Wickline Journalorganizer

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My Name: Shari Wickline


This column should be a response or reaction to the PROCESS column. Do not write what you did here but rather how it worked and why. How did the step work for you as part of your process? Reflect, evaluate . . . think and write metacognitively in this column.

Note: Feel free to add new rows to the table below. Each row of the table will expand as you type.

Process Model: Research Cycle MODEL IL STANDARD STEP

Specific label of each step or sub-step

Use the Standards for the 21st Century. Identify

each skill by number.

What did I do? What strategies did I use? Examples: How did I narrow my topic? Develop my research question(s)? Decide which tools and resources to use? Evaluate my resources? ETC.

Questioning Planning

1.1.3 & 1.2.1 1.1.3

I developed a question by thinking about a topic of interest that I wanted to know more about. After I developed the initial question I began researching information and was able to narrow the topic even more. I began answering my question by searching the reference data bases on InfOhios (facts on File Science Online and EBSCOhost Kids Search 3-5). Sorting through the information available on the topic was difficult at first. The topic has a lot of information related to various bird species but I wanted to find information that answered my question relating to all birds. I read many articles and Essays gathering information the three articles I chose gave me the most information to best answer the final question. I used the sources on InfOhio because I knew they would be sites of authority. If continuing the steps to develop a final report I would develop a Power Point with illustrations to present my new understanding of the topic.

As I reflect about the steps I used to gather information to answer my question I realize the various approaches that could have been used. Following the model assisted in gathering my information in a more precise manner. It gave me a more focused starting point and helped me redefine my question to gather information that was only related to what I wanted to know.


1.1.4 & 1.2.2

Sorting & Sifting

1.1.4 & 1.2.5


1.1.4 & 1.1.5

Evaluating Reporting

1.1.5, 1.2.4 & 1.2.4 3.1.3

Created by Dr. Marjorie Pappas

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SYNTHESIS OF NEW KNOWLEDGE ABOUT TOPIC My question was How and why birds migrate? Why birds migrate is the same for all species. Birds migrate to be near more food sources and for nesting purposes. When migrating, the male bird usually migrates first to find a safe area and prepare a nest, prior to the arrival of the female. How they migrate is by using various involuntary responses to environmental changes and biological changes within their bodies. The responses are genetically inherited and are not necessarily learned behaviors. Six genes in the birds DNA have been identified as migrating genes. The genes are said to tell the birds when to begin altering their eating habits to accommodate a higher fat diet. The changes in behaviors help the birds sustain energy for the long periods between eating opportunities while migrating. The genes also cause fluctuations in body temperature to help alter the metabolic rate of fat usage. The birds body reacts to changes in the seasons. These reactions trigger a release of a hormone that begins to turn the excess food intake to fuel and makes them feel restless, prepping their bodies for long flights. As the birds genes tell their bodies what changes need to biologically occur to ready for migration; the physical make-up of a birds anatomy allow the bird to follow the same migratory path, year after year. There is a form of magnetite located in the palette of a birds mouth. This magnetite reacts with the magnetic stimulation it receives as the bird passes over the Earths natural magnetic fields. The small amount of magnetite in their bodies acts like an internal compass allowing the bird to feel when they are close to the poles or the equator. It creates a magnetic pull that the birds are able to sense as they pass over the various areas. The magnetic field is least intense at the equator and most intense at high latitudes and poles. This creates internal geographic landmarks for the birds to follow. SYNTHESIS OF MY EVALUATION OF THIS PROCESS STUDY EXPERIENCE The model I chose was the Research Cycle by Jamison McKenzie. The model was easy to follow and understand. The seven steps were organized in a way that made compiling the research for the process more productive. The model was sufficient for the amount of research I needed to complete. It assisted in developing a question that was more focused on a particular point, rather than to broad and general. It helped me focus on the answers I wanted to get and use only the articles that were relevant to my needs. I would use this model or similar models when conducting research activities with students as a guide to gather and synthesize information effectively. I would also begin teaching each step as a lesson to show how to utilize the steps of the model to their fullest. I focused my research using the third through fifth grade EBSCOhost data base and Fact on File Science Online. I wanted to assess how much information I could gain by using the sites geared towards a younger audience. Until I followed the steps of the Research Cycle I was unsure how to focus my efforts effectively. I kept finding information and articles about how specific birds migrate but I wanted to know how and why all migratory birds migrate. After conducting the initial research I was able to revisit what it was I wanted to know. I decided I wanted to know more about the biological influences that cause birds to migrate. Prior to the research I knew that birds migrated when it got cold and came back when it got warmer. I wanted to understand the deeper reasons this occurs. I feel that my question was answered and that I now have knowledge of the genetic reasons birds migrate. The information I have gathered has allowed me to develop new questions about my topic that will allow me to build on what I now know and create new learning opportunities for future research. Students usually become overwhelmed when researching not knowing how or where to begin. Models such as the Research Cycle help alleviate this feeling and allow the students to gain an understanding and mastery of their topic.

Brief synthesis of new knowledge on my search topic. 150-250 words

Evaluation of my experience with this process model. How did the model work for me? What did I learn from this process experience? How might I apply this new knowledge to my students? Minimum of 150 words.

Created by Dr. Marjorie Pappas

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