FAQ 1cc
FAQ 1cc
FAQ 1cc
Private and self financing Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy Colleges have been allowed to admit students up to maximum of 10% of approved seats (course wise) directly amongst students merit listed under the WBJEE (Engineering) ~ 2012 or AIEEE (Engineering & Architecture) ~ 2012, fulfilling eligibility criteria as per the general guidelines enumerated in the Information Brochure of JEM~2012. Those seats are known as Management Quota Seats. Filling up of seats under this Quota is beyond the purview of e-Counseling. The fee for such seats shall not be more than three times the fee prescribed for general students admitting in 2012 2013 academic year. 2. Is there any management quota seat in University/University
Departments/Government Institutions? No. 3. My AIEEE AIR is XXXXXX. Can I opt for a seat in any University or Govt. College?
No. AIEEE rank is applicable for Self Financing Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy Colleges in the State and participating in this e-Counseling 2012 process. 4. My AIEEE Rank is SC-XXXX. May I opt for SC Category Seats?
No. AIEEE-2012 Merit listed Students are not eligible for Reserved Category Seats. 5. My WBJEE Rank is xxxx. I belong to Other State. Can I opt for a seat in a University
/University Department / Govt. Institution? Students from States other than West Bengal and Tripura and merit listed in WBJEE-2012 can opt for University Seats but not any seat in Govt. Engineering & Technology Colleges.
What is a TFW Seat? How can a student opt for a TFW Seat?
TFW Scheme stands for Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme. Students from economically weaker family (i.e. having total Annual Family Income from all sources less than Rs. 2.50 Lakhs), domiciled of West Bengal and Merit Listed in WBJEE-2012 can opt for seats under this Scheme. Their entire Tuition Fee shall be waived during the entire course duration. Other fees, like admission fee, Library Fee, caution deposits, etc shall have to be paid by students. Allotment shall be made strictly based on Merit and Preference only. 5 % Seats, on supernumerary basis, in all AICTE approved Course in all Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy Colleges of the State are available under this TFW Scheme. 7. What conditions are there to avail TFW Seat?
Student must be domiciled in West Bengal. Annual Family Income of the student from all sources must be less than Rs. 2.5 Lakh. Must be Merit Listed only in WBJEE 2012. My AIEEE B. Arch. Rank is XXXX. Can I opt for B. Arch. Seat in Jadavpur University
or in Bengal Engineering and Science University? No. For the B. Arch. Course in Jadavpur University or in Bengal Engineering and Science University; students must qualify in WBJEE-2012 for Enigeering and must have a valid NATA Score. 9. What is a Domicile Requirement?
Student must have been residing in the State of West Bengal continuously for at least for last 10(ten) years as on 31.12.2011 or their parents must be permanent residents of State of West Bengal having their permanent home address in the State of West Bengal. (This has been specified in the Information Brochure of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination, 2012, Page No.-5, article, 3.3.).
My WBJEE Rank is xxxx and TFW Rank is tttt. While choice filling can I choose both
With TFW as well as Without TFW seat? Yes. But the logic of allotment is if TFW seat is not available but the very next choice is without TFW and is available, the later seat is allotted. 11. How much fee I have to deposit for On-line Counseling? In order to register for Online Counselling: Rs. 500/- (non-refundable) For Admission at Reporting Centre: Rs. 4,000/- for TFW candidates in any Institute; Rs. 5,000/- for any candidate in any of Govt. Engg. Colleges and University Departments; Rs. 40,000/- for any candidate in any of Private/Self financing Colleges.
All these fees are to be adjusted at the time of final admission in finally allotted institute and fully refundable if candidate withdraws after 1st and 2nd round of Counselling and report for such during the Reporting Days at Reporting Centre. But to be curtailed thereafter as the vacant seat cant be used for e-Counselling after such withdrawal. Please refer to the Government order on Counselling at http://higherednwb.net/govt_orders.htm for further clarifications. 12. How much fee I have to deposit for admission to a Private College and how?
For Admission at Reporting Centre: Rs. 4,000/- for TFW candidates in any Institute even for Private one; Rs. 40,000/- for any candidate in any of Private/Self financing Colleges.
All these fees are to be adjusted at the time of final admission in finally allotted institute and fully refundable if candidate withdraws after 1st and 2nd round of Counselling and report for such during the Reporting Days at Reporting Centre. But to be curtailed thereafter as the vacant seat cant be used for e-Counselling after such withdrawal. Please refer to the Government order on Counselling at http://higherednwb.net/govt_orders.htm for further clarifications.
There is no specific Fee Structure for study under TFW Scheme. Their entire Tuition Fee shall be waived during its entire course duration. Other fees, like admission fee, Library Fee, caution deposits, etc shall have to be paid by students. 14. How many seats are available under TFW Scheme?
5 % Seats, on supernumerary basis, in all AICTE approved Course in all Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy Colleges as well as in Universities/ University Departments of the State are available under this TFW Scheme. 15. My AIEEE Rank is xxx. How many choices I can exercise?
There is no restriction in number of choice-filling. However, there must be available seats as per eligibility criterion for which choices have to submitted or filled-up. 16. both? Yes. A student can participate in the e-Counseling and give a single set of choices for both the JEM~2012 and AIEEE~2012 quota seats. 17. Is there any restriction for number of choices? No, there is no restriction. However, there is an Upper-limit of available seats as per eligibility criterion for which choices have to submitted or filled-up. 18. What preparation is needed to fill the choices? My WBJEE Rank is XXXX and AIEEE Rank is YYYY. Can I register for counseling for
A student must be registered for On-Line Counseling. Once registered a candidate gets own Log-in ID and secured Password and must deposit the Counseling Fee through e-Challan.
Can I exercise On-Line counseling from any Centre other than Reporting Centre? Yes, a student can register into On-Line e-Counseling from any Computer having
internet facilities and using http://wbjeeb.nic.in website. 20. What is a Minority Institution? Who can opt for courses in such Institutions? Please refer Government Order on Guide Lines for e-Counseling for admission available in the Higher Education Departmental website at http://higherednwb.net under Minority Reservation Category.
Eligibility Requirement
1. Can a candidate change any wrong entry during on-line registration? Any wrong entry can be rectified within the period of Registration by approaching the Board. Besides in order to register into the e-Counseling process one needs to use the Roll No., Application Form No., Name and Date of Birth (as appeared in the Admit Card, if not corrected later by the Board as per request of the candidates). Once the Registration is complete, these details can not be changed. 2. Final Result / Mark-sheet of qualifying examination (QE) is not available due to delay
in publication of result, is he/she allowed? No. Candidate has to produce his final result at the Reporting Centre. He/she has to mention his/her marks details during his/her registration. 2. If a candidate is appearing in supplementary qualifying examination, is he / she
allowed? A candidate has to fulfill the required eligibility criteria in terms of academic requirement i.e. pass in 10+2 examination as laid down in the guideline provided for the same. A general candidate must pass H.S. (10+2) or its equivalent examination with a minimum of 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics taken Together (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) and with at least 30% marks in English with individual pass marks in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Vernacular (or any fifth subject).
Original mark sheet / document are deposited somewhere else, and a certificate
regarding this is available. Can such candidates report to reporting center after allotment? No. Original documents must be produced at the Reporting Centre for verification. 5. What specific conditions are there for marine engineering course?
A general candidate must pass H.S. (10+2) or its equivalent examination with a minimum of 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics taken Together and with at least 50% marks in English either in 10th. or in 12th. Standard and with individual pass marks in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Vernacular (or any fifth subject) for all category of candidates. 6. What eligibility criteria are there for B.Arch. course in Jadavpur University / Bengal
Engineering and Science University? For the B. Arch. Course in Jadavpur University or Bengal Engineering and Science University, students must be merit listed under the WBJEE-2012 and must have a valid NATA Score. 7. What minimum score in NATA is required for B. Arch. Course?
A valid Score Card in NATA is required to become eligible for B. Arch. Course. Score 1.
I have not received my WBJEE -2012 Rank card / AIEEE -2012 Rank card. Is it
required for participation in on-line counseling? Downloaded Rank card or whatever result sheet shown to the candidate after results were published should be treated as Rank Card and will also be acceptable for the purpose. Admit card in original is a mandatory requirement. 2. Is downloaded Rank-Card / Score Card / Result Sheet acceptable for counseling?
Yes, it is acceptable though they are not required as the database takes care of those details directly and are captured during online registration.
I have lost my WBJEE / AIEEE Admit Card. How can I participate in on-line
counseling? A candidate has to produce original Admit card. Duplicate Admit card may be collected from the Board, if not done already. Category
As per WBJEE~2012 record, category is OPEN. Can the category be changed from
Normally NO but in case of extreme necessity please contact WBJEEB for clarifications. 3. Is there any reservation for OBC-category?
No, there is No reservation of seats under OBC Category. 4. Defense Quota Seats are not included in this Counseling. How a candidate under
Defense Quota can get admission in West Bengal? Candidates who applied for Defense Quota Seats may communicate to the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board for detailed information on allotment procedure. 5. What seats are available for Minority category of students?
Through information submitted by the candidate at the time of applying and to be verified subsequently. Persons 1.
with Disabilities
The candidate who has requisite certificate in this respect from Competent Authority as per Government of West Bengal orders in vogue in this regard. 2. Whether marks relaxation is applicable for PH candidates?
Yes. It is applicable as is applicable for SC/ST candidates. 3. My WBJEE-PH Rank is xxxx. Can I opt for General seats?
Yes, it is allowed. 4. My AIEEE Rank is PH-xxxx. Can I opt for any PH seat?
No. For AIEEE -2012 Rank Holders, there is No reserved category seat. Online 1.
What happens if I do not register during the period as mentioned for On-line
Registration? Without Registration, no candidate can participate in On-Line Counseling. 2. If a candidate forgets his/her password, what is the procedure to get a new password?
Contact the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board for necessary advice.
As many times as one desires. It is advisable to change ones password from time to time. 4. Is there any compulsion to register online only at help centre?
A candidate can access the website http://wbjeeb.nic.in from any location as per ones convenience and there is no compulsion for such action.
Choice 1.
The number of choices available for a candidate based on the eligibility criterion details submitted by one during registration. Within that limit, there is NO UPPER-LIMIT. 2. What is indicative seat?
On 19th and 25th of June, 2012; there will be an Indicative seat detail to be intimated by publishing in the respective candidate-webpage to the candidates registered into the eCounseling process till 8 am on the day before. 3. What is locking?
Between 25th and 29th June, 2012; this Choice-Locking facility will be made available to the Registered students. After finalization of set of choices to be submitted by the candidate, one has to LOCK the same by clicking this link. Once locked, the choices can be seen but cant be unlocked. In any candidate forgets to LOCK ones choice; the same will be locked as per procedure mentioned in the guidelines enumerated in the related government order because unlocked choices will not be considered for seat allotment through this e-Counseling process.
If a candidate doesn't lock his/her choices, will they be processed for seat allotment?
In any candidate forgets to LOCK ones choice; the same will be locked as per procedure mentioned in the guidelines enumerated in the related government order because unlocked choices will not be considered for seat allotment through this e-Counseling process. 5. Can the candidate modify the choices after locking?
No. Once locked, the choices can be seen but cant be unlocked. 6. Can I change my Choice-list?
Before locking, YES. After locking, NO. 7. Can any other person change my order of preference?
If the User-id and Password are securely protected, none other than the candidate concerned can change his/her details including the order of preference. Fee 1.
What is Initial fee? How is this adjusted? What is the procedure for withdrawal? In order to register for Online Counselling: Rs. 500/- (non-refundable)
For Admission at Reporting Centre: Rs. 4,000/- for TFW candidates in any Institute; Rs. 5,000/- for any candidate in any of Govt. Engg. Colleges and University Departments; Rs. 40,000/- for any candidate in any of Private/Self financing Colleges.
All these fees are to be adjusted at the time of final admission in finally allotted institute and fully refundable if candidate withdraws after 1st and 2nd round of Counselling and report for such during the Reporting Days at Reporting Centre. But to be curtailed thereafter as the vacant seat cant be used for e-Counselling after such withdrawal. Please refer to the Government order on Counselling at http://higherednwb.net/govt_orders.htm for further clarifications.
Please refer Question 1 above. 3. Whether a candidate has to submit separate Demand Drafts for Engineering and Architecture Streams? No. 4. What are the Seat Cancellation and Fee refund rules?
No. Please refer Schedule of Counseling on the Home page. 2. No. 3. What are the working hours of Reporting Centers, Help Centers, Participating Can a candidate be permitted if he/she brings part of the required documents?
Institutes and Board Headquarter? Between 10.30 am and 4.30 pm. 4. Where are these centres located?
The Reporting Centres are located at 25 places in the State of West Bengal and 1 at Agartala, Tripura. Please refer to the list of Reporting Centres on the Home page. The Help Centres are located at all Govt. Engg. Colleges, Block headquarters (BDOs office), Sub-Divisional headquarters (SDOs office) and District headquarters (DMs office). For contacting the Board office, please refer to the Home page and Contact Us menu therein.