Requirement Management1242
Requirement Management1242
Requirement Management1242
needs and expectations of its customers and internal or external stakeholders.[1] Requirements management begins with the analysis and elicitation of the objectives and constraints of the organization. Requirements management further includes supporting planning for requirements, integrating requirements and the organization for working with them (attributes for requirements), as well as relationships with other information delivering against requirements, and changes for these. The traceability thus established is used in managing requirements to report back fulfillment of company and stakeholder interests, in terms of compliance, completeness, coverage and consistency. Traceabilities also support change management as part of requirements management in understanding the impacts of changes through requirements or other related elements (e.g., functional impacts through relations to functional architecture), and facilitating introducing these changes.[2] Requirements management involves communication between the project team members and stakeholders, and adjustment to requirements changes throughout the course of the project.[3] To prevent one class of requirements from overriding another, constant communication among members of the development team is critical. For example, in software development for internal applications, the business has such strong needs that it may ignore user requirements, or believe that in creating use cases, the user requirements are being taken care of. What is business requirement?
The terms Business Requirement, User Requirement, Functional Requirement and just plain Requirement are generally used interchangeably.
A requirement is dened as a condition or capability to which a system must conform. It can be any of the following: A capability needed by a customer or user to solve a problem or achieve an objective A capability that must be met or possessed by a system to satisfy a contract, standard, specication, regulation, or other formally imposed document A restriction imposed by a stakeholder.
A Functional Requirement is a requirement that will be satisfied by performing some function by the proposed solution. A Non-Functional Requirement is usually some form of constraint or restriction that limits the users ability to achieve their needs. Most Requirements that are being expressed or written are not real business requirements. They can contain other information such as system specifications, planning information, background information and generally useless information. Our job, and the job of Business Analysts and Requirements Engineers, is to make sure only Pure Business Requirements are being captured and recorded.
Purpose of Good Requirements Many executives fail to understand the purpose of writing and documenting good requirements. As a result, projects end up being late, over budget, and not delivering what the user wanted. The purpose of writing good requirements is:
To set the scope for the project To show what the stakeholders want To give stakeholders chance to say what they want To represent different viewpoints To check the design To measure progress To accept products against precise criteria
, Without good requirements, projects fail, are late, come in over budget, or produce systems that are never used. Writing Better Business Requirements, 2002
Methodologies and Approach Requirements are developed using a structure approach calledRequirements Management.
Requirements management is the process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome (product or service) should conform.
The Requirements Management Process generally consists of 4 steps. These steps are typically known as 1) Gathering; 2) Analyzing; 3) Organizing; and 4) Validating. The Gathering, Analyzing, Organizing and Validating steps are considered the Analysis part of the overall System Development Lice-Cycle (SDLC) approach to software development. There is also an ongoing managing activity which ensures that the requirements are aligned with various modules and test scripts which are being developed as part of the project. The process used for managing this alignment is known as traceability and uses aRequirements Traceability Matrix. A good Requirements Definition approach can also be used to support the Project Managementactivities of the project.
What are good Business Requirements? How are they structured? Good Requirements are written independent of the system or potential system that would be built to satisfy the need. A Good Business Requirements Structure is made up of four distinct parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. the user the result the object the qualifier
You must include all of these parts to ensure proper understanding of the requirement.
Sure, the solution or system specification may very well be to send an email, but alternatives should be identified and valuated. For example, one alternative might be to fax the customer the order confirmation. This may be the best cost effective solution for the amount of orders received through this channel. Keeping your requirement at the business level will ensure a better approach to problem solving and ensuring determining the right solution. Good Business Requirements must contain one and only one requirement. Do not create requirement statements which containMultiple Requirements. Multiple Requirement statements cause too much confusion and are hard to measure. Every effort must be made to ensure only one single need is expressed in each requirement statement.
Functional Requirement (Function) A Functional Requirement is a requirement that, when satisfied, will allow the user to perform some kind of function. For example: The customer must place an order within two minutes of registering For the most part, when people are talking about Business Requirements, they are referring to Functional Requirements which are generally referred to as requirements. Functional Requirements have the following characteristics:
uses simple language not ambiguous contains only one point specific to one type of user is qualified describes what and not how
Non-Functional Requirement
A Non-Functional Requirement is usually some form of constraint or restriction that must be considered when designing the solution. For example: The customer must be able to access their account 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For the most part when people are talking about Constraints, they are referring to Non-Functional Requirements. Non-Functional Requirements have the same following characteristics:
uses simple language not ambiguous contains only one point specific to one type of user is qualified describes what and not how
Non-Functional requirements tend to identify user constraints and system constraints. Business requirements should be kept pure and not reflect any solution thinking. A system constraint is a constraint imposed by the system and not dictated by a Business Need. Since system constraints are part of a solution, they should be documented in the System Specifications document. For example: The system must be unavailable from midnight until 1:00am for backups. This is a restriction imposed by the system and not a user request. Some people like to further classify the Non-Functional Requirments into such categories as Performance Constraints, Design Constraints, Quality Constraints, etc.. This classification can be used if there is deemed to be a benefit.
The (RTM) captures the complete user and system requirements for the system, or a portion of the system. The RTM captures all requirements and their traceability in a single document, and is a mandatory deliverable at the conclusion of the lifecycle. The RTM is used to record the relationship of the requirements to the design, development, testing and release of the software as the requirements are allocated to a specific release of the software. Changes to the requirements are also recorded and tracked in the RTM. The RTM is maintained throughout the lifecycle of the release, and is reviewed and baselined at the end of the release. It is very useful document to track Time, Change Management and Risk Management in the Software
Development. Here I am providing the sample template of Requirement Traceability Matrix, which gives detailed idea of the importance of RTM in SDLC. The RTM Template shows the Mapping between the actual Requirement and User Requirement/System Requirement. Any changes that happens after the system has been built we can trace the impact of the change on the Application through RTM Matrix. This is also the mapping between actual Requirement and Design Specification. This helps us in tracing the changes that may happen with respect to the Design Document during the Development process of the application. Here we will give specific Document unique ID, which is associated with that particular requirement to easily trace that particular document. In any case, if you want to change the Requirement in future then you can use the RTM to make the respective changes and you can easily judge how many associated test scripts will be changing. The following is the sample Template of Requirements Traceability Matrix.
The Requirements Management Process is a structured approach for the capture, organization and management of Business Requirements. These steps are commonly known as the Analysis phase of the Systems Development Life-Cycle (SDLC).
The Requirements Management Process typically consists of the following four steps:
Gathering is those activities associated with the collection of the business requirements from the various sources including document and stakeholders. Analyzing is those activities associated with the negotiation and determination of what the requirements actually mean and which stakeholders requirements take priority. It determines which requirements should be addressed in this project. Organizing is the documentation and organizing of the requirements. Normally requirements can be classified into functional and non-functional requirements. The document created is the User Requirements Document. Approving is the confirmation and signoff from the stakeholdersthat these are the requirements they want to be addressed in this project. Controlling is a valuable activity that aligns the Requirements Management activities with other Project Management activities Controlling requirements: To be able to Control Requirements you must first have a plan. Your Requirements Management plan is part of the overall Project Plan. Requirements Control includes but it not limited to: 1. Project Scope: This section explains the scope of the project and what areas will be affected during the project Activities: What are the activities being used in each of the Requirements Management steps.
Will requirements management training be supplied? What methodologies will be used? What gathering techniques will be used (workshops, interviews, documents, etc.)? Who will attend the various workshops? Who will be interviewed? What documents will be reviewed? How will the requirements be analyzed? Will models be used? Or perhaps Use Cases? What software will be used to manage the requirements? What deliverables will be produced? Who will be responsible for signing and approving the requirements document? Will a meeting or workshop be held for the approval process? How will changes or additions be handled? How will all this activity be communicated?
Resources: This section will describe what resources need to be allocated to Requirements Management. Will there be enough funding in place to support the activities described in the Activity Section? Will the right people be available at the right time? Is there a financial commitment as well as a time commitment? Do you require access to existing systems and their documentation? Do we need special space available such as meeting rooms? Etc.? 2. Schedules: How long will this activity take place? When are people available? Are there time constraints such as holidays or regulatory deadlines (e.g.January 1, 2000). When are people taking their holidays? 3. Stakeholders: Who will be affected by this project? What are their concerns or problems? What would they like to see fixed? Are they willing to participate in the various activities and what are their schedules? Control Requirements Changes Once the plan has been completed then it is used to execute the subsequent steps of the Requirements Management process . You must also control subsequent changes and how they will impact the Requirements Management activities and future SDLC phases.
How do you go about gathering requirements? So where is it that you go to get all these Business Requirements you might ask? There are several sources for Business Requirements. Key sources are listed here but are not in any particular order:
There are various techniques which can be used for gathering Requirements. Some of these techniques help engage the participants in a meaningful discussion which gets their thoughts flowing and paints a better picture for what the stakeholder is looking for.
Workshops reading documents Interviews Prototypes Market Analysis Observations The focus of the Requirements Gathering activity is to capture all the requirements. It is not to ensure that the requirements are being expressed properly nor is it to resolve which requirements takes priority over other requirements. The Analysis will take care of that. Just capture all the raw requirements you can and you will weed through them later.
Analyzing Requirements
Analyzing requirements is one of the most critical activities of the Requirements Management Process. The objective of this activity is to make sure you have well formed, well written business requirements that everyone has agreed to. Steps that should be done in the Analyzing Requirements activity are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Writing Classification Prioritization Negotiation
Writing During the Gathering Requirements activity you managed to collect a bunch of raw requirements. A good Business Requirement is defined as a true business need and must be independent of any system. It is composed of four distinct parts: 1) the user; 2) the capability; 3) the object; and 4) the qualifier. It expresses a single business need.
Classification Requirements can be classified as either functional or non-functional. Functional requirements can be further classified into subject domains such as shipping, ordering, billing, etc. Non-Functional requirements can be further classified into such categories as security, performance, availability, etc. Prioritization Analyzing Requirements should also prioritize the requirements based on some meaningful scale. A scale such as the following should be used:
Mandatory Desirable
This scale will help determine which requirements can be eliminated if it is decided to reduce functionality due to cost constraints when designing the solution. Negotiation During your Requirements Gathering activity you received many different requirements from many different stakeholders. Some of these requirements are contradictory and need to be resolved. In the Analyzing Requirements activity you must now look for ways to resolve any conflicting requirements. This requires specialnegotiation techniques. The objective of the negotiation is to determine the overriding requirements which best represents the business needs of the organization. Organize Requirements The main purpose of the Organize Requirements activity is to organize the requirements and to produce a User Requirements document. Reference Number Every Business Requirement would have now been classified into various categories. To better organize requirements we must now assign a reference number that the requirement will be assigned for the life of the project. (e.g. FR-0010, NR-0025). Requirement reference numbers will assist in aligning future development artifacts (functional designs, modules, test scripts, etc.) to the original requirements. Business Requirements Document The main purpose of this document is to facilitate the presentation and signoff of the Business Requirements that have been captured and agreed upon. The Business Requirements Document also describes the overall Business objectives and goals. Here is a sample format that could be used. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Scope Business Goals Project Constraints Functional Requirement
1. FR-0010 Functional Requirement 2. FR-0020 Functional Requirement 3. FR-xxxx 6. Non-Functional Requirement 1. NF-0010 Non-Functional Requirement 2. NF-0020 Non-Functional Requirement 3. NF-xxxx Functions Appendices 1. Models 2. Definitions
Approving Requirements The last activity in defining requirements is approving requirements. You must make sure that all the requirements are approved and documented and that these requirements define what it is the stakeholders want. The main objective of this step is to make sure that ALL the stakeholders agree on what business requirements the project is going to address and what is in scope for the project.
This process should include the following types of people: 1. Reviewers people reviewing for content and structure and providing feedback. They are your subject matter experts, the users, quality assurance, etc. 2. Approvers people who are formally agreeing to this document as the scope for the project. These are typically people who have the authority to accept this change and to allocate resources to the project. This group should include the business owner(s), senior management, project manager, etc. 3. Project Team These are the people who will accept this document as their problem definition statement. The group should include your programmers, architects, etc. This is for information only to allow them to start thinking about the project.
The actual activity of reviewing and approving the requirements needs to be planned and should contain the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine approver distribution list. Distribute Business Requirements document to distribution list. Solicit feedback and document responses. Incorporate specific responses that do not impact other stakeholders. Plan and schedule Requirements Approving Workshop. Conduct Business Requirements Approving Workshop. Address all responses received from Step 3 above.
This is one activity which cannot be overlooked or hurried through. Take your time and make sure that everyone thoroughly understands each requirement. Review each response from Step 3 above. Baseline Once all the requirements have been reviewed and signed off they must be baselined. Baselining is the first official version of the Business Requirements. Any changed to this document, after it has been baselined, will require a change request and, possibly, more resources. Managing Requirements Managing Requirements is the activity that follows the intensive work that goes into the defining requirements part of theRequirements Management Process. With approved Business Requirements in hand, we are able to proceed with the process of managing the Requirements, which involves the six key phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC): Analyze - project requirements are defined and evaluated for feasibility Design - design the specific details of the product or service Build - the first version of the product or service is produced Test - the validation of the product or service Deploy - installation and activation of the approved product or service Support - ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the product or service This manage requirements activity ensures that the requirements are aligned with various modules and the test scripts that are developed as part of the project. The end result of manage requirements is the completion of a project such as the release of a new product or the implementation of a new service.
Requirements Management Skills Six essential management skills: Analyze the problem. Understand the user needs. Define the system. Manage the scope of the system. Refine the system definition Manage the changing requirements
2. Enterprise-level Requirements Management Tools These tools are primarily targeted at large, enterprise-level implementations. They are usually very expensive but are also loaded with features for enterprises.
Mid-market Requirements Management Tools These provide a nice balance between the feature set of enterprise-level tools listed above and ease-of-use of entry-level tools listed below.
Accompa Jama
Entry-level Requirements Management Tools These tools are affordable and can be used to manage requirements in a structured fashion especially at smaller organizations. There is one caveat these are notfocused on requirements, but rather on issues/bugs.
Free, Open Source Requirements Management Tools Are you interested in using open source requirements management tool installed on your own servers? Check out the following:
aNimble For a more detailed discussion of open source tools, see Open Source Requirements Management Tools
2. Save Time: A good requirements management tool can save you a ton of time when it comes to managing your requirements, as they automate a lot of requirements management tasks like creating requirements documents. 3. Less Stress: Most PMs/BAs/Engineers whore responsible for gathering and/or tracking requirements will confess that this task is pretty stressful due to the inherently chaotic nature of the process. A good RM tool can eliminate a lot of the unnecessary stress associated with this process. 4. Workflow & Best Practices: Good requirements management software tools have built-in workflow and best practices for a lot of tasks related to requirements management. This will help you make your products and projects more successful. 5. Easy to Collaborate: A good requirements management tool will enable you to collaborate with your internal and external stakeholders efficiently & effectively. General-purpose tools are not very effective due to lack of requirements-specific collaboration capabilities.
We are a fast-growing startup company located in Silicon Valley - in Santa Clara, California (United States). Mission: To help customers build more successful products, more efficiently- by enabling them to continuously improve every part of their requirements management process.
More than 100 companies in 4 continents - ranging from Fortune-500 companies to growing startups rely on our software every single day to meet their requirements management needs. Here's a small sample of well-known companies who use Accompa to manage their requirements management processes in a powerful, efficient and repeatable fashion. Yamaha Cisco Adobe Hp Citrix Symantec Rbs(royal bank of scotland) Intel genentech They conducted an in-depth survey of companies who had been using Accompa for at least 12 months. 23 companies participated in our survey. they asked them to outline the various benefits they've gained from using Accompa to manage their
requirements, and worked with them to quantify these benefits. We aggregated this data and calculated the average Return-on-Investment (ROI). Here's what we found...
On Average, These Companies Achieved 17x ROI Here Is How They Achieved 17x ROI
On average, Accompa users spend 28% of their time on requirements. This includes gathering, tracking, collaborating on, and managing requirements - as well as creating requirements documents.
On average, the fully-loaded annual cost of an Accompa user (Annual salary + Bonus + Benefits + Overhead). This varies with geography, and is the highest in the western U.S.
Companies estimated that, on average, Accompa saved them 16% of their time spent on managing requirements - compared to their old tools such as Excel, Word or wikis.
Annual productivity gains per user from using Accompa, averaged across all 23 companies. Calculated by multiplying the three factors above.
Annual investment per user for Accompa. This is the average annual fee per user, and includes volume discounts for companies with a large number of user licenses.
Return-on-Investment (ROI) achieved by companies using Accompa, on average. Calculated using the above two factors ($4,749 divided by $278).
To be technically correct - the actual ROI is even higher than 17x - as many companies reported other benefits in addition to productivity gains. These included benefits such as eliminating missed requirements, sharing up-to-date requirements throughout the organization, making it easier for customers to input requirements, etc... But we omitted these additional benefits so that we could: a) Uniformly aggregate the results across all 23 companies, and b) Present the ROI to you in the simplified, clear format shown
above. As a result, 17x ROI is a conservative number - and only includes productivity gains.
CONCLUSION Requirements definition and management are among the most important activities in any project, and efforts in this direction can improve and accelerate ROI. It is also the first process improvement area to focus on, based on the garbage in, garbage out rule: If the requirements are not clear, any other effort may just help you produce the wrong product faster. The first step to better requirements management is to understand the simple rules that make a requirement good. Training courses and guidance can help organizations achieve this goal. Once the basic rules are in place, organizations can further increase the quality of their requirements by implementing todays best practices. These process improvement steps are greatly aided by implementing a requirements management product that not only helps projects to manage requirements more effectively, but also helps future projects benefit from past and current lessons.