Eye Robics

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BY: ISMI RAUDHA (409342021)



Title of scientific paper

: Eye-Robics :Alternative Way to Solve Eyesight Problem

1) Areas of expertise 2) Areas of science 3) Writer identity a. b. c. d. e. f. Name SID Department University Address Phone

: Science : Natural science

: ISMI RAUDHA : 409342021 : Biology : State University of Medan : Jl. Perunggu Kelurahan Kota Bangun Medan : 085262808184

Medan, May 4th 2011 Known Dean Assistant III Writer

Drs. H. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd. NIP. 196010021987031009

Ismi Raudha NIM. 409342022

Known Rector Vice III

Known Supervisor

Drs.Biner Ambarita, M.Pd. NIP.195705151984031004

Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc NIP. 196205271007032001


Approval Sheet Preface Content Summary Chapter I. Introduction 1.1. Background 1.2. Problem 1.3. Aims 1.4. Benefit Chapter II. Litteratur Search 2.1. Eye 2.2. Eyesight Process 2.3. Eyesight Problem 2.4. Eye Probelem Solving Chapter III. Method 3.1. Framework 3.2. Ideas Aplication Chapter IV. Analysis 4.1. Eye-Robics Based on Bates Methods 4.2. Development of Bates Method About Eye-Exercise 4.3. Disagreement of Scientists to Eye Exercises 4.4. Eye-Exercise claimed Succes Chapter V. Conclussion and Recommendation Refferences

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Preface Thank to Allah SWT, have to given me healthy and chance to write paper With title Eye-Robics : Alternatif Way to Solve Eyesight Problem. Nowadays, as a students in hight competition era, students should be have high creativity to support them in developing their skills as a point to be success. So, students should be creative to find out the new ways in human problems solving. During finishing process of this paper writer haves many problems. But, because of many helping, this paper able to finihed. In this chance writer thank Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc, as adviser lecture, also thank Mizanina Adlini as friends to discuss in writing this paper and to all people taht support me. Especially, thank my father Zulhendri and My Mother Arhami for giving spiritual and material support to me in finishing this paper. Writer know that this paper is needed to repair. So, Writer hope critique and advice from all to complete and repair this paper. May this paper useful for peoples to solve their eyesight problem Medan, June 4th 2011



Eyesight is very important sense of human because more than 70 percent of information on the world are received by eyesight. With normal eyes, people can see everything clearly because images produced focus on the retina. But there are peoples suffer not normal eye, where the images produced in front of or behind retina. The defects are myopi, hyperopi, and astigmatism. There are some way to solve the problem of eyes defects include using vision aids or eye surgery. But both vision aid and eye surgery have negative impact or weakness to human being. Vison aid can make irritation and eye surgery is expensive way. Eye-Robic is a alternative solution to solve eye-sight problem. It is simple and and cheap. It also improve eyesight naturally. Eye-robics is eyeexercise of eye that related to eye muscle work. Eye-Robics is based on Bates method that have said eye focus controlled by eye muscle. Methods of Eye-Robics are Reading newspapers from afar , Throw the ball to the wall, Following the flashlight beam, and Following the flashlight beam. Theory of eye-exercise produced pro-contra from scientist. Some scientist agree with Bates method but others reject it. Although not all scientists agree with bates method but many peoples are claim this method successful to solve eye-problems.


1.1.Background In living system, human have five sense organ to receive stimulus from the environment. Senses are the physiological capacities within organisms that provide inputs for perception. Sense make correlation to nervous system.

The nervous system has a specific sensory system or organ, dedicated to each sense. One of important senses is Eyesight because more than 70 percent of information on the world are received by eyesight. The organ which is responsible for eyesight is eyes. It detect light than on an object and convert into electrochemical impulses in neurons than translated into an image of object. With normal eyes, people can see everything clearly because images produced focus on the retina. But there are peoples suffer not normal eye, where the images produced in front of retina, it is called as Myopia or nearsightedness. Myopia sufferer cannot see something in longdistance clearly. In Hyperopia or farsightedness, sufferer cannot see something in shortdistance because the images produced behind the retina. To solve the problem of eyes defects, people use eyeglasses with concave lens for myopia and convex lens for hyperopia. Another aid is used to help eyesight is softlens. Beside used vision aids, some peoples use eye-surgery as option to get normal eyes. Either vision aids or surgery have negative effect. Glasses and softlens are only used to temporarily fix vision but do not cure eyesight and they are complicated to use. Using glasses in long time can make nose and ear irritation and softlens can make irritation of eyes. Eye irritation in long-time will cause blindness. To get eye surgery, much of money is needed. Nowadays, it is needed to find new alternative way to solve eyesight problem. It is should be safe and economic. So, the background of this paper writing is to introduce Eye-robics as alternative way to solve eyesight problem.

1.2.Problem 1. How to solve eyesight problems ? 2. What is the alternative way to solve eyesight problems ? 3. What is the advantage new alternative way compared with others?

1.3. Aims The aims of the paper writing are: 1) To tell the way to solve eyesight problems. 2) To Introduce Eye-robics as alternative way to solve eyesight problems. 3) To give information about the advantages of Eye-robics as alternative way.

1.4. Benefits The Benefits of this paper writing are : 1) Peoples know the way to solve eyesight problems. 2) People know about Eye-robics as alternative way to solve eyesight problems. 3) People know the advantages of Eye-robics as alternative way.


2.1. Eye a. Accessory structure of the eye The site of accessory structures of t h e e ye are as follos: eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, conjunctiva, a n d lacrimal apparatus.

Fig 2.1. Accessory structure of the eye a. Eyebrows. The eyebrows are m ade up of several rows of hair above t h e upper eyelids. The eyebrows form an arch at t h e junction of t h e upper eyelid a n d t h e forehead a n d structurally resemble t h e hairy scalp. The hairs are generally coarse a n d grow toward t h e side of t h e face. b. Eyelashes. Eyelashes are a r o w of hairs whi ch project from t h e bord er of each eyelid. Eyelashes coming from t h e upper eyelid are u sual l y l ong a n d t u r n upward; eyelashes from t h e lower eyelid are generally short a n d t u r n downward. Sebaceous glands at t h e base of eyelash hair follicles pour a lubricating fluid into t h e follicles. When these glands become infected, a s t y forms. c. Eyelids. Each eyelid consists of epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous connective tissue, fibers of oculi muscle, a tarsal plate, tarsal glands, a n d a conjunctiva.The epidermis, dermis, a n d subcutaneous connective tissue m ake up t h e skin of t h e eyelid. The tarsal plate is a thick fold of connective tissue t hat forms part of t h e inner wal l of each eyelid. The 7

tarsal plate gives form a n d support to t h e eyelids. The conjunctiva is a m u co us m embrane whi ch lines t h e inner aspect of t h e eyelids as wel l as t h e visible portion of t h e cornea (t he glossy, transparent part of t h e cornea). d. Lacrimal Apparatus. Thi s is t h e t erm used for a group of structures t hat manufacture a n d drain a w a y tears. Included are t h e lacrimal glands, t h e execratory lacrimal ducts, t h e lacrimal canals, t h e lacrimal sacs, a n d t h e nasolacrimal ducts. (1) Lacrimal gland. A lacrimal gland is located in t h e upper outer corn er of each orbit. The lacrimal glands secret lacrimal fluid t hrough small ducts into t h e space between t h e external surface of t h e eyeball a n d t h e upper eyelid. (2) Conjunctiva. The conjunctiva covers t h e inner surface of t h e eyelids a n d t h e outer surface of t h e eyeball. Lacrimal fluid keeps t h e conjunctiva transparent. Wit h t h e blink reflex, t h e lacrimal fluid washes a w a y any foreign particles t hat may be on t h e surface of t h e conjunctiva. (3) Eyelid oil glands. The free margins of t h e upper a n d lower eyelids h a v e special oil glands. The oily secretion of these glands helps prevent t h e lacrimal fluid from escaping. (4) Lacrimal fluid. Wi th t h e m ovem ent of t h e eyeball a n d t h e eyelids, t h e lacrimal fluid is gradually m oved across t h e exterior surface of t h e eyeball to t h e medialinferior corner. Here, t h e lacrimal fluid is collected into a lacrimal sac, whi ch drains into t h e nasal chamber by way of t h e nasolacrimal duct. T h u s , t h e continuous production of lacrimal fluid is conserved by being recycled within t h e body. (International Specialist Eye Centre, 2009)

Fig 2.2 Lacrimal apparatus b. Structure of the eye ball Anterior chamber the front section of the eye's interior where aqueous humor flows in and out of providing nourishment to the eye and surrounding tissues. Aqueous humor the clear watery fluid in the front of the eyeball. Blood vessels tubes (arteries and veins) that carry blood to and from the eye. Caruncle a small, red portion of the corner of the eye that contains modified sebaceous and sweat glands. Choroid the thin, blood-rich membrane that lies between the retina and the sclera; responsible for supplying blood to the retina. Ciliary body the part of the eye that produces aqueous humor. Cornea the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye.

Fig 2.3 Eye-ball structure Iris the colored part of the eye. The iris is partly responsible for regulating the amount of light permitted to enter the eye. Lens (also called crystalline lens) the transparent structure inside the eye that focuses light rays onto the retina. Lower eyelid lower, inferior, skin that covers the front of the eyeball when closed. Macula the focusing portion of the eye that allows us to see fine details clearly. Optic nerve a bundle of nerve fibers that connect the retina with the brain. The optic nerve carries signals of light, dark, and colors to the area of the brain (the visual cortex), which assembles the signals into images (i.e., our vision). Posterior chamber the back part of the eye's interior. Pupil the opening in the middle of the iris through which light passes to the back of the eye. Retina the light-sensitive nerve layer that lines the back of the eye. The retina senses light and creates impulses that are sent through the optic nerve to the brain. Sclera the white visible portion of the eyeball. The muscles that move the eyeball are attached to the sclera. Suspensory ligament of lens a series of fibers that connect the ciliary body of the eye with the lens, holding it in place. Vitreous body a clear, jelly-like substance that fills the back part of the eye. (Childrens memorial hospital, 2011)

c. Eye Muscles The muscles of the eye are a group of six muscles that control movement of the eye. Four of the muscles control the movement of the eye in the four cardinal 10

directions: up, down, left and right. The remaining two muscles control the adjustments involved in counteracting head movement; for instance this can be observed by looking into ones own eyes in a mirror whilst moving ones head. (Wikipedia, 2011) Table 2.1. Eye Muscle
Secondary function Tertiary function



Primary function

Levator palpebrae superioris

Oculomotor nerve

Elevation of the superior (upper) eyelid

Superior rectus

Oculomotor nerve




Inferior rectus

Oculomotor nerve




Lateral rectus

Abducens nerve


Medial rectus

Oculomotor nerve


Superior oblique

Trochlear nerve




Inferior oblique

Oculomotor nerve




. 2.2. Eyesight Process Vision begins when light rays are reflected off an object and enter the eyes through the cornea, the transparent outer covering of the eye. The cornea bends or refracts the rays that pass through a round hole called the pupil. The iris, or colored portion of the eye that surrounds the pupil, opens and closes (making the


pupil bigger or smaller) to regulate the amount of light passing through. The light rays then pass through the lens, which actually changes shape so it can further bend the rays and focus them on the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye that contains millions of tiny lightsensing nerve cells called rods and cones, which are named for their distinct shapes. Cones are concentrated in the center of the retina, in an area called the macula. In bright light conditions, cones provide clear, sharp central vision and detect colors and fine details. Rods are located outside the macula and extend all the way to the outer edge of the retina. They provide peripheral or side vision. Rods also allow the eyes to detect motion and help us see in dim light and at night. These cells in the retina convert the light into electrical impulses. The optic nerve sends these impulses to the brain where an image is produced. (protect your eye sight,2011)

Fig 2.4. Process of vision 2.3. Eyesight Problem Myopia Nearsightedness or myopia, occurs when light entering the eye focuses in front of the retina instead of directly on it. This is caused by a cornea that is steeper, or an eye that is longer, than a normal eye. Nearsighted people typically see well up close, but have difficulty seeing far away. (Wikipedia, 2011)


Fig 2.5. Myopia

Hyperopia Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, longsightedness or hypermetropia, is a defect of vision caused by an imperfection in the eye (often when the eyeball is too short or the lens cannot become round enough), causing difficulty focusing on near objects, and in extreme cases causing a sufferer to be unable to focus on objects at any distance. As an object moves toward the eye, the eye must increase its optical power to keep the image in focus on the retina. If the power of the cornea and lens is insufficient, as in hyperopia, the image will appear blurred. (Wikipedia, 2011)

Fig 2.6. Hyperopia


Astigmatism Astigmatism is an optical defect in which vision is blurred due to the inability of the optics of the eye to focus a point object into a sharp focused image on the retina. This may be due to an irregular or toric curvature of the cornea or lens. There are two types of astigmatism: regular and irregular. Irregular astigmatism is often caused by a corneal scar or scattering in the crystalline lens and cannot be corrected by standard spectacle lenses, but can be corrected by contact lenses. Regular astigmatism arising from either the cornea or crystalline lens can be corrected by a toric lens. (Wikipedia, 2011)

Fig 2.6. Hyperopia 2.4. Eye Problem Solving Vision Aids a. Eyeglasses Glasses also called eyeglasses (formal), spectacles, or specs (informal) are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes, normally for vision correction or eye protection.

Fig 2.7. Eyeglasses (Wikipedia, 2011)


Weakness of eyeglasses are : Make irritation of nose and ear Disturb many activity (allaboutvision.com, 2011) b. Softlens Softlens is artificial lense normally for vision correction.

Fig.2.8 Soft lens using Weakness of softlens are : Complicated in care and protection Make irritation of eye (allaboutvision, 2011) Eye Surgery Although the terms laser eye surgery and refractive surgery are commonly used as if they were interchangeable, this is not the case. Lasers may be used to treat nonrefractive conditions (e.g. to seal a retinal tear), while radial keratotomy is an example of refractive surgery without the use of a laser. Weakness of eye surgery are : Expensive Give fear for patient (Wikipedia, 2011)


CHAPTER 3 WRITING METHOD 3.1. Framework The ideas of this paper arranged into framework bellow :

Important of Eye

Eyesight problem

Eyesight problem Solving

Weakness Eyesight problem Solving before

Alternative way to Solve Eyesight Problem is Needed

Graph 3.1. Framework of Writing Paper


Explanation of Frame Work The fact of Eyesight is the most important sense for human life as the basic idea to write this paper. Normal eye is the key point of eyesight, but not all people have normal eye. How people without normal eye can enjoy their

eyesight? Known that there are some ways to solve eye problem, but every ways have negative impact. So, the alternative way to solve eyesight problem is needed. This idea is developed to find the alternative way called as Eye-robics

3.2. Ideas Application Technique of Eye-Robics : Reading newspapers from afar If the job requires you to sit in front of the computer for hours, try the following. Attach one-page paper on the wall approximately 2.5 meters away from where you usually sit. Stop your work every 10 minutes to drive to the paper this view. Try to read the writing on the paper. Then look again at your computer screen. Do this again and again, each for 30 seconds, around six times in an hour. This exercise can avoid the ambiguities that often experienced by workers at the end of the workday. Throw the ball to the wall If you frequently play tennis, table tennis, squash or racquetball, this sport makes pairing easier exercise. Stand at a distance of about 1-1.5 meters of a blank wall, facing the wall. Ask a friend stand behind you and then throwing a tennis ball against the wall. When the ball was bouncing off the walls, try catch it. This exercise can help improve hand and eye coordination you. Following the flashlight beam This fun exercise can improve your ability to follow an object with the eyes. This exercise requires a friend and two flashlights. Stand in a dark room, facing the wall. Ask your friends to be held lights to the wall and moved it to the sweeping motion to form a wave.


With the flashlight you hold, follow the circle of light while balancing a book placed on the head. This way you are forced to follow the movement of light with the eyes, without moving his head. cThis exercise trains the eyes to be focused to a target object. This also trains the brain to use both eyes together. Take a long string about 180 cm, insert into the hole three beads with different colors. Tie one end of the string to the wall with a height parallel to the eye, while the other end youll hold in front of the nose. Slide one bead to the end of the wall, place a second bead at a distance of about 120 cm from the nose, while the third at a distance of approximately 40 cm from the nose. Point your view to the beads of the most distant. Youll see the shadow of two threads forming a V with the beads as the center. Move your gaze to the beads in the middle. Note the letter X formed by the shadow of yarn with the beads as the center. Then move your gaze back to the bead closest, and watch the letter X is similar. Move your eyes from the beads to the other sate quickly, and do not forget to consider the letter V or X is formed. When your eyes work as a team, you always have to see two shadows crossing each other thread when you focus to one of the beads. If your eyes do not work together, you will see patterns of different or just a yarn. (Healthy living guide, 2010)



4.1. Eye-Robics Based on Bates Method The way to solve eye problem naturally than we called as eye-robics is based on Bates methods. The Bates method is an alternative therapy aimed at improving eyesight. Eye-care physician William Horatio Bates, M.D., (1860 1931) attributed nearly all sight problems to habitual strain of the eyes, and felt that glasses were harmful and never necessary. Bates self-published abook as well as a magazine (and earlier collaborated with Bernarr MacFadden on a

correspondence course) detailing his approach to helping people relax such "strain", and thus, he claimed, improve their sight. His techniques centered around visualization and movement. He placed particular emphasis on

imagining black letters and marks, and the movement of such. He also felt that exposing the eyes to sunlight would help alleviate the "strain" Underlying concept about eye-exercises by Bates is about accommodation of eye. Accommodation is the process by which the eye increases optical power to maintain focus on the retina while shifting its gaze to a closer point. Bates model of accomodation said the muscles surrounding the eyeballcontrolling its focus. In addition to their known function of turning the eye, Bates maintained, they also affect its shape. elongating the eyeball to focus at the near-point or shortening it to focus at a distance. Bates believed that refractive errors conditions are caused by tension of the muscles surrounding the eyeball, which he believed prevents the eyeball from sufficiently changing shape (per his explanation of accommodation) when gaze is shifted nearer or farther. Bates characterized this supposed muscular tension as the consequence of a "mental strain" to see, the relief of which he claimed would instantly improve sight. He also linked disturbances in the circulation of blood, which he said is "very largely influenced by thought", not only to refractive errors but also to double vision, crossed-eye, lazy eye, and to more serious eye conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma.


4.2. Development of Bates Method About Eye Exercise After Bates died in 1931, his methods of treatment were continued by his widow Emily and other associates, some of whom incorporated exercises and dietary recommendations. Most subsequent proponents did not stand by Bates' explanation of how the eye focuses mechanically, but nonetheless maintained that relieving a habitual "strain" was the key to improving sight Margaret Darst Corbett Margaret Darst Corbett first met Dr. Bates when she consulted him about her husbands eyesight. She became his pupil, and eventually taught his method at her School of Eye Education in Los Angeles. She was of the stated belief that "the optic nerve is really part of the brain, and vision is nine-tenths mental and onetenth only physical." In late 1940, Corbett and her assistant were charged with violations of the Medical Practice Act of California for treating eyes without a licence. At the trial, many of her students testified on her behalf, describing in detail how she had enabled them to discard their glasses. One witness testified that he had been almost blind from cataracts, but that, after working with Corbett, his vision had improved to such an extent that for the first time he could read for eight hours at a stretch without glasses. Corbett explained in court that she was practicing neither optometry nor ophthalmology and represented herself not as a doctor but only as an instructor of eye training. Describing her method she said "We turn vision on by teaching the eyes to shift. We want the sense of motion to relieve staring, to end the fixed look. We use light to relax the eyes and to accustom them to the sun." The trial attracted widespread interest, as did the not guilty verdict. The case spurred a bill in the Californian State Legislature which would have then made such vision education illegal without an optometric or medical licence. After a lively campaign in the media, the bill was rejected. The case of Huxley Perhaps the most famous proponent of the Bates method was the British writer Aldous Huxley. At the age of sixteen Huxley had an attack of keratitis, which, after an 18-month period of near-blindness, left him with one eye just capable of light perception and the other with an unaided Snellen fraction of 10/200. This was mainly due to opacities in both corneas, complicated by hyperopia and astigmatism. He was able to read only if he wore thick glasses


and dilated his better pupil withatropine, to allow that eye to see around an opacity in the center of the cornea. In 1939, at the age of 45 and with eyesight which continued to deteriorate, he happened to hear of the Bates method and sought the help of Margaret Corbett, who gave him regular lessons. Three years later he wrote The Art of Seeing, in which he related: "Within a couple of months I was reading without spectacles and, what was better still, without strain and fatigue... At the present time, my vision, though very far from normal, is about twice as good as it used to be when I wore spectacles".Describing the process, Huxley wrote that "Vision is not won by making an effort to get it: it comes to those who have learned to put their minds and eyes into a state of alert passivity, of dynamic relaxation." He expressed indifference regarding the veracity of Bates' explanation of how the eye focuses, stating that "my concern is not with the anatomical mechanism of accommodation, but with the art of seeing" His case generated wide publicity as well as scrutiny. Ophthalmologist Walter B. Lancaster, for example, suggested in 1944 that Huxley had "learned how to use what he has to better advantage" by training the "cerebral part of seeing", rather than actually improving the quality of the image on the retina. Lancaster faulted ophthalmologists in general for neglecting the role of the brain in the process of seeing, "leaving to irregular, half-trained workers the cultivation of that field". In 1952, ten years after writing The Art of Seeing, Huxley spoke at a Hollywood banquet, wearing no glasses and, according to Bennett Cerf, apparently reading his paper from the lectern without difficulty. In Cerf's words: Then suddenly he falteredand the disturbing truth became obvious. He wasn't reading his address at all. He had learned it by heart. To refresh his memory he brought the paper closer and closer to his eyes. When it was only an inch or so away he still couldn't read it, and had to fish for a magnifying glass in his pocket to make the typing visible to him. It was an agonizing moment. In response to this, Huxley wrote "I often do use magnifying glasses where conditions of light are bad, and have never claimed to be able to read except under very good conditions. This underscored that he had not regained anything close to normal vision, and in fact never claimed that he had Modern variants "Natural vision correction" or "natural vision improvement" continues to be marketed by practitioners offering individual instruction, many of who have no


medical or optometric credentials. Most base their approach in the Bates method, though some also integrate vision therapy techniques. There are also many selfhelp books and programs, which have not been subjected to randomized controlled trials, aimed at improving eyesight naturally. Purveyors of such approaches argue that they lack the funds to formally test them. The heavily advertised "See Clearly Method" (of which sales were halted by a court order in November 2006, in response to what were found to be dishonest marketing practices) included "palming" and "light therapy", both adapted from Bates.The creators of the program, however, emphasized that they did not endorse Bates' approach overall. In his 1992 book The Bates Method, A Complete Guide to Improving Eyesight Naturally, "Bates method teacher" Peter Mansfield was very critical of eye care professionals for prescribing corrective lenses. He recommended most of Bates' techniques to improve vision, but omitted sungazing. The book included accounts of twelve instances of eyesight improving, but did not report any measurements of refractive error. Czech native John Slavicek claims to have created an "eye cure" that improves eyesight in three days, borrowing from ancient yogic eye exercises, visualizations from the Seth Material, and the Bates method. Although he has testimonials from his neighbor and others, several of his students indicate that he has greatly exaggerated their cases. Slavicek's self-published manual, Yoga for the Eyes, was rejected by an ophthalmologist who evaluated it, and evinced no interest from the World Health Organization and St. Erik's Eye Foundation in Sweden as he had not conducted double-blindtests. 4.3. Disagreement of Scientists to Eye-Exercises Bates idea about accommodation is different to some scientists idea. Some scientists explain accommodation as action of the ciliary muscle, a

muscle within the eye, which adjusts the curvature of the eye's crystalline lens. This explanation is based in the observed effect of atropine temporarily preventing accommodation when applied to the ciliary muscle, as well as images reflected on the crystalline lens becoming smaller as the eye shifts focus to a closer point, indicating a change in the lens' shape. But Bates rejected this explanation, and in his 1920 book presented photographs which he said showed


that the image remained the same size even as the eye shifted focus, concluding from this that the lens was not a factor in accommodation.

Ophthalmologist Richard E. Bensinger stated "When we put drops in the eye to dilate the pupil, they paralyze the focusing muscles. The evidence of the anatomical fallacy is that you can't focus, but your eye can move up and down, left and right. The notion that external muscles affect focusing is totally wrong." Science author John Grant writes that many animals, such as fishes, accommodate by elongation of the eyeball, "it's just that humans aren't one of those animals.

Laboratory tests have shown that the eyeball is far too rigid to spontaneously change shape to a degree which would be necessary to accomplish what Bates described. Exceedingly small changes in axial length of the eyeball (18.619.2 micrometres) are caused by the action of the ciliary muscle during accommodation. However, these changes are far too small to account for the necessary changes in focus, producing changes of only -0.036 dioptres.

4.4. Eye-Exercise Claimed Success As evidence for the effectiveness of the Bates method, proponents point to the many accounts of people allegedly having improved their eyesight by applying it. While these anecdotes may be told and passed on in good faith, several potential explanations exist for the phenomena reported other than a genuine reversal of a refractive error due to the techniques practiced:

Some cases of nearsightedness are recognized as due to a transient spasm of the ciliary muscle, rather than a misshapen eyeball. These are classed as pseudomyopia, of which spontaneous reversal may account for some reports of improvement.

Research has confirmed that when nearsighted subjects remove corrective lenses, over time there is a limited improvement (termed adaptation") in their unaided visual resolution, though autorefraction indicates no corresponding change in refractive

their "blur even error.

This is believed to occur due to adjustments made in the visual system One who has been practicing Bates' techniques and notices such improvement may


not realize that simply leaving the glasses off would have had the same effect, which may be especially pronounced if the prescription was too strong to begin with.

Visual acuity is affected by the size of the pupil. When it constricts (such as in response to an increase in light), the quality of focus will improve significantly, at the cost of a reduced ability to see in dim light. This is known as the "pinhole effect". Some eye defects may naturally change for the better with age or in cycles (ophthalmologist Stewart Duke-Elder suggested that this is what happened with Aldous Huxley). A cataract when first setting in sometimes results in much improved eyesight for a short time. One who happens to have been practicing the Bates method will likely credit it for any improvement experienced regardless of the actual cause. Some studies have suggested that a learned ability to interpret blurred images may account for perceived improvements in eyesight. Ophthalmologist Walter B. Lancaster had this to say: "Since seeing is only partly a matter of the image on the retina and the sensation it produces, but is in still larger part a matter of the cerebral processes of synthesis, in which memories play a principal role, it follows that by repetition, by practice, by exercises, one builds up a substratum of memories useful for the interpretation of sensations and facilitates the syntheses which are the major part of seeing."

From the peoples post in a web (eyeexercisestoimprovevision.com), they have success in eye-exercise to improve their eyesight. 1. Carol Walker from Nevada had some great success. She had been doing eye exercises for about 30 days, and when she had an eye exam at the end of those 30 days, her eye doctor couldnt believe it. He said that he never saw anything like it (except for with those who underwent the dangerous laser eye surgery). Carols eye doctor thought it was so fascinating that he decided to start doing eye exercises to improve vision as well! 2. Tony Brawnovic from Costa Rica was thrilled when he found out he could improve his vision naturally. He started doing eye exercises, and within 2 months, he went from 20/30 in each eye to a perfect 20/20 vision in each eye what an improvement! 3. John Brown from Kansas has had glasses since he was just a little boy. Then some of his friends told him about how simple eye exercises can improve your


vision. He was skeptical at first, but he decided to try it for himself to see if it would work. Indeed, just 3 short weeks later, his eyesight had improved dramatically.



Eye-Robics is alternative way to solve eye problem. It is about Bates method where the eye problem can be solved by eye-exercise such as palming, visualization, movements, sunning and etc. Bates method is based on his idea about accommodation. Accommodation cause of the muscles surrounding the eyeball controlling its focus. In addition to their known function of turning the eye, Bates maintained, they also affect its shape. elongating the eyeball to focus at the near-point or shortening it to focus at a distance. Bates believed that refractive errors conditions are caused by tension of the muscles surrounding the eyeball, which he believed prevents the eyeball from sufficiently changing shape (per his explanation of accommodation) when gaze is shifted nearer or farther. Bates characterized this supposed muscular tension as the consequence of a "mental strain" to see, the relief of which he claimed would instantly improve sight. Then bates methods continued by some scientist such as Margaret Darst Corbett, Huxley, and some modern scientist. But Bates method of eye-exercise rejected by others scientist that say accommodation as action of the ciliary muscle, a muscle within the eye, which adjusts the curvature of the eye's crystalline lens. Although not all scientist agree with Eye-Exercise methods, this method have claimed successful by many peoples. In this paper I would like to recommend eye-problem sufferer to use eyerobics or eye-exercises as alternative method to solve your eye problem and improve your eyesight naturally and this is needed to make a research about eyerobic to prove Bates method.


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