Lojong - Eight Verses of Mind Training

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Eight Verses of Mind Training


Eight Verses of Mind Training


/!7-#+0<-7+#-/;<-u$-9-*$-:-,-0 Homage to KadampaGesh Langri Thangpa

The Eight Verses of Mind Training By Geshe Langri Thangpa 2

Eight Verses of Mind Training


Translated by Tashi Jamyangling www.drigung.com

Translators note I have rendered this English transliteration to benefit young Tibetans who can speak and understand Tibetan but who do not read Tibetan very well. I also wish this translation to benefit our tenacious Western dharma brothers and sisters. All the eight verses of this text end with the word ;# (shog), which denotes aspiration. It is my understanding that the words D#--#%<9-73,-9-;# (tag tu ch par dzin par shog), for example, do not mean I will always 3

Eight Verses of Mind Training


hold.dearly. It means May I always hold.dearly. What is the difference? The former is promissory, and the latter is aspirational ^,- (mon pa).

May this English translation benefit you.

/+#-,-<0<%,-*0<-%+-: 8+-/5,-,9-/-:<T#-7
4 dag ni sem cen tham ch la/

Eight Verses of Mind Training


+,-0&#-/7-/<0--8< D#--#%<-973,-9-;#
tag tu ch par dzin par shog/ With the intention of achieving the supreme purpose May I, at all times, hold dear to my heart All sentient beings More important even than a wish-fulfilling jewel don chog drub p sam pa yee

y zhin nor bu l lhag p/

#$--<-+$7i#<-7-2 /+#-(+-,-:<+0,-/Y-5$- #5,-:-/<0--*#-8<

zhen la sam pa thag pa yee/ 5 dag ny kun l mhn ta zhing/ gang du su dang drog p tshe/

Eight Verses of Mind Training


chog tu ch par dzin par shog/ Wherever (I) associate with whomsoever May I see myself lower than all the others and With utmost sincerely from my heart Dearly hold others as supreme.

+-:0-,--9${+-: /D#-%$-(,-0$<<-0-*# /+#-#5,-0-9$<e+-<-, /1,-*/<#+$-,<-/w#9-;#

tsen thab dhong n dhog par shog/ 6 dag zhen ma rung j p na/ tag cing nyon mong ky ma thag/ ch lam kun tu rang gy la/

Eight Verses of Mind Training


May I, during all my activities, examine my mental continuum And as soon as afflictive emotions arise, Which are pernicious to self and others, Forcefully confront and revert them .

9$-/5,-$,-7<0<-%,-, Z#-Z#-l#-<-,,0*$-2 9,-&,-#)9-+$7n+--/5, C+-9-+!7-/7-# %<-73,-;#

ny par ka w ch dzin shog/ When I see beings with unwholesome nature Afflicted with grave sins and suffering Like finding precious treasures, 7 rin chen ter dang tr pa zhin/ dhig dug drag p non thong tshe/ rang zhin ngen p sem chen ni/

Eight Verses of Mind Training


that are difficult to find, May I dearly cherish them.

/+#-:-#5,-b<-n#+#-#< #;-/U9-:-<#<0-9#<-7 b$-"-9$-#<-:,-+$- {:-"-#5,-:-7/:-/9-;#

gyal kha zhen la bul war shog/ When others out of jealous of me Wrongly disparage and slander, etc. May I take upon myself the defeat and Respectfully give victory to them. gyong kha rang g len pa dang/ she kur la sog mi rig p/ dag la zhen gy trag dog gee/

gang la dag gee phen tag p/ 8

Eight Verses of Mind Training


9-/-&-/-#$-5##< ;,--0-9#<#,+-e+-,7$- /;<-#(,-+09-/P-/9-;#

sh nyen dam par ta war shog/ Even if someone that I helped And had great hope in that person Wrongfully causes harm to me May I look upon him as a sublime teacher. shin tu mi rig n j naang/ re wa che wa gang zhig gee/

0+9-,-+$<-+$-/ {+--8< .,-/+-0-F0<-,-:7/:

phen de ma nam kun la bul/ 9 dhor na ng dang gy pa yee/

Eight Verses of Mind Training


0-8-#,+-+$Z#-/W:-, #<$-/<-/+#-:-:,9-;#
sang w dag la len par shog/ In short, both directly and indirectly, May I offer benefits and happiness to all mother sentient beings And discretely receive All harm and sufferings of mother sentient beings. ma yi n dang dug ngel kun/

+-+#-,-`$-&<-/ {+-` D#-7-l-0<0-]#<-;$- &<-,--09-;<7-v<

ch kun gyu mar sh p lh/ 10 tog p dri m ma bhag shing/ de dag kun kyang ch gy kyi/

Eight Verses of Mind Training


zhen m ching wa l drol shog/ By all these (aspirations) remaining Undefiled by the eight worldly concerns, And by understanding all things as illusion May I, without clinging and attachment, be liberated from the bondage.


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