Replication and Validation of the Drinking Motive Questionnaire Revised (DMQ-R, Cooper, 1994) Among Adolescents in Switzerland
Emmanuel Kuntsche a Ronald Knibbe b Gerhard Gmel a Rutger Engels c
Research Department, Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems, Lausanne, Switzerland; b Department of Medical Sociology, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, and c Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Key Words Drinking Motive Questionnaire Revised Drinking motives Measurement instrument Alcohol use Risky drinking
ness of the DMQ-R and its usefulness for assessing drinking motives among European adolescents from different cultural backgrounds.
Copyright 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel
Abstract This paper has two aims: (1) to replicate the four-dimensional structure of the Drinking Motive Questionnaire Revised (DMQ-R) in a national representative sample from Switzerland, and (2) to validate the relevance of distinguishing drinking motives by inspecting the relations with expected consequences, alcohol use, and alcohol-related and other problems. Conrmatory factor analysis and linear structural equation models were estimated based on answers of 5,617 8th to 10th graders (mean 15.1 years; SD = 0.95). The results conrm the four-dimensional factor structure in general and among subpopulations dened by gender, age, and linguistic region. It could also be conrmed that enhancement motives followed by coping motives were strongly related to alcohol use and heavy drinking, whereas conformity motives were negatively related. Coping motives were related to problems independent of whether they were assessed as alcohol-related or not, while enhancement motives were associated solely with alcohol-related problems. In sum, the results demonstrate the robust-
Alcohol use is known to be determined by a large variety of factors that are found both within the individual (e.g. genetic disposition, personality characteristics, cognitions) and in his environment [e.g. factors on the level of the society, neighborhood, families, peer groups, drinking situations, see 13, for reviews]. From both the conceptual point of view and in terms of prevention, the factors most proximate to drinking are of strategic importance. These factors are not only supposed to be more easily accessible for prevention efforts than most of the more distal ones, but also tend to reect or include distal factors such as culture, situation, or personality [4, 5]. Drinking motives are dened as the nal decision whether to drink or not to drink and therefore the most proximal factor for engaging in drinking [47]. In other words, drinking motives are the nal pathway to alcohol use, i.e. the gateway through which more distal inuences, such as personality characteristics, are mediated [810]. On the other hand, however, drinking motives depend on
Emmanuel Kuntsche Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems (SIPA) Research Department, PO Box 870 CH1001 Lausanne (Switzerland) Tel. +41 21 321 29 52, Fax +41 21 321 29 40, E-Mail
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past reinforcement from drinking [4, 5] and might also be used as justication for a certain drinking style. From both a conceptual and practical point of view, the relevance of drinking motives for understanding adolescent drinking is probably underestimated, partly due to the fact that, until now, most studies using drinking motives have been restricted to North America [11]. The central focus of this study is the measurement and relevance of drinking motives among adolescents in a multilingual European country. More specically, it aims to replicate and validate a drinking motive instrument that was developed in the US and based on the motivational model of alcohol use [4, 5]. This model assumes that drinking motives can be classied along two underlying dimensions reecting the valence (positive or negative) and the source (internal or external) of the outcomes individuals expect to achieve by drinking. Thus, individuals are supposed to drink to obtain positive outcomes (positive reinforcement) or to avoid negative consequences (negative reinforcement). In addition, they may be motivated by internal rewards such as enhancement of a desired internal emotional state or by external rewards such as social approval or acceptance. Crossing these two dimensions results in four different drinking motive categories: (a) internally generated, positive reinforcement motives (drinking to enhance positive mood); (b) externally generated, positive reinforcement motives (drinking to obtain social rewards); (c) internally generated, negative reinforcement motives (drinking to reduce negative emotions), and (d) externally generated, negative reinforcement motives (drinking to avoid social rejection). Based on these considerations, Cooper [7] developed the Drinking Motive Questionnaire Revised (DMQ-R) for use among adolescents that reliably measures the four drinking motive categories of enhancement (internal, positive), coping (internal, negative), social (external, positive), and conformity (external, negative) among 13to 19-year olds in the USA. At present, the DMQ-R is the most often applied multidimensional instrument to assess drinking motives in the North America [for review, see 11]. To our knowledge, however, no study exists that has used the DMQ-R to assess drinking motives outside North America. However, as alcohol consumption and drinking patterns among adolescents vary widely across cultures [e.g. 12], it remains unclear if adolescent drinking motives follow the same patterns and are associated with the same alcohol outcomes as in the USA. This papers has two aims: (1) to replicate the four-dimensional structure of the DMQ-R in a national repre-
sentative sample from Switzerland, and (2) to validate the relevance of distinguishing drinking motives by inspecting the relations with expected consequences, alcohol use, and alcohol-related and other problems. A conrmation of the DMQ-R factor structure and its potential to predict alcohol use and problems would conrm the strategic importance of motives to understand adolescents drinking and to develop effective interventions to prevent harm caused by this behavior. Apart from the conrmation of the four-dimensional structure in a national representative sample, the present investigation seeks to determine the equivalence of the factor structure in different subpopulations. In her study among 13- to 19-year-olds in the USA, Cooper [7] found no differences in factor structure according to gender, age, and race. Likewise, we expect no structural differences according to gender and age in Switzerland. Additionally, the present sample of Swiss adolescents offers the opportunity to study cultural differences in one country by comparing adolescents living in the German-speaking part with those living in the French- and Italian-speaking ones. Evidence of such a structural equivalence would indicate that the DMQ-R could be a sound and useful instrument to assess drinking motives in other European countries too. The second aim was to validate the relevance of distinguishing drinking motives by inspecting the relations with expected consequences, alcohol use, and problems attributed and not attributed to alcohol. Per denition, enhancement drinkers drink to enhance internal positive feelings, social drinkers drink to have fun in social context, and coping drinkers drink to alleviate problems. Accordingly, to validate the relevance of drinking motives, it is hypothesized that enhancement motives are related to fun enhancement expectations, social motives to social improvement expectations, and coping motives to problem-alleviating expectations [cf. 8, 9, 10, 13]. Concerning alcohol use, the literature shows that the internally generated motives, enhancement and coping, are most strongly related to personality traits [enhancement with extraversion, coping with neuroticism, e.g. 14 17]. Thus, drinkers with internal motives will be more consistent across drinking situations in how they drink than drinkers with mainly external motives resulting in higher levels of alcohol consumption [7]. Since conformity drinkers drink only when they are motivated by the presence of drinking adolescents, they are supposed to have lower drinking levels than otherwise motivated drinkers. In this study, we hypothesize that enhancement and coping motives are more strongly associated with
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usual frequency and quantity of alcohol use and to heavy drinking than social motives. We further expect that conformity motives are negatively associated with these drinking indicators. Since coping motives are dened by the decision to drink to cope with problems, we hypothesize that coping motives are related to problems in general [i.e. problems not attributed to alcohol such as poor academic performance, see e.g. 18] but also to alcohol-attributed problems since decits in problem-focused coping have never been adequately addressed [9, 19]. Due to higher levels of alcohol use among enhancement drinkers, we expect enhancement motives to be related to alcohol-attributed problems such as involvement in violent acts and risky or regretted sexual intercourse.
for four conceptually and empirically distinct reason dimensions (i.e. enhancement, social, conformity, and coping motives). Participants were instructed to consider all the times they have drunk alcohol and to indicate how many o occasions they have drunk for each given motive. Each dimension consists of 5 items and is rated on a relative frequency scale ranging from Never (coded as 1) to Almost always (coded as 6). The exact wording of all items is given in table 1. Expected Personal Consequences of Alcohol Use The items stem from the original ESPAD questionnaire. The question was How likely is it that each of the following things would happen to you personally, if you drink alcohol? with the items Have a lot of fun, Feel more friendly and outgoing, and Forget my problems. The answer categories varied from Very unlikely (coded as 1) to Very likely (coded as 5). Alcohol Use For the usual frequency of alcohol use, the questions asked the number of drinking occasions in the last 30 days with answer categories 0, 12, 35, 69, 1019, 2039 and 40 or more. Midpoints of categories were used and 45 occasions for the upper category (40 times plus half range to mid-point of adjacent category). Usual quantity of alcohol use assessed the total amount of standard drinks of any alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, spirits, and alcopops as examples) consumed at a typical occasion. The answer categories were less than 1 drink, 1 drink, 2 drinks, 3 drinks, 4 drinks and 5 or more drinks. Midpoints of categories were used and 0.5 drinks for the lower and 5.5 drinks for the upper category (5 times plus half range to mid-point of adjacent category). 5+ Drinking. The question was Think back once more over the last 30 days. How many times (if any) have you had ve or more drinks in a row? with the answer categories None, 1, 2, 35, 69 and 10 or more times. Midpoints of categories were used and 11.25 occasions for the upper category (10 times plus half range to mid-point of adjacent category). Drinking Problems (Alcohol-Attributed and Nonattributed in the ESPAD Core Questionnaire) Poor Academic Performance (Not Alcohol-Attributed). The students were asked Which of the following best describes your average grade at the end of the last school term?. The answers were coded 1 for the best possible grade to 6 for the worst and in this way enables an assessment of poor academic performance. Violence and Sexual Intercourse (Alcohol-Attributed Questions). The question was Have you ever had any of the following problems due to your alcohol consumption? The students could indicate if they ever experienced a Scufe or ght, Damage to objects or clothing you owned, and Victimized by robbery or theft. These three questions were added up to a violence summary score (value range: 0 to 3). The two questions Engaged in sexual intercourse you regretted the next day and Engaged in sexual intercourse without a condom were added to a risky sexual intercourse summary score (value range: 0 to 2). Sample and Missing Value Imputation Random cluster sampling was used, based on a list of all classes of Swiss schools from 8th to 10th grade compiled by the Swiss Federal Statistical Ofce, where the classes served as the primary sam-
Study Design Data from Swiss participation in the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Drugs, ESPAD [12], which has been conducted every 4 years since 1995 in European countries, were used for the present analysis. In 2003, the Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems (SIPA) and the Addiction Research Institute (ARI) for the rst time conducted the survey for Switzerland together with 34 other European countries. Present data were collected by means of a paper-pencil questionnaire which was sent to schools to be administered to each pupil in the relevant classes between the end of April and the end of June 2003. To avoid systematic dropouts, the exact date of the distribution of the questionnaires was not communicated to the school boards ahead of time. Teachers who administered the questionnaires in the classroom were advised only to respond to adolescents queries about the procedure and to guarantee the independent completion of the questionnaire without interference from classmates. The time frame for lling out the questionnaires was one school lesson (about 45 min). According to the Helsinki Declaration [20], the students could freely choose to participate and condentiality was ensured at all stages of the study. Measures An interdisciplinary research group from the participating countries developed the ESPAD questionnaire [12] including expected personal consequences and usual frequency of alcohol use, 5+ drinking, and problems. Countries were free to include additional questions to the ESPAD core questionnaire. In Switzerland, the Drinking Motive Questionnaire (DMQ-R) [7] and a question concerning the usual quantity of alcohol use was included. The resulting questionnaire was translated under the supervision of SIPA into the three languages most frequently spoken in Switzerland: German, French, and Italian. Dinking Motives The Drinking Motive Questionnaire Revised [DMQ-R, 7] is a 20-item self-report measure of the relative frequency of drinking DMQ-R Replication and Validation in Switzerland
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Table 1. Results of a conrmatory factor analysis (standardized item loadings), item means, inter-factor correlations, and internal consistencies
How often do you drink Because you like the feeling? Because its exciting? To get high? Because it gives you a pleasant feeling? Because its fun? Because it helps you enjoy a party? To be sociable? Because it makes social gatherings more fun? Because it improves parties and celebrations? To celebrate a special occasion with friends? Because your friends pressure you to drink? So that others wont kid you about not drinking? You drink to t in with a group you like? To be liked? So you wont feel left out? To forget your worries? Because it helps you when you feel depressed or nervous? To cheer up when youre in a bad mood? Because you feel more self-condent or sure of yourself? To forget about your problems? Correlation with the factor Social Correlation with the factor Conformity Correlation with the factor Coping Internal consistencies (Cronbachs )
Means 8 SD 2.8281.55 2.6181.49 2.2381.56 2.6281.52 3.4181.75 2.7281.58 1.5881.03 3.0181.68 2.8881.70 3.8681.58 1.3580.82 1.3380.88 1.3280.85 1.3580.86 1.3980.94 1.9181.31 1.9181.30 2.0581.36 1.7781.21 1.9181.40
0.78 0.39 0.84 0.82 0.57 0.56 0.67 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.79 0.83 0.82 0.53 0.83 0.92 0.29 0.59 0.85 0.37 0.54 0.82 0.45 0.87 0.88 pling unit. An overall response rate of 83.1% was reached. The sample can be considered as representative for all 8th, 9th and 10th graders in public schools in the German-, French-, and Italianspeaking regions of Switzerland. Since drinking motives were exclusively assessed among drinkers, those who did not indicate at least one drinking occasion in the last 12 months (n = 1,415, 19.7%) were excluded. When a student did not answer one or two questions on drinking motives, the missing values were replaced by means of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimates [21, 22]. MCMC is a simulation method in the Bayesian tradition. Starting with the prior distribution of observed values, random draws of missing values conditional on an item and individual parameters of observed values are taken. The individual missing value is imputed by randomly selecting a value from this conditional distribution for the given individual and his/her observed item response pattern. The procedure is iterative and uses Markov Chains until convergence of the posterior distribution. The advantage of such an imputation method is that the information of observed values for an individual is taken into account, i.e. imputation is conditional on individuals that have the same response pattern on all but the missing items. Thus, a maximum of information for an individual from other items of the drinking motive questionnaire was used. The program LISREL 8.51 [23] was applied for missing value imputation. 4
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All factor loadings are signicant at the 0.1% error level; model t: CFI = 0.920, NNFI = 0.897, RMSEA = 0.062, SRMR = 0.079.
All students who failed to answer more than two questions on drinking motives (n = 71; 1.2%) were excluded from the analysis. All students who failed to answer questions about expected personal consequences and alcohol use and related consequences were also excluded (n = 90; 1.6%). The analyzed data consists of 5,617 12- to 18-year-old students (40.7% 8th graders, 45.9% 9th graders, and 13.4% 10th graders) of which 49.0% were boys and 70.9% came from the German-speaking part (22.3% French-speaking and 6.7% Italian-speaking). The mean age of the total sample was 15.1 years (SD = 0.95). More information about the ESPAD survey in Switzerland can be found in Gmel et al. [24] or in the relevant chapter of the international report [12]. Statistical Analysis A conrmatory factor analysis [CFA, 25, 26] was used to conrm the four-dimensional factor structure [enhancement, social, conformity, and coping motives, 7] in the present sample of 12- to 18-yearold students in Switzerland. Errors were allowed to correlate so as to compensate answer tendencies and sub-dimensional item relations previously detected by an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using a randomly selected sub-sample. To evaluate the overall model t, the comparative t index (CFI), the non-normed t index (NNFI), the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) were used.
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The CFI and the NNFI are related to the total variance accounted by the model and values close to 1, e.g. higher than 0.90, are desired [2628]. The RMSEA and the SRMR are related to the residual variance and values close to 0, e.g. smaller than 0.08, are desired [26, 28, 29]. Internal consistencies of each drinking motive dimension were assessed by using Cronbachs alpha. To determine the equivalence of factor structure in different subgroups, the four-dimensional measurement model was rst estimated freely between males and females, older (1518 years) and younger students (1214 years, median split), as well as between German-speaking and French/Italian-speaking students (since the latter are both minorities in Switzerland and have rather similar cultural backgrounds, these students were grouped together and compared with their German-speaking peers). Subsequently, the factor loadings were set as equal between the groups and the CFI, the NNFI, the RMSEA and the SRMR of the xed models were compared with the t indices obtained in the freely estimated models. To conrm the validity of the DMQ-R in the present sample of Swiss adolescents, three multivariate linear structural equation models (LSEM) were estimated. In the rst model, the three personal expected consequences of alcohol use were the dependent variables; the three alcohol use measures in the second model; and the three drinking problems in the third model. In all models, the latent variables of enhancement, social, conformity, and coping motives as well as gender and age were the independent variables. EFA, CFA, and LSEM were performed using the software Mplus 3.11 [25]. This program has the advantage of directly adjusting the analysis for the sampling design effect of clusters (school classes).
0.915 0.915
Age groups (1214 vs. 1518) Unconstrained model 0.917 Fixed model 0.918
Linguistic region (German- vs. French/Italian-speaking) Unconstrained model 0.909 0.888 0.066 0.083 Fixed model 0.907 0.892 0.065 0.084
To assess if the four-dimensional model of drinking motives is also valid for different subgroups, the conrmatory factor analysis was estimated for gender and age groups and linguistic regions separately. Subsequently, the factor loadings in each model were xed to be equal between the groups. In all three conditions, allowing the parameters to vary between the groups did not increase the model t considerably (table 2).
Replication of the Four-Dimensional Factor Structure The results of the Conrmatory Factor Analysis revealed high and homogenous item loadings on their specied factors (table 1). One exception is the item drinking to be sociable with a rather low item loading. The means of enhancement and social items were generally higher than those of conformity and coping. Lowest scores were found for the factor conformity. Exceptions are drinking to be sociable with a rather low mean and drinking to cheer up when in a bad mood with a rather high mean. Items with the highest scores concerned drinking to celebrate special occasions, because it is fun, and because it makes social gatherings more fun. The drinking motive factors are highly correlated. The highest correlations were found between enhancement and social motives followed by enhancement and coping. The t of the model turned out to be satisfactory with CFI and NNFI values standing at around 0.90; the RMSEA value is below 0.08 and SRMR value is about 0.08. Internal consistencies of the drinking motive dimensions varied from = 0.82 to = 0.88.
Relations to Expected Consequences and Alcohol Use and Related Problems For validation purposes, a linear structural equation model was estimated with the four drinking motives as independent variables and different expected personal consequences of alcohol use as dependent variables. The results reveal that enhancement and social motives were positively related to the opinion that fun is likely to result from drinking whereas conformity and coping motives were negatively related to this opinion (table 3). Social motives in particular were related to the opinion that feeling more friendly and outgoing is a likely consequence from drinking. Coping motives were positively related and conformity motives negatively related to the opinion that drinking alcohol is likely to help to forget problems. The explained variance of expected personal consequences varied from 19 to 44%. To determine associations with different alcohol use measures, a second linear structural equation model was estimated. Enhancement and coping motives were positively related to the usual frequency of alcohol intake. Enhancement and social motives were positively related and conformity motives negatively related to the usual quantity. The frequency of having ve drinks or more on single occasions was signicantly linked to enhancement
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Table 3. Drinking motives as predictors of expected personal consequences, alcohol use, and drinking problems
(standardized betas of the three multiple-multivariate linear structural equation models estimated) Enhancement Expected personal consequences1 Have a lot of fun Feel more friendly and outgoing Forget my problems Alcohol use2 Usual frequency Usual quantity 5+ drinking Drinking problems3 Academic4 Violence5 Sexual5 Social Conformity Coping R2, %
0.25*** 0.34*** 0.37*** 0.12*** 0.06** 0.15*** 0.05 0.17** 0.19** 0.09 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.19*** 0.12*** 0.12***
All models were adjusted for gender and age; model t: 1 CFI = 0.914, RMSEA = 0.058; 2 CFI = 0.918, RMSEA = 0.056; 3 CFI = 0.916, RMSEA = 0.054; 4 non-alcohol attributed; 5 alcohol attributed. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.00.
and coping motives. The explained variance of alcohol use varied from 16 to 37%. A third model was estimated for problems. In this model, only coping motives were positively related to all three problems. Enhancement motives were positively associated with alcohol-related violence and sexual problems. For social and conformity motives, no relation to drinking problems was found. The explained variance was between 5 and 7%.
The rst aim of the present study was to conrm the structure of the DMQ-R in a sample of adolescents outside North America. The results of the conrmatory factor analysis revealed that the specied four-factor model had an acceptable model t [e.g. 2629]. Additionally, each drinking motive dimension had a good-to-excellent internal consistency, comparable to those reported in the Cooper study [7]. Also on the level of how strong items load on the motive dimensions, there is a remarkable similarity between the two studies. For example, in both studies the items makes social gatherings more fun and improves parties and celebrations had the highest loadings on the factor social motives and the item be sociable had the lowest. Furthermore, the inter-factor correlations were similar. Both in our study and in that by Cooper,
the highest correlation was found between enhancement and social motives and the lowest between enhancement and conformity motives. The present study also aimed to determine the structural equivalence in different subgroups. When xing the factor loadings between the subgroups no substantial differences in the different t indices emerged. Since the NNFI takes degrees of freedom into account, the gain of degrees of freedom when xing the factor loadings between subgroups resulted in a very slight increase in NNFI values. Taken together, the four-dimensional structure of the DMQ-R was found to be invariant not only among males and females and among older and younger adolescents but also among adolescents living in both the German-speaking part and those living in the Frenchand Italian-speaking parts. This not only conrms the results Cooper found among adolescents in the USA more than 10 years ago but also demonstrates the robustness of the DMQ-R and its usefulness to assess drinking motives among other European adolescents from different cultural backgrounds. Concerning the validation of drinking motives, the results conrm that enhancement but not conformity or coping motives are related to fun enhancement expectations. Social motives are especially related to social improvement expectations, while coping but not conformity motives are related to problem-alleviating expectations [cf. 810, 13]. Equally consistent are the results that en-
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hancement motives are related to all drinking measures used in the study, that conformity motives are negatively related to frequency and quantity of drinking, and that coping motives were particularly related to 5+ drinking [cf. 7, 9, 10]. These results are not only consistent with previous research but also conrm the relevance of distinguishing these four categories of drinking motives in predicting expected consequences and different alcohol use patterns. In this study, we distinguished between alcohol-attributed and nonattributed problems. The results conrm that coping motives were related to problems independent of whether they were assessed to be alcohol related or not [7, 9, 10, 18, 19]. It might be the case that adolescents who have problems in general, such as poor academic performance and who drink to cope with these problems, end up with other problems such as involvement in violent acts and risky or regretted sexual intercourse due to their alcohol consumption because decits in problem-focused coping have never been adequately addressed [9, 19]. However, due to the cross-sectional data used in the present study, such a causal succession in time could not be addressed. Additionally, the results show that enhancement motives were related to alcoholattributed problems but not to nonattributed ones. It seems that enhancement drinkers do not have problems in general, but have problems related to their high levels of alcohol consumption; this is conrmed by the strong association between enhancement motives and the different alcohol use measures. Another interesting point concerns the differences between enhancement and social motives. Although both dimensions are highly correlated, they are indeed differently associated with most of the dependent variables investigated. This was the case because in multiple regression models all independent variables are mutually adjusted. In other words, the coefcients indicate the increase e.g. in alcohol use or in drinking problems, assuming all other variables are equal. Thus, accounting for a particular level of social motives, enhancement motives were associated with 5+ drinking. On the other hand, when a particular level of enhancement motives is factored in, no association with social motives can be shown. However, in bivariate analyses (results not presented), social motives were additionally related to drinking frequency, 5+ drinking and alcohol-attributed problems because enhancement motives are hidden due to the high correlation of both. This demonstrates the importance of analyzing the different motive dimensions in a mutually adjusted way to arrive at the specic effect of a particular
motive dimension on alcohol use, drinking problems and other variables. To conclude, the present study provides evidence for the usefulness of the DMQ-R among adolescents in Switzerland and similar drinking cultures in Europe. The results not only conrmed the four-dimensional factor structure in general but also among boys and girls, among 12- to 14-year-olds and 15- to 18-year-olds, and among adolescents living in the German-speaking part and those living in the French- and Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland. Additionally, the results are very consistent with those obtained in a sample of adolescents in the USA more than 10 years ago [7]. This makes us optimistic that the DMQ-R, which is the most frequently applied multidimensional questionnaire to assess drinking motives among adolescents in North America [for a review, see 11], is a valid and reliable instrument to assess adolescent drinking motives in other European countries. Apart from their implication for research, the present results should be important for prevention. The motivational model of alcohol use that was originally developed to understand goals and incentives among alcoholics [5] was also shown to be useful to improve the motivational structure of young people and to reduce their substance use via motivational counseling [30]. Current developments in prevention and early intervention further include attention to the interplay between personality and motivational factors underlying risky alcohol use in adolescents [31]. The present validation of the DMQ-R in a multi-linguistic sample is therefore supposed to contribute to identify adolescents at risk from alcohol problems in Europe and to design preventive strategies accordingly.
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The Swiss ESPAD study was funded by the Swiss Federal Ofce of Public Health (Grant No. 02.000537), SIPA, and ARI. Additional funds for the analysis of drinking motives were obtained from the Swiss National Science Foundation (contract number 101511-105481/1). The authors would like to thank Esther Grichting and Jrgen Rehm for their participation in the Swiss ESPAD project.
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