Letters About Farmington Police Officer Christopher Blea
Letters About Farmington Police Officer Christopher Blea
Letters About Farmington Police Officer Christopher Blea
Auto Oilfield Work Comp Ao Association of Professional Corporatioo", VICTOR A. TITUS, PC H. STEVEN MURPHY, PC TYSON K GOBBLE, PC
Felonies ' Traffic DUI
November 29,2012
Kyle Westhall Chief of Police Farmington Police Department 800 Municipal Drive Farmington, NM 87401 Re: Request for Internal Affairs Investigation of Officer Blea
Dear Chief Westhall: Two recent "Attempt to Locate Stops" by Officer C. Blea (one of Andrew Gephardt on 10/6/12 and one of Alejandro Ortiz on 11/02/12) show either lack of proper training and/or rogue actions by Officer Blea in obvious disregard of constitutional rights. In both cases Officer Blea stops the first thing that moves when both were in clear contradiction of the description in the attempt to locate. Please watch the video of the Ortiz stop. It is so outrageous, I have filed a Tort Claims Notice. In short, this cavalier cowboy attitude by Officer Blea is not only contrary to law but is going to get someone shot and/or killed. Someone peeled out of a parking lot - Ortiz's vehicle doesn't match the description and Blea gets 4 other cops to pull guns on four 18 year olds during a traffic stop? Albuquerque Police Department may have earned a reputation as "Another Person Dead" for killing 1 citizen per month, but I urge you to stop Officer Blea now before we have one.
enclosure xc: client, Councilman Jason Sandel, and Mayor Tommy RobertS
contact us at::
E-mail address;[email protected]
800 MuniCipal
NM 87401 Ph 505.599.1070
IA Case # 2012-0045
Titus & Murphy
2021 E. 20th St. Fannington, NM 87401 Mr. Titus; On 12/5/2012, you filed a citizen's complaint against Officer Dennis Rook, Officer Ben Jemmen, Officer Michael Sitton, Officer Willard Nez and Officer Christopher Blea, with the Farmington Police Department. An investigation was conducted to determine whether or not Officer Dennis Ronk, Officer Ben Jemmett, Officer Michael Sitton, Officer Willard Nez and Officer Christopher Blea. violated any of the police department's policies or procedures on 111212012. At the conclusion ofintemal affairs investigations, the dispositions of complaints are
classified as one of the following; Exonerated Indicates proper conduct on the part of the employee being investigated and does not result in any disciplinary action. Indicates improper conduct on the part of the employee being investigated and results in disciplinary action up to and including termination from the police department. Unsustained Indicates there is insufficient evidence to determine a finding of Exonerated or Sustained. This finding does not usually result in disciplinary action; however, supeIVisors are notified when one of their officers receives an unsustained allegation, and this typically results in closer supervision of that employee.
Use of Foree:
Based in the evidence obtained during this administr:ative investigation, there is sufficient evidence available to prove PROPER CONDUCT ON TIIE PART OF TIlE OFFICERS BEING INVESTIGATED. As a result, OmCER BLBA, OmCER NEZ, OmCER RONK, OFFICER SITtON and OmCER JEMMETt are considered EXONERATED. ~
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SINCE 1995
Based on the evidence obtained during this administrative investigation, there is sufficient evidence available to prove PROPER CONDUCT ON mE PART OF mE OFFICERS BEING INVESTIGATED. As a result, OFFICER NEZ, OFFICER RONK, OFFICER SITTON and OFFICER lEMMETI are considered EXONERATED.
Based on the evidence obtained during this administrative investigation there is sufficient evidence available to prove A POLICY VIOLATION has occurred. As a result this portion of the complaint is considered SUSTAINED against Officer Chris Blea.
Unsatisfactory Performance:
Based on the evidence obtained during this administxative investigation there is sufficient evidence available to prove A POLICY VIOLATION has occurred. As a result this portion of the complaint is considered SUSTAlNED against Officer
An. investigative report was forwarded to Fannington Police Chief Kyle Westall, and he concurred with these findings. If you disagree with these findings, or if you feel that further review of this case is warranted, you may contact the Citizen-Police Advisory Committee Cbaitperson, in writing, within 15 calendar days of receipt of this letter, at the following address:
Citizen-Police Advisory Committee Chairperson 800 Municipal Drive Fannington, NM 87401 Your correspondence should explain your concern and request a review of the case, citing the Internal Affairs case number listed at the top of this letter. Once the request is received, the CPAC will determine if your request is eligible for review and will notify you of the status of the request. If a review is conducted you will be notified of the findings. I have attached a copy of the CPAC procedures for your information. If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact me at (505) 599-1093. Sincerel~ Lieutenant Taft Tracy R592
To: 5644630
Auto Oilfield Work Comp An Association of Professional Corporations: VICTOR A. TYSON
Felonies Traffic DUI
PLEASE REPLY TO: 2021 E. 20'" Street Farmiogton, NM 87401
nrus, PC
AprilS, 2013
Attn: lieutenant
Officer Blea
Dear Lt. Tracy: I was disappointed by your letter of March 26, 2013 attached. No wonder the citizens of Farmington have such a low opinion of the integrity of the police department. I predicted in my letter of November 29, 2012 that Blea's rogue attitude toward those he come into contact were going to cause someone to get shot and alas, it comes to pass with Mr. Chavez and his ''threatening'' cell phone. There is no possible way to justify 5 cops with guns drawn on the Ortiz vehicle of four 18 year olds not in violation of anything and unarmed. If one ofthem would have asked whythey could have been shot too. All my contacts with Blea have been found to violate the constitution by a neutral Judge. What's worse is he tries to make up charges to justify what he must know is an unconstitutional stop. In Ortiz he alleged evading an officer and in Andrew Gephardt he added careless driving. The videos in both show the complete sophistry of those allegations and the Judges in each case threw them out. If the City is interested in the public respecting the police, then this "sustained" policy violation by Blea should be made known to the public including what policy was violated and the remedy or punishment to Blea for that. The citizens of this City need to know what the Department intends to do to ensure that no one else will be similarly treated.
Moreover, I as a citizen, want to know that I am safe, not just from the criminal class, but also from the police. Please advise .
VAT/hp xc: Clients (A. Ortiz and A. Gephardt), rri City Tribune, Farmington Daily Times, Mayor Roberts, Councilman Sandel, Councilwoman Fischer, and Chief of the Police Kyle Westall