This technical note provides information about the ASCII character table and code. It includes a table listing the decimal code, hexadecimal equivalent, and character for each ASCII character. It also includes a control code legend defining the decimal code, hexadecimal value, control code name, and description for various ASCII control codes. Finally, it provides a brief description of ASCII as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is a 7-bit code used as an 8-bit word to enable data transfer.
This technical note provides information about the ASCII character table and code. It includes a table listing the decimal code, hexadecimal equivalent, and character for each ASCII character. It also includes a control code legend defining the decimal code, hexadecimal value, control code name, and description for various ASCII control codes. Finally, it provides a brief description of ASCII as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is a 7-bit code used as an 8-bit word to enable data transfer.
This technical note provides information about the ASCII character table and code. It includes a table listing the decimal code, hexadecimal equivalent, and character for each ASCII character. It also includes a control code legend defining the decimal code, hexadecimal value, control code name, and description for various ASCII control codes. Finally, it provides a brief description of ASCII as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is a 7-bit code used as an 8-bit word to enable data transfer.
This technical note provides information about the ASCII character table and code. It includes a table listing the decimal code, hexadecimal equivalent, and character for each ASCII character. It also includes a control code legend defining the decimal code, hexadecimal value, control code name, and description for various ASCII control codes. Finally, it provides a brief description of ASCII as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is a 7-bit code used as an 8-bit word to enable data transfer.
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Technical Note 101
ASCII Character Table
7 Bit ASCII Character Table
ASCII ASCII ASCII Character Dec. Hex Character Dec. Hex Character Dec. Hex NUL 000 00 + 043 2B V 086 56 SOH 001 01 , 044 2C W 087 57 STX 002 02 - 045 2D X 088 58 ETX 003 03 . 046 2E Y 089 59 EOT 004 04 / 047 2F Z 090 5A ENQ 005 05 0 048 30 [ 091 5B ACK 006 06 1 049 31 \ 092 5C BEL 007 07 2 050 32 ] 093 5D BS 008 08 3 051 33 ^ 094 5E HT 009 09 4 052 34 _ 095 5F LF 010 0A 5 053 35 ` 096 60 VT 011 0B 6 054 36 a 097 61 FF 012 0C 7 055 37 b 098 62 CR 013 0D 8 056 38 c 099 63 SO 014 0E 9 057 39 d 100 64 SI 015 0F : 058 3A e 101 65 DLE 016 10 ; 059 3B f 102 66 DC1 017 11 < 060 3C g 103 67 DC2 018 12 = 061 3D h 104 68 DC3 019 13 > 062 3E i 105 69 DC4 020 14 ? 063 3F j 106 6A NAK 021 15 @ 064 40 k 107 6B SYN 022 16 A 065 41 l 108 6C ETB 023 17 B 066 42 m 109 6D CAN 024 18 C 067 43 n 110 6E EM 025 19 D 068 44 o 111 6F SUB 026 1A E 069 45 p 112 70 ESC 027 1B F 070 46 q 113 71 FS 028 1C G 071 47 r 114 72 GS 029 1D H 072 48 s 115 73 RS 030 1E I 073 49 t 116 74 US 031 1F J 074 4A u 117 75 SPACE 032 20 K 075 4B v 118 76 ! 033 21 L 076 4C w 119 77 " 034 22 M 077 4D x 120 78 # 035 23 N 078 4E y 121 79 $ 036 24 O 079 4F z 122 7A % 037 25 P 080 50 { 123 7B & 038 26 Q 081 51 | 124 7C ' 039 27 R 082 52 } 125 7D ( 040 28 S 083 53 ~ 126 7E ) 041 29 T 084 54 DEL 127 7F * 042 2A U 085 55
Technical Note 101 DOC-TN-101 Issue 1 - 15/4/95
Control Code Legend YDec. Hex Control Code Character Description 000 00 Ctrl @ NULL Null 001 01 Ctrl A SOH Start Of Header 002 02 Ctrl B STX Start of Text 003 03 Ctrl C ETX End of Text 004 04 Ctrl D EOT End of Transmission 005 05 Ctrl E ENQ Enquiry 006 06 Ctrl F ACK Acknowledge 007 07 Ctrl G BELL Bell 008 08 Ctrl H BS Backspace 009 09 Ctrl I HT Horizontal Tab 010 0A Ctrl J LF Line Feed 011 0B Ctrl K VT Vertical Tab 012 0C Ctrl L FF Form Feed 013 0D Ctrl M CR Carriage Return 014 0E Ctrl N SO Shift Out 015 0F Ctrl O SI Shift In 016 10 Ctrl P DLE Data Link Escape 017 11 Ctrl Q DC1 Device Control 1 018 12 Ctrl R DC2 Device Control 2 019 13 Ctrl S DC3 Device Control 3 020 14 Ctrl T DC4 Device Control 4 021 15 Ctrl U NAK Negative Acknowledge 022 16 Ctrl V SYN Synchronous Idle 023 17 Ctrl W ETB End of Transmission Block 024 18 Ctrl X CAN Cancel 025 19 Ctrl Y EM End of Medium 026 1A Ctrl Z SUB Substitute 027 1B Ctrl [ ESC Escape 028 1C Ctrl \ FS File Seperator 029 1D Ctrl ] GS Group Seperator 030 1E Ctrl ^ RS Record Seperator 031 1F Ctrl _ US Unit Seperator
ASCII Standard
ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. This is a 7 bit code but the full ASCII code is normally used as an 8 bit word, either in parallel or serial form. The last of these 8 bits is reserved for a parity, or error testing, bit. This code provides a standard means of representing data and is essential in enabling data transfer between services and equipment.