Sunday School Coordinator Job Description

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the job description and responsibilities of a Sunday School Co-ordinator at St. Thomas' Anglican Church. It details the various organizational, teaching, and administrative tasks involved in running the Sunday School program.

The responsibilities of the Sunday School Co-ordinator include choosing curriculum, recruiting and orienting teachers, supporting teachers, handling administrative tasks, and communicating with parents.

The Co-ordinator is responsible for decorating classrooms, managing supplies, notifying classes of events, organizing prayer partners, writing newsletters, reporting to committees, and meeting with teachers and staff.


Thomas' Anglican Church

2002 Job Description

Sunday School Co-ordinator


- Choose and order cumculum

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place order by April 15 to obtain discount currently the curriculum is lectionary based and easily accessible numbers are ordered based on the number of children in each age group with an allowance for an increase of about 10%. availability of material is considered in choosing the particular curriculum cost is a factor in the curriculum selection

11 - Recruit and Orientate Teachers for 9 a.m. and 1 I a.m. services Teachers team-teach during the regular school year Sunday school is divided into Church time and Activity time. Between these times the children return to the service for the Eucharist and go back to their activity period following the service. The activity time runs from 10:10 to 10:50 and is for both the 9 and 1 I a.m. children. Solicit parental help and support for the activity hour. Only one teacher is required for the summer months from the end of May until the Sunday following the September long weekend.

Orientation . is done at the beginning of each unit. . Orientation Advise teachers of expectations as to the purpose of the unit, the time commitment, the emphasis for the church time and the activity time. As the teachers work in teams, they are given a schedule for the unit they are teaching which is approximately 12 - 14 weeks long. Introduce the teachers to the specific unit. I t is necessary to be cognizant of the liturgical season, unit themes and any special events that may be happening in the church during that period. Prepare a packet for each teacher with an overview of the lessons and the theme, paper supplies and anything else considered helpfill and 1 or necessary. Support and encourage the teachers. This is accomplished by occasional phone calls, verbal face-to-face afirmation, thank you cards. Distribute a list of substitute teachers to those doing team teaching. If a substitute is required. one week's notice must be given for their own preparation. Page 1 of 3

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St. Thomas' Anglican Church

2002 Job Description

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Estimate the number of children in each class and give the list to the teacher Ensure the correct curriculum is being used!

I11 - Housekeeping Ensure the rooms are unlocked and decorated with colour, appropriate decorations for the theme and posters. Be available to teachers to answer questions and / or concerns of the teachers. If the posters can be used for more than one unit, have them laminated. Ensure the play area is organized and accessible for the children. Annually take an inventory of supplies. Give a list to each teacher. the church secretary and post a copy inside the cupboard door. Xnnuallv (or- semi-annually if possible) clean out the storage area. In planning it is necessary to be aware of St. Thomas' schedule of events and combined services. Put a green bag in the collection bowl for the children's ot'ferings to be placed in and taken forward to the altar with the regular oi'fering. Sorneone else can do this by arrangement. Note: The children's offering is used for outreach. Notify (or arrange for some one else to do this) classes when it is time to go up for the Eucharist. Ensure the cupboards are locked following the 1 I a.m. service Prayer Partners are elicited for the praveriul support of the ministry to our children. The prayer partners are asked to pray regularlv for the teachers, parent helpers and children. Thev are given ;I WI-itten document listing the thernes for- the veal-. special events, a list of the teachers and children and anv concerns plus thanksgivinzs. IV - Correspondence A letter is written to the parents before the beginnin2 of each unit advising them of the theme and teacher's names. Additionally, incidental information is transmitted to them such as vtfer-ing protocol. Put an article in each issue of the St. Thomas Times Report to the Liturgy Co~nrnittee three times yearly On an as needed basis, put requests tor teachers and notice of the Christmas pageant etc. in the Sunday bulletin An article may be written for the "The Messenger" as innovative and exciting occurrences warrant diocesan attention. Annual report to the Diocese giving them the number of children, teachers and parent helpers.

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St. Thomas' Anglican Church

2002 Job Description

V - Meetings

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Meet with the staff of the church prior to the beginning of the liturgical season to plan with them to coordinate the Sunday School activities and teaching with the liturgical year and events being planned in the church Meet with the Liturgy Committee 3 - 4 times annually Annual report to the Annual General Meeting. Meet with the teachers two weeks prior to each new unit approximately four times annually

V1 - Special Events Coordinate with Tapestry, the Drama team, choir, youth and clergy tbr special events such as the Christmas pageant. An Easter celebration with the children is often planned and as the lessons / themes Plan registration Sundays for the fall. VI 1 - Finances A budgeted amount is given for this ministry from the church through Vestry. The money is used for the curriculu~n materials, craft materials, teaching material and training seminars. Teachers are reimbursed for their own expenses for the benetit of their class Craft staples are purchased by the Co-ordinator as needed Prepare and submit a budget for the coming year to the treasurer by November of each year.


Summer Session Summer session runs from the end of May until the Sunday following the long weekend in September Recruit teachers in April for tlie summer months. Each teacher takes a two week turn for one class only. Give each teacher an orientation packet. It is not necessary to meet with the summer reachers.

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