Description: Tags: Sfaism
Description: Tags: Sfaism
Description: Tags: Sfaism
Thomas R. Bloom
Inspector General
U.S. Department of Education
Before the
Department of Education
Student Financial Assistance
Information Systems Modernization
Thank you for inviting me to testify about the challenges facing the Department of
Education in modernizing its Student Financial Assistance Program (SFA Program) information
systems. With the passage of the Clinger-Cohen Act and other legislation, Congress has signaled
integrating information systems. The Clinger-Cohen Act directs that particular attention be paid
to hiring, training, and retaining a technically proficient staff of personnel and managers to ensure
Not unlike other federal agencies, the Department faces significant challenges in meeting
the mandates of the Clinger-Cohen Act and in modernizing its SFA Program systems. Currently,
the Department oversees the delivery of approximately $43 billion per year in student financial aid
and a $117 billion loan portfolio through the use of “stovepipe” information and delivery systems,
operated by numerous contractors, at a cost of approximately $300 million per year. As I have
previously testified, these systems are not integrated, do not share a common systems
architecture, and do not provide the timely, accurate and complete data needed to manage the
SFA Programs effectively. In addition, with the advent of the Direct Loan Program, the Department has
entered into a number of large and expensive contracts for additional information systems, with significant
There is no short-term fix. Modernization and integration of its information systems will require a
considerable long-term investment of intellect, time and money. While the Department has acknowledged the
presence of some systems problems and has several major improvement initiatives underway to address them,
success will require technical skill and discipline on the part of managers and staff that have not always been
In this testimony, I am going to address four principal issues that are integral to the success of the
Department’s systems modernization effort and that will need to be addressed to correct the weaknesses that
* the need for a high degree of technical expertise on the part of Department managers and
personnel in the area of information technology in order to design and manage the large and
* the need for well designed contracts and rigorous monitoring of contractors by the
* the need for consistent and steady progress in efforts toward integration of SFA Program
* the need to overcome data integrity problems in the loan systems which will undermine the
effectiveness of even the most modern, integrated information system if not corrected.
I. A High Degree of Technical Expertise is a Critical Need for Both Information Systems Managers
and Staff at the Department.
The Department will be unable to modernize effectively its information systems without managers
In 1996, we conducted a management review of the Department’s office that oversees the loan
programs, the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA). In the resulting report, we recommended the
appointment of a chief operating officer who possessed, at a minimum, experience in managing a large
computer-based financial services operation. With the magnitude of the information system modernization
efforts planned and underway for the SFA programs, such leadership is essential and is still lacking.
In that same review, we identified a shortage of qualified staff in the OSFA’s Program Systems
Service which is responsible for the development and monitoring of SFA systems contracts. We reported that
given the amount of systems contracting involved in the administration of the Direct Loan Program and the
magnitude of upcoming awards for other systems work, the shortage of sufficient qualified staff in this area
would pose a significant risk to the Department. During the course of our review, several Department officials
expressed their concern that OSFA did not have enough qualified staff to monitor these contracts. We
acknowledge the difficulty of recruiting certain occupational specialists in a competitive job market; however,
obtaining and retaining a highly skilled staff is imperative for the Department’s success. The continued
The Department’s opportunity to address this risk can be found in the Clinger-Cohen Act, which calls
for the appointment of a Chief Information Officer (CIO) to promote the effective and efficient design and
operation of all major information resources. Included in the CIO’s mandate is the requirement to develop
specific plans for hiring and training technically proficient information resource staff. At the Department, the
Secretary recently appointed the Chief Financial Officer to serve in addition as the CIO. Prior to this
appointment, the CIO position was held temporarily by two different individuals. The CIO’s office has been
working on establishing its role in the information technology management process and the Department has
been moving forward on such key projects as the Direct Loan Program’s Loan Consolidation, Origination and
Servicing Systems; and SFA systems integration effort known as Project EASI. Although the incumbent is an
experienced executive, his lack of systems expertise makes the need for technically skilled managers and
II. The Department’s Success with its Information Systems Contractors Depends on Well-Designed
Contracts and Rigorous Monitoring of Contractors.
Well-designed contracts that anticipate and provide for contingencies and rigorous monitoring of
contractors by Department personnel is critical to the success of systems information contracts. As this
Subcommittee is aware, the Department has already experienced serious problems with contracts relating to
systems, e.g.:
* a $50 million cost overrun on the 1993 contract to develop and maintain the National
* problems encountered with a contract to provide the Direct Loan Program’s loan origination
* contracts awarded for three different systems to perform the same Direct Loan servicing
function, which OIG questioned as unnecessary and counterproductive for integration. Also,
these contracts have experienced delays in starting up their operations scheduled to begin July
When problems and crises with information systems contracts inevitably occur, there is a need for intervention
by very senior level executives with technical expertise (or with technical support personnel) to address them.
III. Consistent and Steady Progress is Needed in the Department’s Systems Integration Efforts.
The Department’s lack of integrated information systems is well known to this Subcommittee and has
been the subject of reports and testimony by my office and the General Accounting Office.
The Department’s proposed solution for integrating the SFA programs is a project called “Easy Access
for Students and Institutions” or “EASI”, which is at best a long-term solution. EASI has already been over
two years in the making, and the project is still in the conceptual stage. EASI was initially described by the
Department as a systems integration project, but it is evolving to include a host of postsecondary education
services and financial education information available from federal, state, school and private sources.
In order to assure consistent and steady progress on EASI, the Department needs to establish
timetables, cost estimates, and a system for accountability. We have recently shared these and other concerns
IV. Data Integrity Problems Currently Plaguing the Loan Programs Threaten the Effectiveness of
any Modernized, Integrated Information System.
The value of modernized and integrated systems will be diminished if they contain inaccurate and
incomplete data. Therefore, the Department needs to focus now on addressing current data integrity problems
in the loan programs and ensuring that new systems include adequate controls to prevent inaccurate data from
The inability to provide evidence of Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) data accuracy
will prevent the Department from receiving an audit opinion on its FY 1996 financial statements, as it did for
the FY 1995 financial statements. We have long known and reported that the FFELP loan status
information received by the Department from guaranty agencies was in many instances inaccurate and
unreliable because it was not reconciled with lenders. The Department did not address adequately the
underlying causes of inaccurate and unreliable data provided by the guaranty agencies and these problems were
carried forward into the NSLDS. Although they have a major initiative underway to reconcile guaranty
agency data with that in NSLDS, the accuracy of the data is still in question because better reconciliation
between lenders and guaranty agencies has not yet been addressed. In our HEA Reauthorization proposal, we
recommend amending the HEA to require reconciliation of data in the NSLDS with data provided by lenders
and guaranty agencies at least annually to provide the control necessary to ensure the integrity of the FFELP
Similarly, data integrity problems surfaced during our audits of 16 schools participating in the Federal
Direct Loan Program. We noted discrepancies between data held by schools and that held by the Department’s
servicer and NSLDS. Like other data integrity problems, if not corrected, this problem will compromise even a
operations to be one of the Office of Inspector General’s highest priorities and an area
implementation. I have also engaged two consultants with the requisite expertise to assist
us in this effort. Our draft 1998-99 work plan includes significant systems work.
We are currently performing a review of the Department’s implementation of the
Clinger-Cohen Act to determine whether they are making measurable progress. Key areas
investments; and
the Department’s systems management processes to aid the CIO and program
The draft OIG work plan also includes several projects related to data
integrity at the Department. These projects include reviewing the Student Status
Confirmation Report process, the integrity of data transferred to the new Direct
Loan Program Loan Origination System, selected data collection and reporting
systems and the effectiveness of the system which processes the FAFSA.
This concludes my remarks. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.