NCLEX-PN Study Tip
NCLEX-PN Study Tip
NCLEX-PN Study Tip
*BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL MORE THAN 140 mg/dl confirms diabetes. Mitral valve disease = sore throat
Cushings syndrom
= hyperseecretion of glucoxorticoids adrenal gland. Obese, moon face, buflo hump, hirsutism. Lab: high Na+, hypertension hyperglyceimia, low K+ Diet: high K+, Low Na+
Angina pectoris
= insufficient coronary blood flow result inadequate o2 cause chest pain, squeezing burning, bursting left ternal chest pain, headach, face flushing Lab: st segmen depression Med: nitroglycerine
PTCA = PERCUTANEOUS TRANSLUMINAL CORONARY ANGIOPLASTY balloon tipple catheter wire into coronary vessel Deverticulitis
= inflame pouch or saccula colon. LLQ PAIN Lab: sigmoidoscopy Med: meperidine
= weak gastric mucosa left epigastric pain 30mn-1h after meal, relieve by vomit . Hight carb, fat. Low Protein, no coffee, alcohol, smoke
Chrons disease = inflame small intestine. Hight protein, carb, Low fat, small
frequent feed
= acyanotic congenital heart defect, between aorta and pulmonary artery .Med: Indomethacin
Peptic ulcer duodenal: high hydrochloric acid in stomach right epigastric pain
2-3hrs after meals usually at night and relieve by eating *Low protein, hight carb and fat, no spicy , caffee, alcohol, smoke
Lab: elevate WBC (Pt. high fowler) no hot compression. Med antibioticnemia
A pernicious: low B12 absorbtion absence intrinsic factor relat to gastrectomy and
atrophy gastric mucosa. Fatigue, red tongue, glositis, tingling sensation low extremities Lab: chilling test ingest b12
Cystitis = inflame urinary bladder. No bubble bath, silk underwear Cystic fibrosis = block exocrine gland 9pancrease, respiratory, saliva, and sweat gland)
Lab: sweat chloride test *Postural drainage before meal and bed time Diet : high calory , K+
X linked recessive pattern of transmission color blindness, duchennes muscular dystrophy, G6PD DEFICIENCY, HEMOPHILIA.
Sputum examp : to detects microorganism in the sputum. First in the morning specimen
prefer approximately 15ml. Instruct Pt. take several deep breath and cough deeply, rinse mouth with water before collect
and Vit. C three days before test as these may give a false positive result
Thoracentesis : aspirat fluid and air from pleural space. Informed consent, Pt. sitting on the
side of the bed with feet on a chair, leaning over bedside table, Pt not cough breath deeply or move during procedure. After Pt on the unaffected side/ puncture site up
radioactive Vit. B12 within 23hrsis normal. Requires 24hrs urine specimen Pt. NPO only water 8-12 hrs before test.
Creatininine level).
Pericardiocentesis: to aspirate fluid from the pericardial SAC Pelvic ultrasound: detects abnormalities organ in abdomen incr. fluid intake 30-mn
1hr before test to distend bladder t promote visualization organ
to examine peritoneal fluid and to relieve shortness of breath when ventilation is impaired *inform consent *Void immediately prior to procedure to prevent addidental puncture, sit up with feet resting on footstool
* assessing abdominal girth, respiratory rate, note if urine bloody, pin or red
None stress test NST: assesses fetal activity and well being. Reactive testacceleration of fetal heart rate of more than 15 b/mn above baseline FHR lasting for 15 sec or more . Non-reactive test- acceleration of FHR of less than 15 b/mn above baselin FHR MA INDIATE FETAL JEOPARDY.
Needle biobsy of kidney: to obtain specimen/tissue sample from kidney, NPO 6-8hrs
*check bleeding, clotting and Prothrombine time , Prone with pillow under abd *supine positon for 24hrs, apply puncture site for 20mn *incr.fluid intake to 3000ml *assess hemoglobin and hematocrit 8hrs after *avoid strenuous activities at least 2weeks
Lung scan: determines lung perfusion when pulmonary emboli and infarction suspected
( obtain consent) *assess for allergy to dys, iodine and seafoods, remove jewelry
Lumbar puncture:
*Inserted between L3-L4 or L4-L5, spinal cord end at L2 *After position Pt. flat 6-12hrs to prevent spinal headache, inc. fluid intake
Laparoscopy: evaluates pelvic pain and infertility and treats endometriosis lesions.
*enema administer prior to procedure *shoulder or abdominal discomfort expected after procedure due to use carbon dioxide
Glucose tolerance test: confirms presence of sugar in the blood, high= carbohydrate,
protein diet given 24-48hrs before test. *Blood draw after overnight fast *Normal level is 2mg/dl
Gastric analysis: assess ulcers or pernicious anemia, acidity, volume of gastric secretion
*duodenal ulcer, HCL is elevate *refrigerate gastric samples if not tested within 4hrs
detects intracranial
Use acetone if gel not remove by shampoo *avoid caffeine before test *withhold stimulants antidepressant and anticonvulsant for 24-48hrs prior the test
Barium swallow: assessment of esophagus and stomach, NPO 6-8hrs. Administer laxative
after procedure since barium cause constipation, incr. fluid intake at least two days after to help pass barium
Barium enema: assessment of large colon liquid diet before procedure, laxative before to
procedure to promote visualize and after procedure.
Arteriography: used evaluation tool before coronary artery surgery to detect suspected
congenital abnormal *assess Pt. for allergy to iodine, seafoods or shellfish *have Epinephrine at bedside for allergic reaction *Inc. oral fluid intake after procedure to promote excretion f dys
Arterial blood gas analysis: to detect present acid base imbalance or to monitor pt.
response to o2 treatment. *avoid suctioning prio to drawing of blood specimen *assess bleeding or hematoma *apply firm pressue 5-10mn, place specemen on ice *Pt. ACIDOSIS
Amniocentesis: to assess fetal growth and maturity to determine genetic disorder and
sex of the fetus *Done between 14-16wk *assess for chromosomal aberration for other disorders *If done after 35wks gestation the purpose is t assess fetal lung maturity *instruct Pt. to viod if gestation is greater than 20 wks *position Pt on supine *L/S ratio of 2:1 indicates fetal lung maturity