EW Kenyon Satan Defeated!

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Satan Defeated!

by E.W. Kenyon

Few of us have ever recognized the fact that the Scriptures teach that Satan is defeated as far as the believer is concerned. He was not conquered by the believer; he was conquered by Christ for the believer in His Substitutionary Work. The Victory Christ wrought belongs to the believer, because we were identified with Christ in His Substitutionary Work. Right there in the presence of all the hosts of darkness, Jesus conquered the Prince of Darkness. Rotherham's Translation is graphic: "He paralyzed the death-dealing power of Satan." He paralyzed him. He broke him. Now this is what I want you to notice: This was an Eternal victory. Satan was Eternally broken, Eternally conquered. Did you notice how Peter puts it? I Peter 5:8,"He goes about like a roaring lion," and he says, "Whom withstand steadfast in your faith." Our combat has been fought and won. There isn't any battle for you to fight except the battle of faith. You are to fight the good fight of faith. What does that mean? You are to win all your victories with Words. You are to learn the words of this Wonderful Book, and with Words, you will conquer the enemy. You see, your combat is not against flesh and blood, as the Spirit tells us in Ephesians 6:12, but it is against the defeated principalities and powers. These principalities and powers have all been conquered. Their defeat is spoken of in Hebrews 9:12 as an Eternal redemption from them. You are Eternally set free. They are eternally defeated,whipped,conquered. You get your liberty by remembering these words and then acting accordingly. Can't you see what it means? That Satan knows he is whipped but he doesn't want you to know it. He wants to keep you in ignorance of it.

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