NCLEX-PN Study Tip

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The document discusses various medical terms, procedures, diseases, medications and their purposes/uses.

Some common procedures and tests mentioned include cardiac catheterization, EEG, endoscopy, barium swallow, amniocentesis and arterial blood gas analysis.

Some common diseases and conditions discussed include Parkinson's disease, Cushing's syndrome, peptic ulcer, appendicitis, cystic fibrosis, alopecia and amnesia along with their associated symptoms.


Statin-low LDL Sartin ACE


ACE pril,ril,vil (CHF,MI) Zine - antipsychotic Osin alphaplocker BP Din


Dipin CCB ,MI, Trombos Parin

- Clott anticoagulan

Pam antianxiety Azoles antifugal Prazoles proton pum Triptan migrant

Normal Creatinin


BUN 10-20MG/DL Ritodrine = prevent preterm labor Methrotrexate

Med. For ectopic pregnancy

*BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL MORE THAN 140 mg/dl confirms diabetes. Mitral valve disease = sore throat

Cushings syndrom

= hyperseecretion of glucoxorticoids adrenal gland. Obese, moon face, buflo hump, hirsutism. Lab: high Na+, hypertension hyperglyceimia, low K+ Diet: high K+, Low Na+

Parkinsons disease = progressive neurologic disorder effect brain center responsible

for control movement due to depletion of dopamine( risk for injury) High protein . safety no high heel, rubber soled shoes

Chronic Renal failure

= med Epogen, diuretic, antihypertension . low Na, k+, protein, anorecia, n, v

Angina pectoris

= insufficient coronary blood flow result inadequate o2 cause chest pain, squeezing burning, bursting left ternal chest pain, headach, face flushing Lab: st segmen depression Med: nitroglycerine

CHF CONGESTIVE heart failure : fail o2 heart cant pump properly

*Right side = edema *Left side = dyspnea. Hight Na+ and colesterol

PTCA = PERCUTANEOUS TRANSLUMINAL CORONARY ANGIOPLASTY balloon tipple catheter wire into coronary vessel Deverticulitis
= inflame pouch or saccula colon. LLQ PAIN Lab: sigmoidoscopy Med: meperidine

Raynauds disease = vasospastict of artery of hand expose to cold or stress,

anteriolar vasoconstriction Allens test reveal circulatory problem, avoid cold, smoke Med: vasodilator

Peptic ulcer, gastric

= weak gastric mucosa left epigastric pain 30mn-1h after meal, relieve by vomit . Hight carb, fat. Low Protein, no coffee, alcohol, smoke

Peripheral vascular disorder( refer to Buerger disease and Rynauds disease)PKU

phenylketonuria. *deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase result decrease metabolism of aminoacid pheylalanine lead to mental retard. Observe: for diarrhea, anorexia, anemia, skin rash, lethargy. Guthrie test phenylalanine greater than 8mg/dl = positive metabolic disorder. Highe protein 24-48 hrs before test, restrict hight protein diet.

Chrons disease = inflame small intestine. Hight protein, carb, Low fat, small
frequent feed

PDA = PT. ductus arteriosus

= acyanotic congenital heart defect, between aorta and pulmonary artery .Med: Indomethacin

PID pelvic inflammatory disease

=infection fallopian tubes , ovary, uterus, peritoneum , STD infection

*heating pad on abdomen or low back to inc. circulation

Peptic ulcer duodenal: high hydrochloric acid in stomach right epigastric pain
2-3hrs after meals usually at night and relieve by eating *Low protein, hight carb and fat, no spicy , caffee, alcohol, smoke

Appendicitis : inflame appendix due to obstruct

intestinal lumen. Right lower pain

Lab: elevate WBC (Pt. high fowler) no hot compression. Med antibioticnemia

A pernicious: low B12 absorbtion absence intrinsic factor relat to gastrectomy and
atrophy gastric mucosa. Fatigue, red tongue, glositis, tingling sensation low extremities Lab: chilling test ingest b12

Cystitis = inflame urinary bladder. No bubble bath, silk underwear Cystic fibrosis = block exocrine gland 9pancrease, respiratory, saliva, and sweat gland)
Lab: sweat chloride test *Postural drainage before meal and bed time Diet : high calory , K+

DIC = disseminate intravascular coagulation = spread coagulation all over

the body resulting subsequent depletion of clotting factor

Giardiasis = barre syndrome = inflame peripheral nerve

Lab: elevat total protein *avoid crow, deep tracheostomy @@ bedside


= use to relieve back pain, position head of bed elevate

X linked recessive pattern of transmission color blindness, duchennes muscular dystrophy, G6PD DEFICIENCY, HEMOPHILIA.

Urinalysis = first void in the morning sample preferred 15ml.

*decrease specific gravity =diabetes, dehydration. *+ protein PIH nephritic syndrome. *+glucose diabetes, infection

Sputum examp : to detects microorganism in the sputum. First in the morning specimen
prefer approximately 15ml. Instruct Pt. take several deep breath and cough deeply, rinse mouth with water before collect

Stool analysis: assess of bacteria, virus, malabsorption and blood.

Avoid aspirin, red meat

and Vit. C three days before test as these may give a false positive result

Thoracentesis : aspirat fluid and air from pleural space. Informed consent, Pt. sitting on the
side of the bed with feet on a chair, leaning over bedside table, Pt not cough breath deeply or move during procedure. After Pt on the unaffected side/ puncture site up

Tonometry: measures intraocular pressure, normal reading 12-21mm.Hg. Reading

25mm.hg indicates glaucoma

Schillings test: used to detect Vit. B12

absorption, excretion 8%-40% of ingest

radioactive Vit. B12 within 23hrsis normal. Requires 24hrs urine specimen Pt. NPO only water 8-12 hrs before test.

Renal function test : test Kidney (BUN AND

Creatininine level).

RAIU ( Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test) : Detects Hkyperthyroidism and

hypothyroidism ,high Iodine uptake indicate hyperthyroidism, Low iodine uptake =hypothyroidism

Pericardiocentesis: to aspirate fluid from the pericardial SAC Pelvic ultrasound: detects abnormalities organ in abdomen incr. fluid intake 30-mn
1hr before test to distend bladder t promote visualization organ


to examine peritoneal fluid and to relieve shortness of breath when ventilation is impaired *inform consent *Void immediately prior to procedure to prevent addidental puncture, sit up with feet resting on footstool

* assessing abdominal girth, respiratory rate, note if urine bloody, pin or red

None stress test NST: assesses fetal activity and well being. Reactive testacceleration of fetal heart rate of more than 15 b/mn above baseline FHR lasting for 15 sec or more . Non-reactive test- acceleration of FHR of less than 15 b/mn above baselin FHR MA INDIATE FETAL JEOPARDY.

Needle biobsy of kidney: to obtain specimen/tissue sample from kidney, NPO 6-8hrs
*check bleeding, clotting and Prothrombine time , Prone with pillow under abd *supine positon for 24hrs, apply puncture site for 20mn *incr.fluid intake to 3000ml *assess hemoglobin and hematocrit 8hrs after *avoid strenuous activities at least 2weeks


abnormalities of the heart, coronary artery disease and determine effects of cardiovascular drug therapy. *obtain consent, pain less,

Myelogram: detects herniated intervertebral

discs, visualize spinal cord, head elevate

Mantoux test: determines exposure to mycobacterium tuberculosis

*Positive test induration 10mm or more for foreign-born Pt and children below 4yrs * induration of 5mm or more is considered positive if Pt. HIV + * RESULT read after48-72hrs

Lung scan: determines lung perfusion when pulmonary emboli and infarction suspected
( obtain consent) *assess for allergy to dys, iodine and seafoods, remove jewelry

Lumbar puncture:

withdraw CSF to determine abnormalities , empty bladder

and bowel before

*Inserted between L3-L4 or L4-L5, spinal cord end at L2 *After position Pt. flat 6-12hrs to prevent spinal headache, inc. fluid intake

Liver biobsy: rules out liver disorders (obtain consent)

*Position Pt Left side or supine during biobsy, Pt inhale, exhale and hold breath during needle insert to prevent puncture diaphragm *Position Pt. right side after biopsy for 2hrs to prevent hemorrhage *maintain bedrest for 24hr

Laparoscopy: evaluates pelvic pain and infertility and treats endometriosis lesions.
*enema administer prior to procedure *shoulder or abdominal discomfort expected after procedure due to use carbon dioxide

IVP (INTRAVENOUS PYELOPRAPHY) : visualize urinary tract

(obtain consent) NPO 7-10hrs before procedure, administer laxative to clear bowels before procedure *check for allergy to iodine, seafoods or shellfish before procedure sine use iodine based dye. *Keep Epinephrine at bedside

Glucose tolerance test: confirms presence of sugar in the blood, high= carbohydrate,
protein diet given 24-48hrs before test. *Blood draw after overnight fast *Normal level is 2mg/dl

Gastric analysis: assess ulcers or pernicious anemia, acidity, volume of gastric secretion
*duodenal ulcer, HCL is elevate *refrigerate gastric samples if not tested within 4hrs

Fetal Heart Monitor: assesses fetal heart rate abnormalities

*Early decelerations indicate fetal head compression no treatment required *Late decelerations indicate placental insufficiency give o2 *Variable decelerations indicate cord compression *U or W in monitor change Pt. to left lateral recumbent and administer o2

CVP (central venous pressure) monitor : Purpose provide pressure in

right atrium *the manometer at level of right atrium at 4th intercostals space *normal reading 2-12mm Hg

Cystoscopy : insert bladder and urethra (obtain consent)

Endoscopy (gastroscopy, esophagoscopy): assess esophags and stomach

(obtain consent) NPO 6-8 HRS BEFORE PROCEDURE

ERCP Indoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography :Visualize bile

and pancreases ducts, NPO before and after procedure, Pt. may be hoarse and sore throat several day *Keep Narcan at bedside

EEG (electrocardiogram) : Record electrical activity brain

detects intracranial

hemorrhage and tumors. Shampoo hair before and after procedure

Use acetone if gel not remove by shampoo *avoid caffeine before test *withhold stimulants antidepressant and anticonvulsant for 24-48hrs prior the test

Cholecystogram: assess gallstones, check for allergy to iodine , seafood or shellfish

before procedure , use iodine based dye. NPO after midnight, low fat diet *keep Epinephrine at bedside to allergic reaction

Cardiac catheterization: to measure o2, concentration saturation, tension and pressure

in various chamber of the heart to determine need for cardiac surgery ( obtain inform consent) *assess for allergy, NPO 6 hrs before procedure *check peripheral and apicl pulses very 1mn for 2-4hrs * Keep 20lbs sandbage at bedside to apply pressure incase bleeding occur *Keep extremity extened 4-6 hrs

Barium swallow: assessment of esophagus and stomach, NPO 6-8hrs. Administer laxative
after procedure since barium cause constipation, incr. fluid intake at least two days after to help pass barium

Barium enema: assessment of large colon liquid diet before procedure, laxative before to
procedure to promote visualize and after procedure.

Arteriography: used evaluation tool before coronary artery surgery to detect suspected
congenital abnormal *assess Pt. for allergy to iodine, seafoods or shellfish *have Epinephrine at bedside for allergic reaction *Inc. oral fluid intake after procedure to promote excretion f dys

Arterial blood gas analysis: to detect present acid base imbalance or to monitor pt.
response to o2 treatment. *avoid suctioning prio to drawing of blood specimen *assess bleeding or hematoma *apply firm pressue 5-10mn, place specemen on ice *Pt. ACIDOSIS

diarrhea observe for signs and symptoms of METATOLIC

* Pt. vomiting observe for METABOLIC ALKALOSIS

Amniocentesis: to assess fetal growth and maturity to determine genetic disorder and
sex of the fetus *Done between 14-16wk *assess for chromosomal aberration for other disorders *If done after 35wks gestation the purpose is t assess fetal lung maturity *instruct Pt. to viod if gestation is greater than 20 wks *position Pt on supine *L/S ratio of 2:1 indicates fetal lung maturity

Alopecia: LOSS OF HAIR causes hodgkins lymphoma- cancer of lymph nodes,

hypothyroidism, systemic lupus erythematosus- hair tend to become brittle an fall, chemo, radiotherapy.

Amnesia : loss of memory causes, alzheimers disease, encephalitis,

wernickes korsakoffs syndrom

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