Article by Chaya Bracha-18mar - 1
Article by Chaya Bracha-18mar - 1
Article by Chaya Bracha-18mar - 1
In Preparation for the 3rd most Auspicious Birkat HaChama, 8
APRIL 2009
Forty days before the holiday a Jew is to begin to learn the laws
and prepare for the holiday. Pesach is –of course THE holiday that
needs early preparations. One of the most important preparations
is to make sure every Jew has what they need to celebrate the
holiday especially wine and (preferably hand made Shmura)
This year we will be able to participate in a once in 28 year
celebration. There is a special blessing thanking G-d who created
the acts of creation said once in every 28 years on a certain day
(see below) upon seeing the rising sun and can still be said until
the 3rd hour after sun-rise.
A-the question.
There is an argument in the Talmud -- Rabbi Yehoshua says the
world was created in Nisan (the month in which Passover occurs)
because the Torah says that Nisan is the head of the months.
Rabbi Eliezer says the world was created in Tishrei and thatis why
we refer to Rosh Hashanah (which is in Tishrei) in our prayers as
“The beginning of YOUR deeds”. In practicality, we posit Tishrei to
be the start of the year while Nisan is the first of all months and
B-the resolution.
Rosh Hashanah, which falls on the first day of Tishrei, is the
judgment of the world. Mankind is the only creation that can
improve or destroy the world. Therefore the Day of Judgment is
the day man began to act in the world - i.e. the beginning of
actual creation. In Nisan the world was conceived in its
3. Our holy sages enacted the saying of this blessing once in 28
years in the month of Nisan whereas we really should say our
thanks for creating the sun every day. If we said the blessing
every day we might mistakenly thank the sun and not its creator,
but if we all gather together, in great numbers, once in every 28 ,
in the time when we concentrate how G-d in all His infinite
kindness conceived this world and how to lovingly sustain it
through one of G-d`s creations we will certainly be thanking the
One and only Creator blessed be He. We will be thanking G-d
from his essence and not just from the way we feel the warmth
and sustenance of the sun!!!