ST Philip Preschool Procedures
ST Philip Preschool Procedures
ST Philip Preschool Procedures | [email protected]
Our goal at St. Philip Preschool is to provide your child with a safe, loving Christian setting in which to learn and grow. We involve all five senses in play and create a stimulating environment to provide for your childs physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual growth. We are happy to be a partner with you to make the most of your son or daughters preschool year. St. Philip Preschool is licensed by the State of Michigan for ages 3-5.
To enroll in St. Philip Preschool your child must turn 3 or 4 by December 1 st of the year in which the school year begins and you must complete: - An enrollment form. A Child Information Card. A Child Placement Contract. By the first day of attendance you must submit: - A copy of your childs immunization record showing at least one dose of each required immunization. - A signed and date copy of the Child Placement Contract. - The first and last months tuition. Within 30 days on must submit: - The physical form received in the enrollment packet signed by a licensed physician or his/her designee that a physical examination has been made within the preceding year. Any restriction to activities in which the child may participate must be noted. This form is only valid one year from the date signed by the medical official.
Termination of Enrollment
The enrollment of your child in St.Philip Preschool will be terminated if one of the following occur: - Failure to pay tuition on time. - Childs incompatibilities with the classroom setting. (i.e. hitting, biting or causing harm to the other children) - Extended absence of child.
Tuition is due within the first seven days of each month. Tuition paid after the 7th day of the month will result in a late fee of $5. There will be an additional charge of $25 for any returned check. If two checks are returned within the course of a school year, tuition will have to be paid by money order. Tuition rates are as follows: - 3 year-old class: (Two half days per week), $95 per week. - 4 year-old class: (Four half days per week), $150 per week. There is no change in tuition due to absence or school closing.
School Closings: In case of severe weather, please check channels 2, 4 or 7 or WJR for school closings. If Trenton Public Schools close due to severe weather, we will likewise be closed. If for any reason, the Director must make a decision to close school during a scheduled day, you will be informed by phone. Your child s safete is of utmost importance to us. Arrival/Departure Procedures: Prior to each session the staff is busy with setting up the classroom for the activities of the day. Please do not enter the classroom for the activities of day. Please do not enter the classroom more than 5 minutes prior to the start of class so that they may be prepared to turn their attention to the children at arrival. Please accompany your child to the classroom door. Sign in and encourage your child to join group. It is important to your child that they are picked up on time. At dismissal, pick your child up at the classroom door, sing out and make sure to take all of the important papers and other items belonging to your child. Release of Students: Your child will only be released to you or the people you have designated on the Child Information Card upon presentation of a picture ID. Please make sure this card is kept up-to-date. Illness: In order to give each child a healthy environment and the attention he/she deserves, children who are ill may not attend to school. Please notify the school of any contagious disease your child might have. Your child should be fever free for at at least 8 hours before returning to school.
Toys in the classroom The school is supplied with a wealth of toys for use during class. Please limit personal toys to special Show & Tell days only. Snack We provide fun and nutritious snacks during each session. Birthdays We celebrate birthdays. If you wish to send a treat, let us know. We usually schedule the birthday celebration on the day of class closest to the birthday. Discipline Policy: Discipline is not meant to punish, but to teach. Our policy is to give a timeout after 3 disruptions.
Field Trips Generally, one field trip per month will be planned. Please plan to transport and accompany your child or make private arrangements with another person to assume responsibility for your child. We will meet you at the field trip location. These valuable experiences are usually followed by a related curriculum.
I ________________________________________________
(Parents/Guardian Name)
have read and understand the policies and procedures of St.Philip Preschool
Signature: ________________________________________________
Date: ____________________