2011 01 09 Implementing High Value Fund Transfer Pricing Systems PDF
2011 01 09 Implementing High Value Fund Transfer Pricing Systems PDF
2011 01 09 Implementing High Value Fund Transfer Pricing Systems PDF
Robert J. Wyle, CFA Yaakov Tsaig, Ph.D
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Table of Contents
1 2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Funds Transfer Pricing Common Industry Practices .......................................................................................... 5
2.1FTP Applications .............................................................................................................................................................................................................5
1 Introduction
FTP is an internal measurement and allocation system that assigns a profit contribution to funds gathered, lent, or invested by a bank. Transfer pricing is a critical component of risk transfer, profitability measurement, capital allocation, and specifying business unit incentives, as it allocates net interest income to the various products or business units of a bank. Following the market turbulence that began in 2007, FTP has been identified as a component that enabled some banks to weather market turbulence better than others. However, like any complex internal control system, numerous challenges must be overcome. While both the theoretical and technical underpinnings of a successful FTP implementation are significant, the major hurdle remains gaining buy-in from the lines of business. Therefore, the FTP framework chosen must fairly reflect the unique characteristics of the funds as well as the institutions goals. FTP is rooted in a mark-to-market-based risk management framework. However, financial institutions are managed based on accrual income. Therefore, FTP may be thought of as the link through which a market-based financial risk management system is translated into financial incentives for large and diverse organizations. As such, the FTP concept is fraught with controversy, since it is used to benchmark performance. At times it may seem more art, perhaps even black art, than science. This paper examines how transfer pricing techniques and systems can add significant value to financial institutions. This document seeks to highlight best practices for high value FTP systems and includes FTP methodologies, the assignment of transfer rates, and FTP curve construction and adjustment. It should become clear to the reader that risk transfer is a mechanism through which a high-value treasury function can operate more as an integrated ERM strategic balance sheet management function than a back office silo. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 discusses common industry practices. Section 3 covers FTP basics. Section 4 focuses on leading practices in designing funds transfer pricing systems. Section 5 provides concluding remarks.
Measure business unit profitability separately from interest rate risk Centralize the measurement and management of interest rate risk Provide consistent product pricing guidance to business lines Set profitability targets for business units
Without the ability to measure risk-adjusted profitability, proper strategic decision-making is impaired. Undoubtedly, planned businesses function better than unplanned businesses. However, not all banking
institutions are the same and management reporting needs vary. Therefore, the FTP system selected should be consistent with the complexity of the organization and its strategic goals. While the intuitive concept behind FTP may appear simple, actually designing, implementing, managing, and interpreting results can be very difficult. Therefore, the difference between a successful FTP implementation and an unsuccessful one may be the underlying attributes of the chosen method(s).
3.2 Centralize the Measurement and Management of Interest Rate Risk (IRR):
Since transfer rates lock in a spread over the maturity of a financial instrument, all hedgable IRR is effectively transferred to the central funding center. Thus, business units should remain indifferent to changes in market rates. Risk transfer empowers the lines to focus on managing their businesses and centralizes interest rate risk within the funding center where it can best be managed.
Interest rate
Assets (Loans) 5% asset contribution 4.5% treasury contribution 3.5% liability contribution 3% Liabilities (Deposits)
Figure 1 The three primary FTP components
Interest margin
Senior Supervisors Group, Observations on Risk Management Practices during the Recent Market Turbulence, March 6, 2008, page 3.
The single-pool approach is the simplest method. It uses one rate to credit and charge liability and asset gatherers. The obvious advantage of the single-pool approach: it is easy to implement and easy to understand. However, it assumes all funds have equal importance without consideration of maturity or embedded optionality. The single-pool approach does not differentiate based upon the funds attributes, provided or used, nor upon market conditions at the time of transaction origination. Therefore, some business units, products, or customers will have an unfair advantage, while others will have an unfair disadvantage. The assigned transfer rate is derived either internally, based upon actual rates earned or paid, or alternatively, by market-derived interest rates. The multiple-pool approach classifies assets and liabilities into pools based upon criteria such as maturity, embedded optionality, seasoning, or credit. Each pools assigned transfer rate is based upon the unique pool criteria. For example, long maturity pools receive a long-term rate while shortterm pools receive a shorter term transfer rate.
With regard to transfer rate assignments, either prevailing market rates or historical market rates can be used. When using prevailing rates, all pools are transfer-priced each reporting period using the latest market data time series. Under the historical variation, each pool is transfer-priced using the yield curve prevailing at the time of origination. Once assigned, these transfer rates do not change over the life of the pool unless an event changes the funds characteristics. Multiple-pool approaches employing prevailing market rates lack the ability to measure the performance of management decisions made in the past. In contrast, using historical market rates allows for the evaluation of pricing decisions for transactions originated in prior periods. Benchmarking LOB decisions to the historical context in which those decisions were made is the preferred method. Matched-Maturity or Co-terminus Method Matched-maturity FTP is a more detailed extension of the multiple-pool, historical variation. It is generally the preferred FTP method. This approach addresses the unique characteristics of funds at the cash flow level and uses matched-maturity funds transfer pricing. Under this method, each source is assigned a unique and maturity-specific transfer rate, and the use of funds is based upon the expected cash flow stream and the prevailing level of interest rates at the time of origination. Expected cash flows are calculated from transaction level contractual features stored in the banks systems of record. Behavioral assumptions are applied based upon common practice and current experience for amortization, prepayment options, and other embedded features. Large banks generally can construct a unique marginal cost of funds curve, whereas, smaller institutions usually apply the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) curve, adjusted for term liquidity. The base transfer rate is frequently adjusted for other unique attributes such as embedded optionality, contingent liquidity costs, or basis risk. (Please see the Calculating a Funds Transfer Rate and Its Components section for a complete discussion of these concepts).
Bank of America developed this FTP approach during the dramatic interest rate volatility that began in the early 1970s, when increased market volatility made it clear that the current accounting system was no longer capable of reliably allocating profitability among business units. Despite the added complexity and relatively high implementation and maintenance costs, the advantages a matched-maturity FTP framework include:
The contribution margin of each transaction can be captured. The profitability of originating a new loan or purchasing an investment is the difference between the asset yield and the marginal cost of funds. Since matched-maturity transfer pricing assigns a corresponding transfer rate to every transaction at its marginal cost of funds, the contribution margin of individual transactions is straightforward. The profitability of the funding center can be measured. In FTP, the funding center buys funds from liability gatherers at an economic funds transfer credit and sells those funds to asset gatherers at an economic funds transfer price. By locking in a net spread using historical market data, the FTP system effectively transfers the interest rate risk from the business unit to the funding center. In addition, by using historical market time series, the system is able to benchmark the performance of past pricing decisions. Under a co-terminus FTP system, both pricing decisions and performance measurement for individual business units and transactions should be independent of one another. That is, by assuming that certain funding sources are allocated to specific LOBs or products, product pricing decisions will be unrealistic because such decisions do not take into account the full contribution to the net margin of liability gatherers. In addition, if loan pricing is reduced and origination volumes rise, the liability gatherer may not be able to fund all loans at the same price.
Assume that a commercial banking group proclaimed that money market deposits were the correct funding source for commercial loans (CRE) and based its product pricing accordingly, without considering that other units also contribute to the banks margin. At prevailing rates, the commercial banking group reasoned it could realize huge margins and could even reduce loan rates to gain additional market share. In reality though, some of the commercial groups margin belongs to the retail deposit organization. Therefore, in effect, retail subsidized the drop in commercial pricing. Furthermore, if loan volumes rise, retail may not be able to increase money market volumes at the same price. In contrast, a matchedmaturity FTP system ensures that the unique attributes of funds gathered are fairly priced based upon economic transfer prices that can be purchased or sold at any volume.
Balance Sheet
Customer Market Rate Position Position Market Rate Customer
Loan 5 Y
Deposit 2 Y
The inter-company transfers illustrated in the T accounts, Figure 3, below, shows how the funds transfer pricing system allocates revenue among the three profit centers. Since these inter-company transfers cancel out upon consolidation, the individual profit center contributions net out to the total bank interest margin. Interest rate risk is effectively transferred to Treasury since the asset and liability contribution margins are locked in.
Figure 3
The method should send correct signals and encourage managerial behavior that is aligned with the banks strategy. The method should be consistent with allocation and attribution methodologies used for other purposes (i.e. revenue, expense or capital assignment).
Equity allocated to a business unit according to a banks capital allocation formulae should receive a funds transfer charge.3 Some institutions use duration of equity as a benchmark for a matched maturity transfer rate, others use an assumed hurdle rate for the required return on capital, while others adjust the capital charge for the specific attributes of the funds.
Ernst & Young LLP, Performance Measurement for Financial Institutions: Methods for Managing Business Results, McGraw-Hill, 1995, Page 190. 3 Ernst & Young LLP, Performance Measurement for Financial Institutions: Methods for Managing Business Results, McGraw-Hill, 1995, Page 179.
Figure 4
Some institutions construct multiple funds transfer pricing curves in order to properly evaluate different types of financial instruments. For example, floating rate notes and pledgable securities may be transferpriced using different FTP curves. Many institutions assign the short-term cost of funds to floating rate notes. From a purely practical point of view, this technique can cause difficulties because five-year, three-month repricing money should be
more expensive than three-month money. One solution is to create FTP curves from the fixed rate swap curve and swap it into floating rate. Some institutions have assets and liabilities, such as collateral for secured transactions, which imply the use of multiple FTP curves. (See Other Adjustments).
A transfer prices core component is the base funding curve, or cost of funds, composed of a market reference rate adjusted by a funding liquidity spread, which reflects an institution-specific funding premium. Liquidity adjustments further include a contingent liquidity spread, which relates to the cost of maintaining a sufficient cushion of high quality liquid assets to meet sudden or unexpected obligations. Adjustments for other financial risks include a credit spread as compensation for credit risk and an option spread, which reflects premia for any embedded options in the contract. Additional components, such as a basis spread, may be included as well. Finally, business-driven commercial mark-ups are affixed to the economic transfer price to drive business policies through incentives and penalties differentiated by product and market.
amortization schedule of the principal payments. We can think of Economic FTP as the cost of debt perfectly matched to the loan profile; it does not necessarily correspond to the actual structure of debt raised by the treasury unit to fund the obligation. We now describe an economic framework that facilitates calculating an FTP and its components. We begin by considering the task of transfer-pricing a vanilla (non-prepayable), bullet payment, and floating-rate loan. The loan has maturity tM , with LIBOR used as a floating reference rate. The borrower has a default probability PD, and the expected loss in the event of default equals LGD. In this simple setup, we obtain the transfer rate by equating the expected cash flows of the loan to par, with the discount rate reflecting the cost of funds of the institution. Formally,
ref rtM
1 PD Q
stFunding M 1 PD Q
ref rtM
stFunding M
adjustment to the base funding curve at the maturity of the loan. Note, we take the expected value of the loan cash flows with respect to risk-neutral probabilities (We use the superscript Q to denote the riskneutral measure), to obtain a market-based value for the loan. This analysis facilitates an economic interpretation of the transfer rate, by decomposing the transfer rate into different components associated with the different risks embedded in the exposure. In particular, the above expression suggests that the transfer rate of this vanilla bullet loan contains three components: The floating reference rate on the loan The second term stands for the funding cost of the bank, represented as a spread above the reference rate, and scaled by the expected life of the loan. The third term is the risk-neutral expected loss on the loan due to credit risk.
While outlined in a simple setting, we can generalize the above analysis to produce transfer rates for instruments with more complex cash flow characteristics. In detail, for a defaultable vanilla loan of notional amount N, with an uncertain principal cash flow stream CFti , i 1, 2,..., M , we obtain the transfer rate by equating to par the risk-neutral expected value of future cash flows, discounted by the appropriate cost of funds. Formally,
i 1
E Q Pt CF t r FTP
i i
1 rt
stFunding i
where, as before,
rt ref stFunding
reference rate and a term liquidity premium. The transfer spread, equal to the difference between the transfer rate and the instrument rate, is the economic benefit (above the cost of funds) created by the line of business. Thus, we can interpret the transfer spread as a link between a market value-based risk management framework and incentives relative to an accrual-based accounting system.
the uncertain future state of the borrower and the economic environment. We can use different stochastic methodologies to calculate the option value; two popular approaches are tree- or lattice-based methods and Monte Carlo-based methods. In a lattice-based approach, we model relevant state variables, including the borrowers credit quality and the market rate, over time, with appropriate transition probabilities attributed to the transitions between different state combinations at each time step. Figure 6 illustrates this approach.
Figure 6
We determine the option exercise at each lattice node by comparing the value of the instrument as an ongoing concern, with the value to the borrower associated with exercising the option. In more detail, valuation within the lattice structure is conducted recursively backward in time, so that, in each period, we discount back expected cash flows from the last period (with expectation taken in the risk-neutral measure) to arrive at a continuation value at each node. This value is compared against the strike price for the option. Thus, a lattice approach produces a map denoting in which time/state combinations we exercise the option. An alternative approach, typically used in valuing mortgage prepayment options, relies upon an econometric prepayment model, where we model prepayment propensity as a function of a set of explanatory factors, capturing borrower-specific information, seasonal variation, market rates, and macroeconomic factors. We use statistical estimation techniques applied to historical prepayment data to estimate the parameters of such models. This statistical description is then used in a Monte Carlo framework, where we simulate the different prepayment factors many times, and, at each simulation scenario, the prepayment rate and associated cash flows are calculated from the state realization and discounted back to the analysis date.
In order to lock in a spread, a fair price for basis risk must be determined. Prime/LIBOR risk is the most common form of basis risk, and a common approach for pricing basis risk uses Prime/LIBOR swap quotes. For example, average mid-market price quotes for Prime/LIBOR swaps were approximately 270 275 bps below prime on 7/13/2011 (see Figure 7 below).
Figure 7
Note that the quotes above are tenor and vintage specific. Therefore, the line of business would need to compensate Treasury by Prime - 271 bps for five year money for bearing basis risk.
Financial institutions and regulators have identified FTP as a key component that facilitates pricing of these additional costs and their allocation across business activities.4 In Figure 5, we highlight two components associated with liquidity risk: The funding liquidity spread and the contingent liquidity spread. In earlier sections, we propose an economic approach that relates the funding liquidity spread to the expected cost of funds required to support the exposure to its remaining life. In this section, we focus on the contingent liquidity spread, which relates to the cost of maintaining a sufficient cushion of high quality liquid assets to meet sudden or unexpected obligations. To gain more insight into the problem of measuring the contingent liquidity associated with an exposure, consider the following stylized setting. A bank originates a credit line to a borrower, with the funds available for the duration of two periods. The borrower can draw and repay funds at will, and, in return, pays a rate on the proportion of utilized funds. The bank funds the line through short-term financing, which matures at the end of each period and rolls over at expiration. In order to guard against unexpected liquidity shocks, the bank maintains a buffer of liquid assets, which can be converted to cash at any time in order to absorb liquidity-related losses. Thus, the FTP associated with the instrument should include a contingent liquidity spread compensating the funding unit for the cost of holding the liquidity buffer. To characterize the liquidity risk the institution faces, consider possible scenarios one period after origination, at which time the bank must refinance its short-term borrowing. In the event of a systemic shock, the banks cost of funds increases, as previous examples demonstrate. At the same time, due to adverse market conditions, the borrower draws down the credit line. This drawdown forces the bank to raise more funds at unfavorable rates, potentially exacerbating losses. Thus, the size of the liquidity buffer should be determined by realizations of the banks funding cost and the borrowers line usage during extreme systemic shocks, accounting for the dependence between these two quantities. We can characterize this dependence structure and related dynamics quantitatively in an economic framework, gauging the probability of adverse outcomes and consequently estimating an economic cost of contingent liquidity. Other considerations supporting a liquidity adjustment in the FTP stem from a desire to prevent FTP manipulation. For example, pledgable assets that collateralize secured funding or public funds are relatively low-yielding assets and may have near zero or even negative transfer spreads. However, these assets generate an economic benefit, in that they facilitate cheap funding. Thus, highly liquid, low-yielding assets held for standby liquidity purposes should be credited for their benefit. Specifically, standby liquidity costs should be allocated and charged against the assets or volatile liabilities that necessitate holding standby liquidity.
In Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision states that, A bank should incorporate liquidity costs, benefits and risks in the internal pricing, performance measurement and new product approval process for all significant business activities (both on- and off-balance sheet), thereby aligning the risk-taking incentives of individual business lines with the liquidity risk exposures their activities create for the bank as a whole.
6 Conclusion
Despite the simplicity of the concept, FTP is often a highly complex and very political framework. Nevertheless, FTP remains indispensable for managing the NIM. In fact, the aftermath of the market turbulence that began in 2007 continues to redefine the importance of internal funds transfer pricing. Our experience, understanding of industry best practices, and proprietary research indicate that highvalue FTP systems tend to reflect the following principles:
All assets and liabilities must be transfer-priced. Reporting units cannot simply transfer-price net positions. A consistent approach should be applied to interest rate risk measurement, risk-adjusted performance measurement, and customer product pricing. Transfer rates should be based on cash market interest rates. Funds transfer rates should be applied to individual transactions based on each maturity, repricing, and vintage assumption; FTP assignments should last until final maturity All instruments should receive a locked-in spread for each new transaction; the rate assigned should remove basis risk. When instruments have embedded options, an option cost/credit should be included in the assigned rate. A central mismatch unit should be used to monitor and manage interest rate risk. Firms that have a broad mix of assets and liabilities sometimes use multiple FTP curves: An unsecured borrowing curve for assets that cannot be pledged as collateral and deposits. The unsecured FTP curve should be adjusted for standby liquidity and term liquidity. A secured borrowing curve for pledgable assets, i.e. agency MBS and secured borrowings, i.e. FHLB advances. The secured borrowing curve should be adjusted for term liquidity and standby liquidity costs. Best practices allow for the decomposition of the contribution margin into its constituent components, i.e. option risk, liquidity risk, (both contingent liquidity risk and funding liquidity spread), and credit risk.
Institutions are only beginning to realize the importance of FTP in the new regulatory order. It is only a matter of time until ALM evolves from its traditional interest rate risk-only focus toward one where Treasury groups act more as a hub for a much broader set of ERM-type analyses. Funds transfer pricing is one mechanism through which a truly high-value Treasury function can operate more as a strategic balance sheet management function contributing to the overall risk/return performance of the institution.
Copyright 2011 Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or its licensors and affiliates. All rights reserved.
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