Benifits of GMO
Benifits of GMO
Benifits of GMO
Genetically modified organisms: do the benefits outweigh the risks?
Kristina Hug Department of Medical Ethics, Lund University, Sweden Department of Health Management, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania Key words: genetically modified organisms; risks and benefits; international and European legal and ethical requirements. Summary. The objective of this literature review is to analyze the implications of using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as well as international and European position regarding such organisms. Method. Review of international and European legal requirements and ethical guidelines and relevant publications, found and accessed with the help of PubMed and Lund University Library databases. Results. The article discusses the main application areas of GMOs, the expansion of using GMOs in the world as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the implications of their usage. It further provides an overview of the suggested ways to tackle or avoid the GMO-related risks. The international and European positions regarding the application of GMOs are discussed and European Directives, Regulations, and ethical guidelines are overviewed. The article further presents the public attitudes towards GMOs in Europe as well as overviews surveys conducted at the national level. Conclusion. Suggested steps to tackle the challenge of developing and managing biotechnology for the benefit of public health and the environment are presented. 1. Improving the quantity and quality of agriIntroduction In its broadest sense, genetic engineering includes cultural production for the benefit of consumers and uncontroversial techniques, like selective breeding. producers. Genetic engineering is often performed to In its narrower sense, used in this article, genetic make the crops herbicide resistant rather than to make engineering refers to gene splicing-inserting DNA them disease-resistant. For example, until 2002 no fragments from one organisms genes into the chro- commercially used genetically engineered crops inmosomes of another, thereby changing its genetic creased drought tolerance (4, 5) in part because such makeup (1). Article 2 (2) of the European Directive engineering is more difficult than designing pesticide 2001/18/EC defines a genetically modified organism resistance (1). Examples of other modifications are (GMO) as an organism (with the exception of human changed flower color, delayed senescence of fruits beings) in which the genetic material has been altered and flowers, male sterility as an aid to crossbreeding, in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/ and modification of lipid biosynthesis for specialized or natural recombination (2). Similarly, a genetically oil production (6). 2. Pharmaceutical production in more sustainmodified microorganism (GMM) according to Article for developing 2(1b) of the European Directive 98/81/EC is a micro- able ways or facilitated drug delivery organism in which the genetic material has been countries, e.g. through plants or milk (6). alter ed in a way that does not occur by mating and/or 3. Applications of environmental relevance, as alternatives to industrial polymer production or used natural recombination (3). for innovative decontamination of polluted sites (6). In the field of animal and plant biotechnology, there However, there is still the lack of knowledge about are three main application areas of genetic engineering:many important characters of plants and animals, and
Correspondence to K. Hug, Department of Medical Ethics, Lund University, BMC C 13, 221 84 Lund, Sweden E-mail: [email protected]
Kristina Hug
this is one of the main causes delaying the fulfillment the risks. The implications of genetic engineering are of the most interesting applications of GMOs (6). Only both complex and contradictory, since genetic engia few of the potential applications have been actually neering uses new technologies and brings up very difrealized and have reached the stage of GMO pro- ferent opinions and conflicting viewpoints (9). This duction, and even less GMOs have reached com- article will discuss the benefits and risks of the use of mercial application (6). So far only genetically modiGMOs and present the European policy and public fied micro-organisms and plants have been commer- opinions regarding this issue. cially applied for example, genetically modified plants are utilized for seed production, as animal feed, The implications of using GMOs: or for production of food ingredients, such as soy advantages and disadvantages lecithin and maize starch (6). Benefits of using GMOs. It has been argued that The global level of consumption of foods derived public health could benefit from using GMOs and that from GMOs is increasing rapidly. For example, there are some issues, which could be solved with between 1996 and 2003, the land planted with GM current biotechnological instruments, for example: crops increased approximately from 3 million to 1. Producing edible vaccines or medicines in milk, 70 million hectares globally (7). Argentina and the eggs, or fruit to facilitate distribution of therapeutic United States are the countries that have extensively or preventive molecules (6). The ability to genetically adopted biotechnologies, mainly applied soy-bean and modify animals in order to produce pharmaceuticals corn, and about 80% of land in these countries have in their milk has been one of the most innovative apbeen planted with GM crops (7). A dramatic increase plications of genetic modification techniques. Mediin GM-planted land has also been recorded in Brazil cines or vaccines produced in milk could be manu(7). It has been estimated that more than 30 000 food factured and distributed cheaply, and made more products will contain soybean or maize ingredients, accessible to people around the world (10). It has been and approximately 32 millions tons of feed will be argued that the advantages of edible vaccines are derived from GMOs (6). manifold. Injected vaccines are expensive, require In 2004, three-quarters of GM crops, which were trained medical staff for their administration, and usugrown worldwide, were cultivated in developed coun- ally require constant cooling during transport and stortries, predominantly on large-scale industrial farms age, which creates difficulties in many developing in the United States, Argentina, and Canada (8). Of countries. The use of needles also brings the risks of approximately six million farmers who grew GM spreading infections (8). Edible vaccines would help crops legally worldwide in 2002, more than three- to avoid these inconveniences and dangers. There are quarters were resource-poor, small-scale farmers, examples of transgenic plants that have been develmainly in China and South Africa (8). While the oped to immunize against the hepatitis B and Norwalk number of farmers using GM crops was the highest viruses, both of which are of substantial concern for in developing countries, they only accounted for 27% individuals living in developing countries (10). Reof the total area (8). searchers have also produced a variety of transgenic In Europe, one of the main obstacles to the success potatoes that contain a small portion of the cholera of GMOs is the inadequacy of existing GMOs to the toxin and immunize against the disease upon ingestion needs of European agro-ecosystems. Comparatively, (10). In 2004, the European Union Sixth Framework North American and South American agricultural Programme awarded the Pharma-Planta Programme systems are more suited for the application of existing a grant of 12 million to genetically modify plants to GMOs (6). In Europe, the food production system grow vaccines against rabies and tuberculosis, and overall is strongly influenced by the need for raw eventually, diabetes and HIV (10). It has to be menmaterials for animal nutrition. Out of approximately tioned, however, that development of GM crops that 30 million tons of soy-bean cakes used in 2001, only can produce biopharmaceuticals is at a very early stage 2.5% were produced with soy-bean grown and (8). Concerns have also been expressed that introprocessed within the EU, which means a wide use of duction of edible vaccines would not only pose the imports from third countries that have already been problem of appropriate dose control (10) but also raise using GM crops for some time (7). concerns about the effect of such crops on insects and Seeing such an increasing use of GMOs, one starts other animals, which might feed on it (8). to wonder what the advantages and disadvantages of 2. Producing functional food or nutraceuticals using them are, and whether the benefits outweigh with added traits that could make them beneficial for
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health or for preventing diseases, and producing food particular environments, e.g., drought resistant vafor disadvantaged consumers , affected by food aller- rieties or crops that are tolerant of high soil salinity gies or intolerances (11) as well as biofortification of (17). GM crops may offer solutions to very specific the micronutrient content of food crops (6, 10). An climatic conditions prevalent in developing countries example of nutraceuticals can be tomatoes with in- and allow for more effective control of pests and funcreased lycopene (an antioxidant, which is a useful gal infections (8). For example, African climates vary agent in the prevention and treatment of prostate can- so considerably that it is a real challenge to breed vacer and heart disease (12, 13)) content (14) or a soy- rieties that will grow from region to region, and the bean protein (alpha-glycinin) mutated to exhibit anti- ability to design crops suited to particular regional hypertensive properties the mutated protein has been climatic and environmental conditions could be benepurified from the soybeans and was able to lower ficial to developing countries (10). Some GM improveblood pressure in hypertensive laboratory animals ments may offer additional benefits, for example, GM (15). Another example is a GM rice variety that sup- rice in China requires less pesticide spraying in addiplements the vitamin A synthesis pathway (10). tion to increasing crop yields (18). Cultivating such Vitamin A deficiency is a serious burden on the health rice may reduce incidences of pesticide poisoning and of millions of children living in developing countries environmental pollution. Criticism has been expresswho cannot afford alternative sources of the vitamin, ed, however, that GM pest-resistant strategies may and it causes up to 500 000 cases of childhood lead to the evolution of pest resistance in the long blindness and 23 million deaths annually (10). The term, which could have an impact on both GM and most famous of such crops is Golden Rice, which was conventional agriculture (10). Yet, another important developed to contain a beta-carotene supplement (a fact is that labor and energy consumption are reduced, precursor to vitamin A) (10). It has been reported that as farmers reduce the number of treatments and the in the next generation of genetically modified plants, use of fuel (8), and such reduction affects the environscientists will select plants more balanced in their ment positively. When smaller amounts of pesticides chemical composition to better satisfy the nutritional are used on GM crops, this reduces pesticide exposure requirements of humans and farm animals (16). Nu- to farm workers, to the communities surrounding tritionists expect higher nutrient content and a better farms, and ultimately to consumers, as well as deavailability of these nutrients (proteins, amino acids, creases the impact of agricultural pesticides on nonfatty acids, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins) as target insects (8). well as less antinutritional factors from such plants 5. Using GMOs in scientific and medical re(16). search. It has been reported that genetically modified 3. Improving the qualities of certain crops and virus has had some success in targeting and destroying producing safer food. It has been reported that the cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells undamaged use of some conventional varieties of crops can have (19). Cancer Research UK scientists have examined grave health consequences (8). For example, most the effect of the genetically modified virus on varieties of Lathyrus sativus, a lentil formerly grown pancreatic, lung, ovarian, liver, and colorectal cancers widely in North India and now spreading in Ethiopia,in vitro as well as in tumor bearing mice; the modified are known to cause the crippling disease of lathyrism, virus replicated vigorously within the cancer cells and and traditional varieties of cassava in Nigeria also have spread through the tumor tissue, causing the cells to dangerously high levels of hydrocyanic acid (8). Re- die (10). Genetically modified bacteria may also be search on GM crops could create safer varieties of able to serve as a barrier by secreting proteins protectthese and other crops that could replace harmful tra- ing women against HIV infection (20). For example, ditional varieties by reducing the levels of undesirable a natural component of the vaginal microbial flora substances including mycotoxins, alkaloids, and glu- Lactobacillus jensenii has been genetically modified cosinolates (8). to secrete soluble CD4 (a protein that HIV specifically 4. Breeding with increased yield while reducing binds in order to gain access to cells and infect them) the use of pesticides, improving plant adaptation to and has been shown to block laboratory strains of HIV unfavorable environments (16). In order to achieve from infecting human cells (20). this advantage, herbicide-tolerant and pest-resistant 6. Using GMOs for bioremediation the use of GM varieties as well as virus- and fungus-resistant organisms to degrade waste materials into less toxic crops have been developed (17). GM technology has or nontoxic material in the environment (10). Natualso been used to generate crops that are tailored to rally occurring organisms e ( .g., bacteria, yeast, fungi)
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can be used as bioremeditors to clean up industrial or particular gene that has been added to a GM crop general waste such as sewage, pesticides, heavy (10). Allergies develop when an individual is metals, and nuclear waste. It has been suggested that repeatedly exposed to a particular protein allergen genetic modification of such organisms can increase (10). the effectiveness of bioremediation (10). Techniques d) Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) the transfer of phytoremediation, the use of living plants to absorb of genetic material directly to a living cell or an toxic waste, also show substantial promise (21). For organism followed by its expression (26). HGT example, the yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) has been shown to engage members of the same has been genetically modified to express bacterial species, of different species, or even of different mercuric reductase, which allows the poplar to grow domains of life (26). In contrast to vertical gene in normally toxic levels of ionic mercury, which the transfer, where DNA is spread from a parent to an modified poplar converts to the much less toxic eleoffspring, HGT is the transfer of DNA between mental form of mercury up to 12 times faster than cells of the same generation (26). In various ways, poplars that have not been genetically modified (21). humans and animals have been in touch with Risks of using GMOs. Bearing in mind all the pos- foreign DNA for millions of years. In humans, sible benefits of GMO applications, the risks of the amount of DNA absorbed with food varies application of biotechnology in agriculture and between 0.1 and 1 g per day and includes fragments medicine should also be discussed. The following risks of plant and animal genes, degraded to varying have been identified: degrees, as well as bacterial DNA (27). Because 1. Health risks. Potential health risks associated diseases like Ebola, AIDS, Lyme, and mad cow with the use of GMOs are the following: appear to have moved genetically from animals to a) Unexpected gene interactions, different from humans, it has been argued that about 20% of the foreseen effects of the transferred gene conGMOs with engineered genes from viral pathogens struct (e.g. with synthesis of some toxic commight create new viral strains having unknown pounds) (16). For example, some feeding studies properties (28). HGT is considered more important have shown minor effects on the weight of animals in the adaptation of bacteria to new environments fed on GM diets (11). It is likely that these unexthan the alteration of gene function through mupected results are linked to either the specific gene tations (26). added to the GM crop tested or to the particular e) Antibiotic resistance , which can occur because side effects of a genetic transformation event, of the use of antibiotics in the early stages of the which can potentially disturb metabolism (10). process of genetic modification to select for the b) Cancer risks, which may appear because GM gene construct including resistance to antibiotics crops have higher pesticide residues than non-GM (26). Antibiotic resistance may be transferred by ones and the main ingredient of some pesticides, means of HGT from genetically modified plants glyphosate, has been linked to increases in nonto human gut bacteria due to the transformation of Hodgkins lymphoma (22).For example, in 1996, bacteria in the food chain (16) as well as to soil the US National Academy of Sciences concluded and plant-related microorganisms (26). In the that allowable pesticide residues, on US foods gastrointestinal tract, DNA may remain stable for would cause a million premature, fatal cancers in some time, particularly in the colon (26). However, the next 75 years (23). Other GMO effects are the breakdown of DNA in the gut, combined with illustrated by deaths and disabilities caused by the breakdown of the DNA due to food processing, food-supplement DL-tryptophan, produced by a reduces the risk of HGT because of DNA degragenetically engineered bacterium (24). dation, which begins before it arrives at the critical c) Allergenic potential. Allergenicity may be sites for HGT (26). The HGT of an entire and funccaused directly by the new proteins or by their intional antibiotic resistance gene from ingested GM teraction with usual proteins, producing a new food to the bacteria in our guts is a possibility, but allergen (16). Assessing the allergenic potential of has never been reported. The World Health Organovel foods presents major problems, since there nization and the Food and Agricultural Organizaare no reliable tests for predicting allergenicity tion of the United Nations expert panels have (25). The possibility of creating new allergens has concluded that this event cannot be completely been identified as a risk that does not relate directly ruled out and should be considered by risk assesto the use of GM technology, but depends on the sors (29).
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2. Environmental risks. Other controversial issue plants into native ecosystems may also result in the in this area relates to the potential risks posed by the flow of DNA from crops to wild relatives, which may technical manipulation of genetic material, since the impact on the genetic identity and integrity of wild effect of such manipulation on animal welfare is still populations and could affect local genetic diversity difficult to evaluate (9). Toxicity of gene products may (10). While the possibility for gene flow exists for have a negative influence on feed composition, which both non-GM and GM crops some fear that gene flow in its turn may cause negative performance of fed from GM crops could endanger biodiversity in a new animals (16). GMO-related environmental threats also way (8). The diversity of wild species of plants can include problems like pesticide plant-and-animal be seen as a reflection of the process of natural selectoxicity (30), and this use of GM crops will require tion and other evolutionary mechanisms, and genetic the provision of special agronomic facilities that re- modification is thought to interfere with these processstrict the spread of seed and pollen (8). es (8). 3. Threat to biodiversity. Convention on Biological However, the arguments about the GMO threat to Diversity defines biological diversity as the variability biodiversity also cause some criticism. It has been among living organisms from all sources including argued that crop varieties which are used in agriculture terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and already frequently interbreed with their wild relatives, the ecological complexes of which they are part, and, given that the systematic cultivation of plants including diversity within species, between species, had begun by 6000 BC, humans have been influencing and of ecosystems (31). In the evolutionary history of natural selection for a long time (8). For example, we species, spontaneous mutations that give rise to new may question whether the rhododendron, which origallelic forms submit the organism to a period of adap- inated in Spain and Portugal, should ever have been tation to a new gene. The transformation of a single introduced into the UK, where it became invasive and element reflects on the group as a whole (32). In the adversely affected the environment (8). Changes in case of GMOs, where an exogenous gene has been nature cannot be undertaken only if there can be inserted into a receptive organism, this network of absolute certainty that no risks are implied, since we genes is disturbed by the integration and expression do not apply this requirement consistently in other of the exogenous gene (32). This disturbance modifies cases where human intervention affects biological and the orchestration of the network, resulting in the break-ecological systems (8). down of epistatic relations, in provoking alterations 4. Increase in social differences. It has been argued in feedback mechanisms that regulate gene expression,that genetic engineering policies are unfavorable for in the occurrence of mutations by inactivating other the developing countries for the following reasons: a) Many innovations would remain unreachable genes, and other interactions that may turn genes in the host genome on or off (32). One example of adap- for most of the citizens of developing countries even after the monopoly on patents have finished tation to a new gene among transgenic plants is the genetically modified soybean. Inserting the gene CP4- because of the differences in income when compared to the developed countries (33). Developing EPSPS from Agrobacterium destroyed the harmony countries might also be reluctant to approve GM between gene networks and changed the metabolism crop varieties because of fears of jeopardizing their and production of lignin, a substance that physically current and future export markets, and they may sustains the plant (32). When this genetically modified also not be able to provide the necessary infrastrucsoybean is planted in soils where temperatures go over ture to enable compliance with EU requirements 45C, the stem cannot withstand the heat and breaks for traceability and labeling (8). down (32). When the integrated functioning of the b) Genetically engineered seeds may cause food genes in an organism is changed, this alteration may shortages, unemployment, resistant weeds, and be more disadvantageous than advantageous, since it extinction of native cultures in the developing involves the modification of a biological model that countries (1). A founding principle of natural sewas the result of a long evolutionary process (32). lection is that submitting an organism to pressure The consequence of genetic modification is an inwill increase its probability of evolutionary adaptacrease in the plants genetic load, and there is an tion this is how bacteria developed antibiotic inverse correlation between the genetic load and the resistance (10). For example, a wide-scale applicaadaptive value, which means that GMOs tend to have tion of herbicide-resistant crops could eventually less adaptability in proportion to their increased genelead to the emergence of weed varieties that resist tic load (32). The introduction of genetically modified
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Kristina Hug the particular herbicide, and target insects may ducing GMOs into developing countries, policy makbecome resistant to an insect-resistant GM crop ers and scientists should consider whether the distrithrough mutation and natural selection (10). The bution of benefits and burdens between rich and poor centers of diversity of modern crops such as cotton countries is affected and whether these effects differ or maize are primarily in developing countries, and between production and use (34). For example, Swethere are concerns that cultivated crops and their den has a special rule that with every proposed use of wild relatives, growing in these regions, might be GMOs ethical evaluation must be performed (35). irreversibly altered by the transfer of genetic ma- Every GMO application should bring sufficient benefit terial from GM crops (8). It has also been argued for humankind, and not just a benefit, and besides that current global food production is sufficient to that animals should not be exposed to unnecessary provide food for the worlds population, if only suffering (35). It should also be taken into considerinequalities in access to food were eliminated, and ation whether the proposed method of GMO appliGM crops are seen as a technological fix, cation means that other harmful applications, which proposed instead of undertaking economic, would be used instead, can be avoided (35). political, and social changes (8). However, most 5. Scientific concerns, which include inadequate cattle and poultry consume maize or soybean, and genetically modified seed (GES) testing, driven partly the conversion of fodder into meat and milk re- by companies unwillingness to share proprietary inquires three to six times the amount of these crops formation as well as GES research priorities (1). GES than would be needed if people ate them directly biotechnology has been mostly used for profitable but (8). It has therefore been argued that providing risky pesticide-resistant products instead of increasing farmers with pest- or virus-resistant crops is a more drought tolerance or increasing yields (1). For examappropriate solution than the alternative of leavingple, by 1999, 12 companies, many with the US Dethem to rely on food donations if their harvest is partment of Agriculture funding, had more than 25 destroyed by pests or viruses (8). patents to make GES either sterile or chemically dec) Labor costs would be decreased by letting pendent, while annually a million children die from farmers use more chemicals, since 80% of com- nutritional deficiencies and another 350 000 become mercial GM seeds are designed only to resist her- blind from vitamin A deficiencies (1). bicides (1). Using GM crops could be to the detri6. Potential threat to the autonomy and welfare ment of agricultural workers if the use of herbicide- of farmers who wish to produce non-GM products. resistant GM crops leads to a considerable reduc- The risk of gene flow from fields planted with GM tion in the demand for labor for weeding (8). How- crops to conventional and organic farms could potenever, the use of genetically modified crops that tially pose a threat to autonomy of organic farmers reduce labor could help rural communities lacking(10). For example, a field study conducted in Australia labor force as a result of the AIDS pandemic (8). examined the transmission of herbicide tolerance from In Kenya, for example, the losses in agricultural GM canola and found that the highest level of contamiproduction from AIDS at household level range nation in neighboring fields was 0.07% (36). This 1050%, and shortage of farm laborers means that contamination level is well below the 0.9% threshold children are increasingly involved in agriculture, set by the EU as the limit above which labeling is impacting their education and quality of life (8). It required (36). However, organic farmers have estabhas also been argued that encouraging developing lished a zero-tolerance rule for GM and their autonocountries to adopt GM crops demonstrates a lack my could be compromised if cooperation is not estabof sensitivity to their vulnerable position, as they lished within farming communities (36). The question may be tempted to adopt in haste a technology that of respect of farmers autonomy also raises the issue could pose severe risks (8). of liability in cases where compensations may be d) Focusing on GM-related applications may de- sought (10). tract from efforts to explore other ways of enhancing agriculture, such as fostering more relevant Suggested ways to tackle or avoid national and international policies, improving systhe GMO-related risks tems of seed production and distribution, and proIt has been argued that from the available experimoting better development of markets and im- mental data, currently utilized GM plants appear safe proved agricultural practices (8). and show no effects on animals or animal products For all the above-mentioned reasons, before intro- (16). It has also been stated that risks caused by the
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use of GM plants appear to be so low that they should (8, 10). This could be achieved by providing food aid be negligible in comparison with their potential in milled form (8, 10). The establishment and mainbenefits (16). However, long-term risks for most con-tenance of seed banks to conserve genetic resources ventional foods have never been analyzed (8). GM of crop plants is also important (8). crops are novel foods, and the assessment of their Pollen-mediated transmission of transgenes safety is essential to protect the environment, as well could be avoided by establishing appropriate separaas the health of humans and livestock (16). It is also tion distances between fields containing GM and nonimportant to try to tackle the risks related to the ap- GM crops (8). Also, many GM crops are male sterile plication of GMOs. The following proposals have varieties which means that pollination cannot occur been made: (38). There are farming practices that can be deployed The risk of unexpected gene interactions could to minimize what has been referred to as genetic be tackled as follows: to predict gene interactions, the contamination (10). insertion of a gene coupled with a promoter into a It has been argued that thanks to scientific research, GMO chromosome could trigger the expression of a a better understanding of technologies and to recent neighboring gene for a toxin or allergen that was provisions, most of the parties participating in the previously present but not expressed (25). discussion on GMOs agree on the fact that foodstuffs The risk of allergenicity could be tackled by as- and ingredients originating from the current GM crops sessing the stability of the novel protein(s) to the do not seem to pose a hazard to public health (7). processing of food and to digestive processes, since According to the judgment of the Nuffield Council of many allergenic proteins are resistant to degradation Bioethics, there is no empirical or theoretical evidence (25). It is also advisable to avoid using plants that GM crops pose greater hazards to health than containing known allergens, such as peanuts and plants resulting from conventional plant breeding (8). Brazil nuts, as sources of genes for GM plants (25). The Nuffield Council of Bioethics has argued that the The risk of HGT in the organisms fed with GM potential benefits of contemporary plant breeding, incould be tackled by using kanamycin, an unusual anticluding those arising from the use of genetic modifibiotic as antimicrobial resistance marker (16). Howcation of crops, have been empirically demonstrated ever, antibiotic marker genes should be excised after the initial multiplication step, according to the measure in some instances, and have considerable potential in endorsed by EU since 2005 (EU directive 2001/18) others, to improve agricultural practice and the live(37). It has been estimated that the likelihood of lihood of poor people in developing countries while reducing environmental degradation (8). According transfer of DNA from ingested food by gut microflora and/or human cells is minimal (37) and thus the to this Council, there is an ethical obligation to explore likelihood that a GMOs gene construct resistant to these benefits responsibly, in order to improve food antibiotics may be transferred to gut bacteria is also security, profitable agriculture, and the protection of small (16). It has been stated that after consumption, the environment in developing countries (8). It has been argued that there is currently not enough DNA and DNA fragments are rapidly degraded by evidence of actual or potential harm to justify a morgastric acid and various enzymes in the digestive tract, atorium on research, field trials, or the controlled rebut this process may leave some fragment intact, which lease of GM crops into the environment (10). Research may be absorbed in the intestinal epithelia (27). Perturbation of the long-established systems cau- on the use of GM crops in developing countries should sed by genetic manipulation could be tackled by therefore be sustained and governed by a reasonable manipulation techniques, which involve precise and application of the precautionary approach (10), and predictable manipulations, with minimum perturba- the views of farmers and other relevant stakeholders tion of the long-established systems (32). One of thesemust also be taken into account (8). It is equally imnew techniques of DNA insertion is called transposon portant that governments and citizens of developing movement it allows plants to relocate their DNA, nations are involved in the decision-making process reducing the disruption caused by genetic manipu- on the use of GM crops in their countries (10). lation (32). If the technique of genetic modification is deemed Extinction of native cultures could be avoided by acceptable in principle, then more specific moral preventing the seeds of GM varieties from food aid questions arise. How should GM technologies be donations from being planted in the soil of countries used? What sorts of organisms should be developed, objecting to introducing GM crops into their territory for what purposes, and how should they be used?
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International and European positions organisms (GMMs) the primary goals are the saferegarding the application of GMOs guard of human and animal health as well as the enviInternational requirements regarding the usage ronment (7). Table presents this European position. of GMOs. The concerns about the evaluation of the It has been argued that policies with the aim to risk-benefit balance are reflected in the requirements awaken public opinion and the media towards underof the international documents on biosafety and bio- standing of the biotechnological progress and limit diversity. Articles 16(5a) and 23 of the Protocol of emotional responses. The social community should Cartagena on Biosafety require that states parties to take part to the decision processes and it ought to share the Protocol should: responsibility (9). The gap between institutional and/ Cooperate in identifying living modified organisms or academic knowledge and the social community or their specific traits that may have adverse effects should be removed. Correct, transparent, and accession the conservation and sustainable use of biolog- ble knowledge and information are needed to make ical diversity, taking also into account risks to hu- responsible choices and keep the debate out of geneman health; ralized schemes, which are due to inadequate infor Promote and facilitate public awareness, education mation and prejudiced viewpoints. Aside from delays and participation concerning the safe transfer, han- in disseminating necessary and dutiful information, dling and use of such living modified organisms; there is just as much danger due to anxiety about the Consult the public in the decision-making process use of transgenic food and organisms. This anxiety, regarding living modified organisms and make the based on not yet scientifically proven grounds, might results of such decisions available to the public induce the political world to take excessive and (39). arbitrary measures (9). Articles 14(1a) and 19 of the Convention on Biological Diversity also require that as far as possible Public attitudes towards GMOs in Europe and appropriate, contracting parties shall introduce Eurobarometer polls conducted in the twenty-five environmental impact assessment of proposed projects Member States of the European Union by way of facethat are likely to have significant adverse effects on to-face interviews in peoples homes in their national biological diversity and, where appropriate, allow for language between September 2 and October 6, 2005, public participation in such procedures (31). More- indicate that more than 40% of people think that their over, contracting parties should: health could be damaged by the food they eat or by Take legislative, administrative or policy measures other consumer goods (46). However, the spontaneous to provide effective participation in biotechnolog- association of food with health is only made by one ical research (especially in developing countries, person in five (46). There are as many Europeans who which provide the genetic resources for such re- spontaneously cite GMOs and food additives as possearch); sible sources of risk as there are of people who consid Take all practicable measures to promote and er food to be safe (46). advance priority access on a fair and equitable basis In this Eurobarometer study, respondents were (especially for developing countries) to the results asked what worried them most regarding food, and and benefits of biotechnologies (31). GMOs were mentioned only in the mid-range of the Position of the European Community regarding worry scale. At the top end of the worry scale, the usage of GMOs. The current EU legislation on consumers express concern regarding external factors GMOs is regarded as the strictest in the world (8). that are clearly identified as dangerous (pesticides Genetically modified plants are widely grown all overresidues, new viruses such as avian influenza, residues the world, but many constraints still tend to discourage in meats, contamination of food by bacteria, unhytheir use in Europe considering potential risks of theirgienic conditions outside home), and in the mid-range, use (16). European legislation does not allow unap- one finds other external factors such as environmental proved material derived from a GMO in the human pollutants (e.g. mercury), GMOs, food additives, anifood chain and increased monitoring capacity is re- mal welfare and mad cow disease or BSE (bovine quired of all countries, especially with the adoption spongiform encephalopathy) (46). Consumers appear of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, as internation- to be less concerned about personal factors (such as al law (40). The European Community has not yet individual susceptibility to food allergies) or other facauthorized production of genetically modified crops, tors linked to their own behavior (e.g. food preparaexcluding experimental ones. In the European legal tion, food hygiene at home and putting on weight) framework for GMOs and genetically modified micro-(46). When asked to what extent they were worried
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Table. European position on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically modifiedmicroorganisms
Requirement All appropriate measures must be taken to avoid adverse effects on human health and the environment which might arise from the contained use of GMMs (3) and their deliberate release or the placing on the market of GMOs (2). Potential adverse effects on human health and the environment, which may occur directly or indirectly through gene transfer from GMOs to other organisms, must be accurately assessed on a case-by-case basis (2). GMOs containing genes expressing resistance to antibiotics in use for medical or veterinary treatment must be taken into particular consideration when carrying out an environmental risk assessment, with a view to identifying and phasing out antibiotic resistance markers in GMOs which may have adverse effects on human health and the environment (2). Food /feed must not: (a) have adverse effects on human health, animal health or the environment; (b) mislead the consumer /the user, and in case of feed harm or mislead the consumer by impairing the distinctive features of the animal products; (c) differ from the food/feed which it is intended to replace to such an extent that its normal consumption would be nutritionally disadvantageous for the consumer (in case of feed for animals or humans) (41). Member States shall: a) consult the public on the proposed deliberate release of GMOs; b) make available to the public information on releases of GMOs in their territory (2) or on unintended transboundary movement of GMOs (42). The labeling shall clearly state that a GMO is present (2, 41). In case such product is placed on market, the unique identifier(s) assigned to those GMOs must also be stated (42, 43) Requirement does not apply to products consisting of or containing mixtures of GMOs to be used only and directly as food or feed, or for processing (42). These uses must be clearly indicated on the product (as well as that it is not intended for deliberate release into the environment) and contact details for further information must be given (42). The unique identifier for each GMO must be recorded in the Commission registers (44) thus enabling their traceability. Consumers have a right to make informed choices about what they eat, and receive a clear indication of where additional information can be obtained (e.g. from databases, free telephone help lines, information networks), especially when their choices include cultural (45) ethical or religious considerations (41, 45) and in cases where the food differs from its conventional counterpart in nutritional value, composition, use, or health implications (41). Labeling is appropriate when modern biotechnology causes a substantial change in composition, nutritional value or the use for which the food is intended. Information should be: a) useful, adequate and informative; b) clear, understandable, non technical; c) honest, not confusing, and aiming to prevent fraud; d) enforceable, i.e. possible to verify (45). For products where adventitious or technically unavoidable traces of authorized GMOs cannot be excluded, a minimum threshold may be established below which these products shall not have to be labeled. (2) Art. 21(2) (2)
Document Directive 98/81/EC (amending directive 90/219/EEC) Art. 5(1) (3) Directive 2001/18/EC (repealing directive 90/220/EEC) Art. 4(1,3) (2) Directive 2001/18/EC (repealing directive 90/220/EEC) Art. 4 (2) (2)
Directive 2001/18/EC (repealing directive 90/220/EEC) Art.9(1,2) (2) Regulation 1946/2003 (EC) Art. 14 (42) Directive 2001/18/EC (repealing directive 90/220/EEC) Art. 19(3e) (2) Regulation 1830/2003 (EC) Art. 4(1b) (43) Regulation 1946/2003 (EC) Art. 12 (42) Regulation 65/2004 (EC) Art. 4 (44) European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. Opinion n 5 05/05/1995. Ethical aspects of the labeling of foods derived from modern biotechnology (45) Regulation 1829/2003 (EC) Articles 4, 13 and 16 (41) Directive 2001/18/EC (repealing directive 90/220/EEC)
about genetically modified productsin food or drinks, also trusted in this regard (46). However, media gener25% of EU citizens answered very worried and 37% ate a fairly low level of trust, and manufacturers, faranswered fairly worried (46). The survey shows that mers and retailers are cited as being amongst the least consumer groups, physicians, and scientists are the trusted sources (46). most trusted sources when it comes to providing infor- Citizens were also asked whether they would apmation about food risks (46). Public authorities are prove of developing genetically modified crops in
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1. It is important that countries have appropriate order to increase the variety of regionally grown food. Less that half (37%) declared that they would never mechanisms to determine whether it is desirable to approve of this while 31% would approve of this pro- introduce any new genetically modified crop into the vided it was highly regulated and controlled (46). The environment, and to monitor its impact (8). In most developing countries, it will be a major financial chalnational results show that in six of the countries surveyed a majority responded never: Croatia (60%), Swit- lenge to provide the capacity and resources to underzerland (58%), Cyprus (56%), Greece (54%), Slovenia take such evaluations; therefore, particular attention (53%), and France (52%) (47). Looking at the envi- should be given to measures that will enable the sharronment, a comparatively low proportion of EU citi- ing of methodologies and results, e.g. environmental zens (19%) declare that they would never approve risk assessments for countries, which have similar ecoof developing genetically modified bacteria that could logical environments (8). 2. It is important to monitor the food chain and clean up the environment after environmental catastrophes (47). An equal proportion, 20%, responds that promote labeling of genetically engineered food, as they would approve of this in all circumstances required by the European Directive 2001/18/EC. Monwhile 37% say that they would approve of this only itoring is important for the following reasons: if it is highly regulated and controlled (47). Respon-a) For detection and elimination of organisms or gendents who believe that we have a right to exploit nature es of potential threat and for prevention of envifor the sake of human well-being are more inclined to ronmental harm; state that they would approve of developing geneti- b) For achieving detection limits relevant to the proportion of contamination that might cause harm; cally modified crops to increase the variety of regionc) For maintenance of public confidence in science, ally grown food in all circumstances or only if it since confident public often means supporting pubis highly regulated and controlled compared to those who, on the contrary, disagree with this statement (47). lic, and accountable and transparent science creates public confidence and support (40). Surveys have also been conducted at the national 3. Although it is difficult to determine how much levels. For example, the survey administered by the Irish Council of Bioethics (analyzing 560 replies) GMO is enough to cause harm, GMO monitoring must shows that the respondents are greatly opposed to thebe focused on both detecting signs of unknown or introduction of GM crops and are largely of the viewundesirable organisms and genes and on monitoring known but prohibited commercial GMOs (40). that GM foods currently on sale are not safe for human 4. It is important to maintain a system of rewards consumption (10). Concerns were also expressed that encourages invention while at the same time proabout the unknown future implications of GM technology. Some respondents noted that all testing should viding more people with the benefits of innovations be independent and the results published. Many also (33). It has been suggested that genetically engineered expressed concerns that organic farming would be seed patent-holders could: undermined as a consequence of crop contamination a) Develop and donate biotechnologies for third world use as well as sell genetically modified seedfrom GM crops grown nearby. Several respondents related herbicides there at lower price; urged support for an organic farming industry as an alternative to GM crops. Calls were also made for a b) Help train third world scientists and attorneys in biotechnology, public health, and intellectual propdebate on the topic of GM crops/foods and a suggeserty; tion was made that an information pamphlet should c) Have limited use rights (not exclusive patent go to all households to be able to make a fully informed rights) to genetically modified seeds; choice (10). d) Share profits from special varieties of genetically modified seeds (such as basmati rice or jasmine Conclusions rice) with their countries of origin; It has been argued that biotechnology as such is neither good nor bad, and it has the potential to alle- e) Compensate stakeholders for genetically modified seed-related harms, especially in developing viate or aggravate the impact of agriculture on the nations (1). environment, to improve human and animal nutrition or to pose danger to human or animal health (48). The 5. Interdisciplinary approach is necessary in this challenge is thus to develop, supply, and manage bio-field of research. Such approach would help defend technology for the benefit of humankind and the environmental safety, preserve genetic resources as environment (48). The following suggestions have well as agricultural and alimentary traditions and respect the human rights (9). been proposed to tackle this challenge:
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6. The use and application of innovative technol- improve human health, nutrition and the ability to ogy should be subject to social and economic rational- afford an adequate diet in a cost-effective and environization through the balance cost-benefit principle as mentally sustainable way, all possible paths of action well as ethical screening to prevent damage to the must be compared, including inaction (8). It could environment and all living beings (9). However, it is mean that GM crops might have attractive benefits in usually scientists and scientific facts that dominate particular cases (8). Cost-benefit analysis could be the societal debates about agricultural biotechnology, supplemented with developing a precautionary apand in order to deal with the ethical issues of this techproach that could recognize the multidimensional nanology, these societal debates need to be broadened, ture of environmental qualities and risks, such as irreand as the technology has societal impacts, lay per- placeability, irreversibility, uncertainty, and complexispectives need to be taken into account (49). ty (50). 9. Safety measures and monitoring should have It is difficult to argue that using our knowledge of their foundations not in ideological reasoning, but on genetics to improve natural resources with GM technoa firm scientific basis, because emotional and pessi- logy is immoral, while selective breeding, which may mistic approaches towards innovative technologies equally be guided by genetic knowledge and aimed at can induce us to miss important opportunities, modify results that would never occur without human interthe evaluation of real risks, and thus prevent efficientvention, is not (10). However, it must also be recogmeasures against current risks (9). Every restriction nized that GM technology offers more choice than should therefore be proportional to the real risk (9). selecting genetic modifications through conventional 10. A possibility should not be underestimated that breeding practices. This calls for an ethical examinain some cases the use of a GM crop variety may pose tion of the goals sought out through GM technology, fewer risks than are implied by non-GM alternatives as well as of its potential consequences (10). However, (8). Therefore, in applying the precautionary ap- as long as the individual autonomy of consumers and proach, risks implied by the option of inaction (or by farmers is protected through adequate labeling and alternative actions) must also be considered (8). It is coexistence strategies, and a real choice provided for important to focus on the specific situations in partic- all parties, the potential benefits of GM crop technolular countries and to ask the question how the use of ogy can be made accessible to those who wish to avail a GM crop compares to other alternatives. In order to of them (10).
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Received 10 July 2007, accepted 1 February 2008 Straipsnis gautas 2007 07 10, priimtas 2008 02 01