Lecture 16: Vending Machine Case Study: Software Engineering Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16: Vending Machine Case Study: Software Engineering Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16: Vending Machine Case Study: Software Engineering Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
In this lecture, we will give a complete specication of a vending machine the sort you buy cans of coke or cigarettes from. First, we need to introduce some types; the rst one will be COIN, representing all the coins that are accepted by the machine. COIN == {100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1} That is, there are coins in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, and 1 pence. We will also need a type for system messages this is parachuted in: [REPORT]
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
Next, we need a type PROD, representing all the products that the machine can sell. [PROD] We can dene the state space of the vending machine thus: VendingMachine cost : PROD IN stock : bag PROD oat : bag COIN dom stock dom cost
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
The function cost return the cost of a product in pence. For example, cost(MarsBar) = 25 cost(Penguin) = 15 The bag stock tells us how many items of each type are in stock. For example, stock = {Penguin 2} means that there are just 2 penguins in the machine. The bag oat records the coins that are currently in the machine; for example oat = {100 2, 50 8, 5 20} means that there are 2 1 coins, 8 50p coins and 20 5p coins. QUESTION: Why are stock and oat bags and not sets or sequences? The invariant dom stock dom cost says that everything in the machine (i.e. in stock) must have a cost associated with it.
Mike Wooldridge 3
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
Here are the operations we shall specify: initialising the machine; pricing goods; restocking; buying goods.
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
InitVendingMachine VendingMachine cost = {} stock = [ ] oat = [ ] So initially, the machine does not know the cost of anything, contains nothing, and has no oat.
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
Pricing Goods
This simply means changing the price of an item in stock, or pricing an item that is going to be stocked. The inputs are the item and a price. Price VendingMachine item? : PROD price? : IN cost = cost {item? price?} stock = stock oat = oat
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
The next operation to specify is that of restocking the machine with more goods. The only input is a new bag of products. The precondition dom new? dom cost is implied by the invariant of VendingMachine . Restock VendingMachine new? : bag PROD stock = stock oat = oat cost = cost (Note that new?
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
We shall now make the operation robust. The Restock operation fails when an attempt is made to add goods which are not priced. We need a schema to identify this situation. GoodsNotPriced VendingMachine new? : bag PROD rep! : REPORT (dom new? dom cost) rep! = Some goods are not priced
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
We need an operation to report success... Success rep! : REPORT rep! = Okay Now, we simply use the schema calculus to specify a robust version of the Restock operation, called RestockOp: RestockOP = (Restock Success) GoodsNotPriced
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
This schema expands to ... RestockOp VendingMachine new? : bag PROG rep! : REPORT cost = cost oat = oat (stock = stock new? rep! = Okay) ((dom new? dom cost) stock = stock rep! = Some goods are not priced)
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
The buying operation is a somewhat more complex operation ... The inputs are the chosen item and some money. We have to check that the item is in stock, and that the user has entered enough money to buy it. We may also have to gure out what change to give ...
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
We assume that a function sum : bag COIN IN is available, which takes a bag of coins and calculates how much is in the bag. For example, given a bag containing 7 2p, and 3 5p coins, sum{2 7, 5 3} = (2 7) + (5 3) = 14 + 15 = 29pence
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
The basic Buy operation is as follows: Buy VendingMachine in?, out! : bag COIN item? : PROD item? in stock sum(in?) cost(item?) out! oat sum(in?) = sum(out!) + cost(item?) stock {item? 1} = stock oat out? = oat in? cost = cost
Mike Wooldridge
Lecture 16
Software Engineering
in? represents the coins entered; out! represents the change; item? is the item dispensed to the user; the 1st condition says that the item must be in stock; the 2nd condition says that the amount of money entered must be greater than or equal to the cost of the item; the 3rd condition says that the change given must have been part of the oat; the 4th condition says that the the money entered must equal the change given plus the cost of the item; the 5th condition says that the stock before must be equal to the stock after, to which is added the dispensed item; the 6th condition says that the oat after, together with the change dispensed must equal the oat before plus the amount entered (i.e. no money disappears)
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