Comm130 Portfolio
Comm130 Portfolio
Comm130 Portfolio
Amber Montgomery
Amber Montgomery
Personal Information
Logos Letter Head Business Card Imaging Montage Brocure Webpage Event Add Flyer
Table of Contence
Date: Febuay 23 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: Ilistrator Objectives: Create a variety of logos to fit a company or personal image. Use the basic tools of Illustrator. Discription: This process was really hard for me. I worked with a friend and a tutor for several hours before I had anything that I felt in anyway comfortable with. I first started with sketches. I probably had about a dozen sketches I was pretty happy with. That was great until I had to bring my sketches to illustrator. I didnt even know how to put text on my document. So after I figured out a few basic principles of illustrator, I made the first logo. I really wanted the overlapping images, but I had a hard time finding a font that was skinny enough to make that happen. I finally decided that I was going to need a few different colors to make the individual letters stand out. So I added colors to the A and the M, then added an circle around the letters, and thickened the stroke. The I actually made the bottom one. I found the D and messed with it by stretching it and stuff until I was happy with it, and then I just made the A out of shapes. I had to go through with the pen tool to make the A flat on the top and bottom. Then, I made the middle logo. I took a picture I had of a skyline, and I traced it with the pen tool. As soon as I was done I remembered that I could have done the whole pathfinder thing. Then I took my name and put it at the bottom on the image in white. I like this one, except in the other two, you can read the letters a lot better, so its kind of a sacrifice I had to make I guess.
Date: March 2 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: InDesign, Illistrator Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Discription: The company I chose to represent was really just me, for personal use. I like to think that I am a pretty classic person, so I decided to keep my logo and layout pretty simple. I wanted it to look clean, and put together. I think I accomplished this for the most part. he dletterhead. I took the elements from the business card and stretched out the black rule across the top of the whole page. Then, I took the interlocking circles, and enlarged them, and thickened the stroke, and reduced the transparency to 3%
Letter Head
Date: March 2 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: InDesign, Illistrator Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign. Discription: The first thing I did to made my business card. I took the circle tool and made the two interloping circles, and played around until I liked the placement of my name, which I had put inside a text box. Then I added a dark black rule to the bottom of the design. I typed my contact info into a text box, and placed that in the bottom right corner, in contrast to the logo in the top left corner. After I had made the business card, it was pretty easy to make.
Business Card
Date:Febuary 9 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: Photoshop Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it. Size and crop the image. Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image. Desaturate the selected portion of the image. Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image. Discription: I was pretty impressed with the image I was able to take, on just my cell phone and things laying around my house. I even managed to blur the background of the image a little bit. After I took my picture and got it onto the computer, I opened up Photoshop, and played around with the selection tools, and the feathering options until I felt like I had a pretty good selection of my dinosaur. Then I continued to desiderate the background of the image, leaving the dino in color. Then I chose a water color filter to really demonstrate that the background was blurred, and the dino was the focus of the picture. Want to Learn: I wan to better learn how to apply Boca to my images before I get them into Photoshop.
Date:Febuary 16 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: Photoshop Objectives: Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography. Discription: The first thing I did was go on a hunt for images to use. I started with a beach scene idea, but ended up hating it, so I thought to myself, what is something that I think is beautiful, that everyone else might not be super familiar with. Im from Seattle, and I think that the Seattle skyline is beautiful, and its not something that everyone is super familiar with. After I found a picture I really liked, I went looking for quotes on Pinterest. I found one from Vincent van Gough I had never heard before, that I thought I would be able to incorporate. So I decided to go looking for a black, and white picture of a couple or something, and I found this picture of the holding hands, and really liked it, and decided to use it. It fit perfectly, so I started blending it. Then I took my quote, and played with it for a while, until I found a font combination, and placement I was happy with. Lastly, I saved it.
Date:March 30 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: PhotoShop, InDesign Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original company logo and use it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images. Discription: I made two pages to create my brochure on, and I measured a copy I had sketched to decide how much space I needed on the two pages. Then I went onto the Internet and found images that I thought would work well for my project. I had to take the picture of the face for the inside, and the picture of toothbrush, and remove the background. I also blurred the background of the face with layers and the brush tool. After the images were ready, I placed them on the page, and played with the placement until I liked it. Then I inserted the text I had previously written, and wrapped the second Colum around the face of the woman on the inside of the brochure. The last thing I did was take my logo that I had made previously, and I put it on the back to show that I had made it. I used white on the inside of the brochure to make a clean feel. I used a light blue/grey on the inside to compliment the logo on the cover, and to contrast with the tooth brush on side.
Date: March 16 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: Text Wrangler,, PhotoShop Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS. Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file. Discription: I used text wrangler to make all of this. I used an old logo I had made, and then I used photo shop to figure out the color for the background. To find the hexcode for the dark purple color I used kuler.adobe. com. I really loved that website, because I didnt even know where to go to find a color to help my page pop a little bit. I really struggled with this project. The first thing that caught me up with getting the CSS to link to the HTML. I got help in class with that. I found out that I had named my CSS document incorrectly, so it didnt want to link. My next issue was that I didnt know how to change fonts or colors or anything. So, I went to the tutor, and he helped me out SO much! He showed me how to figure out where different things were in the HTML and CSS document and how to fix them. He told me that sanserifs were best for web use, so then we went to the web safe text website and found a set of fonts that I liked, and we used them. Then I had to take the screen shot, which was actually kind of hard, because my margins didnt want to work, but I did it and its done, and I actually feel like Ive learned a lot from this weeks project!!!
Date: Febuary 2 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: Word Objectives: Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word. Discription: The first thing I did was scan in the image of the pickle jar from this months Ensign. I threw it on the far right of the page, and put the important event information hard alined on the left. At this point it was portrait. Then we had review day in class, and I decided to flip it to landscape, and reduce the size of the body copy. I think it looks a lot nicer this way.
Event Add
All of the money raised will be donated to the Young Womens camp fund!
Date: January 26 2013 Visual Media Section 1 Brother Lybbert Programs Used: InDesign and PhotoShop Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Retrieve image and logo from links on this page. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact. Description: The first thing I did was make the left had bar that had the date in it. I wanted to feature something that not everyone else might be featuring, so I chose the date. Then I worked with the title, choosing to showcase the word Leadership. I chose to keep the design clean and different by pulling one of the hats out of the picture we were provided, and I put it up next to the bar with the date. Last, I took the information, chose to high light some of it, and I moved it around, until I felt comfortable with where the paragraphs and titles were placed.
8 am-5 pm