Bowlby, The Strange Situation, and The Developmental Niche
Bowlby, The Strange Situation, and The Developmental Niche
Bowlby, The Strange Situation, and The Developmental Niche
LeGard (2007) OU
Bowlby asserted that infants who fail to maintain proximity and thus achieve secure
attachment to the mother are predisposed to experience maladjusted development.
The purpose of this essay, however, is to argue that the manifestation of secure
attachment is a cultural process pertaining to the child’s developmental niche.
Moreover, this paper will argue that infant behaviour is shaped by the cultural
meanings pertaining to separation and reunion and, as a consequence, the so-called
standardized procedure for measuring attachment type − the Strange Situation − is not
a valid method. This essay will begin with an account of Bowlby’s attachment theory
and the Strange Situation followed by a definition of developmental niche. The
limitations of Bowlby’s claims will be established via a critical examination of
attachment theory in light of more recent socio-cultural research.
The concept of developmental niche was proposed by Super and Harkness (1982),
and refers to children’s social and physical environments; the culturally regulated
customs and child-nurturing practices; and the beliefs − or ethnotheories − of the
developed recognition memory and object permanence. That is, infants must possess
the ability to recognize attachment figures and comprehend the continued existence of
people or objects when they are out of sight.
Although the need for emotional security is, arguably, universal, the process by which
children gain secure attachment is diverse. Indeed, the sensitivity hypothesis proposes
that a mother’s sensitive responsiveness to her infant leads to secure attachment
(Ainsworth et al., 1978a). A meta-analysis by lamb et al. (1985) seems to support this
claim. Such a hypothesis, then, appears to back up Bowlby’s assertion that the child
must experience a warm and intimate relationship with the mother in order to assure
psychological well-being. Ainsworth et al.’s (1978a) longitudinal study focused on
children from the US. Research in Germany (Grossmann et al., 1985), however,
revealed that significantly more children were classified as insecure/avoidant when
compared with their North American counterparts. These findings demonstrate that
behaviour in the Strange Situation is culturally mediated. Child-rearing practices in
Germany stress the importance of early self-reliance for children. Consequently,
German parents who participated in the study exhibited a less responsive pattern of
nurturing. The sensitivity hypothesis fails to consider joint effects, such as
temperament and mothers’ social support, and, like Bowlby’s theory, is concerned
merely with dyadic relationships.
despite the mothers’ sensitivity towards them − and be classified as securely attached.
Similarly, a number of children are undisturbed by the separations and reunions in the
Strange Situation. Rather than catalogue such infants as insecure/avoidant, their
reaction may simply represent an autonomous temperament. Indeed, Singer (1993)
questions the basis on which researchers classify infants as aggressive, unstable, or
noncompliant. Such children, Singer suggests, could also be categorized as
‘independent, assertive and having their own point of view’ (ibid., p.72).
Schaffer (1996) asserts that there exists no empirical evidence for the concept of
monotropism. Indeed, in a study by Schaffer and Emerson (1964), almost one third of
infants formed attachments to more than one individual. Similarly, Andersson (1992)
revealed that Swedish children who experienced full-time day care as infants gained
enhanced social-emotional development when compared with children who were
reared at home. Infants accustomed to day care, who exhibit so-called resistant
behaviour following reunions with the caregiver, are merely responding to elements
of their internal working model. As Singer declares: ‘[N]othing “strange” has
occurred in the Strange Situation (1993, p.71). Thus, the Strange Situation proves
inadequate as a measure of attachment within Western subcultures. Indeed, the
limitations of the procedure are exemplified further when attachment within non-
Western societies is examined.
Irrespective of the society into which the infant is born, the social and physical setting
must initially be accommodated by the child. One aspect of the concept of
developmental niche is the way an infant’s environment is shaped by child-rearing
practices. Indeed, many cultures share the care of young children (Weisner and
Gallimore, 1977). The care of a Kipsigis infant, for example, is taken over by an older
child once the infant reaches four months of age (Super and Harkness, 1982). For
Kipsigis children, being reared by several caretakers is common and thus they do not
experience distress at maternal absence.
It is clear that Bowlby’s claim of monotropism can lead to what Walkerdine (1993,
p.28) calls the naturalization of childhood. That is, what is considered natural and
normal within a particular childhood niche (typically North American and European)
is not recognized as merely a cultural response to the values and circumstances of that
specific society. Indeed, prevailing Western theories of child development are simply
culturally constructed concepts.
It has been established, then, that Bowlby’s concept of infant/mother attachment is too
simplistic. Bowlby’s theory refuses to acknowledge the socio-cultural aspects of
attachment formation. Cultural traditions are the means by which humans construct
and pass on knowledge and beliefs. The ethological concept of imprinting cannot
merely be ascribed to humans. Indeed, Harlow’s findings lack validity. The sensitivity
hypothesis does not consider joint effects and is concerned only with the
infant/caregiver dyad. Certainly, infant behaviour in the Strange Situation is culturally
mediated. Thus, the procedure is ineffective as a measure of attachment within
cultures other than those for which it was designed. Single or multiple attachment
relationships are informed by the culturally relevant behaviour of the developmental
niche. The infant’s adaptations to the social setting are appropriated into their internal
working model. Adhering to Bowlby’s notion that in order to avoid disturbed
development, infants must gain secure attachment to a single caregiver is perilous.
Such a presumption can lead to the short-sighted conviction that one culture’s child-
rearing methods are faultless and not simply a cultural response to the values,
circumstances and beliefs of particular societies.
Ainsworth, M. D. S., Blehar, M. C., Waters, E. and Wahl, S. (1978a) cited in Schaffer
(1996) p.144.
Ainsworth, M. D. S., Blehar, M. C., Waters, E. and Wahl, S. (1978b) cited in Oates et
al. (2005) p.26.
Caudill, W. and Frost, L. A. (1973) cited in Super and Harkness (1982) p.38.
Ding, S. and Littleton, K. (eds) (2005) Children’s Personal and Social Development,
Oxford, Blackwell/The Open University.
Harlow, H. F. (1958) cited in Ding and Littleton (2005) p.18.
Oates, J., Lewis, C. and Lamb, M. E. ‘Parenting and Attachment’, in Ding, S. and
Littleton, K. (eds) (2005) Children’s Personal and Social Development, Oxford,
Blackwell/The Open University.
Singer, E. (1993) ‘Shared Care for Children’, in Woodhead, M., Faulkner, D. and
Littleton, K. (eds) (1998) Cultural Worlds of Early Childhood, Oxford, Routledge/The
Open university.
Tronick, E. Z., Morelli, G. A. and Winn, S. (1987) cited in Schaffer (1996) pp.136-
Weisner, T. S. and Gallimore, R. (1977) cited in Super and Harkness (1982) pp. 38-39.
Woodhead, M., Faulkner, D. and Littleton, K. (eds) (1998) Cultural Worlds of Early
Childhood, Oxford, Routledge/The Open university.