The bank pays the
retailer immediately on receiving the copy of the bill. At the end of the month the
bank sends the statement to the customer who has to pay the money within 25
days on receiving the statement. Interest is charged on the amount of goods
• Personal Computer Banking lets you handle many banking transactions via
your personal computer. For instance, you may use your computer to view
your account balance, request transfers between accounts, and pay bills
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Department of Business and Computing
• Point-of-Sale Transfers let you pay for purchases with a debit card, which
also may be your ATM card. The process is similar to using a credit card,
with some important exceptions. While the process is fast and easy, a debit
card purchase transfers money - fairly quickly - from your bank account to
the store's account. So it's important that you have funds in your account to
cover your purchase. This means you need to keep accurate records of the
dates and amounts of your debit card purchases and ATM withdrawals in
addition to any checks you write. Your liability for unauthorized use, and
your rights for error resolution, may differ with a debit card.
lending them to customers. In fact, the commercial bank can lend out many times
more than the cash deposited with it through multiple credit creation, subject to
the limits imposed by the Central Bank with regard to the ratio of cash to total
(c) It pays interest to its depositors to encourage them to keep their money in the
bank. The interest rate charged on loans and overdrafts will be higher so that the
difference earned is used to pay for operating expenses and any residue becomes
the bank's profits.
5. The differences between overdrafts and loans are summarized in the following
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Department of Business and Computing
customer overdraws his account by $2000 on However, when the loan is repaid
1 January and pays into his account $1,000 periodically under standing orders,
on 30 June and another $1000 on 31 interest is payable on the reduced
December. No other withdrawals or payments amounts standing to the debit of the loan
are made into his account during the year. account. For example, a borrower takes
The rate of interest on the overdraft is 11% a bank loan of $2000 on 1 January at an
per annum. interest rate of 10% per annum. The loan
Interest payable is to be repaid in two half-yearly
= Amount standing to his debts × rate of installments.
Total amount of interest payable for the year (Amount outstanding = Loan –
the interest payable on the bank loan for the Amount payable
same amount and the same period is $150. = $ 1000 + [10/100 × ½ × $2000]
= $2000 + [10/100 × $2000]
= $2000 + $200
= $2200
The borrower saves $50 ($2200 - $2150)
if he pays by installments.
5. As the banker doesn’t know when and how 5. Since the banker is certain as to the
much of the agreed amount he would be amount of the loan demanded, he
called upon to provide for the customer, he charges a lower rate of interest.
charges a higher rate of interest because of
this element of uncertainty.
6. An overdraft is suitable for the customer 6. This is suitable for the borrower who is
who is unsure to how much, when and for sure that he will require the loan for a
how long he needs credit, e.g. loans for certain time, e.g. loans for personal
business purpose like the purchase of goods purposes like the purchase of household
for sale. equipment and cars, or for business
purpose like the purchase of fixed
As an extension of ATM services, some banks have introduced telebanking
services to their customers. Customers can pay bills or make loan repayments to
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Department of Business and Computing
Internet Banking
Internet banking enables the account holder to instantly search his statements;
sign up to receive free mobile text alerts; pay bills and transfer money between
• Set up, change or cancel standing orders and view or cancel Direct
A special wallet provided by the bank is inserted in to safe in the outside of the
wall of the bank to which customers are given the key. The following day the
wallet is opened by the customer or bank Clark and customer account is
credited accordingly