Ashton Hayes Primary School News: The Easter Journey

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teacher. Thank you Mrs Bott for all the time you have given working with the children and supporting the teachers. SCHOOL GROUNDS As I mentioned in my last letter, we are looking forward to a new play surface being installed under the new play equipment outside Classes 4 and 5; this will be done over the Easter Holidays (weather permitting). This should mean that the children can use this equipment more safely and for more times of the year. The wet and snowy weather has really taken its toll on the school fields. Please encourage the children to keep off the grass as we try and let it recover for the summer months. EASTER CELEBRATIONS Thank you to the staff who worked hard to prepare our Easter Service today it was a lovely service that gave us chance to reflect upon the message of New Life at Easter. Thanks too for the children for having a fun Easter Egg hunt. All children participated in the Hunt please send any outstanding contributions in to school if these were forgotten at the beginning of the day. As a result of the Easter Egg Hunt, the sale of cakes and the raffle for the Easter bunny, the PTFA have raised over 200 not bad considering we cancelled the event! Thank you for your support. RETURN TO SCHOOL We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on: Monday 15th April at 8.45am. As we hope it will then be summer (!), the children may start to wear their summer uniforms. Another term has quickly come to an endI cannot believe that twothirds of the year has gone already! I am really trying to persuade Spring to arrive with my daffodil banner...I fear it may not work! STAFFING CHANGES At the end of the term, we are saying goodbye to some of our members of staff. Firstly, we wish Mrs Sarah Evans the very best as she has taken the decision to spend more time with her young family. Mrs Evans finishes working in Class 4 this week after having worked in the school for over 11 years. On behalf of the staff, governors, parents and children, I would like to thank Mrs Evans for her enthusiasm and dedication to the children she has taught over the years. We welcome Miss Joanna Clegg to our teaching team as she will be teaching Class 4 for the Summer Term. Miss Clegg has previously worked in a Chester school and is excited to bring her experience to our school. Miss Sarah Roberts, our Catering Supervisor, will also be finishing working for Cheshire West and Chester Catering Services and in our school. Miss Roberts has worked hard over the past 6 months to produce very high quality food for the childrenthank you, Sarah, your delicious cooking will be missed! And finally, we say a fond farewell to Mrs Lindsay Bott who has been working as a teaching assistant in Class 2 and Class 3, supporting children in Years 1, 2 and 3. Mrs Botts contract has come to an end and she is now looking to gain experience in other schools as a


Earlier this week, the Year 5 children took part in a special service in a church in Frodsham where we went on an Easter Journey. It was a very memorable occasion for the children which I hope the children will remember and reect upon.

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