Soar!: A Guide To Unbridled Energy Better Health, and Enjoying The Life You Deserve!
Soar!: A Guide To Unbridled Energy Better Health, and Enjoying The Life You Deserve!
Soar!: A Guide To Unbridled Energy Better Health, and Enjoying The Life You Deserve!
A Guide To Unbridled Energy Better Health, And Enjoying The Life You Deserve!
By Melanie Thomassian
Registered Dietitian
Table of Contents
Are You Ready to Change?..................................................................... 3 Readiness to Change Quiz: How Do You Measure Up?........ 5 Who Are You Accountable to?.............................................................. 17 Are Previous Failures Hindering You?........................................ 21 Having a Positive Attitude to Change.............. 25 5 Easy Steps to Challenge a Negative Attitude........ 29 Overcoming Limiting Beliefs.................. 33 Committing to Change for 30 Days............... 38 Setting Useful Goals for Success.............. 43 Change Begins NOW!................................................................................ 50 8 Step Checklist to a New You. ................. 53 The Author and Disclaimer.................. 56
I may keep this up for a week or so, but ultimately cave in, with my exercise routine going out the window. Now I realise what my problem was, I had failed to plan properly. This is a major mistake many people make when aspiring to lifestyle changes. Think about this, you couldnt go to a foreign country without a certain amount of preparation, could you? Im sure you wouldnt dream of turning up at the airport demanding to get on a plane which you hadnt even booked. Yet, when it comes to changing habits that weve held most of our lives, we dont take time to plan beforehand, and then we wonder why it is so difcult.
1. How would you describe your attitude to change right now? Enthusiastic Half-hearted Resistant 3 2 1
2. How do you rate your chances of reaching your goals? Excellent Good Poor 3 2 1
3. Which statement best describes your thoughts about healthy eating? Im keen to start making better choices I have good intentions, but usually give up Flavour is more important than nutritional value 3 2 1
4. How do you feel about being more physically active? Good, I really enjoy exercise I dont mind either way Bad, I really hate exercising 3 2 1
5. Which of the following statements best describes you? When I decide to do something, I do it I have good intentions, but my will is sometimes weak I get disheartened easily 3 2 1
6. If overweight, what are your thoughts about losing weight? Ive been trying to exercise and eat healthier, but its hard I need to lose weight, and Im thinking about how to do it My friends and family keep telling me to lose weight, but I dont think its a big deal 3 2 1
7. How do you deal with stress in your daily life? Very well Fairly well I get easily discouraged 3 2 1
8. Think about the people closest to you. How will they react to your decision to change old habits? Enthusiastically Sceptically Negatively 3 2 1
Now add up your score and lets nd out how you did. If you score 15 or more, youre ready for lifestyle change. However, if you scored lower, its no cause for alarm. Many people rate their abilities much lower than reality, particularly in the early stages of change, when you feel unsure of your capabilities. Read the comments below relating to each of the eight questions, to help boost your condence in your readiness to change.
1. Attitude to Change
If your enthusiasm is lacking, quickly note down the benets you can expect from changing unhealthy habits. Beside this write down any obstacles can you think of some solutions to these obstacles? If you can, it will help you to begin working towards those benets you listed, rather than focusing on the negative aspects of change.
Whos to say you wont be successful as well? This book has been designed with you in mind!
5. Describing Yourself
Many people put the blame on their poor willpower when trying to implement change. However, it has to be said that willpower is only a very small part. Actually having a plan of action, with suitable goals, and encouragement from those around you, are better strategies to rely on, than a changeable willpower.
This book is designed to help you put your personal goals into action, but you must want it personally.
This would be a good time to set one or two goals for the week ahead, and assess the previous weeks successes and difculties. It doesnt necessarily need to be a face-to-face meeting. It could be a quick telephone call, email, or text message. Just choose something that works for you, and sits well with your schedule. If you do have a blog, perhaps you could hold a weekly check-in with your readers. This is a great way to get tips and advice from others who understand the difculties you face, and to encourage one another. People love to know that theyre not alone. That others, just like you, are also working hard to achieve personal goals.
Try displaying your weekly goals somewhere visible. For example, on your desk, on the refrigerator, or on the bathroom mirror, so that each time you see them youre reminded of what you want to achieve. You may be thinking, Ive tried this before, and it didnt work! But, have you considered that your thought process may have been faulty in the past? Theres no doubt about it, the mind is extremely powerful, but with the correct attitude, you can accomplish those lifestyle changes youve dreamt about.
In fact, you already have everything you need to be successful this time.
Imagine a little child trying to take its rst steps. How many times will the child fall down, get back up again, fall down, and get back up? Its countless Im sure. But, can you imagine what would happen if that child gave up after a few attempts? Thinking, Its no good, I just cant do it, why even try? Well, that would be disastrous, wouldnt it? Yet as adults, were often so quick to give up when things get tough, thinking well simply never be successful. This is what I want you to challenge.
Michael Jordan once said, Ive missed more than 9000 shots in my career. Ive lost almost 300 games. 26 times, Ive been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. Ive failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Did you get that? He said, And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan didnt let his so-called failures hinder his current progress. But rather, he allowed them to make him a stronger player, and therefore he was successful. If youve previously tried to make lifestyle changes, but have fallen away after a short time, you have already achieved something,
because each time you tried, you moved closer to actually getting what you want. Gaining more skills, knowledge and strength each time. What do you do when things dont work out according to plan? Do you quit at the rst sign of difculty? Regardless of previous difculties, in future when things dont go well for you, Id like you to view these difculties as challenges. These challenges can teach you something positive this is what will help you to succeed.
Very often when people begin a new diet they tell themselves, Dont eat cookies. Dont even think about eating those potato chips. Dont think about food. Does that sound familiar? How successful are you in not doing those things? My guess would be, not very successful. In actual fact, by always saying what you dont want, you send confusing messages to your brain, and the result is that you keep getting what you dont want.
Having a negative attitude can have a huge impact on your overall health and wellbeing. For some though, negativity has been a lifelong habit, so how do you go about changing that inner bad language?
2. Notice Negativity
This may seem a little obvious, but when you become aware of the negativity in your attitude, you become more conscious of your internal thoughts. When you do that, you can immediately challenge this behaviour.
Instead, focus on what you can change. Maybe you could put your energy into learning a new skill, starting a support group in your community, or try discussing your concerns with a friend, or health professional.
Action Point
What motivates you towards your goals? Write down 3 reasons. This will help you to remove the noise of that which is less important, and focus on what really matters.
weight gain, and just possessing the vitality to enjoy life. This is what motivates me to continue following a healthy lifestyle. Changing the habits of a lifetime can seem frightening, and almost impossible at times. When I think of difcult challenges, it reminds me of how I overcome my fear of playing piano for a large crowd of people. I have been playing the piano since I was a child. However, when someone would ask me to play for them Id tense up, alarm bells going off inside my head, and Id hear that little voice inside saying, You cant do it, youll make mistakes, and it will sound terrible.
This went on for many years, and I began to accept it as something I would never be able to change. In fact, I didnt even know how to change it. Then my husband and I moved to Australia, and the lack of a pianist at our church forced me into having to play. Yes, I was extremely nervous, and I did make some mistakes. But, do I regret taking the plunge? No way! Do you know, I actually enjoy playing now. By taking steps that forced me outside my comfort zone, Ive achieved something I didnt think I could do in a million years.
So, with each new challenge that faces me, I try to overcome it with a commitment and determination to succeed. Very often when you attempt to change old habits, limiting beliefs begin surfacing. These are the negative thoughts that say, Ill probably muck up. Im destined to be fat. Or, Im just no good. Lets say your limiting belief is, I dont know how to eat healthy. This is a learned skill, and therefore it is possible to learn new skills that will contain the solution to your current problem.
Action Point
What limiting beliefs are holding you back from achieving your goals? Write them down. This helps you to be honest with yourself, and face whatever challenges you, instead of acting like they dont exist.
Do you see how easy it could be to learn new skills that help you overcome whatever difculties you face? These are skills that will help you for the rest of your life. Isnt it worth investing a few months of your time right now to overcome your limitations?
Lets say you want to begin a new exercise program, or healthy eating plan. If youve tried it before, youll already know that getting started can be very difcult. However, once youve overcome the initial inertia, it does get easier to keep going. Often its overpowering to think about making changes, and having to stick with them every day for the rest of your life. The more you think about it as something permanent, the more you begin resisting change. So, rather than dwelling on making changes that will last a lifetime, how about making a temporary change say for 30 days?
After this time if it doesnt work you can easily go back to your old habits. Could you try it out for 30 days? Its a little bit like being offered a 30-day money back guarantee. The commitment is temporary; merely one month out of your life. And, imagine the health benets youll enjoy in that time. Essentially you could use this method in any area of your life. Learning a new skill. Keeping a tidy desk. Practising the habit of positivity. Being a better friend. Or, becoming an early riser.
Action Point
Choose one bad habit that youd like to change, and focus on it for 30 days.
If you are serious about changing old habits, its important that you allow adequate time for new habits to become rmly ingrained. This is why trying a new habit for at least 30 days is a good idea, giving you a greater chance of being successful long-term. Remember that lifestyle change is a process. It took years to get to where you are right now, and it will probably take months, maybe even years, before you nally move into a stage of maintaining new behaviors. Be patient with yourself. Its not impossible to change old habits, though. In fact, it is very possible indeed.
By committing to it for just 30 days, you will begin to nd out just what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.
This is why keeping a written record of what has been happening is extremely valuable, allowing you to appreciate your strengths, and perhaps highlighting those areas you need to work on. Setting appropriate goals is also extremely important, if you want to successfully change old habits. So, grab a pen and paper and lets make a plan of action for the weeks ahead...
You may say something like this: I want to exercise more. I will do this by walking after dinner for 30 minutes, ve times each week. I will re-assess this goal after 30 days.
Another example could be: I want to lose 1-2 pounds each week I will do this by cutting out chocolate, cookies, and soft drinks. I will reassess this goal after 30 days.
7. Plan Ahead
Are there circumstances that cause you to lapse into old habits? Maybe its a certain time of day, specic occasions, or particular foods? Write a list of these triggers in your journal how you can avoid, or overcome, high-risk situations in the future.
By simply having a plan of action you will immediately feel more condent and in control of the situation.
They may be able to help you eat healthy, overcome temptations, or possibly exercise with you. If those around you arent being supportive, ask that they try, or be open to making new friends by getting involved with local community events, or joining appropriate groups or clubs.
But, studies have shown the longer you follow a healthy plan, with daily self-monitoring, the easier it gets to stick with long-term. As your body and mind begin to accept the new healthy lifestyle, over time you should nd yourself developing strategies that keep you on track, and you will naturally begin to self-correct behaviour that isnt conducive with your new way of life. So, when things get tough, stick with it, and take encouragement from the fact that time will make things easier. Remember, your current path is creating your future for the next ve, ten, even forty years. If you continue on the path youre currently on, what will your health be like? How will you look and feel?
If youre waiting for the right time to begin changing your lifestyle, whether its to lose weight, feel tter, or give up smoking, that time is right now. Take control of your health. Commit to doing everything possible to change your future into a healthier, happier, more energetic one, from this day forward.
8 Step Checklist
1. Write a list of goals youd like to achieve 2. Choose one goal, and commit to it for 30 days. 3. Tell others about your new lifestyle change. 4. Get support from your friends, family, community groups, or online forums. 5. Commit 10 minutes each day to nding out more information about health, tness, or food. 6. Journal your progress. Keep a food diary, record your weekly weight, monitor your physical tness. You could also record any difculties, and make suggestions for overcoming these. 7. Maintain a positive attitude. 8. Make a commitment to lean from whatever challenges you face.
By carefully reading the information in this book, completing the action points, and the checklist above, you will be well on your way to getting rid of those bad habits that hold you back once and for all. Id like to sincerely thank you for reading this book. For healthy eating and lifestyle tips, you can stay in touch with Dietrifc for free by subscribing to receive my latest articles via email or RSS feeds. Please do contact me with any queries, comments, or suggestions. Best wishes as you continue on your journey to better health.
Melanie x
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