Framwork and Challenges of HRM
Framwork and Challenges of HRM
Framwork and Challenges of HRM
HRM is the study of activates regarding people working in an organization. It is a managerial function that tries to match an organizations needs to the skills and abilities of its employees. The main aim of the human resource management is to ensure that organization can achieve success through people. The HRM has two basic models which focus on the hard and soft HR approaches. Michigan Model of HR focus in the hard side of Human while the Harvard Model of HR is focus on the soft side; humanities of the employees.
Political Forces
Economical Forces
Cultural forces
Organiz ation Structur e HR system
In the figure shows that organization structure and HR M are made as the organization strategies are. The political forces, economical forces and cultural forces are which indirectly affect the HR system and directly to organization strategies which ultimately affect HR systems. HRM system is explained by HR cycle fig 2
HR Development
Organizational Effectiveness
Rewards Fig 2 Human Resource cycle Fombrun et al identified four common HR processes performed in every organization:
Selection: o Organizational requirements o Matching people to jobs o Right person on right job Appraisal o Check the performance of employees Rewards: o Emphasizing the real importance of pay and other forms of compensation in achieving results Development o Training to new hired employees o Opportunities to learn skills
Fig 3. Harvard Model of HRM This model show that the human resource policies are influenced by two dimensions: Situational Factors o The environmental factors affect the HR policies Stockholders Interest o HR policies are influences by the stockholders interest.
HR policies The stakeholders interest and situation factors leads to make HR policies which are Employee Influence Delegation of: o Authority o Responsibility o Power HR Flow o Recruitment, Selection o Placement, Promotion o Assessment, Appraisal o Termination Reward System o Pay systems o Incentives
These policies give outcomes in four Cs. Commitment o psychological attachment with Organization Competency o Ability to do job Properly Cost Effectiveness o Wage o Turnover o Benefits o Absenteeism o Strikes Congruence o similarity between objects/individuals
These all four Cs leads to favorable consequences for individual well-being, societal well-being, and organizational effectiveness.
Globalization: globalization is the process of denationalization of markets, politics and legal systems. Growing internationalization of business has its impact on HRM in terms of problems of unfamiliar laws, languages, practices, competitions, attitudes, management styles, work ethics etc. Revolution in Information Technology-.. Information technology has influenced HRM through human resources information systems (HRIS) that streamline the processing of data and make employee information more readily available to managers. Changes in the Economic Environment Some of the key factors are the scarcity of raw materials and other inputs including power
and electricity, encouragement of the culture of consumerism, increasing consumer awareness and demand for quality products, continuing upward trend in the inflationary pressures with decrease in the purchasing power of rupee and its spiraling effects in the ever increasing aspirations of workers for higher wages and other material benefits and mounting costs on the employee welfare and other benefits. In an inflationary economy, the resources tend to become scarce and the costs of machine, materials and labour multiply. These push up the capital and running costs. Changes in political and legal environment Changes in political and legal environment means changes in political parties and rules regulation due to which new laws are come and you have to follow all laws while doing business. It is the responsibility of Human Resource manager to anticipate the changes and prepare organization to face them without any breakdown in its normal functioning. Workforce Diversity The future success of any organizations relies on the ability to manage a diverse body of talent that can bring innovative ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge and problems faced of workplace diversity can be turned into a strategic organizational asset if an organization is able to capitalize on this melting pot of diverse talents. Conclusion To conclude that it can be said that HR practice is becoming more ad more challenging day by day, they have to face lot of problems like retention, attraction of employee, dealing with different cultural people, managing work force diversity, technological and informational changes to overcome with these challenges training (Cross cultural training and technological and informational training) is necessary of HR people. To reduce mobility of professional personnel HR people have to motivate them from monetary and non monetary techniques. Proper performance evaluation system and proper career development plans should be used in the organization to reduce professional mobility.