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Organizational Behavior: Facilitator Office

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Organizational Behavior
Facilitator Office Reni Rosari nd Room: FEB UGM, East Wing Building, 3 Floor Telephone: +62 274 548510 Website: www.feb.ugm.ac.id Email address: [email protected] Cellular phone: +628122704837 By appointment or by e-mail any time

Consultation time Course description

This course describes the challenge of business today and how this relates Organizational Behavior (OB), especially on how to manage people effectively in organization. OB is a field of study helping managers to understand the impact of individuals, groups, influence, and organizational proceses for the purposes of improving an organizations effectiveness. This course is designed to provide a conceptual and empirical understanding of the process of human behavior in organization . The course underlines that mastering of the knowledge and exploring real organizational problems in local context facilitate students understanding the contribution of the concepts and theoreies in the field of organizational behavior in achieving optimal organizational performance through the indivdiual behavior and achievement. The benefit of utilizing the text and lecture materials will be raised through in-class discussion on the results of mini-research and projects.

Learning Objectives

After completion of this course, students are expected to be able: 1. To identify basic concepts and theories in organizational behavior; 2. To describe processes of learning and perception leading individual behavior and differences in organizations; 3. To explain the importance of group and social processes in organizational processes; 4. To distinguish the varied organizational influence bringing its impact on organizational effectiveness; 5. To explain issues related with organizational processes influencing individual and group behavior; 6. To produce the evaluation and recommendation dealing with the real problems in local organizations in respect with the

matters of individual and group behavior, organizational culture, leadership effectiveness, and organizational changes. Reading materials Students are expected to read all assigned reading materials and while doing so, you should continually ask yourself the following two questions: (a) Do I understand the theory and/or principles of this material? (b) So what? What are its implications? How would I apply this as a manager? Therefore, this course is delivered based on the following text: Greenberg, J., & Baron, R.A. 2008. Behavior in Organizations, th 9 edition, Pearson International Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. For the class assignments and the students own professional development, facilitator encourage students to become familiar with other sources; articles, journals, magazines, newspaper, CDroom, web-site, etc. Students Responsibilities

In order to be able to produce a conducive academic environment in relation with the achievement of the learning objectives mentioned above, the instructor asks students showing commitment on their responsibilities in class as following. 1. Students are expected to attend all the scheduled meetings on time. In accordance with the faculty of absenteeism policy students are allowed to skip classes no more than 25% of actual class meetings without any penalty. 2. Students should have read the text assignments before class meeting. 3. Students are required to contribute to class discussion, to expose their viewpoint to the discussion class as being active participants is one of major assessment components. 4. In order to create conducive learning environment, the use of cellular phones in the classroom is prohibited. In particular, in an urged conditions, students are allowed to use the mobile phone outside.

In-Class Discussion Being an active participation helps students to obtain clear understanding of the materials delivered in class as well as to produce the maximum assessment of individual students evaluation (grading). Furthermore, a highly interactive class discussion develops students on as following: [1.] more personal, in depth understanding of the concepts, 2

[2.] experience applying concepts to real world problems, [3.] a more pleasant classroom experience for both students and instructor. To participate, you must contribute to the class experience by reading the material before class. The definition of participation for this course includes: asking intelligent questions about course material, answering questions, leading discussion about assigned cases, and suggestions and/or ideas about current events and issues you may have read about or experienced related to the subject at hand. Participation does not include simply attending class. The main premise involves the quality of the participation. A high level of class participation can lead on granting of a BONUS to your final grade. Group Assignment

Groups (number of members depending on class size) will be formed at the beginning of the semester for the purpose of discussing a variety of cases. Each group will have the opportunity to present a mini research or a mini project, and is required to submit an executive summary (approx. 4-5 pages). Main purposes of the group assignments is firstly, to develop studentsskills on presenting evaluation and recommendation as solution to problems facing selected local organizations or inividual as the objects of mini-research and projects. In addition, the miniresearch and proejct with local context base illuminate the students on practical understanding of the role of organizational behavior concepst and theories to deal with individual and organizational problems. Second, this exercise is designed to provide students with an opportunity to practice their presentation skills. Thus, all projects should be presented using appropriate media such as PowerPoint, video, overhead display, etc. A positive component for these assignments is a demonstration of creativity. Non standardized presentation techniques such as role playing, skits or demonstration are good ways to meet these creativity requirements. Each student assigned to a team is expected to perform and contribute equally throughout the paper and presentation. Team members will be asked to evaluate the contribution of each individual on their team. If a team member does not participate in the final presentation, they will not receive credit for this portion of the project. Examination Midterm and final examination will be

conducted to test students knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the course materials. Student Evaluation Students are evaluated on the following criteria: (a) Midterm exam (b) Final exam (c) Class participation in class discussion (d) Mini research or project based presentation (e) Individual assignment of chapters (f) Group based report of company visit Topics and Learning Goals
Session Topic KA
1 Introduction and overview The Field of OB Organizational Justice, Ethics, and CSR Basic Human Processes Perception and Learning Basic Human Processes Individual Differences Coping with Organizational Life The Individual in the Organization Work Related Attitudes The Individual in the Organization Motivation in Organizations Group Dynamics Group Dynamics and Work Teams Group Dynamics Communication Group Dynamics Decision Making Group Dynamics Conflict, Cooperation, Trust and Deviance Influencing Others Power Leadership Organizational Processes Organizational Culture, Creativity, and Innovation Organizational Processes Organizational Structure and Design Organizational Processes Managing Organizational Change Company Visit V

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Learning Goals CoS ClS LdS



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Note: KA: Knowledge Acquisition; RS: Research Skills; CoS: Communication Skills; ClS: Collaborative Skills; LdS: Leadership; EC: Ethical Conduct; IC: Intelletual Capability

N o

Learning Outcomes, Cognitive Objectives, and Types of Assessment Cognitive Objectives Learning Outcomes Where to How to Measure K C Ap An S E Measure
To identify basic concepts and theories in organizational behavior To describe processes of learning and perception leading individual behavior and differences in organizations; V V Exam Questions require students to describe concepts and theories. To ask students to describe and provide examples of individual differences in different professions Written report and oral team presentation in analyzing selected organizations and ask the audience to respond Written report and oral team presentation in analyzing selected organizations and ask participants to respond it Written report and oral team presentation in analyzing selected organizations and ask participants to respond it Written report as the result of visiting an Indonesian organization

Courseembedded the discussion of miniresearch or project. V Courseembedded the discussion of miniresearch or project. Courseembedded discussion of miniresearch or projects. V Courseembedded discussion of miniresearch or projects.

To explain the importance of group and social processes in organizational processes;

To distinguish the varied organizational influence bringing its impact on organizational effectiveness

To explain issues related with organizational processes influencing individual and group behavior;

V V V V CourseTo produce the evaluation and V V embedded recommendation dealing with discussion the real problems within of miniIndonesian organizations in research or respect with the matters of projects. individual and group behavior, organizational culture, leadership effectiveness, and organizational changes Note: K: Knowledge; C: Comprehension; Ap: Application; An: Analysis; S: Synthesis; E: Evaluation

Course Outline

Introduction and overview The Field of OB Organizational Justice, Ethics, and CSR Basic Human Processes Perception and Learning

Reading Assignment
GB 1,2

Teaching Methods
Lecture and class discussion

Instruction to students
To read syllabus of the course and to let them asking matters in relation with the preparation of the assigned tasks; in particular, the instructor arrange groups for mini-research and projects To search any organizations and to explore matters in relation with how employee adapt with work environment

GB 3

Basic Human Processes Individual Differences Coping with Organizational Life The Individual in the Organization Work Related Attitudes

GB 4,5

GB 6

The Individual in the Organization Motivation in Organizations Group Dynamics Group Dynamics and Work Teams Group Dynamics Communication

GB 7

GB 8

GB 9

Lecture, class discussion, and presentation To survey individual differences of personality on basis of Lecture, their professions using any instruments available to measure class and to provide your review on the findings discussion, and presentation With using relevant instruments, a group is asked to Lecture, measure employeessatisfaction in a selected organization class and please, provide your review by the related reading discussion, assignment and presentation With doing simple observation, interview, and questionnaire, Lecture, students selects 20 employees in one organization and find class their motivation, efforts, opportunities, and organizational discussion, supports to achieve their goals and presentation By presenting video film or documenter about group or teamLecture, based activities, students are asked to deliver their judgment class on how the group works by deploying the relevant reading discussion, assignment and presentation Similar with the previous instructions, but the content of Lecture, your judgment is focused on how communication processes class happens and does the communication works properly? discussion, and presentation Midterm Exam

Course Outline (cont.)


Group Dynamics Decision Making

Reading Assignment
GB 10

Teaching Methods
Lecture, class discussion, and presentatio n Lecture, class discussion, and presentatio n Lecture, class discussion, and presentatio n Lecture, class discussion, and presentatio n Lecture, class discussion, and presentatio n Lecture, class discussion, and presentatio n Visiting one or two local companies

Instruction to students
An assigned group set-up drama about decision making process in the class. Choose topic and participants. The group observes and produce judgment of how decision making is conducted and how individual roles influence decision-making A group search any cases relevant with the topic and deliver group analysis. Another way is that group does investigation in any local organizations; how they overcome conflict, build trust and cooperation, build deviance A group explore leadership case by varied ways already mentioned above; in addition, interviews and obeservation should be used to understand leadership effectiveness

Group Dynamics Conflict, Cooperation, Trust and Deviance

GB 11


Influencing Others Power Leadership

GB 12,13


Organizational Processes Organizational Culture, Creativity, and Innovation

GB 14

A group choose one organization and how culture exist in that organization; interviews and observation are required to clarify whether employees share in common with belief, norms, and values and artefacts A group choose several organizations in either public and private institutions. Interviews with management levels are required to understand the consideration of forming individual structures A group is aksed to find an organization under changes (UGM); then to find the consideration of the changes and dealing with its implications, such employees, structures, and culture


Organizational Processes Organizational Structure and Design

GB 15


Organizational Processes Managing Organizational Change

GB 16


Company Visit

Chapters relevant with topics for company visit

The class has to decide topics being explored in selected organization; the technical preparation is required; all groups are asked to produce reports based on their findings. In particular, the groups have to show their evaluation and recommendation in their reports. Final Exam

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