Differential Amplifier
Differential Amplifier
Differential Amplifier
The advent of the integrated circuit led to the development of circuit configurations complementing the strengths of the technology and bypassing weaknesses. The high degree to which the characteristics of like components on the same substrate can be matched led to extensive use of symmetry as a filtering mechanism. The differential amplifier circuit configuration in particular has assumed considerable prominence in this respect. Physical and Electrical Symmetry The 'Differential Amplifier' is associated closely with integrated circuit technology; this technology provided both incentives for use of the circuit configuration as well as the means to construct effective circuits of this type. The differential amplifier is used extensively in modern monolithic electronic circuitry. The figure below illustrates the general character of a differential device. The circuit, a specific circuit configuration need not be specified for the present purpose, is assumed to be a linear circuit and to have physical mirror symmetry. The half-circuits on either side of the mirror symmetry line correspond both in topology and also in the properties of respective corresponding circuit elements. The currents IA and IB represent corresponding currents flowing within their respective half-circuits. VA and VB are corresponding voltages (relative to a common ground) in the respective half-circuits. On the other hand Ia and Ib are currents flowing out of one respective half-circuits, and into the other.
The application of symmetry to circuit behavior is based on a philosophical assumption that nature is not maliciously perverse, and so similar circuit elements operated under similar conditions will behave similarly. Two special cases illustrate certain properties of the sort of symmetrical arrangement illustrated that are of special interest. Suppose input signals S1 and S2 are provided to the circuit. (The actual signal might be S1-S2 , i.e., applied between the input terminals, but it is convenient here to reference each separately to a common ground point). Two cases of particular interest correspond to the inputs having certain general symmetry properties. In the one case, the 'common-mode' case, both signals are the same, i.e., S1=S 2. In the other case, the 'differential-mode' case, the signals are electrically antisymmetrical, i.e., S1= -S 2. Consider the common-mode case first. Because of the physical symmetry of the two half-circuits and the electrical symmetry of the input signals corresponding voltages and currents in each half circuit will be equal. Thus, for example, Ia = Ib, and KCL requires Ia + I b = 0, i.e., both currents must be zero. A general conclusion is that there is no common-mode current flowing between the two halves even if there are physical connections between them. From similar reasoning the common-mode voltage difference between corresponding points in each halfcircuit must be zero, i.e., VA =VB = 0.
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For the differential-mode case corresponding voltages and currents have equal magnitudes but opposite signs. Hence Ia = -Ib and there can be a differential-mode current flow between the circuit halves. Similarly VA-VB = 2VA = 2VB, and is not necessarily zero. To suggest a general import of these symmetry-based conclusions suppose that S1 and S2 are general signals, i.e., they have no special relationship to one another. One can write (the expressions will be recognized as identities),
where SC = (S 1+S 2)/2 is the even (common mode) part, and SD = (S 1-S2)/2 is the odd (differential mode) part, of the two signals. Any two voltages may be expressed as the sum of an even (common-mode) part and an odd (differential-mode) part. The (linear) circuit performance of S1 and S2 can be studied by considering the response to SC and SD separately, and then superimposing the two results. Suppose the output is taken between the two circuit halves, e.g., the voltage between corresponding points in the two halves. Then the output for SC will be zero; the circuit symmetry discriminates against the common-mode part of the output difference. However what is discrimination for the even part becomes reinforcement for the odd part; the differential mode signal component is not suppressed. One interesting application of this discrimination is in reducing the introduction of extraneous noise into electronic circuits. If the amplifier input leads are physically close to each other the induction of noise voltage tends to be the same on both inputs, i.e., it has a common-mode character and is discriminated against in favor of an intended input signal provided in differential mode form. Differential Amplifier The figure below illustrates an basic differential BJT amplifier configuration; the insert indicates how the single physical emitter resistance can be apportioned symmetrically as two physically symmetrical halfcircuits. Assume, at least for the time being, that corresponding resistors and transistors are precisely matched. Assume further that the signal voltages V1 and V2 have been partitioned into their common and differential mode components as described before, and consider each component separately.
Only a common-mode current flows through RE; this is twice (i.e., the sum of the currents in each of the fictional 2RE resistors) the common mode current through either emitter. The differential-mode emitter current flows entirely from one emitter to the other; application of KCL indicates there is no differential mode current through RE. ECE 414 2 M H Miller
Since there is no common-mode current flow between the circuit halves the two halves act independently (identically theoretically) in response to the common mode inputs; the figure to the left shows the left half-circuit. The incremental voltage gain of this circuit is reduced by the emitter feedback resistor, and is approximately -RC/(2RE). On the other hand, since there is no differential mode current through RE, the emitter voltage is effectively a virtual ground as far as differential incremental voltage changes are concerned. The emitter resistance is electrically absent and thus causes no decrease in differential mode gain. Thus there is a built-in discrimination against common-mode signals and in favor of differential-mode signals. One particular advantage of this configuration, in fact the one initially motivating the use of this configuration in integrated circuits, is associated with temperature and related bias effects tending to be common mode effects, e.g., the symmetrical circuit halves ordinarily would be in the same general thermal environment and each half have similar thermal variations. Hence there is no need to use a bypass capacitor across RE to discriminate between differential signal current changes and current variations caused by slower thermal changes; the intrinsic common mode-differential mode discrimination provides the filtering. Bypass capacitors are a relatively expensive component to produce in integrated circuit form and their avoidance by itself was and remains a strong motivation for the use of differential circuit configurations. But in addition many extraneous 'noise' signals tend to be induced symmetrically on the amplifier inputs, and there is then an intrinsic discrimination against such signals as well. The discrimination against common mode signals is greater the larger the size of RE. However for a given quiescent emitter current in each transistor the greater RE the greater the common mode DC voltage drop across it and so, for example, the larger the bias power supplies required in general. What is desirable is an emitter 'resistor' which can carry the necessary DC bias current but with a small (ideally zero) DC voltage drop; this implies a low resistance for DC currents. On the other hand this 'resistor' also should have a large resistance for AC changes to provide effective common-mode gain discrimination. A good approximation to such a nonlinear resistor is provided by a BJT biased to operate in the forward active region, so that its collector current supports the differential emitter currents. A relatively small collectoremitter voltage can support a large DC collector current, but there is a relatively large collector resistance for incremental-signal AC changes about the quiescent point. A differential amplifier circuit using a BJT as a current source (approximately) is shown to the right. A simplified but quite informative analysis of this circuit configuration may be made by assuming the BJT providing the DC emitter current is effectively a perfect current source (although in fact the 'source' has an internal incremental resistance of several kilohms corresponding to the slope of the collector characteristics). The pertinent circuit fragment involved and the steps in the analysis are shown in the figure below; as suggested for a simplified analysis the transistor is replaced by a current source carrying a current I.
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Equation 1 (in the figure) is a rewriting of the idealized exponential expression for the emitter current I of a BJT in forward active operation. Apply this expression to both transistors (assume >> 1 and so emitter current collector current); the difference of the two expressions is equation 2. Equation 3 simply defines a convenient normalized variable x. Note that x 1 for |V1-V2| 26 millivolts @ room temperature (300K). Equation 4 is obtained from equation 2 by substituting the variable x and taking the antilog. Equation 5 is the application of KCL, assuming emitter and collector currents are essentially equal. Finally, Equation 6 provides expressions for both I1 and I2 in terms of the normalized voltage variable x. Note that these expressions are anti-symmetrical, i.e., I1(x) = I2(-x). The expressions for the currents are graphed below. The input voltage range for unsaturated operation is approximately x =2, i.e., about 0.5 millivolt emitter voltage change at room temperature.
The amplifier differential mode maximum collector transconductance gain occurs at x=0 and is (for I2)
with a similar expression for I1. This works out to about 10I amperes/volt at room temperature. The voltage gain depends on the resistance of the collector resistor through which the current flows. Note that the gain depends on the DC bias current, and this current can be used, for example, as a gain control.
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Differential Amplifier Transfer Characteristic Illustration A discrete differential amplifier circuit representative of the preceding discussion is drawn to the right. Q3 approximates a current source emitter biasing. Although the amplifier is driven from just the one input the signals Vi and 0 may be separated into common mode (Vi/2, Vi/2) and differential mode (Vi/2,-Vi/2) components. The common mode gain is quite small (about -25db), and hence with respect to the differential output the signal is effectively simply the differential mode component. (Actually there will be a small influence of the common mode collector voltage on the individual collector currents of Q1 and Q2, reflecting a modest Early Effect.) Compute the Q3 emitter bias current, and the incremental parameter circuit.
*Illustration #1 VI 1 0 DC RB1 1 2 Q1 3 2 4 RC1 9 3 Q2 8 7 4 RC2 9 8 RB2 7 0 Q3 4 5 6 RE3 6 10 RB31 5 10 RB32 0 5 VCC 9 0 DC VEE 10 0 DC .DC VI -0.5 0.5 1M .LIB EVAL.LIB .OP .PROBE .END
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Another Illustration The collector resistors in the circuit used in the preceding illustration now are replaced by a current-mirror arrangement, to combine the respective collector currents for a single-ended output. Transistors are 2N3904 and 2N3906. It should be noted that in the simplified circuit as drawn Q3 and Q4 actually would not carry the same emitter current because of an electrical asymmetry. The collector voltage of Q3 is about 9.3v while that of Q4 is closer to zero. The Early Effect would lead to a Q3 current somewhat higher than that of Q4., and this would cause a nonzero load current for Vi=0. A small resistor could have been added in the Q3 emitter path to balance the currents, and make the load current zero for Vi = 0; see plot below. *Illustration #2 VIN 1 0 DC RB1 1 2 Q1 3 3 9 Q2 6 3 9 Q3 3 2 4 Q4 6 5 4 RB2 5 0 RL 6 0 Q5 4 7 8 RE3 8 10 RB31 7 10 RB32 0 7 VCC 9 0 DC VEE 10 0 DC .DC VIN -0.3 0.3 1M .LIB EVAL.LIB .OP .PROBE .END 0 1K Q2N3906 Q2N3906 Q2N3904 Q2N3904 1K 100 Q2N3904 1K 10K 22K 10 -10
The current into the collector of Q2 (-IC(Q2) ) and the current into the collector of Q4 (IC(Q4)) are plotted in the figure following. The load current I(RL) = IC(Q2)+IC(Q4) also is plotted. Note that there is a substantial current offset for absent an input signal, corresponding to the larger Q2 current magnitude.
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A second computation is re-plotted below, this time with a 27 resistor in the Q3 emitter as suggested (but not shown) before. (The adjustment would be an empirical one in practice, using a 'balancing potentiometer.)
Yet Another Illustration A simplified version of a differential amplifier circuit configuration not unfamiliar in monolithic technology is shown. Q3 and Q4 provide a current mirror to combine the differential signal and provide a single-ended output. The emitter bias resistor is 'stepped' over a range of values to illustrate the influence of the emitter current on the transconductance gain. This simplified circuit also is not strictly symmetrical because of the electrical asymmetry due to the Early Effect.
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Consider the case where RE = 4.7K. The current in each emitter is approximately
Note that in so far as each half section is concerned the effective emitter resistor is 2(4.7) = 9.4K. The current in Q1 will be somewhat higher because of the Early Effect. Estimate rbe 3.14K, and so an incremental transconductance of 29M Siemans.(single-ended output), *YAI VIN 1 0 RB1 1 2 RB2 6 0 Q1 3 2 Q2 4 6 Q3 3 3 Q4 4 3 RI 4 0 RE 5 7 .PARAM RVAL=1 DC 0 1K 1K 5 Q2N3906 5 Q2N3906 8 Q2N3904 8 Q2N3904 100 {RVAL} VCC 7 0 DC 10 VEE 8 0 DC -10 .LIB EVAL.LIB .DC VIN -0.3 0.3 1M .STEP PARAM RVAL + LIST 1K 2.2K 4.7K 8.2K .PROBE .OP .END
Computed results for RE = 4.7K are: NAME MODEL IC VBE VCE (1) 0.0000 (5) .6879 Q1 Q2N3906 -1.18E-03 -7.00E-01 -1.00E+01 Q2 Q2N3906 -7.89E-04 -7.00E-01 -7.56E-01 Q3 Q2N3904 1.16E-03 6.70E-01 6.70E-01 Q4 Q2N3904 1.31E-03 6.70E-01 9.95E+00
NODE VOLTAGE (2) 0025 (3) -9.3448 (6) 0025 (7) 10.0000
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Elementary Operational Amplifier For a final illustration several circuits previously discussed are combined to form the simplified 'operational' amplifier circuit drawn below. The bias current for the first stage differential amplifier is provided through Q1, Q2. The difference current is converted to a single ended output at node 4 by a current mirror to provide the input to a current amplifier Q8. Note the bias current for Q8 is provided by the 'current source' formed by Q3. D1 and D2 provide crossover distortion correction for the Class AB output stage. The bias 'potentiometer' is adjusted experimentally (i.e., by hindsight) to set the output voltage to zero (approximately) for zero input voltage. Note incidentally that the differential input is operated single-ended, corresponding to a differential mode input of VIN/2. Analysis of the circuit to estimate the computed performance is left as an exercise.
A netlist corresponding to the circuit diagram follows; .DC, .AC, and .TRAN analyses are specified. *OpAmp Illustration Q1 7 7 11 Q2N3906 Q3 8 7 11 Q2N3906 RC1 7 0 4.7K D1 8 9 D1N4004 Q2 6 7 11 Q2N3906 D2 9 10 D1N4004 V+ 11 0 DC 10 Q8 10 4 13 Q2N3904 *VIN 1 0 DC 1 RE8 13 12 100 *VIN 1 0 AC 1 Q9 11 8 14 Q2N3904 VIN 1 0 SIN(0 1M 1K) Q10 12 10 14 Q2N3906 RB4 1 2 1K RL 14 0 4.7K Q4 3 2 6 Q2N3906 .LIB EVAL.LIB Q5 4 5 6 Q2N3906 .LIB DIODE.LIB RB5 5 0 1K *.DC VIN -5M 5M 20U Q6 3 3 12 Q2N3904 *.AC DEC 20 10 1000K Q7 4 3 12 Q2N3904 .TRAN 10U 2M V12 0 DC -10 .OP RB81 11 4 33K .PROBE RB82 4 12 1.76K .END
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NODE VOLTAGES (1) 0.0000 (2) .0053 (5) .0053 (6) .7100 (9) -.4432 (10) -1.0707 (13) -9.7098 (14) -.4181 NAME MODEL IC VBE VCE NAME MODEL IC VBE VCE Q1 Q2N3906 -1.94E-03 -7.24E-01 -7.24E-01 Q7 Q2N3904 1.40E-03 6.75E-01 9.81E-01
(3) -9.3254 (4) -9.0186 (7) 9.2763 (8) .1844 (11) 10.0000 (12) -10.0000 Q4 Q2N3906 -1.42E-03 -7.05E-01 -1.00E+01 Q8 Q2N3904 2.88E-03 6.91E-01 8.64E+00 Q5 Q2N3906 -1.40E-03 -7.05E-01 -9.73E+00 Q9 Q2N3904 9.96E-05 6.03E-01 1.04E+01 Q6 Q2N3904 1.40E-03 6.75E-01 6.75E-01 Q10 Q2N3906 -1.89E-04 6.53E-01 -9.58E+00
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1) Calculate the voltage gain Vo/Vi at a nominal frequency of 1 kHz, and compare to the computed value. Note that the single-ended source is electrically equivalent to applying the double-sided differential mode signals Vi/2 and -Vi/2. Also Q1 and Q2 are 2N3904.
2) The signal source for the amplifier circuit of Problem 1) is changed to two sinusoidal sources as described in the accompanying netlist. Two transient computations are performed, one for differentialmode signals and the other for common-mode signals. Measure the output between the Q1-Q2 collectors Problem 2 VIN1 1 0 SIN(0 0.02 1K 0 0) RB1 1 2 1K Q1 3 2 4 Q2N3904 RC1 5 3 2.2K Q2 6 7 4 Q2N3904 RC2 5 6 2.2K RB2 7 12 1K VIN2 12 0 SIN(0 {AMPL} 1K 0 0) .PARAM AMPL=1M Q3 4 8 9 Q2N3904 R3A 8 0 68K R3B 8 10 22K RE3 9 10 1K VCC 5 0 DC 10 VEE 10 0 DC -10 .OP .PROBE .LIB EVAL.LIB .TRAN1U 3M .STEP PARAM AMPL LIST -0.02 0.02 .END
3) Estimate the incremental transconductance gain neglecting Early Effect. Compare the estimate with the computed value.
4) Amplitude Modulator (Illustration) The differential amplifier circuit is used to form an efficient amplitude modulator (Gilbert Cell). The simplified circuit diagram shown is used to illustrate the general character of the modulation process. The single-ended' carrier' sinusoidal signal VC is used to switch Q3 and Q4 alternately between cutoff and an amplifying state in which the bias current is provided by Q5. That bias current, and so the differential gain ECE 414 12 M H Miller
of the amplifier, is varied sinusoidally by the modulating signal VM. The differential output then is proportional to a product of the two sinusoids, i.e., a sinusoid whose amplitude varies sinusoidally. A small resistance is added in the Q2 emitter path to offset the Early Effect. In the example that follows the modulating sinusoidal signal has a 3v amplitude and a frequency of 1KHz. The carrier, a sinusoid with a 5v amplitude, has a frequency of 20 kHz. The higher frequency product signal can be transmitted as a radio wave more efficiently than the modulating signal itself; the modulation can be recovered by a rectification and filtering process. (In practice the carrier should have a much higher frequency than the modulating signal; the choice made for this illustration shows the basic modulation effect, and provides relative computational simplicity.) * modulator VC 1 0 SIN(0 5 20K) RB1 1 2 1K Q3 3 2 7 Q2N3904 Q1 3 3 4 Q2N3906 Q2 5 3 12 Q2N3906 RX 4 12 1.2 Q4 5 6 7 Q2N3904 RB2 6 0 1K RL 5 0 100 Q5 7 8 10 Q2N3904 RA 8 9 47K RB 8 11 10K VM 9 0 SIN(0 3 1K) RE 10 11 100 VCC 4 0 DC 10 VEE 11 0 DC -10 .LIB EVAL.LIB .PROBE .TRAN 10U 2M .END
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EXPERIMENTS This material was part of a laboratory experiment write-up; a portion of that experiment is included below. Experiment 12-1 The CA3096E contains an array of three NPN transistors and two PNP transistors, and provides, for what are effectively discrete devices, the intrinsic component matching of monolithic fabrication. Assemble the differential amplifier circuit shown in the diagram below using just the NPN devices. Be certain that the substrate connection (pin 16) is to the lowest voltage point in the circuit; this assures that diodes used internally to isolate components are properly reverse-biased. Failure to do this is almost certain to destroy the CA3096. A suggested component arrangement for this experiment is illustrated below. Refer to the manufacturer's specifications for the pinouts.
Note in the circuit diagram that an input source actually is connected to only one input; the other input is grounded. The 'two' input sources, one having the strength zero, may be partitioned into a common mode voltage Vi/2 and a differential mode voltage Vi/2. The common mode voltage is discriminated against quite strongly, and so the effective input consists of a differential input of Vi/2. Adjust the bias current (with Vi = 0) so that the quiescent collector voltage Vo is 6 volts. (Measure resistances so that currents can be calculated more accurately from voltage measurements.) Assuming well-matched transistors both collector currents will be equal.
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Obtain experimental data for a plot of collector current vs. differential input voltage Vi, and compare your measurements with the theoretical expectations described before. In taking data bear in mind the relatively small range of input voltages within which the output does not saturate or cutoff. A DC voltage source which may be used to provide Vi is indicated to the right. It is a very good idea to plot your data as you take it to assure adequate accurate data is taken. Experiment 12-2 Use the same circuit as above for this experiment. Apply a small sinusoidal input voltage (make sure the signal has zero DC offset), and determine the 'single-ended' voltage gain. According to the analysis given before this gain should be proportional to the DC bias current. Measure gain vs. bias current (plot these data) to verify the theoretical expectation. Determine the slope of the curve and compare to the theoretical value expected for this slope. Experiment 12-3 Modify the previous circuit to obtain the configuration shown to the right. (This probably can be done simply by removing the two 2.2 k collector resistors, and then connecting pin 12 to pin 6 and pin 15 to pin 3. However check the pinouts for your device to be sure.) The change is in the collector configuration; the resistors are replaced by a PNP 'current mirror', and the combined collector currents are fed to a load. (Note: the 100 load is close enough to a short-circuit not to affect the circuit operation significantly, and still allow a convenient voltage measurement from which the load current can be calculated. However you may prefer to replace the 100 with an opamp transimpedance amplifier to provide a virtual ground into which to 'sink' the output current, and also to provide an amplified output voltage proportional to the current.) Measure and plot the load current vs. differential voltage Vi/2.; compare the measured data to the theoretically expected curve. Experiment 12-4 Another differential amplifier configuration, a simplification of one used in a number of integrated circuit amplifiers, is drawn to the right. PNP CE input drivers are used, with a NPN current mirror to combine the collector currents. Assemble this circuit; to do so requires prior disassembly of the previous circuitry. Remember the absolute requirement that the substrate, pin 16, be connected to the lowest voltage point in the circuit. Calculate the PNP emitter voltage and compare to the measured value. Measure and plot the current in the 100 load ( or use a transimpedance amplifier) vs. the input voltage Vi, and compare to the theoretical expectation.
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