Magnetic Particle Equipment Selection Guide
Magnetic Particle Equipment Selection Guide
Magnetic Particle Equipment Selection Guide
Whether youre testing a small bolt, a large turbine rotor or anything in between, Magnaflux offers a complete selection of high-quality magnetic particle inspection (MPI) equipment for every application. Value-engineered and manufactured to meet government and industry specifications, Magnaflux MPI equipment provides many advantages: s Simple, fast, reliable operation s Versatility to locate both surface and near-surface defects s Economical operation for high-volume inspection rates s Durability for industrial environments s Little or no size limitations of parts being tested s No elaborate pre-cleaning of parts is required For optimum inspection performance, Magnaflux produces and supplies a complete line of materials and accessories. Because we offer a full line of equipment, accessories, and materials we can easily serve you the customer and work to satisfy all of your inspection needs. For more information on these products refer to the last page of this catalog or contact Magnaflux.
1) Type of Defect
a. Surfaceif the only defect is open to the surface Alternating Current (AC) units offer the best, least expensive solution. But on larger parts where more power is needed, a Direct Current (DC) of some form may be a viable solution. b. Sub-SurfaceIn order to locate defect closed to the surface or below the surface Direct Current (DC) is the best choice. Magnaflux offers units with Half Wave DC, One Phase DC, and Three Phase DC outputs.
2) Part Length
a. Standard Magnaflux units will accept parts up to 146 inches (371 cm) b. Magnaflux custom equipment has handled parts 30 feet long and longer. We work hard to fit your need.
3) Processing Rate
a. Low processing rates (Approximately one part every 30 seconds) can be processed on our conventional equipment. Conventional machines normally require two magnetizing shots with a separate inspection after each shot. b. High processing rates can be handled by Multidirectional units. These units offer one shot one inspection on many parts, cutting process time in half. They also have higher levels of technology built in allowing interfaces with automated equipment.
For information about a particular machine, refer to the pages listed below
Introduction .........................................ii Selection Guidelines ............................ii 2000 Series........................................17 MD Series .....................................23 3-Phase Units................................45 1-Phase .........................................67 CSV Series .............................................8 M Series ................................................9 Demagnetizers .....................................9 Inspection Hood.................................10 Custom Designed Units .....................11 Blacklights ..........................................12 Magnetic Particle Accessories ...........13 Magnetic Particle Materials ..............13 ii
5) Customer Requirements
On occasion additional customer requirements may help determine the best unit. Quite often specifications are written to require inspections be done in certain ways. These specifications may require DC when surface flaws are the only predicted flaw. If you need help to interpret a specification feel free to contact us. We have a library for our use containing many of the industry standards.
Magnaflux offers many standard units to help you process your parts. Inspection Hoods, Conveyor Systems, Demagnetizing Units, and Induced Current Fixtures are a few of the items we offer. These items have proven themselves as products of durability and reliability.
Magnaflux reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice or obligation.
2000 Series
The Magnetic Particle Inspection series is both operator and maintenance friendly, with more standard features, increased reliability, ease of use and a longer warranty.
New pushbar design with adjustable sensitivity and operator disable control switch.
Pushbar activation switches can be adjusted to change operation sensitivity. Pushbar operation can be turned off at operator panel.
MD Series
Headstock Flux-Flo Coils Tailstock Optional ZB-100F Black Light
Push Bar
The Magnaflux Multi-Directional units are our most versatile standard units. The MD Series offers time savings multidirectional magnetization for finding defects in all orientations with one cycle. The two or three outputs are independently adjustable to balance the magnetic field intensity, and each output offers AC, HWDC or One Phase DC output. The user can mix and match current types while adjusting current levels creating virtually infinite combinations for the operator. These combinations allow the machine to be used with a wide range of parts, while the Customer Programmable Settings insure repeatability whether you process the same part every day or once a year. Supervisor Locks keeps stored setting safe from inadvertent variation.
3000 amp HWDC, FWDC, 2500 amp AC Output Capabilities 2 OutputsContacts, Flux-Flo Coils Voltages Available (208 V or Higher) Only Available in Standard Size
6000 amp HWDC, FWDC, 5000 amp AC Output Capabilities 2 OutputsContacts, Flux-Flo Coils Voltages Available (380 V or Higher) Standard Type Coil May be Substituted for Flux-Flo Coils
6000 amp HWDC, FWDC, 5000 amp AC Output Capabilities 3 OutputsContacts, Flux-Flo Coils, 16" ID Auxiliary Coil Voltages Available (380 V or Higher) 20" or 25" ID Coil May be Substituted for 16" ID Coil
CMD Series
This series of units are the Power Pack versions of the units listed above. The power packs can easily be integrated with custom handling equipment, or used to update old wet horizontal units. They can come with 2 or 3 outputs.
2000 Series
All the features listed for the 2000 Series PLUS
s Integrated Multidirectional Power Supply s Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with Graphical Display Interface s Large Easy to Read Display with Digital Amperage Readout s Independent Variable Current Controls with Key Pad Entry s Visual and Audible Current Assurance Alarm with Automatic Log s Quick Disconnect Wiring, allows Quick and Easy Maintenance s 100% Solid State Circuitry s Fifty (50) Customer Programmable Piece Part Settings s Automatic Piece Parts Counter s Security System allowing Password Protection (2 Levels) s Multi-Lingual (English, Spanish, French) Display s Daily Operator Check Reminders (UV & White Light Intensity, Bath Concentration) s Five (5) Year Frame and Tank Warranty s Two (2) Year Parts and Labor Warranty
s Magnaflux Inspection Hood (See Page 10) s Decaying AC or Reversing DC Demagnetization, to reduce the residual field in the test piece to enhance machining, and welding operations. s Dual Palm Buttons (in lieu of Footswitch) insuring Hands Clear Operation s Infrared Light Curtains for Operator Safety s Fifty (50) Additional Customer Programmable Piece Part Settings s Powered Conveyor (10 foot x 8 inches) with two person inspection booth, ZB-100F Lights, White Light, Ventilation Fan, and Inline AC Demagnetization Coil s Current Set Points (Over / Under Current Alarm) s Automatic Bath up to 20" (for Longer Lengths Contact Magnaflux) s Pulse Feature (CMD only)
Audible Alarm
Unit Size
Standard Long Extra Long
Unit Dimensions
89" x 41" x 61" 133" x 41" x 61" 177" x 41" x 61"
Tank Capacity
25 Gal (95 L) 37 Gal (140 L) 60 Gal (235 L)
Alphanumeric Key-Pad
3-PHASE Units
The Magnaflux D Series are our most powerful standard wet bench units. They offer maximum magnetization for finding surface and sub-surface defects while using minimal power. The two outputs are independently adjustable to set each magnetic field, circular or longitudinal.
6000 amp 3 Phase FWDC 2 OutputsContacts, 12" ID Coil Voltages Available (208 V or Higher) Standard Coil May be Substituted for 16", 20", or 25" ID Coil
10,000 amp 3 Phase FWDC 2 OutputsContacts, 12" ID Coil Voltages Available (230 V or Higher) Standard Coil May be Substituted for 16", 20", or 25" ID Coil
The CD units are power pack versions of our wet horizontal units. Some of the 2000 Series features may not apply.
6000 amp 3 Phase FWDC 1 OutputBus Bars Voltages Available (208V or Higher)
10,000 amp 3 Phase FWDC 1 OutputBus Bars Voltages Available (230V or Higher)
2000 series
All the features listed for the 2000 Series PLUS
s Quick Break Function s Five (5) Year Frame and Tank Warranty s Three (3) Year Parts and Labor Warranty
When magnetizing parts using three phase DC current it is imperative the unit has a properly functioning Quick Break. Simply put, Quick Break is a defined function that measures how fast the magnetic field collapses in an induced (coil) shot. A part being magnetized with a DC Induced Current will receive the majority of its magnetism at the beginning and the end of the shot. The level of the induced field is directly determined by the rate of change in the magnetic field. By defining and measuring the collapse rate at the end of the magnetizing shot, we can insure a consistent field is induced into the part under test. A consistent magnetic field is the first step in an accurate repeatable inspection.
s s s s s s s s s s s Magnaflux Inspection Hood (See Page 10) Mod 4 AC- 4000 amps AC Output with Decaying AC Demagnetization* Mod 6 AC- 6000 amps AC Output with Decaying AC Demagnetization* Reversing DC Demagnetization, to reduce the residual magnetism in the test piece to enhance machining, and welding operations. Dual Palm Buttons (in lieu of Footswitch) insuring Hands Clear Operation Infrared Light Curtains for Operator Safety Rotating Contacts (300 lbs capacity) Automatic Bath up to 20" Auxiliary Output for External Coil Wraps Low Current Option Pulse Feature (CD-2060 & CD-2100 Only)
1-Phase Units
The Magnaflux A, AD and ADH Series are our most economical standard wet bench units. They offer great particle mobility for finding surface and sub-surface defects and the versatility of using AC or DC magnetization (except A-2040). The two outputs are independently adjustable to set each magnetic field, circular or longitudinal. Magnetization shot time is adjustable allowing better development of indications.
4000 amps AC or 5000 amps 1 Phase FWDC 2 OutputsContacts, 12" ID Coil Voltages Available (208 V or Higher) Standard Coil May be Substituted for 16", 20", or 25" ID Coil
4000 amps AC or 5000 amps 1 Phase HWDC 2 OutputsContacts, 12" ID Coil Voltages Available (208 V or Higher) Standard Coil May be Substituted for 16", 20", or 25" ID Coil
6000 amps AC or 6000 amps 1 Phase HWDC 2 OutputsContacts, 12" ID Coil Voltages Available (380 V or Higher) Standard Coil May be Substituted for 16", 20", or 25" ID Coil
4000 amps AC only 2 OutputsContacts, 12" ID Coil Voltages Available (208 V or Higher) Standard Coil May be Substituted for 16" or 20" ID Coil
2000 Series
Particle Mobility is a term used to help explain how the magnetic particles flow across the part under test. The motion of the particles is mostly due to gravity. As the particle flows over the part, the leakage fields from flaws will grab some of the particles and hold them. There is a second form of mobility. As the electrical current ebbs and wanes the particles will vibrate. The vibration is due to the magnetic field swinging on the hysteresis curve. For AC signals the swing is dramatic, in DC fields the vibration becomes less as the signal approaches a true flat constant current, like a battery. The vibration of the particle allows greater accumulation around the leakage field. This accumulation translates into better, sharper development of indications. AC and Half Wave DC offer better particle mobility because of the vibration but One Phase Full Wave DC has higher magnetizing power. Generally, finer flaws will develop better with better particle mobility. 7
Part Length Capacity 54 Inches (137 cm) 102 Inches (259 cm) 146 Inches (371 cm)
Unit Dimensions 89" x 41" x 61" 133" x 41" x 61" 177" x 41" x 61"
All the features listed for the 2000 Series PLUS
s s s s s Switch between AC and one phase DC output (except A-2040) 100% Solid State One Touch Decaying AC Demagnetization Five (5) Year Frame and Tank Warranty Three (3) Year Parts and Labor Warranty
s Magnaflux Inspection Hood (See Page 10) s Dual Palm Buttons (in lieu of Footswitch) insuring Hands Clear Operation s Infrared Light Curtains for Operator Safety s Automatic Bath up to 20" s Rotating Contacts (300 lbs capacity) s Low Current Option
CSV Series
Magnaflux understands some parts will not lend themselves to traditional units. Some of these parts are too large, some need special handling, some are better processed dry. The CSV Series offers a solution to the parts that are too large for normal systems. Three independent outputs to help speed processing time and a pulse feature to allow development of larger areas. These units feature 3 phase rectified to DC output. The CSV units are the most economical way to create a high magnetizing current with minimal power requirements.
s s s s s s s s s s s Three Phase Full Wave DC Output Multi Vector Capability Three Independent Outputs Three Independent Current Controls Large Display Meters, one for each output Ultra Low Frequency Reversing DC Demag (output 1 only) 100% Solid State Circuitry One to Four Pulses Selectable One to Four Cycles Repeat Modular PLC (Modicon or AB) Two Year Warranty
s Demag on Circuits 2 and 3 s Remote Mount Operator Interface with Pedestal (Standard on 20,000 amp unit) 50 customer recipesstore and recall settings Key Pad Entry Visual and Audible current Alarms Reminder AlertsUV, White Light, Bath Concentration Alarm Log Security Passwords Unit CSV-10 CSV-15 CSV-20 Output Capacity 10,000 Amps 15,000 Amps 20,000 Amps
M Series
Magnaflux understands some parts can not be moved so the magnetizing station needs to be brought to the part. The M Series offers a solution by providing an adaptable mobile unit. These units feature 1 phase AC or Half Wave DC output.
Rated Load
Either End or Bus Bar 30' of 4/0 cable Bus Bar Bus Bar 30' of DOUBLE 4/0 Cable 90' of 4/0 Cable
Output rating is based on Load Specified Note: M-530 Special is designed for applications in which the power source can not be close to the inspection piece.
s Two heavy-duty fixed casters and two swivel casters with brakes for easy, safe movement s Find surface defects with AC current; switch one cable connection to HWDC for nearsurface defects s Set current with power pack dial or remote dial s Locate defects in any direction using prods, central conductor, or coil (wrap part with 3-5 turns of cable) s Dial Amps self-regulating current control compensates for cable length, electrical resistance and prod placement s M-530S unit designed to work with long cable lengths necessary for inspecting large parts (i.e. power generator parts) s Dimensions: 40" L x 2912" W x 3534" H s Many voltages available, single phase s Infinitely variable; self-regulating current control s Three (3) Year Parts and Labor Warranty
M-500 Accessories:
s #157660 standard prod set, 4 PTL plug s #157780 dual horizontal prod assembly, 4 PTL plug s #601845 remote control cable, 15' (457 cm), 4PTL plug s #11308 cable with eitherends on both ends, 15 feet (457 cm) s #1574 eitherend lug adapter 4/0 s #600004 black light, ZB-100F, portable, 100 watt light with sealed transformer and carrying base for storage of cords (115v/60hz/1ph)
The SB series offer inexpensive, powerful, (8000 amp turn) stand alone demagnetization. Three (3) Year Parts and Labor Warranty. See the table below for standard sizes.
s Track and Carriage or Table Top for part handling assistance s 12,000 Ampere Turn Output (50% Higher) s Ring Down Capacitors (Reduces current draw and slowly decays magnetic field) s Automatic Triggering (electronic eye automatically starts timed cycle)
Window Size (width x height) 14" x 16" 16" x 19" 28" x 24"
Magnaflux has worked hard to create a very functional inspection environment while keeping operator comfort and convenience in mind. Our durable curtains darken the inspection area to levels well below the common standards. The easy access to the unit is improved by the front theater style curtain mechanism. This same front curtain can be folded in half and hung to allow better ventilation in warmer environments.
With safety and ergonomics in mind Magnaflux will custom design units to fit your assembly line and satisfy your needs.
Processing parts in a repeatable manner with the least effort often requires special units. With over 70 years of experience to draw from there are few parts Magnaflux has not seen. Most often we start with an application study. We evaluate your part to determine the best methods of magnetization. Once we know current requirements we often select a standard power pack. Selecting standard power and controls systems keeps the cost down and the reliability high. Next Magnaflux evaluates the process and standards to meet the customers requirements. Communication with all parties involved gives Magnaflux and the customer the advantage. The advantage for the customer is processing parts in a timely, efficient, and repeatable manner. Magnaflux understands each customer is unique, and each part has different concerns associated with it. Our goal is to help you produce a quality product.
From start to finish, application to materials, Magnaflux is committed to our quality as well as yours.
Phone: Phone: (847) (847) 657.5300 657.5300 Fax: Fax: (847) (847) 657.5388 657.5388 Website:
Magnaflux designs our UV lights to meet standard specifications first and foremost. Nevertheless we do work for operator comfort. Magnaflux formulates and manufactures the materials to fluoresce at peak intensity of 365 nanometers. In turn we take care to design our lights to have peak output at the same 365 nanometers while filtering out the nonconforming light.
s Weight of Hand Held Light Only 4 Lbs (1.9 kg) s 12 foot (4.6 m) cord from Lamp to plug s Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt protection s Available voltages: 115v/60Hz
#18948 BRAIDED PAD WITH V-BLOCK s Heavy copper braid over neoprene base s Molded-in V-block centers and supports test parts s Flexibility provides contact over greater surface area and helps to protect parts from arcing s Reversibletwo wear faces
#519296 SELF BALLAST REPLACEMENT BULB s 150W Built-in ballast bulb s Replacement bulb for our NEW ZB-150F SB
#159999 TEST RING WITH CERTIFICATION s Drilled holes simulate subsurface discontinuities s Form surface indications at various magnetizing current levels s Meets ASTM E 1444 requirements s Certified to AS 5282 s s
#8493 CENTRIFUGE TUBE 100 ml, 01.0 ml in 0.05 increments For use with #14A, #14AM and #20B MAGNAGLO fluorescent materials
#519630 QQI (Quantitative Quality Indicators) s QQI (Quantitative Quality Indicators) are Magnetic Particle Test Pieces with Artificial Defects
#1837A CENTRIFUGE TUBE STAND s Safely holds centrifuge tubes when mixing bath concentrations
#105645 CALIBRATED FIELD INDICATOR, 20 GAUSSES s Accurate to 0.5 gauss. Scale range of 20-0-20 s
#148335 QUICK BREAK TESTER Quickly and accurately confirms function status of quick break circuitry in 3-PH FWDC Magnetic Particle Units s
#507320 MEDIUM BASE BULB, 100 WATT 100 watt Spotlight bulb, replacement for ZB-100 and ZB-100F models and all other MAGNAFLUX 100 watt lamps made after May 1982 s
#519227 SMOOTH FILTER GLASS For use with ZB-100 and ZB-100F models and all other 100 watt lamps s
#506249 UV ABSORBING SPECTACLES Reduces eye fatigue from exposure to UV light emission
#505056 CALIBRATED FIELD INDICATOR, 10 GAUSSES s Accurate to 0.5 gauss. Scale range of 10-0-10
Six 27 oz. bottles, for water bath only
3624 West Lake Avenue Glenview, IL 60025 tel (847) 657-5300 fax (847) 657-5388 [email protected]
MAGNAFLUX Faraday Road South Dorcan Industrial Estate Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5HE ENGLAND tel +44(0)1793 524566 fax +44(0)1793 619498 [email protected]
ITW CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Ave. Jorge Alfredo Camasmie, 670, Embu Sao Paulo, 06816-050 BRAZIL tel 55-11 4785-2660 fax 55-11 4785-2677 [email protected]
ITW SIGNODE INDIA LIMITED Plot nos. 34-37, Phase 2, IDA, Pashammylaram, Medak District 502 307. A.P. INDIA tel 91-8455-226574, 226337, 226089 fax 91-8455-226336 [email protected]