Design Principles
Design Principles
Design Principles
Black Text
UK Cover
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Author 3
Author 2
Jeremy Webb
creative Photography
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U268651_BCP Design Principles 175# WPA(N) 20.08.2010 3
Design Principles
An AVA Book
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ISBN 978-2-940411-36-8
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Webb, Jeremy.
Basics Creative Photography 01: Design Principles / Jeremy Webb p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9782940411368 (pbk.:alk.paper)
eISBN: 9782940439713
1. Photography x Design. 2. Photography, Artistic. 3. Photography-
-Study and teaching (Higher).
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Cover image: Jeremy Webb
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Title: Dusk
Jeremy Webb
An effective design often results
from an approach that trusts in
limitation as a creative driving
force behind the process of image
creation doing more with less.
Once one or two separate elements
are isolated and emphasized, the
transforming nature of light can
effectively and dramatically blend
these elements together.
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U268651_BCP Design Principles 175# WPA(N) 20.08.2010 3
Design Principles
Basic design theory 10
The role of the viewfinder
in photography 12
The use of space 16
Positional decisions 18
Case study 1 Points of view
The rules and when
to break them 24
Exercise 1 Cropping 26
Introduction 6
The elements of design 28
Line 30
Shape or form 36
Space 40
Texture 46
Case study 2 Light
and time 50
Light 52
Colour 60
Exercise 2 Design
limitations 68
First design principles 70
Pattern 72
Repetition 76
Interruption 82
Variety and unity 84
Case study 3 Depth
and light 86
Rhythm 88
Contrast 92
Exercise 3 Form
and structure 96
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Conclusion 174
Glossary 176
Bibliography and webography 178
Index 180
Acknowledgements and picture credits 182
Working with ethics 185
Depth and scale 98
Overcoming limitations 100
Actual and illusory depth 104
Scale and proportion 110
Case study 4 Style and
setting 114
The absence of scale 116
Abstraction 118
Exercise 4 Abstract images
Putting it all together 160
Expressing views and visions
Symbolism as visual
shorthand 164
Case study 7
The vernacular 166
Creative strategies 168
Exercise 7 Concepts
and ideas 172
Movement and ow 124
Directional forces 126
Case study 5 Lines
and shapes 128
Containment 130
Flow direction 134
Exercise 5 Observation 138
Emphasis and
emotion 140
Point of interest 142
Focus areas vs areas
of de-focus 146
Juxtaposition 148
Case study 6 Juxtaposition
Incongruity 152
Mood and emotion 154
Exercise 6 Themes 158
5 6
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U268651_BCP Design Principles 175# WPA(HAC) 02.07.2010 1 GP_U006
The idea of studying design principles in
photography can sound a little off-putting
much like the tedium of learning scales
when starting to play a musical instrument.
This book will hopefully remove that kind
of negative association and show how
photography underpinned by the power of
design principles is photography that has the
power to last and affect us deeply. Design
plays a vital role in turning images into long-
distance runners, not simply sprinters.
Our resistance to design principles partly
lies in our attitude and approach to design
in the widest sense. Weve simply become
immune to designs overwhelming effect on
our daily lives. From the moment we wake
up and hurl our alarm clocks to the oor,
to the moment we close our eyes and turn
off our digital radios, our days have been
lled with well-designed furniture, cars,
magazines, packaging, town planning and
so on. Most of it works, although much
of it doesnt. But design always promises
something mostly, the idea that it is
intended to make our lives a little better.
It could be argued that design principles
make our photography a little better.
However, this is a feeble underestimation
of their usefulness to photographers or
lovers of photography. Rather than existing
as a strict set of unchallengeable rules or
guidelines, design principles applied to
photography can act as a kind of uid, exible
and unseen nervous system that brings
images to life. Some great photographers
naturally have the wisdom and insight to
work with design principles. However, not all
photographers share this talent. Luckily, it is
a skill that can be learned and developed
to create memorable and lasting images.
The continuing rise of digital culture
has reignited interest in the world of
photography as a mass art form, and new
channels of distribution have opened up
to send billions of photographs spinning
across the globe at a bewildering rate.
Its not simply the technological new age
that facilitates this volume and speed of
image distribution our collective mindset
and greed for speed also grease the
engine. The world is simply crammed
full of photographs like never before.
This appetite for photography, however
insatiable, is still hungry for photographs
of substance, craft, meaning and powerful
intent, despite an overwhelming landslip of
the mediocre and mundane. What makes
photographs endure? A photographer who
calls upon his or her sense of design, and
delivers with style and vision, sends images
out there that are worlds apart from those
generated with mere speed and convenience
in mind.
An understanding of design doesnt slow
you down, trip you up, or stand in your way.
It is a skill available to everyone at all times
and unless we reach out and grasp the full
potential of the medium, photography just sits
and runs in sleep mode when it should be
life-afrming, vivid and impossible to ignore.
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U268651_BCP Design Principles 175# WPA(N) 06.08.2010 2
Contents | Introduction
Title: Red sofa and banana
Jeremy Webb
Design awareness enables
photographers to see potential in
situations that are not apparent to
others. It improves your photography
and increases your ability to see the
world differently by understanding
how even the simplest scene can
provide opportunities to be playful
with the principles of design.
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Basic design theory
The opening chapter takes a close look at
a few of the most important steps in the
process of photography how you frame
your subject and where you take your
photograph from. Decisions over distance,
angle and viewpoint can profoundly affect the
overall appearance of the nal image, and the
use of space within photography can give life
and substance to your subject, inuencing
how we read photographic images.
The elements of design
These elements are widely considered
to consist of six design features or
characteristics that photographers can
utilise within their picture-taking to create
images powered by vision and creativity.
Like raw ingredients ready to be powerfully
combined by the design process in the
following chapter, well take a look at each
one in turn and evaluate how they can
be used as aspects of composition.
First design principles
Having looked at the raw ingredients
or elements of design in the previous
chapter, this critical section of the book
shows how the elements of design can
be processed, combined and manipulated
to create powerful images that have
design at the heart of their appeal.
Depth and scale
All photographs are two dimensional, but
this doesnt have to limit our thinking or our
intuition. The use of design principles can
create the illusion of depth and this can
inuence our involvement within the image.
Well look at how proportion and scale can
confuse and delight the eye, and how the art
of the abstract is derived from an awareness
of simple but essential design principles.
Movement and ow
When photography appears too static or
limp, its often because the image contains
no real sense of motion. Motion means life.
A sense of movement can bring an image
to life with powerful directional forces that
demand an active engagement with the
image rather than a passive acceptance.
This aspect of photography can be easily
accessed through the use of dynamic design.
Emphasis and emotion
To a large extent, successful photography
relies on the ability of the photographer
to construct his or her image so that its
audience will respond to the same point of
interest (POI) or feel the emotional response
the photographer intended. This chapter
looks at how the use of colour, focusing and
a range of compositional techniques subtly
or profoundly inuence our emotions.
Putting it all together
What good is all this knowledge if it simply
remains theoretical? Applying design
principles to your work puts you in charge
of the whole picture. We wrap things up
in this chapter by looking at symbolism,
presentation and a range of ideas to help
keep design at the heart of your work.
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Contents | Introduction
Title: Trolleys
Jeremy Webb
The mundane sight of supermarket
trolleys is given a different twist
by shooting through a rain-
soaked car window. The vivid
blues and reds of the webbing
straps have softened and bled
almost like watercolour paints on
paper, providing a softer and less
distinct image of the everyday.
Applying design principles
to your work puts you in
charge of the whole picture.
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Basic design
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At its most basic level, design applied
to photography is simply the skilful
arrangement of picture information
within a frame. Photographers can
include or exclude information,
emphasize or diminish areas of
content, and adjust their position by
a fraction of a degree if necessary in
order to capture the image required.
Design and composition are like two
sides of the same coin design being
the process and composition being
the outcome. Acknowledging and
responding to the role design plays
within your photography enables you
to create images that can be read and
understood by the viewer. However, it is
crucial that the gaining of this knowledge
does not in any way destroy the magic of
photography or detract from its power.
Many photographers agree that, there
is no winning formula or easy route to
consistently producing good photographs,
if a good photograph is held to be one
that is clear in its intent and strong in
its composition. Its really a question of
juggling with a set of design variables
and being able to see what is really there,
not what we might expect or assume
to be there. Once we can approach a
subject with an uncluttered vision and a
childlike curiosity, we have the opportunity
and the motivation to capture an image
with the uniqueness of our own vision
and the greatest efciency required.
Title: Gallery
Hannah Starkey
Within this beautifully constructed
image, so reliant on straight lines and
blocks of different tones, only the
plastic cup and the plastic chair stand
out as isolated elements within the
angular and very graphic study of
the space.
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The viewfinder creates a precise boundary
between whats captured and whats not.
Unlike painting, where an image begins
with a blank surface, photography can be
called a reductive pursuit. It starts out faced
with everything and it extracts a minute
aspect of that by using the viewfinder edges
to consciously or unconsciously create a
something by excluding specific elements.
Here, the term reductive is not used in a
negative sense, but rather it highlights the
essence of photographic image capture
in the way it is normally practised.
The viewfinder is the greatest compositional
tool known to photographers. However, its
power to influence our engagement with
images is often poorly considered because
we are too concerned with subject and
centrality rather than imaginatively framing
a scene in innovative or extraordinary ways.
After our imagination and our creative
expectations, the viewfinder is where we
first encounter the design process at its
most raw. How the viewfinder frames our
intended subject is based on a range of
decisions taken by the photographer, the
most critical factors behind these decisions
being height, angle and distance to subject.
The edge
Using the viewfinders full capability allows
the photographer to consider 100 per
cent of the image space available, right
up to the edges. As an intentional choice,
using the viewfinder edge to visually
dismember a subject or cut off something
into nothing has both positive and negative
consequences. There is no escaping
the fact that an image has to have some
kind of boundary, but that does not mean
we have to take a passive approach to
its inevitable restrictions. We must look
for opportunities to use it creatively.
Some photographers are acutely
aware of the power of the defining
edges of the viewfinder; their images
creatively play with what is included
or excluded from the photograph.
By using the viewfinder consciously and
effectively, photographers can create bold
and compelling images that frame the
world in unusual ways. In addition, they
enable the viewer to address a familiar
subject matter through a new perspective,
while emphasizing and reconfiguring
the various design elements into fresh
arrangements of greater visual appeal.
By using the viewnder consciously
and effectively, photographers can
create bold and compelling images
that frame the world in unusual ways.
The role of the viewnder in photography
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Title: Frosty bird hide
Jeremy Webb
In this image, the viewfinder was used
to frame a portion of the wider scene
into a harmonious and balanced
composition by blending shape,
texture and tone contained within the
boundary of the viewfinder.
Title: Snow wave
Jeremy Webb
Sometimes nature lays the
simplest forms right in front of
us. By using your judgement of
distance, proximity and viewpoint,
you can let the frame take over
and bypass all that is unnecessary
for an exercise in simplicity.
The role of the viewfinder in photography | The use of space
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The role of the viewnder in photography
The frame: whole truths and half truths
Photography can never present the whole
truth, but it can shape history because of the
notion that photography is bound up with
truth. For example, world events have been
initiated, recorded and sometimes turned
around by the inuence of photography in
news journalism.
A famous TV advertisement created in the
1980s depicted the scene of a skinhead
walking down a street, before breaking out into
a run and heading straight for a little old lady.
The message was clear: here was a menacing
and dangerous individual out to rob or beat up
a defenceless victim in broad daylight.
As it turns out, the lm reveals the man is
running towards the lady in order to knock her
out of the way of some scaffolding about to
fall on her. The carefully controlled lming and
framing of the scenes plays to our prejudices
and only tell part of the story at rst. After a
dramatic pause, the full facts of the scenario
are revealed and the whole truth is presented.
The advertisement shows that the frame
can capture part of the scene to create one
carefully contrived meaning, while taking an
alternative view presents another.
Although a situation can contain
multiple meanings and points of view,
its the photographer who selects which
interpretation of a scene he or she will retain
for further editing or presentation. With this
power comes a responsibility to deal ethically
with potentially controversial subjects and
situations, and on a more artistic level,
to use the viewnder (and subsequent
compositions) to squeeze the most creative
value out of the subject in front of us.
Inclusion vs exclusion
Deciding what you should and shouldnt
include within your frame presents not only
moral dilemmas, but also design issues
about whether what you include benets your
image or detracts from its overall power.
Ideally, what you frame within your viewnder
should only contain the detail and substance
necessary to communicate your vision
as powerfully as possible. The greatest
photographers get to the heart of something
or someone in a way that leaves amateurs
envious because they have developed an
intuitive ability to get close to their subjects
or to use their sense of design (in terms of
arranging the elements within the viewnder)
to carefully exclude unwanted detail or
to emphasize certain components at the
expense of others.
The inclusion of unnecessary or distracting
details will allow your audience to miss
the point or become troubled by the sheer
number of possible interpretations and
responses that could arise from a cluttered
or busy image.
Title: Miss Appletons shoes II,
Olivia Parker
Olivia Parker creates beautiful
compositions with her still life images.
In this image, the scene is contained
by a black border, which is created by
the edge of a processed sheet film
that also references the photographic
nature of her images.
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The role of the viewfinder in photography | The use of space
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U268651_BCP Design Principles 175# WPA(N) 06.08.2010 2
Ike Turner once said:
Its the spaces in between the notes
that are important.
Space is every bit as important as
substance it is substance as far as design
is concerned. Within design, space can be
used to isolate something; to throw emphasis
on something; to provide contrast against
something; and to show the scale and scope
of a subject, among a thousand other uses.
Its presence is just as visible within an image
as any tangible subject that may emerge
from it.
Awareness of space
Awareness of space as a design principle
allows you to confer emphasis on a
subject, or create stronger separation
between a subject and its environment or
The use of space
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U268651_BCP Design Principles 175# WPA(N) 06.08.2010 2
The role of the viewfinder in photography | The use of space | Positional decisions
Title: Mask
Oleg Dersky
The creative use of negative
and positive space enables
photographers to play with our
perceptions of what appears to be
coming forward and what appears
to be retreating. The full craft and
construction behind Oleg Derskys
image only reveals itself when we
peer beyond the surface presentation
of the image.
Positive and negative
Many simple optical illusions rely on the eyes
perception of space for their effect. Space
can dene where an object lies in relation to
others, and thus allow us to make sense of a
scene or situation. Many illusions exploit our
habit of assuming that dark or black areas of
tone represent subject, while light or white
areas equate to the absence of subject
emptiness or space.
Photography, too, can play with these
assumptions. After all, the eye makes sense
of a at two-dimensional image and accepts
it as a facsimile of the three-dimensional
world almost without question.
Using space as a design tool enables us
to manufacture depth, and depth takes us
just that little bit nearer to closing the gap
between the frustrations of two-dimensional
representation and the three-dimensional
experience of life being lived. The gap is still
vast, but at least its going in the right direction.
Depth, in terms of photography, allows us
to peek beyond the conventional limitations
of two-dimensional imagery and creates a
vicarious version of experiential reality.
Title: Burger caf
Jeremy Webb
By positioning the burger caf within
the lower half of the viewfinder,
the vertical forms of the scene are
given more space to penetrate.
In giving greater emphasis to the
featureless background and the
bland surrounding sky, the white
overcast backdrop also appears quite
oppressive in this misty winter image
from an out-of-season promenade.
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Positional decisions
The distance between you and your subject
is fundamental to the design of an image.
Weve already seen how the edge of the
frame can be used creatively to tease the
viewer and give an audacious and innovative
treatment to even the most mundane subject.
The communicative power of an image
can change dramatically with the slightest
adjustment to position, distance or angle.
Positional decisions have the power
to manipulate our feelings at a deeply
unconscious level. For example, a politician
photographed from above may appear
diminished or belittled, their stature
literally and metaphorically reduced in
size, making them appear vulnerable or
childlike. The same politician photographed
from a position below eye level may
appear statuesque and important, as
though we are looking up to them.
Your viewpoint must be adapted in order
to contain all the signifcant information
you need for the image. This may require
you to go in close in order to give your
subject a bold treatment full of impact
and authority, or it may require you to
pull away, thereby allowing other detail
and information to be included within
the frame to intrigue the viewer.
Many of the greatest photographers arrive
at a scene and without thinking, quickly
and quietly size up the situation from many
viewpoints intuitively. This approach is the
result of a honed and internalised way of
working gained through personal vision and
experience. Where you choose to capture
your image from must be driven by the
willingness to create a forceful and absorbing
composition, rather than any attempt to
simply apply an artful style over a subject that
needs a bit of spicing up.
The communicative power
of an image can change
dramatically with the slightest
adjustment to position,
distance or angle.
Title: Mushroom on a
winter beach
Vadim Tolstov
The cold blue shadow created by
this structure mimics precisely
the same shade of blue found
on the structure itself.
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U268651_BCP Design Principles 175# WPA(HAC) 03.07.2010 1 GP_U006
Light | Colour | Exercise 2
Black Text
UK Cover
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