SAA - Teens

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Grade: 11


Due: 7 SEPTEMBER 2012

Over many years, teenage drinking has increased not only in the world but in South Africa. At some point most teenagers experiment with alcohol and some develop serious alcohol abuse issues. Irresponsible use of alcohol can lead to binge drinking: alcohol is consumed heavily over a short period of time with the intention of becoming intoxicated. Unsafe sex: alcohol impairs judgement and teenagers are more likely to engage in unsafe sexual activities, such as, date rape or getting an STD. Impaired brain damage: drinking alcohol can affect how the brain develops as teenage brains are still developing. As alcohol is a neurotoxin it can poison the brain. Serious injury or death: young people are more likely to take risks when drinking, such as, fighting, drowning or self-harm.

In South African statistics show that 25% of teenagers drink because they are bored and a further 25% said drinking gets them high whilst 40% of teenagers drink because their sad. ( ) Peer pressure becomes intense during teenage years and they find themselves caught in social situations where they are pressured to drink alcohol for fear of being ridiculed, isolated or mocked. Thrill-seeking or rebelling may factor in teenagers drinking at an early age. Teenagers want to rebel against their parents for telling them what to do or whatever the case may be. Being a child of an alcoholic or having several alcoholic family members places a person at a greater risk for alcohol problems. Research shows that, Children of alcoholics may have subtle brain differences which could be a marker for developing later alcohol problems. ( )

Psychological: Drinking from a young age increases the likelihood of developing alcohol abuse or dependence later in life. It is not clear whether drinking from a young age actually causes alcoholism or whether it simply indicates an existing vulnerability to alcohol abuse. Early drinking and alcoholism is linked to personality trait, such as, strong tendencies to act impulsively and to seek out new experiences and sensations.( ) Emotional: Alcohol use interacts with depression and stress. Since alcohol is a depressant, heavy drinking increases the vulnerability to become depressed. Depression and stress contribute to suicide; which is the third leading cause of death among young people. Social: Teenagers use alcohol as a way to relax and escape their problems. Drinking decreases inhibitions that lead to risk-taking behaviours, such as, unsafe sex, unwanted pregnancy and STDs. Teenagers who use alcohol may withdraw from their family and have difficulty with family relationships. Physical: Teenage brains are still developing and the areas that undergo the most dramatic change are the frontal lobe and the hippocampus; associated with motivation, impulse control and addiction. Long-term drinking may lead to a range of disorders known as

Alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI). Symptoms may include learning and memory problems and difficulties with balance. Spiritual: Alcohol is used to help people relax, yet over time they need to drink more to achieve the same results whilst this can cause depression and low spirits. Ethical: Underage drinking is illegal and since alcohol decreases inhibitions; teenagers may engage in illegal behaviour.

Parents can reduce the risk of their children drinking by simply talking to them about the use of alcohol and the effects of teenage drinking. By setting an example, if parents drink they should so responsibly and never drink and drive. Schools should have educational programmes on the use and misuse of alcohol. Teenagers should know the risks before attempting to drink as alcohol is a depressant. Make sure your child knows that no matter how angry or disappointed you may be, you are always there for them and they can share their concerns with you or call if someone gets hurt. Parents should encourage teenagers to engage in activities that develop interests and skill; these activities help teenagers feel good about themselves without the use of alcohol. Hobbies, healthy relationships may keep teenagers from using alcohol.

Parents can help their child to deal with peer pressure; they can help them to say no to alcohol without losing face. E.g. I dont like the way alcohol tastes; Ill be grounded if my dad finds out Ive been drinking or I need all my brain cells for my test Carry around a cup filled with soda or water and people will assume you are drinking alcohol; there is no reason to set the record straight. If you are feeling uncomfortable get out of that party! The real reason everyone at parties want you to drink is because they are insecure; they do not want anyone sober who might notice what sloppy drunks they are being. /pages/alcohol-and-teenage

Studies show that people who start drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics. 35% of high schools kids are problem drinkers who drink at least 9 unites spirits, 1 litre wine or 2 litres of beer.(Rapport, 11.05.2008) According to research done in May 2008, 20% of 14 year old boys and nearly half of 17 year old boys drank in the previous month. Girls were a bit lower with 18% of 14 year old girls and 35% of 17 year old in the same period.(CDA) School kids who use alcohol or drugs are 3 times more involved with violent crimes. Children who have one alcoholic parent have 60% chance of becoming one. The percentage rises to 80% if both parents are alcoholics. (Lig, 04.2008) 50% of Grade 11 learners admitted that they have used alcohol in the last year. (Lig, 04.2008) 31% of school learners drink socially. (CDA,2008) 60% of Grade 8-11 learners in Cape schools that misuse alcohol had to repeat their grade.(CDA,2008)

Series 1
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Both parents alcoholic One parent alcoholic


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