Universal Codes For Cell Phones and Advanced Tricks
Universal Codes For Cell Phones and Advanced Tricks
Universal Codes For Cell Phones and Advanced Tricks
Description :
(1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
(2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( F avourite )
(3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
(5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( Favourite )
(7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )
(Cool #pw+1234567890+ 1# Provider Lock Status. (use the * button to obtain the p,w
and + symbols).
(9) #pw+1234567890+ 2# Network Lock Status. (use the * button to obtain the p,w and + symbols).
(10) #pw+1234567890+ 3# Country Lock Status. (use the * button to obtain the p,w
and + symbols).
(11) #pw+1234567890+ 4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the * button to obtain the p,w
and + symbols).
(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.
(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that All Calls are diverted to
(17) *#43# Allows you to check the Call Waiting status of your phone.
(1Cool *#61# Allows you to check the number that On No Reply calls are diverted to.
(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that Divert If Unreachable (no service) calls
(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that On Busy Calls are diverted to.
(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature SIM Clock Stop Allowed, it means you will get the best standby time possible.
Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. ( Favourite )
(29) **21*number# Turn on All Calls diverting to the phone number entered.
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
NOKIA 3110:
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
NOKIA 3330:
Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.
*#746025625# This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage
Manufacturer Info
This will put your phone into programming mode, and youll be presented with the programming menu.2) Select NAM1
3) Select PSID/RSID
4) Select P/RSID 1
Note: Enter your System ID for Cantel, which is 16401 or 16423. If you dont know yours,
10) Select Operator Code (SOC) and set it to 2050 11) Select Country Code and set it to 302 for Canada, and 310 for the US.
To check the ISDN number on your Nokia use this code *#92772689#
Ericson T65
Ericsson T20
Ericsson T20
[type] >*<<*<Displays>*<<**<Network>*<<*<menu>*<<**< menu Personal Info Network and Subnetwork : NCK and NSCK
Ericsson T18s/T10/A1018s:
It will be displayed TEXT then push YES <and> are the right and left menus keys
Options :
1) service Info
info Software
2) Service Test
1) Network
2) Subnetwork
3) SP
Siemens C25
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: put off sim card and enter: : * # 0 6 # and press LONG KEY
Dafault Language: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Net Monitor: * # 3 2 6 2 2 5 5 * 8 3 7 8 #
.::Alcatel ::.:
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 6 #
Net Monitor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 *
Samsung SGH600/2100DB :
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Net Monitor: * # 0 3 2 4 #
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 9 9 9 9 #
Enable vibration with # then increase volume with tone menu Panasonic gd70:
Acer V 750:
Genie DB:
*#06# IMEI.
*#06# IMEI
!!!*#3377# SIM lock information !!! *#7378# SIM card Informations : supported phase name and tipe
NEC db2000 :
IMEI *#06#
[password] [8 digits]
Net Lock
[password] [ 8 digits]
Net Lock 2:
[password] [8 digits]
Unlock subnetwork
[password] [n 8 cifre]
Telit GM 810
Now if you push OK the phone displays battery s voltage and temperature
Sagem MC959/940 :
Sagem MC920:
BATTERY (voltage )
BLACK (all icons and carachters displayed ) FOR PHOTO (welcome message and time )
Vers. SW :
!!! Sim Lock [10 digits code ] ( it could harm your phone )
Push * and type 4329 :enables/disables network monitor 1 (the same of MT35)
TPush * and type 547 : Test serial Data Cable DISPLAYS :Testmode Push * and type 362628: ISMI BLOCK (UNKNOWN)
Push * and type 5806: Production date and SW version .:: Motorola ::.
Motorola V3688:
IMEI *#06#
From your telephone you can send an email to whichever E-mail customer of the Internet network.
The e-mail will be sent to the maximum of within an hour from the reception.
The sended message will contain in luminosity the telephone number of the sender.
In order for sending e-mail, send an SMS with this syntax (always separated by spaces):
And then send this message to the folloving number: +39 338 8641732 Free SMS Center numbers
From your telephone you can send SMS messages of 160 char. max. to another GSM phone
Your message will be sent through an SMS Center (usually the one that gave your provider)
You pay a little fee depending of your provider, BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY something
In order for sending SMS without paying anything, you got to change your SMS Center number with these one
To check the phones software (firmware revision information) type: *#0000# ( or for some phones outher then Nokia 61XX you can try *#model nummber# ex. for 8110 *#8110#)
V 3.14
V 3.14 28/11/97
V4.33 11/03/98
V 4.73 22/04/98
V 5.24 14/9/98
Think about this: If you do these tricks the new menus can not be erased after the procedure. But its not dangerous or harmful for your phone
To enable the headset-function, you have to short-circuit the 3 and 4. After a short time there is Headset on the display Now, menu 3-6 is now enabled!
To enable the carkit-function you have to short-circuit the 4 and 5. After a short time, Car is shown on the display and the menu 3-7 is enabled!! This Trick is for you how want to hear more then your supposed to !
If you short-circuit the left and the right contact with the middle contact (3, 6 and 9) the Nokia Software hangs! The profile Headset will be activated. Before you do this, just active the auto call receive function in the headphone profile and set the ringing volume to mute Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Place the phone somewhere stratidic and call your phone! The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are talking about! ..gr8
The first screen gives you the serial and IMEI number.
Note: you must turn off the phone to exit after this test, because of the last function, transfer user data which doesnt work as standard .You can use this mode only to transfer all Calender, Profile and Callers Group Information to another phone (eg. if you are replacing phone or configuring phones for use within your company or when a particular phone doesnt works correctly
*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate Makes calls sound better, but decreases the battery life by about 5%.
*4720# to activate Half Rate Mode Drops call quality, but increases battery life by about 30%.