Assignment No.1
Assignment No.1
Assignment No.1
EXPERIMENT NO. 1 TITLE: Develop a mini project AIM: To study Object oriented programming Principle,Effective Use of IDE and customization to improve productivity and accuracy, add Set/ Get Methods,Overriding methods from base class Add equals () and Hashcode () methods, Add constructors Customization, commenting javadoc. And develop a mini project based on above concepts. PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of object oriented principles. THEORY: In this experiment students will study following A) Student will get the information about Object Oriented principles 1) Encapsulation 2) Inheritance 3) Polymorphism In journal they will write brief explaination of above points with examples. They can refer complete refernce Java2 by Herbert Schildt. B) Effective Use of IDE and customization to improve productivity and accuracy, add Set/ Get Methods. If you are new to Java programming, you are probably starting by using notepad. When you want to compile and run a program, you need to open a DOS window and type javac and java MyProgram. Also, what you type is what you get: notepad does not help you any way with Java syntax or design. This is fine if you are just starting, and even experts sometimes use command-line Java options. However, a good Java-savvy editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) will make the job of creating Java code a lot easier. Editors. Editors are simpler: they generally highlight the Java syntax, indent for you, balance your parentheses and braces, and let you compile from within the editor. But that's about it: they don't write code, integrate tightly with the compiler or app server, or have graphical Java development tools. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) IDEs are more complex: most of them have visual Java development tools, tight integration with the compiler or application server, and may include tools for debugging, refactoring, version control, and so forth. Here is list of some of the IDEs available for Java
Free, open-source IDE. The most Macromedia Dreamweaver. High-end Webpopular of the Java IDEs, but harder to set up and site development tool, not a general Java IDE. configure than the commercial ones. Eclipse is the However, it has extensive support for JSP base IDE, but there are many Java-related plugins (including plugins for JSTL and JSF, with for Eclipse, and several Tomcat integration). Not cheap. Borland JBuilder. Borland JBuilder is a Java WebLogic Workshop. BEA WebLogic 1
Mini Project 1 IDE for Windows, Solaris, and Linux. They offer a few different JBuilder versions: Workshop 8.1 is a very powerful IDE for oJBuilder Enterprise Edition (lots of J2EE support developing applications on the BEA WebLogic including UML and app server integration), server. Weblogic Workshop runs on Windows oJBuilder Developer Edition (missing some of the 2000, XP, Linux and Solaris, and requires a enterprise edition features, but still suppports Weblogic Server. You can download a free applets, applications, JSP, servlets, Struts, unit version or a Professional version. testing, and team development). Oracle JDeveloper Oracle JDeveloper is oJBuilder Foundation Edition (free version powerful IDE with lots of support for J2EE offering most of the JBuilder capabilities). capabilities (including EJB and Struts). Plenty oJBuilder WebLogic Edition (enterprise edition of support for Oracle database access too, of customized for BEA WebLogic) course. Sun Java Studio Creator. Java IDE for IntelliJ IDEA. An IDE that is considered Windows, Solaris, and MacOS. Has very powerful, yet relatively non-instrusive. extensive drag-and-drop support for JavaServer Expensive ($499), but popular among people Faces (JSF). Aims at making it easy for relative who like a smart editor and Java-related tools, beginners to make complex server-side apps, but but who don't like the IDE to write or modify will be less popular for those not using JSF or for their code. experts that prefer to work directly with the code. JCreater New (2004) IDE from Xinox. Built on the free, open-source NetBeans IDE. JCreator has two editions: JCreator Pro (free 30 day trial), JCreator Standard (completely IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer for free). Java. Java IDE for Windows and Linux. Expensive but very powerful IDE for servlets, JSP, and other J2EE development. Not limited to use with the WebSphere app server. To start the assignments in java following topics are necessary so firstly student will learn following concept: 1) Entering the Program, Compiling the program. 2) Data Types, Variables, control statements, Type Conversion and Casting. 3) Introducing Methods and Classes 4) Command-Line Arguments 5) Inheritance, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding, Packages and Interfaces 6) Exception Handling, String Handling Students will refer following books 1) Complete refernce Java2 by Herbert Schildt 2) Java 6 programming Black Book 3) Jeff Friessen, "Beginning java 6 platform from Novice to Professional, Apress/Springer,9788181288769
Mini Project 1 2) Topic selection for mini project 3) Development of mini project 4) Compilation of the project
CONCLUSION: Students will learn and be able to use the core java concept to develop their first mini project. FAQS: 1) What is the meaning of object oriented programming? 2) What are the principles of object orienterd programming? 3) Why java is important for internet? 4) What are the features of java? 5) What is the meaning of public static void main (String [] args) statement? 6) What is java virtual machine? 7) What is bytecode? 8) How to compile and execute java code? 9) What are the data types are available with java? How it performs conversion between data types? 10) Explain StringBuffer class? 11) What is class and what is object? 12) What is Inheritance? Explain different types of inheritance? 13) What is the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class? 14 What is the purpose of garbage collection in Java, and when is it used? ) 15 Describe synchronization in respect to multithreading. ) 16 Explain different way of using thread? ) 17 What are pass by reference and passby value? ) 18 What is HashMap and Map? ) 19 Difference between HashMap and HashTable? ) 20 Difference between Vector and ArrayList? ) 21 Difference between Swing and Awt? ) 22 What is the difference between a constructor and a method? ) 23 What is an Iterator? ) 24 State the significance of public, private, protected, default modifiers both singly and in ) combination and state the effect of package relationships on declared items qualified by these 3
Mini Project 1 modifiers. 25 What is an abstract class? ) 26 What is static in java? ) What is final? 27 )