Pit Design
Pit Design
Pit Design
Copyright 2008 Surpac Minex Group Pty Ltd (A Gemcom Company). All rights reserved.
This software and documentation is proprietary to Surpac Minex Group Pty Ltd. Surpac Minex Group Pty Ltd publishes this documentation for the sole use of Minex licenses. Without written permission, you may not sell, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit any part of this documentation. For such permission or to obtain extra copies, please contact your local Surpac Minex Group Office. Surpac Minex Group Pty Ltd Level 8 190 St Georges Terrace Perth, Western Australia 6000 Telephone: (08) 94201383 Fax: (08) 94201350
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damage resulting from the use of the information www.gemcomsoftware.com contained herein. All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. About This Manual This manual has been designed to provide a practical guide to the many uses of the software. The manual describes one way of using the software; these instructions are by no means exhaustive. However, it provides a starting point for new users and a good overview for existing users by demonstrating how to use many of the functions in Minex. If you have any difficulties or questions while working through this manual, please contact your local Surpac Minex Group Office. Contributors James Willoughby Surpac Minex Group Perth, Western Australia Acknowledgements Rohit Sarin and Ben Smedley for providing a wealth of information about pit design. Authors of the following documents whose contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
The Merging Theory appendix was derived from the Getting Started with Apollo help document. Diagrams for benches, strips, and blocks were copied from the Apollo training presentations.
Table of Contents
About This Document ................................................................................................................ 4
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Document Conventions ............................................................................................................................ 4
Merging........................................................................................................................................ 8
Correcting Holes in Grids ......................................................................................................................... 8 Creating Merged Grids ........................................................................................................................... 15
Faulting and Seam Model Operations .................................................................................... 23 Pit Design Overview ................................................................................................................. 24 Pit Design Theory ..................................................................................................................... 25
Benches .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Strips....................................................................................................................................................... 28 Blocks ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Benches..................................................................................................................................... 37
Create Benches Workflow ...................................................................................................................... 38 Open Cut Pit Design Display .................................................................................................................. 39 Creating Benches for a Pit (with no Ramp) ............................................................................................ 39
Strips ......................................................................................................................................... 52
Creating Strips ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Possible Problems when Creating Strips ............................................................................................... 58
Ramps........................................................................................................................................ 60
Creating Benches for a Pit (with a Ramp) .............................................................................................. 60 Creating Strips for a Pit (with a Ramp) ................................................................................................... 64
Blocks ........................................................................................................................................ 65
Creating and Validating Blocks Workflow............................................................................................... 66 Creating Blocks ...................................................................................................................................... 67 Validating Blocks .................................................................................................................................... 70 Diagnostic Tools and Possible Problems with Blocks ............................................................................ 74
Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should ensure you have the following items: 1. Minex 5.3, and the tutorial data provided on the installation disc, installed on your computer. This is usually installed from a CD. 2. A Minex license file and sentinel correctly installed Store the license file (provided by the Minex Support Office) in <Minex installation directory>\etc\license. Place the sentinel in an appropriate port. 3. The borehole database file, THEDON.B31 open. You must have a borehole database open to create merged grids.
Document Conventions
Typographical Conventions
Some text in this manual has special formatting to identify it as a particular element of information. The following list describes the different formats and their meanings:
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Document Conventions
Text Format
<Bold Italic>
Text or data that varies with each input is shown in italic font and enclosed in angle brackets. Some examples are installation directories, dates, names and passwords. When you substitute the text for the variable, do not include the brackets. For example: <password> requires you to substitute a password in place of <password>. A word or phrase to which the author wants to give emphasis. For example, the new text is in memory; the old text is deleted. This typeface indicates one of the following:
Italics Bold
A file name, path, or URL. Strongly emphasised text. For example, It is very important to save the data. Text that a procedure has instructed you to type. A menu option, tab, button, check box, list, option button, text box, or icon. For example, click Apply.
When a keystroke is described, the key is shown in this font. For more information on keystroke conventions, see below.
Keyboard Conventions
Key Combination
Press and hold down the first key, then press the second key. For example: CTRL+O means hold the CTRL key down, then press O.
Menu Conventions
When you click, or move the pointer over, some menu commands, a subordinate menu appears. To indicate that you should select a command on a subordinate menu, this documentation uses a greater than (>) sign to separate the main menu command from the subordinate menu command. For example, File > Project > Project Manager means click the File menu, move the mouse pointer over the Project command, and then select Project Manager on the secondary menu.
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Document Conventions
Mouse Conventions
The mouse is the pointing device you use to select objects and menu items, and to click the buttons that you see on screen. If a particular mouse button is not specified, use the left button. When a different button should be used, this is specified in the text. You can rotate or press the wheel button on the mouse. In this manual, the following terms are used to describe actions with the mouse. Action
Click Right-click Double-click Drag and drop <an object> Drag Right-drag Rotate
Press and release the left mouse button without moving the mouse. Press and release the right mouse button without moving the mouse. Without moving the mouse, click the left button twice rapidly. With the pointer over the object, press and hold down the left mouse button to select the object. Move the mouse until the pointer is in the position you want, and then release the mouse button. Press and hold down the left mouse button. Then move the mouse in the direction that the text specifies. Press and hold down the right mouse button. Then move the mouse in the direction that the text specifies. Use your finger to make the wheel button roll. Move it forward, that is in a clockwise direction, or backward, that is in an counterclockwise direction.
Square box that you select or clear to turn an option on or off. You can select more than one check box. Rectangular or square button that initiates an action. Buttons have text labels to indicate their purpose.
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Document Conventions
Arrow associated with a drop-down list. You can view a list by clicking the arrow. Closed version of a list box with an arrow next to it. Clicking the arrow opens the list. Frame or box that encloses a set of related options. The group box is a visual device only, although you can select the elements within the group box. A graphical button that you can click to initiate an action. Text attached to any option, box, button, or to any other element of a window or dialog box. Any type of box containing a list of items, in table format, that you can select.
List box
Round button you can use to select one of a group of mutually exclusive options. Text box with up and down arrows that you click to move through a set of fixed values. You can also type a valid value in the box. Labelled group of options used for many similar kinds of settings. Rectangular box in which you can type text. If the box already contains text, you can select that text and edit it. Title of the dialog box. It usually, but not always, matches the title of the command button that launched it. A graphical representation of a hierarchical structure. A plus sign next to an item on the tree indicates that you can expand the item to show subordinate items; a minus sign indicates that you can collapse the item.
Text box
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The purpose of merging is to make sure that all grids are completely defined over the area of interest. You need this in order to report reserves accurately. Appendix A - Merging Theory contains more background information about merging. To merge grids effectively you need to understand how to: Correct Holes in Grids Create Merged Grids
3. 4.
Choose File > SQL > Execute. Select create_nulls.SQL, and click Select. The Seam Model Operations dialog box appears.
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Fill in the Seam Model Operations dialog box as shown in the following image. a. Use any seam floor reference grid. b. Make sure Input DD Name and Output DD Name are both set to MODEL. c. In the Select Seams section, select only the AB seam so that you can create holes only in that seam. d. To fill in the table, click Compile and fill Table. e. Then edit the row in the table so that it looks as shown in the following image. You can drag ST from the Variable column to the Suffix column.
Note: The Variable column shows the name of a variable in the SQL macro.
Click Ok.
6. 7.
Click Cancel to close the Seam Model Operations dialog box. Display and open the ABST grid.
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You have now created four holes (areas where the seam thickness is null) in the grid. In the previous image these are the four white holes in the larger sheet of the grid.
Clear graphics. Next, you will edit an existing SQL macro so that it will turn the nulls into zeros.
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You have edited the macro so that where seam thickness is null, it will become 0.00.
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Click the red cross in the top right corner to close the Source Editor.
7. 8.
Click Save. Display and open grid ABST in the MODEL.grd folder.
Execute nulls2zero.sql.
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Fill in the Seam Model Operations dialog box as shown in the following image. Use the same parameters as you did in the Create Holes in Model Grid task except select both the check boxes in the Area Selection section.
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Digitize a polygon, with an elevation of 200, around the holes, right-click and click Accept.
You have just specified that the SQL macro should affect only the area within the polygon. 13. 14. 15. Click Ok in the Seam Model Operations dialog box. Clear graphics. Display and open the ABST grid again.
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Create Merged grids up to WSF: a. Select Pit Design > Create Merged Model. b. Fill in the form as shown in the following image:
Note: To load the seams, click Select Seams, select all the seams and click Ok.
c. Click Ok. To see the difference between a merged grid and a model grid: a. Clear graphics. b. Display a grid, for example SW1SR, in the Merged.grd folder. c. Display the corresponding grid, SW1SR, in the MODEL.grd folder.
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Next, compare a volume calculation and an Insitu Resource Report to check that they report very similar amounts. You do this to check the merged grids for problems. 3. Calculate volume of TOPS (merged) minus the lowest seam (merged) The lowest seam is WGG2. a. Select Grid > Volumes. b. Fill in the form and click Ok.
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Save the text to a file (with a file name such as merged_vols.txt) so that you can easily compare it to the Insitu resource report.
d. Clear the Output window. Run an Insitu Resource report: a. Choose Seam model > Insitu Resource Reporting. b. Fill in the parameters on the Seam & Quality Definition tab as shown in the following image:
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On the Links tab, fill in the parameters as shown in the following image and click Ok.
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d. Save the Insitu Resource report to a text file called insitu1.txt. Compare the Insitu Resource report with the merged volumes report. An important point to remember is that the Insitu report shows the coal in tonnes, not in volume. To convert the coal tonnes to volume, divide it by the density, which in this case was 1.4. The following table illustrates how to calculate the volume. Merged Volumes report
How do you calculate the total volume? What is the total volume in this example? It is in the report
When the two reports show similar volumes, the merged grids are reasonably accurate, and you can proceed to the next stage of pit design. 6. Do some cross-sections of the merged model, to look for gaps in the seams (which could indicate missing data) or spikes (which could indicate problems with merging). a. Show a grid for reference, for example TOPS from the Merged folder. b. Choose Mounts > Section > Create. c. Click Digitise.
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e. f.
Right-click, and click Accept. In the form, reduce the Lower Z value so that the section will include all the seams and change the scale to a round number.
g. h. i. j.
Click Ok, and enter a name for the cross-section, for example 10K_xsec. Start the Mounts Control Panel and draft on the new section mount. Choose Mounts > Section > Seam Cross-Section. Set the form to display topography and the weathering surface.
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l. m.
Click Ok. In the Graphics window, zoom in to see the seam cross-section in detail.
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Now try loading some of the seams individually (to make it easier to see breaks and spikes in the seams).
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When you see the Save prompt, save the grid as TOPS-150.
3. 4.
Show the TOPS-150 grid, and the TOPS grid in graphics. Click X-Z on the toolbar to see a sideways view that shows how TOPS-150 grid compares to TOPS .
Next, create a string that shows where the lowest grid (WG2SF) intercepts the TOPS-150 grid. You will use this to mark out the pit floor on the highwall side. a. b. Open the geometry file THEDON.GM3 so that you have a place to store the string. Click GM3 Definition, and enter BOUNDARY in the Map text box.
Choose String > Generate > Surface Intercept > Grid-Grid Intercept.
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Specify TOPS-150 and WG2SF as the grids to intercept, and click Ok.
Show the TOPS-150 grid and the WG2SF grid, and then zoom and rotate to visualise the intersection in another way.
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The following image shows how the pit will descend from the low wall side (on the left) to the right of screen. The dark colour indicates an area that is 150 meters or more below TOPS. Therefore, you will design the highwall side of the pit boundary where the light colour meets the dark colour.
You have now created the string that you will use (in a later task in this tutorial) to design the pit boundary. The next task is to create bench grids and the bench list.
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Fill in the form as shown in the following image, and click Generate List.
Note: When you specify TOPS as the reference grid, the grid extents appear in the form.
The elevation of the lowest bench grid will be 500. The elevation of each bench will be 10 higher than the previous one. The highest bench grid will have an elevation of 730. 4. 5. Click Ok to create the bench grids. To visualise the bench grids, show some of them.
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Note: Tip:
Click Fill with Grids to fill the bench list. A quick way of copying numbers between cells in the bench table is to drag the number from cell to cell.
You can now use the file mybenches.bls to refer to the 24 benches, defined by grids BENCH730 to BENCH500. 3. Click Save.
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Click the Preview tab to check that the slopes and berm widths of each bench appear approximately correct.
Click Ok. You have now successfully created the bench list.
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This section contains information about: The workflow for creating benches Open Cut Pit Design Display When you design a pit, you use this dialog box frequently. It enables you to show or hide parts of the pit, including toes or crest for benches, strips, and blocks. Creating a preliminary pit By doing this, you become familiar with how to create a pit and some of the common issues you might encounter. Creating strips This also explains how to create the first and last strip and the strip ends. Possible problems when creating a pit This is information about problems you might find with benches and strips.
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Press CTRL+E or choose Pit Design > Display O/C Pit Design to open the OCPDD. The components of this dialog box are described in the Minex Help, in the Open Cut Pit Design Display topic.
1. 2.
F plot the strings that are in the BOUNDARY map (in THEDON.GM3) to show the intercept line. Create a plan mount and draft on it. Name the mount LC_PIT.
3. 4.
Choose Mounts > Plan > Line Contour Grid. Set the parameters to show contours on the lowest grid.
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Digitize the toe of bench 24, with the following guidelines in mind:
Create the pit within the intercept line. It is a good idea for the pit floor to be as flat as possible, so do not include steeply sloping areas in the pit. It helps to keep the floor flat, or mildly sloping, if you make the pit floor follow a contour line. Choose Pit Design > Pit Design. Fill in the Pit Design form as shown in the following image, and click Ok.
a. b.
Digitize the pit floor. The dashed line in the following example is a pit floor that is simple in the sense that it has a minimum of kinks in the string. This helps minimise string problems when you create the crests and toes above the pit floor and also when you create a ramp.
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Do an automatic pit projection to see an approximate preview of the pit. a. In the Pit Design dialog box, choose Automatic from the second drop-down list at the top of the form. b. Set the form to project up from the toe of bench 24 to the crest of bench 1.
Notice that the Pit/Dump text box is set to 1. You are designing pit 1. By entering a different Pit/Dump number, you can design an alternative pit.
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With the zero berm option on, there will not be any berms on the low wall side. For steeplydipping deposits, this is often desirable. d. Click Ok.
For a more precise pit design, you use the manual bench design method. 7. To add the benches manually: a. Set the second drop-down list in the Pit Design dialog box to Manual, and set the Pit/Dump to 2 (because you will create a second pit).
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Set the form so that you will project up from the toe of Bench_24.
Click Ok.
You have instructed Minex to project a string up to the crest of bench_24, but you have not specified what string to use. It is true that, before you did an automatic projection, you digitized a string to use as the pit floor, but that was in pit 1 whereas for the manual projection the pit is pit 2. To make this work, you need to copy the pit floor used in pit 1 into pit 2. You will use the Open Cut Pit Design Display dialog box to do this. 8. Copy the pit floor into pit 2: a. Press CTRL+E to show the OCPDD. b. Show the toe of bench 24 of pit 1, and hide the other benches.
In Select mode, select the string that represents the toe of bench 24
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In the Pit Design dialog box (choose Pit Design > Pit Design if it is not already open), change the settings so you can digitize the toe of bench 24 for pit 2, and click Ok.
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When you see the Identify beginning of line prompt in the Status Bar, click on the bench 24 string.
h. Right-click in graphics and click Accept. Create some crests and toes manually: a. In the Pit Design dialog box, select Manual from the second drop-down list.
Click Ok.
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Next, select the option to project from the crest of bench 24 to the toe of bench 23, and click Ok.
Next, select Update Selection After Expansion and project from the toe of bench 23 to the crest.
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Provided that the OCPDD is set to display toes and crests of bench 23 and 24 of pit 2, you can see the benches in the graphics area.
When you project benches in a pit that you intend to be a final pit, you should stop after each bench to smooth any unwanted kinks in the bench. This helps keep benches, strips, and blocks smooth and reduces the chance of string and data problems later in the pit design process. e. Continue to manually project benches until you have projected to the crest of bench 1.
Save the geometry file. The next step is to make a grid and a triangle of your pit.
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12. 13.
Choose Pit Design > Compute Pit Dump Surface. Create a grid of the pit: a. Fill in the form as shown in the following image.
b. Click Ok. c. Specify pit2 as the file name of the triangle. Clear graphics. Show the PIT2 grid, and then the triangle. Use an Insitu Resource Report to see the volume, tonnage, and strip ratio for pit 1. a. Choose Seam Model > Insitu Resource Reporting. b. Enter the parameters shown in the following images, and click Ok.
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Creating Strips
Create Strips Workflow
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Creating Strips
Digitize a strip from left to right using the Snap to Line digitising option.
Estimate how many strips you will need. You can do this by using the Query tool to find the width of the pit at bench 1 (perpendicular to the strip line) and then divide this by the intended width of the strips. In this example, the number of strips might be 1630/100 = 17.
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Creating Strips
Set the Pit Design dialog box to do a strip offset, and click Ok.
Click Ok when you see the following message (because if a strip does not intersect the bench boundary, then the strip should be removed).
Provided that strips are displayed for bench 24, you will see them in the graphics window.
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Creating Strips
Manually adjust any strips that are outside the pit boundary. You can do this by moving points so that they follow the boundary or by digitising the entire strip again. The following image shows a strip that is outside the pit boundary.
When you move a point to join it to the pit boundary, use the Snap to Line digitising option. If you used the XY + Z option instead, the point might be located slightly within or outside the boundary.
When all the strips are within the boundary, project the strips up (from bench 24 to bench 1). a. Choose Pit Design > Pit Design. b. Fill in the form to do a normal automatic projection from bench 24 to bench 23, and click Ok.
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Creating Strips
The Status bar informs you that Minex is projecting the strips.
c. d.
If you do not see strips for benches 23 and 24, make sure they are set to display in the OCPDD. Project the strips for each bench one at a time (or two at a time), correcting any errors in the strings such as the following:
e. f.
Correct any string errors by moving or editing points in the strip. Save your geometry file.
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Creating Strips
Make the first strip and the last strip and project them up.
Note: For more information about the first and last strip, see the Minex Help topic First and Last Strip .
b. c.
Click Digitize. When the Status bar shows the prompt to digitize the start of the strip, digitize two lines that cut across the pit boundary as shown in the following image.
To make it easier to digitize the first strip, use the OCPPD to hide unnecessary parts of the pit.
Click Ok in the Pit Design dialog box to create the first string for all the benches. The string ID for the first strip is -1.
Create the last string similarly: a. Select the Last check box. b. Click Digitize.
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The string ID is one more than the string that was the previous last string. 14. Create the strip ends a. Enter the following parameters in the Pit Design dialog box.
Click Ok.
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To fix the problem, digitize the crest of the missing strip (use the same string as the toe of the missing strip).
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This section describes the same procedure as creating a preliminary pit, except that it includes adding ramps and provides more detail on how to correct some common errors.
Choose Pit Design > Pit Design, and select the following parameters (Manual, Pit 5 and Bench 24).
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4. 5.
Select the Ramps tab, select the Build Ramps check box, and click Create/Edit Ramps. Fill in the Edit Ramps dialog box as follows, and click Ok.
In the Minex help, the Edit Ramps help topic explains these parameters.
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7. 8. 9.
Choose Pit Design > Display O/C Pit Design, and make sure that ramps are selected. In the Pit Design dialog box, click the Bench & Project Selection tab. Select Update Selection After Expansion, and click Ok.
In the Pit Design dialog box, the Out option is now selected.
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11. 12.
Show all the toes and crests (using the OCPDD). Continue clicking Ok in the Pit Design dialog box. Each time you click Ok, look at the message in the Pit Design dialog box that informs you which crest or toe you are projecting from and to. Look in the graphics window to see the benches and ramps being built.
Caution: Project benches slowly. As you do so, check for kinks in each toe and crest and smooth them by manually moving points. This helps keep benches, strips, and blocks smooth and reduces the chance of string and data problems later in the pit design process. 13. Correct any unwanted spikes by selecting and moving points.
It is worthwhile correcting spikes in the first benches you create to avoid duplicating the spikes in subsequent benches. 14. To correct any ramp points lost errors do the following steps:
a. b. c. d. e.
Hide the ramp and all the toes and crests except for the last crest that was created. Set the Pit Design dialog box to project from the correct crest to the correct toe. Click Ok in the Pit Design dialog box. When you see the prompt, Digitize two points on the crest. If you wish, show all the toes, crests, and the ramp.
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Delete the points, in the ramp, that have incorrectly extended past the last crest.
15. 16.
g. Continue clicking Ok in the Pit Design dialog box to create more benches. Continue to digitize benches until you have digitized all the benches up to and including bench 1. You might have to manually edit some of the points on the final sections of the ramp (and the final toes and crests).
Create a grid of the pit. Use the same procedure as you did when you created a preliminary pit.
18. 19.
Create a triangle of the pit. Create an insitu reserves report for the pit.
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Before doing the following task, make sure you have created benches, strips (including the first and last strip), and the strip ends. This section provides information about: The overall workflow for creating and validating blocks Creating blocks Validating blocks Diagnostic tools and possible problems when creating blocks This is information about problems you might find with blocks.
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Creating Blocks
Creating Blocks
Task: Create Blocks
1. Make sure the benches and strips of your pit are displayed. The pit used in this example is pit 7. Substitute the pit number of your pit for this. 2. Enter the following parameters in the Pit Design dialog box, and click Ok:
Digitize a line, on the left side of the pit, that is perpendicular to the strips, and accept the string.
The block lines should cover the entire pit. This shows you approximately how many block lines you will need to divide the strips into blocks. 4. Now create the blocks lines more precisely. a. Count the number of blocks you need, and enter it as the End number in the Pit Design dialog box. b. Click Ok in the Pit Design dialog box, and digitize with the first block line close to the pit boundary.
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Creating Blocks
Enter parameters to generate blocks as shown in the following image, and click Ok:
Show only the blocks on one of the benches, for example bench 10.
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Validating Blocks
Each block is marked with the block and strip number in the format <strip number>/<block number>.
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Validating Blocks
Validating Blocks
Task: Validate the Blocks and Correct Errors
This task presents some examples of block validation errors and how to fix them. See Diagnostic Tools and Possible Problems with Blocks for more information about the different types of block validation errors and their solutions. 1. In the Pit Design dialog box, enter the following parameters, and click Ok. This will validate only bench 24. You can validate the other benches later.
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Validating Blocks
If you see the Polygon not formed error: a. Look closely at bench 24, strip 9, block 4 in the graphics window.
The problem is that the centroid for an adjacent block is out of place. To fix the problem, you must move centroid 9/3 to the left. b. Select centroid 9/3 and drag it into the adjacent block (on the left side).
3. 4.
Fix any other centroid problems using the same method as described in the previous step. Validate bench 24 again. The Output window reports that the polygon for block 9/3 will not form.
Follow these steps to find out what the problem is with block 9/3: a. Use the OCPDD to show strips, blocks, and crests, but to hide benches and toes. b. Select the line around the block a few times, and you will see that the crest of strip 8 curves round to the right and overlaps the crest of strip 9. This causes a layout line touches only one strip problem.
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Validating Blocks
Remove points on the end of the crest of strip 8 so that it does not cross strip 9.
Generate the blocks again for the bench and strip that shows the problem (bench 24, strip 9 in this example).
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Validating Blocks
Validate the blocks for bench 24 again. When there are no errors you will see the message that the pit is valid (for the range of benches that you specified).
Also, in the graphics window, the block number should appear in the centre of the block. 6. In the Pit Design dialog box, choose Block and Display; and then display the toes of the blocks for bench 24.
If all the blocks are coloured in, then the blocks are correctly formed; if a block is not coloured in, one of the strips might have crossed another strip.
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Correct any strip problems as you did in step 6 of this task, that is perform these steps: a. Edit the strips. b. Regenerate strip ends for that strip. c. Regenerate blocks for that strip. d. Display the blocks again. Continue to validate all the benches and correct the problems that you find.
The following image shows one block that has not formed.
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Congratulations on completing this tutorial. You should now understand in general how to design a pit, and specifically how to: Correct holes in grids Create merged grids Determine a pit boundary Create bench grids Create a bench list Show and hide elements of a pit using the Open Cut Pit Design Display dialog box Create the benches of a pit, with or without a ramp Create strips, including strip ends Create and validate blocks.
The next general task is to set up a reserves database for your pit. Refer to the Reserves Database tutorial for the steps about how to do this.
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The merging procedure provides a solution to these problems by giving undefined grids a value coincident with the overlying roof grids above them. This surface may be a base of weathering grid, topography or an overlying seam. Merging will then result in all grids being defined over the entire area defined from a reference surface, usually TOPS. Merging gives rise to numerous design issues. Take the following example of seams merged up to topography.
In this case, merging upwards has failed and resulted in an incorrect reporting of coal tonnage. The onus falls on the geologist to take the following approach when generating structural grids; 1. 2. Avoid masking ST to null, instead mask unwanted areas to 0 thickness, keeping the roof and floor defined Where nulls in the floor occur use SR and ST to create a coincident floor grid, and vice versa for roof nulls
Merging in Minex
The reporting of materials, layer assignment and accumulated strip ratio is influenced by the merging practice employed by the engineer. In most cases, geologists provide structural grids resolved along the crop line by setting the poor quality material to null. This leaves an irregular grid boundary and insufficient extent for design purposes. The merging procedure will overcome this problem by using TOPS (generally) as a reference surface to which all grids in the layer list will be transformed in origin, extent, and mesh size. TOPS should, therefore, be of a mesh size and extent that will give a good representation and relief to seam grids when merged.
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Merging in Minex
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Merging in Minex
Reserve generation requires all structural grids to be assigned and continuous - free from nulls.
Assignment of Stratigraphic Layers to Topography (TOPS) A top of coal grid can be generated using the Seam Model > Seam Model Operations > Upper Lower Surface operation.
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Merging in Minex
Assignment of Stratigraphic Layers to Top of Coal Grid (TOPCOAL) Merging must be undertaken uniquely for each group.
Top of Coal (TOPCOAL) for each seam group. Bottom seam in group is merged to TOPS in this case. In this case Interburdens include OB material where no overlying seams exist.
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Top of Coal (TOPCOAL) for each seam group and Base of Weathering
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