Introductory Lesson For Hero/Morality Unit
Introductory Lesson For Hero/Morality Unit
Introductory Lesson For Hero/Morality Unit
W.9-10.10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. RL.9-10.3. Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. W.9-10.2.Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
During class (C) students (A) will deconstruct their definition of a hero (B) giving one examples of a hero in their life and at least four characteristics they believe make that person a hero (D). Students (A) will be able to analyze the class list of heroic attributes and develop (B) 5-6 attributes of the villains seen in the opposing positions as the hero we defined (D).
The quick write at the beginning of class will not be graded for writing abilities so ESL and struggling writers wont need to worry about perfect grammar or vocabulary/spelling so long as they attempt to complete the assignment. This lesson does not require reading skills, but instead deeper thinking skills, which will hopefully make the learning more available to struggling readers. Students who need help with note taking will be able to receive a copy of my printed notes after they attempt to take notes on their own as well. ESL students may struggle to understand some vocabulary mentioned as we define attributes of the hero or villain, for unfamiliar words I will ask the student who suggested to word to give an example and I will proved extra definitions or examples as needed. Students will be able to ask questions at any time.
Student Assessment(s)
I will collect the students two quick writes as well as ask each student to contribute to the class discussion when they feel comfortable doing so. My assessment of their learning will be done through these quick writes, participation, and the writing assignment they will be given for that night.
Instructional strategies/methods
Direct Instruction to begin with as I ask them to complete quick writes. That will in interspersed with partner time and as the class continues it will become more student led and students will be asked to challenge each others thoughts and question the terms suggested. As class continues it should fade into a more indirect instructional method.
4. Students will then share with their partners. (3 min) 5. The class will compile a list of different attributes they believe a hero possesses. Students will be prompted to challenge each others suggestions and ask for examples or definitions to convince their peers that their word belongs on the list. (13 min) 6. A sheet will be placed next to the list of heroic attributes and students will be asked to repeat this process listing opposite attributes they think belong to a villain this time. Students will turn to their partners and share their thoughts first. (3 min) 7. The class will come together and compile a list again of their thoughts. (7 min) 8. The class will receive writing prompt #1. I will read through the prompt, give them an example of a topic they could choose to do (a hero that has recently been in the news, Hercules, etc.) and answer any question they have. (8 min)
Prompt #1 Characteristics of a Hero/Heroine Write a short essay (1-2 pages) explaining what you think qualifies a person as a hero/heroine. Consider your examples used in your quick write from class and think of other examples from your own life, the news, books, movies, etc. to come up with a list of criteria for determining who is or is not a hero/heroine. Please use specific examples or stories from your life which demonstrate how characters or people you chose to discuss measure up in terms in your criteria. Some questions to think about: What personality traits or skills would be on your list? Do certain actions or behaviors make someone more heroic than someone else? How do you define the term heroic? Do heroes/heroines need to possess all of the traits to earn that label? Also consider, what makes someone a victim or villain (or in general, not a hero)? Please make your paper 12-point font, times new roman and double-spaced.