The 2008 Financial Crisis
The 2008 Financial Crisis
The 2008 Financial Crisis
Market instability
There were other factors as well, including the cheap credit which
made it too easy for people to buy houses or make other
investments based on pure speculation. Cheap credit created more
money in the system and people wanted to spend that money.
Unfortunately, people wanted to buy the same thing, which
increased demand and caused inflation. Private equity firms
leveraged billions of dollars of debt to purchase companies and
created hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth by simply shuffling
paper, but not creating anything of value. In more recent months
speculation on oil prices and higher unemployment further
increased inflation.
Thousands of people took out loans larger than they could afford in
the hopes that they could either flip the house for profit or refinance
later at a lower rate and with more equity in their home - which they
would then leverage to purchase another “investment” house.
A lot of people got rich quickly and people wanted more. Before
long, all you needed to buy a house was a pulse and your word that
you could afford the mortgage. Brokers had no reason not to sell
you a home. They made a cut on the sale, then packaged the
mortgage with a group of other mortgages and erased all personal
responsibility of the loan. But many of these mortgage backed
assets were ticking time bombs. And they just went off.
The idea behind the economic bailout is to buy these risky mortgage
backed securities from financial institutions, giving these banks the
opportunity to lend more money to individuals and businesses,
hopefully spurring on the economy.
Ironic isn’t it? Yes, it is true that credit got us into this mess, but it is
also true that our economy is incredibly unstable right now, and
being that it is built on credit, it needs an influx of cash or it could
come crashing down. This is something no one wants to see as it
would ripple through our economy and into the world markets in a
matter of hours, potentially causing a worldwide meltdown.
In the midst of the most serious financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression, it is
clear that major regulatory failure (in the long run-up to the crisis) was one of the key
contributing factors. The two central questions are:
• What to do, and
• Who should do it.
It is useful to group the proposed reforms under the seven headings that correspond to
problem areas highlighted by the current crisis: (i) reducing leverage and increasing liquidity,
(ii) counteracting the pro-cyclicality of bank capital regulation, (iii) pricking asset-price
bubbles, (iv) making financial failures less costly, (v) improving market incentives for prudent
behaviour, (vi) filling gaps in regulatory coverage, and (vii) early warning and monitoring.
• Once a new international regulatory and supervisory template is agreed upon, the
Fund should expand its FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) and ROSC
(Review of Standards and Codes) exercises so that it can evaluate countries’
compliance with the new template. Such exercises should be mandatory for all Fund
member countries, and the results should be published.
• The Fund’s membership should agree that FSAPs will be done for systemically
important countries at least once every 12-18 months. For other member countries,
FSAPs would be done once every 2-3 years.
• The Fund should strengthen its early warning capabilities – particularly its focus on
monitoring systemic risk-- by performing a regular quarterly exercise that ranks
countries’ vulnerability to currency, banking, and debt crises. The Fund should also
present regularly the kind of global credit loss analysis and projections that has
appeared in the last few Global Financial Stability Reports.
• Along with the FSF, the Fund should be informed before the fact when member
countries are planning to introduce crisis management measures related to the
financial sector (e.g, government guarantees on bank liabilities, capital injections, etc)
that could have important spillover effects on other countries’ crisis management
• As suggested earlier, the Fund needs to raise its game on exchange rate surveillance
and on identification and publication of currency mismatches.
• The FSF should make recommendations to the standard-setting bodies whenever a
clear majority of its members conclude that there is a significant hole in the existing
regulatory structure and/or when a recent regulatory change is viewed as insufficient
to deal with the problem addressed by that regulation.
• The standard-setting bodies should submit to the FSF for review new proposed
regulatory measures so that the FSF can offer a view on whether the macroeconomic
impact of those proposed regulations would be pro-cyclical or not.5
• The FSF should intensify its work on monitoring systemic risk – covering both
microeconomic and macroeconomic factors.
• Folowing a proposal made in Brunnermeier et al (2009), the Managing Director of the
IMF and the head of the FSF should be given the authority to offer a joint public early
warning on systemic risk when they feel that circumstances are serious enough to
warrant such a statement.
An overview of the proposals to fix the financial system
15 February 2009 Print Email
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Proposals for financial regulatory reform are everywhere. This column presents an
opinionated synthesis of the key issues and proposals with the aim of focusing and
stimulating the debate.
The global crisis has scared the public, captivated policy makers, and fascinated the
academic community. A consensus has emerged that the financial system is broken and must
be fixed. This column puts forth an opinionated overview of the various reports and proposals
for new financial regulations in an attempt to stimulate and focus discussion.
I do not describe the crisis itself since much has already been written about it. Brunnermeier
(2008) and Hellwig (2008) provide excellent analysis of the early part of the crisis, the Policy
Recommendations from NYU Stern (2009) has a complete coverage, and Blanchard (2008)
offers a clear and concise macroeconomic perspective.
· The “G30 Report” by the Group of Thirty, chaired by Paul Volcker; and
· The “NYU-Stern Report” by a group of professors from NYU’s Stern School of which I
am one.
These three reports cover most, if not all, areas of financial regulation. I also discuss the
capital insurance proposals of Kashyap, Rajan and Stein (2008), and the proposals of
Zingales (2008, 2009).
Systemic risk. All reports agree that the financial regulatory frameworks around the world
pay too little attention to “systemic risk”. For instance, Acharya, Pedersen, Philippon and
Richardson (2009) argue that “Current financial regulations seek to limit each institution’s risk
seen in isolation; they are not sufficiently focused on systemic risk. As a result, while
individual risks are properly dealt with in normal times, the system itself remains, or is induced
to be, fragile and vulnerable to large macroeconomic shocks.” Or, as the Geneva Report puts
it: “regulation implicitly assumes that we can make the system as a whole safe by simply
trying to make sure that individual banks are safe. … a fallacy of composition.”
Pro-cyclical risk taking. All reports agree that current financial regulations tend to
encourage pro-cyclical risking taking which increases the likelihood of financial crises, and
their severity when they occur. Under current regulations, prolonged periods of low volatility
reduce statistical measures of risk and thus encourage excessive risk taking. In bad times,
the pendulum swings back producing excessive risk aversion.
Large Complex Financial Institutions (LCFIs). All reports agree that current regulations
do not deal adequately with LCFIs, defining LCFIs as “financial intermediaries engaged in
some combination of commercial banking, investment banking, asset management and
insurance, whose failure poses a systemic risk or `externality’ to the financial system as a
whole.” (Saunders, Smith and Walter 2009). All reports also insist on the danger induced by
implicit Too-Big-To-Fail guarantees.
Capital requirements. All of the reports struggle with a paradox of financial regulation;
capital held to meet minimum requirements cannot be used as a buffer against unexpected
losses. As such, fixed capital requirements can only ensure that losses do not immediately
make banks insolvent. They might give regulators enough time to intervene, but they are
ineffective against systemic risk. The real buffer can only come from equity in excess of the
Liquidity and maturity mismatch. The traditional view of systemic risk focuses on
sequences of bank failures, for example a domino-like spread of counterparty failures.
Today’s financial system, where many banks finance their investments in credit markets,
faces a different type of systemic risk. As the Geneva Report points out, “a key avenue
through which systemic risk flows today is via funding liquidity combined with adverse asset
price movements due to low market liquidity.” Acharya and Schnabl (2009) also explain why
regulators should take liquidity into consideration when assessing capital adequacy ratios,
and Hellwig (2008) insists on the maturity mismatch in vehicles that relied on short term
market financing to fund long term assets (real estate assets in particular).
My goal here is not to be exhaustive, focusing rather on the issues that I view as most
essential, and on the proposals that are sufficiently spelled out to be evaluated.
Systemic risk. The first step towards regulating systemic risk is to measure it. But how
should we do that? In particular, how do we define how much a particular firm contributes to
systemic risk? How can we improve Value at Risk (VaR) measures?
There is some good news on the VaR front. There are currently two proposals to incorporate
systemic risk into the standard measures. The Geneva report argues for CoVaR, based on
the work of Adrian and Brunnermeier (2008), where CoVaR is the VaR of financial institutions
conditional on other institutions being in distress. The NYU-Stern report proposes a systemic
capital requirement based on the individual firm’s contribution to aggregate tail risk. These two
measures have much in common, and are specifically tailored to deal with systemic as
opposed to individual risks.
My view is that a combination of systemic and liquidity risk measures proposed by the NYU-
Stern and Geneva Reports can considerably improve risk management practices inside
financial firms, and, just as importantly, create the basis for a constructive dialogue between
these firms and their regulator. At this stage, we need more empirical work to show that the
proposed measures can indeed be used to identify institutions that pose systemic risk before
a crisis hits.
As far as institutions are concerned, all reports also agree that Central Banks should be
explicitly in charge of what the NYU-Stern Report calls “systemic regulations” and the Geneva
Report calls “macro-prudential regulation”.
LCFIs, Moral Hazard and the Scope of Regulation. A key problem in improving LCFI
regulation is that we do not have a good definition of LCFIs. The Geneva report argues that
the best measures are leverage, maturity mismatch, and asset growth. These measures are
certainly useful, but it is difficult to argue that they differentiate systemic from individual risks:
a firm with high leverage and maturity mismatch would already be classified as individually
risky. Saunders, Smith and Walter (2009) argue that LCFIs should be identified based on
measures of size in combination with measures of complexity or interconnectedness. The
difficulty is that we do not have readily available measures of complexity and
LCFIs are particularly problematic because they are too-big-to-fail. This is in part because we
do not have the procedures to deal with their failures. Altman and Philippon (2009) “advocate
the creation of specific Bankruptcy procedures to deal with LCFIs.” Zingales (2008, 2009)
argues that we need a “new piece of legislation introducing a new form of bankruptcy for
banks, where derivative contracts are kept in place and the long-term debt is swapped into
equity.” The G30 report argues that “legislation should establish a process for managing the
resolution of failed non depository financial intuitions comparable to the process for depository
institutions.” Thus, there is broad agreement on what is needed, but, as far as I am aware,
there are few concrete proposals about how to deal with the mind-boggling complexity of the
issue. Chapter 11 was deemed too risky for the standard (if large-scale) bankruptcy of
General Motors. How far are we, then, from a procedure that we could use to deal with the
failure of financial Godzillas such as AIG or Citigroup?
Hedge funds and similar. The reports do not present a consensus on the critical issue of
what to do with the largely unregulated sector of hedge funds and private equity. Should we
impose systemic regulations to a “group of institutions” if they are interconnected and can
collectively pose systemic risks even though they appear individually small? My view is that
we should, but I would not know how to start.
Capital requirements and cyclical risk taking. The reports suggest that capital adequacy
requirements should incorporate liquidity risk, and that they should be tightened in good times
– when systemic risk is building up but has not yet been realized – and should be loosened in
bad times when banks need a breathing space to weather the crisis.
I see mostly good news on the liquidity front. The G30 Report proposes “norms for
maintaining a sizeable diversified mix of long term funding and an available cushion of highly
liquid unencumbered assets.” The NYU-Stern report argues that, in order to limit regulatory
arbitrage, “regulation should not be narrowly focused on a single ratio of bank balance-sheet,”
and should take into account “liquidity to assets ratio” (measured only through stress-time
liquidity). The Geneva report has a well-articulated proposal for regulating liquidity and
maturity mismatch (their Chapter 5 is a must-read in my opinion).
Unfortunately, I have not seen as much progress on the issue of cyclical risk taking. As
Blanchard (2008) explains, “pro-cyclical capital ratios, in which capital ratios increase either in
response to activity or to some index of systemic risk, sound like an attractive automatic
stabilizer. […] The challenge is clearly in the details of the design, the choice of an index, the
degree of pro-cyclicality.” The Geneva report argues that “macro-prudential regulation should
be countercyclical and lean against bubbles,” but does not propose an index against which
the cycle should be measured.
The Group of Thirty report is even vaguer, since it simply advocates tighter benchmarks when
“markets are exuberant and tendencies for underestimating risk are great.” This hardly
sounds like the starting point of a useful regulatory debate. The NYU-Stern report argues that
stress tests for systemic risk capital can be used to construct a-cyclical risk measures. This is
a more precise and practical idea, but it is not clear that this will be enough to create pro-
cyclical regulations.
I very much doubt that we can agree on a set of objective measures of ‘excessive’ credit
expansion (let alone bubbles). I think that the best we can expect is a powerful regulator
running systemic stress tests based partly on historical data and partly on subjective forward
looking scenarios. The critical issue in my view does not lay in the construction of an
appropriate cyclical index, but rather in making sure that the regulator is powerful enough to
enforce tighter prudential regulations based in part on subjective and debatable
interpretations of economic data. The financial industry will not like it, and it has a strong track
record of capturing its regulators, so this will not be easy.
Recapitalization during crises. This is probably the most controversial and most
interesting topic. In times of crisis, asset values decline, and banks tend to curtail lending and
liquidate assets in order to control their leverage. These actions increase systemic risk. It
would be more efficient to recapitalize the banks automatically at the first sign of crisis.
In a thought-provoking paper, Kashyap, Rajan and Stein (2008) argue that the idea of
automatic recapitalization can be applied to systemic risk. They propose a capital insurance
scheme based on systemic risk. Each bank would buy capital insurance policies that would
pay off when the overall banking sector is in bad shape. The insurer would be a pension fund
or a sovereign wealth fund that would essentially provide fully funded `banking-industry
catastrophe insurance’. Kashyap, Rajan and Stein explain that “a bank with $500 billion in
risk-weighted assets could be given the following option by regulators: it could either accept a
capital requirement that is 2% higher, meaning that the bank would have to raise $10 billion in
new equity. Or it could acquire an insurance policy that pays off $10 billion upon the
occurrence of a systemic event.”
The issue with this proposal is that it does not provide a link between a firm’s own contribution
to aggregate losses and the insurance it must get. The policy pays off $10 billion regardless
of the health of the bank at that point. The financial institution still has the incentive to lever
up, take concentrated bets, and build illiquid positions which may improve the risk/return
profile of the firm but nevertheless increase the systemic risk in the system. The crisis has
shown that this is a first order concern. Another limitation of this sort of proposal is that if the
crisis is large enough, no amount of private money will ever be enough, and the Fed is always
going to be the lender of last resort. The mere existence of a LOLR creates moral hazard
unless LOLR services are properly priced ex-ante.
The NYU-Stern report proposes solutions to these problems (Acharya, Pedersen, Philippon
and Richardson 2009). One is to make the size of the required insurance policy proportional
to the estimated systemic risk capital charge defined above in the section on systemic risk.
Another is to specify that the insurance must cover the short fall from a pre-specified target:
the bank would have to buy an insurance contract such that its equity is at least $50 billion
upon the occurrence of a systemic event. If the bank had only $30 billion, the policy would
pay off $20 billion, but if the bank had $55 billion, the policy would pay nothing. The bank
would have an incentive to limit its systemic exposure in order to decrease its insurance
The Geneva Report is sceptical: “We doubt whether additional private insurance can then
help much on occasions when market and funding liquidity vanishes; the examples of the
mono-lines and of AIG confirm our doubts.” The NYU-Stern Report argues that the scheme
could be implemented with a mixture of private capital (if only for price discovery) and public
Another important caveat is that capital insurance dominates capital requirements only to the
extent that it is expensive to keep equity on banks’ balance. This is indeed the core motivation
of Kashyap, Rajan and Stein (2008). But one can take the opposite view, in which case higher
equity ratios would be a much simpler solution. Hellwig (2008) puts it eloquently: “At this
point, the institutions concerned will protest that equity capital is expensive. I have yet to see
a convincing argument showing that this protest is referring to social costs, rather than just
the private costs to the bank manager of having to go to outside financiers and having to
explain to them what he is doing and why his activities should merit their entrusting him with
their money.”
My view is that having some insurance and, perhaps more importantly, some price discovery
for the costs of systemic risk would be invaluable. It is therefore worth implementing such a
system even if its scale is somewhat limited. I would also argue that an imperfect system is
still preferable to ad-hoc LOLR interventions that create incentives for reckless risk taking ex-
ante, and leave large liabilities for tax-payers ex-post.
SECTION 3: Conclusion
Let me offer two concluding thoughts.
1. Regarding financial regulations, the devil is in the details – and the successive failures
of TARP versions 1.0, 2.0, etc. prove this point more than ever. We have enough agreement
on the broad principles of financial regulations, and we need to get down to specifics. I would
therefore consider any future report that does not include tables, figures, numbers, equations,
and specific proposals to be useless rhetoric.
2. We need to be ready to take a tough stand on future regulations for institutions that are
This issue reminds me of the paradox of free trade. The benefits of free trade are widespread
and difficult to grasp, while its costs are concentrated and easily publicized. Public support for
free trade is therefore structurally weak. Moral hazard created by implicit guarantees is also
widespread and difficult to grasp. It shows up in spreads lowered by a few basis points here
and there, in slight distortions of comparative advantages, and in overall weaker governance.
But the costs of LCFI failures are large and concentrated. It is therefore tempting for
regulators to focus too much on bailouts, and too little on incentives. But this is clearly the
wrong policy for the long run. Incentives and accountability must be improved, even if it
means fighting a regulatory battle with the industry.
Sir Winston Churchill famously remarked that “Britain and France had to choose between war
and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war.” If in the hope of ending the crisis
quickly, we choose to bail out the banks without making their managers, shareholders and
creditors accountable, then we choose dishonour, and we will have more devastating crises.
Note: I thank Richard Baldwin and Viral Acharya for their comments on an early draft. All
errors are mine.
3.3 Implications for the financial sector
Adverse macroeconomic developments such as oil price and interest rate hikes, apart from
the direct
impact of reducing demand, may put further pressure on the debt service and loan repayment
of corporate and household sectors in the longer term. The financial strength and risk
capability of the financial sector are therefore important in ensuring that the sector will be able
withstand potential difficulties.
However, this is helped by the fact that credit risks related to asset quality of the whole
system, in particular concentration risk, have declined following enhanced credit
diversification into
different economic sectors in addition to the low, and still declining, expected probability of
default of
bank customers (Figure 10).
Having begun to move away from collateral-based lending to a risked-based approach,
banks have improved credit analysis and risk management. There is increasing use of credit
and credit rating, application of value-at-risk, sensitivity and gap analyses, and fair accounting