Effect of Current On EDM
Effect of Current On EDM
Effect of Current On EDM
We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to our supervisor, Dr. Shukry H. Aghdeab for his guidance, advice, effort and cooperation throughout the stages of this study, Special thanks go to anyone who supported, encouraged and helped us.
Supervisor certificate
We certify that the preparation of this project entitled "Effect of current on electric discharge machining" was made under my supervision in the production and metallurgy engineering department in the university of technology as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in production engineering
Electric discharge machining one of the most extensively used nonconventional material removal processes. The principle of electric spark is used in this thesis to generate high electrical discharge at high currents. The machine in the experimental work for EDM (electrical discharge machining) system has been built to cutting conductivity metals and using power supply (RC type) ,capacitor and dielectric solution , the work piece and electrode are conductivity metals like (copper ) . Electric current was passed (DC pulse type) from the power supply to the capacitor then to the electrode and work piece, the electric discharge machining process are created bubbles within the small gap between the work piece and electrode .Increase in the number of bubbles and their growth in size, at later stages; generates a single bubble which makes a bridge between the electrodes create plasma formation. This plasma is a heat source column in the center of enveloping vapor bridge, the ends of which are touching the electrodes. The experimental work in this research to know effect the electrical on electric discharge machining (EDM ) and conclusion this effect on the metal removal rate (MRR) , relative wear (RW) and machining time.
Through the complementary chapters, this research will show in detail the main subjects related to the research and thoroughly the basic concept, theoretical and experimental analysis methods that have been applied in this field. The research consists of the following chapters: - Chapter one contains the introduction and literature survey. - Chapter two includes the EDM machining process. - Chapter three contains experimental work and results - Chapter four is contains the discussion and conclusions and recommendation for future work.
Table of contents
Subject Abstract Table of Contents Page No. i iii
CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE SURVEY Subject 1-1 Introduction 1-2 Literature Survey CHAPTER TWO : EDM MACHINING PROCESS Subject 2-1 Introduction 2-2 Mechanism of Material Removal 2-3 The Machining System 2-4 Material Removal Rates 2-5 EDM Electrodes 2-5-1 Materials 2-5-2 Polarity 2-5-3 Electrode wear 2-6 Dielectric Solutions Page No. 6 7 12 13 15 15 16 16 18 Page No. 1 5
CHAPTER THREE : EXPERMENTAL WORK and RESULTS Subject 31 32 321 322 323 324 325 33 331 332 333 Introduction Experimental work Mechanism Power supply Dielectric solution Work piece Electrode Practical experimental First experimental Second experimental Third experimental
Page No. 19 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 28
Fourth experimental Fifth experimental Extra experimental (micro hole machining) First extra experimental Second extra experimental Developed the mechanism The computa ons the machining time computing the material removal rate (MRR) computing the electrode wear (EW)
30 32 34 34 36 38 39 39 40 41
CHAPTER FOUR : DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE WORK Subject 4 1 Discussion 4 2 Conclusions 4 3 Recommendation for future work Page No. 42 42 42
References 43
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a thermal erosion process in which an electrically generated spark vaporizes electrically conductive material as shown in Fig. (1-1) [1].
Fig. (1-1) EDM spark . EDM is one of the most extensively used non-conventional material removal processes [2]. Both electrode (tool) and workpiece must be electrically conductive [3]. The spark occurs in a gap filled with dielectric solution between the tool and workpiece. The process removes metal via electrical and thermal energy, having no mechanical contact with the workpiece [4]. Its unique feature of using thermal energy is to machine electrically conductive parts regardless of their hardness; its distinctive advantage is in the manufacture of mould, die, automotive, aerospace and other applications. In addition, EDM does not make direct contact between the electrode and the workpiece, eliminating mechanical stresses, chatter and vibration problems during machining [2]. Today, an electrode as small as 0.1mm can be used to make hole into curved surfaces at steep angles without drill [2]. The spark is generated due to a gap between the work piece and a tool. The smaller the gap the better the accuracy and
the slower the MRR (material removal rate) [1]. Fig. (1-2) shows the classification of the spark erosion machining processes [5].
Sinking by EDM
Cutting by EDM
Grinding by EDM
Drilling by EDM
The basis of EDM can be traced as far back as 1770, when English chemist Joseph Priestly discovered the erosive effect of electrical discharges or sparks [2]. The spark generator used in 1943, known as the Lazarenko circuit, has been employed over many years in power supplies for EDM machines and proved to be used in many current applications [5]. The Lazarenko EDM system uses resistance-capacitance type of power supply, which was widely used at the EDM machine in the 1950's and later served as the model for successive development in EDM [2]. Further developments in the 1960's of pulse and solid state generators reduced previous problems with weak electrode as well as the inventions of orbiting systems. In the 1970's the number of electrodes is reduced to create cavities. Finally, in the 1980's a computer numerical controlled (CNC) EDM was introduced in USA.
The EDM process can be compared with the conventional machining processes like milling and turning as shown in Table (1-1), except that in this case, a suitably shaped tool electrode, with a precision controlled feed
movement is employed in place of the cutting tool, and the cutting energy is provided by means of short duration electrical impulses.
Table (1-1) EDM compared to conventional machining [7]. Characteristics Milling/ Turning EDM No
Contact between workpiece and Yes cutting tool Force Tool/ Workpiece Rotation Tool/ Workpiece Conductive Material Removal Method Yes Yes Not required Shear
EDM has found ready application in the hard metals or alloys, which cannot be machined easily by conventional methods. It thus plays a major role in the machining of dies, tools, etc., made of tungsten carbides and hard steels. The advantages of EDM process are [5]: (i) The process can be readily applied to electrically conductive materials. Physical and metallurgical properties of the work material, such as strength, toughness, microstructure, etc., are no barrier to its application. (ii) During machining, the workpiece is not subjected to mechanical deformation as there is no physical contact between the tool and workpiece. This makes the process more versatile. As a result, slender and fragile jobs can be machined conveniently. (iii) Although the metal removal is due to thermal effects, there is no heating in the bulk of the material. (iv) Complicated die contours in hard materials can be produced to a high degree of accuracy and surface finish. (v) The overall production rate compares well with the conventional processes because it does not need operations like grinding, etc. (vi) The surface produced by EDM consists of a multitude of small craters. This may help in oil retention and better lubrication, especially for components where lubrication is a problem. The random distribution of the craters does not result in an appreciable reduction in fatigue strength of the components. (vii) The process can be automated easily requiring very little attention from the machine operator. (viii) No cutting force is generated [1].
1-2 Literature Survey Ho and Newman (2003) [2] studied the research work carried out from the inception to the development of die-sinking EDM. They reported on the EDM research related to improving performance measures, optimizing the process variables, monitoring and control the sparking process, simplifying the electrode design and manufacture. Fig. (1-3), presents the classification of the various research areas and possible future research directions. Margaret (2004) [4] showed the analysis of the various inputs into EDM and the resulting outputs into the environment. A simplified model is used to analyze the process; the main categories of flow in the model are material and energy flow. It was concluded that the materials which were machined by EDM have no effect on the environment.
EDM Research Areas
EDM Developments
Material Removal
Tool Wear
Surface Quality
Pulse/ Time
Fuzzy Logic
Radio Frequency
EDM Applications
Fig. (2-1) Spark gap and material removal due to one pulse in EDM process [12, 14]. EDM is a process of removing material in a closely controlled manner from an electrically conductive material immersed in a liquid dielectric by a series of randomly distributed discrete electrical sparks or discharges. Non-conducting materials cannot act directly on electrode to achieve EDM. In order to machine
these materials with EDM, the conditions that electrical discharges can be produced on their surface must be created [8].
2-2 Mechanism of Material Removal In EDM, The removal of material is based upon the electro-discharge erosion (EDE) effect of electric sparks occurring between two electrodes that are separated by a dielectric liquid as shown in Fig. (2-2). Metal removal takes place as a result of the generation of extremely high temperatures generated by the high-
intensity discharges that melt and evaporate the two electrodes [6]. Fig. (2-2) EDM components [6]. Direct-current power is supplied to the circuit in pulses that can be approximated by a square wave. Ideally, each pulse creates a spark. Each spark occurs where the resistance is smallest, usually near the last spark. The erosion occurs over the surface of the electrode and workpiece interface. The square wave and plotting current against time are the basic common terminology of the EDM power supply. The variables are on-time, off-time, and peak current as shown in Fig. (2-3) [3]. A series of voltage pulses of magnitude about 20 to 120 V and frequency on the order of 50kHz is applied between the two electrodes, which are
separated by a small gap, typically 0.01 to 0.5mm. When using RC generators, the voltage pulses, shown in Fig. (2-4) are responsible for material removal [6].
Fig. (2-3) Typical EDM pulse current train for controlled pulse generator [3, 6]. Fig. (2-4) Variation in voltage with time using an RC generator [6]. The selection of supply voltage is a compromise between several factors, for example, size of equipment, safety of operation, etc. The D.C. supply voltage used in EDM machines ranges between 30 to 200V [5]. Power supplies are rated in amperes and range from 10 to 1000A [3]. A pulsed D.C. supply was used to test the effect of high-frequency pulsed current [1-27]. To find experimentally the amount of operational energy used to record the current between the anode and the cathode during operation. Ohm's law state is used [4, 5]: V = I R . (1) where V voltage is in Volts, current I is in Amps, and resistance R is in Ohms. The resistance between the anode and cathode was measured at approximately
200 ohms. As the different variables were changed, data were recorded for the corresponding current changes. Again applying Ohm's law [4]: P = V I . (2) where P is power in Watts. Substituting equation (1) into (2) yields [4]: P = I2 R (3) And current density law states that [5]:
S= A
. (4)
where S is current density in A/ mm2 and A is area of machining (mm2). When the electrons and the positive ions reach the anode and cathode, they give up their kinetic energy in the form of heat. Temperature of about 8000 to 12,000C [2, 5, 6] or as high as 20,000C [2, 7, 18, 26] and heat fluxes up to 1017 W/m2 [6, 26] are reached when the pulsating direct current supply occurs at the rate of approximately 20,000-30,000Hz [2]. With a very short time spark of typically between 0.1 to 2000s the temperature of the electrodes can be raised locally to more than their normal boiling points. Owing to the evaporation of the dielectric, the pressure on the plasma channel rises rapidly to values as high as 200 atmospheres. Such great pressures prevent the evaporation of the superheated metal [6]. EDM consists of generating spark discharge between the tool and the workpiece immersed in a dielectric liquid. At the early stages of process, due to very low electrical current of electrons passing through the liquid dielectric from the negative electrode towards the positive pole, very small bubbles are created within the gap between the closest opposing peaks of roughness of the electrodes.
Increase in the number of bubbles and their growth in size, at later stages; generates a single bubble which makes a bridge between the electrodes, as shown in Fig. (2-5). Due to collision of accelerated electrons with the gas or vapour molecules within the vapour bridge, ionization of molecules is initiated which later ends to full ionization and plasma formation. This plasma is a heat source column in the center of enveloping vapour bridge, the ends of which are touching the electrodes. By generation of heat within the plasma channel the vapour bubble grows. When the electrical current is interrupted by the power source, the plasma is put off. But the vapour bubble continues to grow until it finally collapses to small bubbles. The continuous enlargement of the gas bubble during the electrical discharge leads to drop of pressure within the bubble. This, in turn, promotes the expelling of the gas dissolved in the molten material on the contact face of plasma on the two electrodes, in other words, boiling within the whole volume of the heated crater. At the end of the discharge, when the plasma is put off, the heat generation stops and the pressure falls rapidly. Therefore, the superheated material boils violently; molten droplets and vapourized materials are ejected into the dielectric, where they are condensed into particles [25], as shown in Fig. (2-6).
Fig. (2-5) Diagram of the EDM physical process from (a-c) [13].
Fig. (2-6) EDM process step by step [7]. At the end of the pulse, the pressure drops suddenly and the superheated metal evaporates explosively. Metal is thus removed from the electrodes as shown in Fig. (2-7).
Fig. (2-7) EDM spark description [6]. The relation between the amount of material removed from the anode and cathode depends on the respective contribution of the electrons and positive ions to the total current flow. Consequently the erosion of the anode workpiece should be greater than that of the cathode. At the end of the EDM action, the plasma channel increases in width, and the current density across the inter electrode gap decreases. EDM performance measures such as material removal rate, electrode tool wear, and surface finish, for the same energy, depend on the shape of the current pulses. Open gap voltages that occur when the distance between both electrodes is too large obviously do not contribute to any material removal or electrode tool wear [6].
2-3 The Machining System [6] Figs. (2-8) and (2-9) show the main components of the EDM system.
These components include the tool feed servo-controlled unit, which maintains a constant machining gap that ensures the occurrence of active discharges between the two electrodes. The power supply is responsible for supplying pulses at a certain voltage, current, on time, and off time. The dielectric circulation unit flushes the dielectric fluid to the interelectrode gap after being filtered from the machining debris.
2-4 Material Removal Rates In EDM the metal is removed from both the workpiece and the tool electrode. As can be seen from Fig. (2-10), the material removal rate depends not only on the workpiece material but also on the material of the tool electrode and the machining variables such as plus conditions, electrode polarity, and the machining medium. In this regard a material of low melting point has a high metal removal rate and hence a rougher surface [6]. The volume of material removed per discharge is typically in the range of 10-6-10-4mm3 [2] and the MRR is usually between 0.1 to 400 mm3/min depending on specific application [2, 6].
Fig. (2-11) EDM removal rates and roughness for different materials [6].
The results in Fig. (2-11) show the machining rates and surface roughness for different materials. Figs. (15) and (16) explain the effect of pulse energy (current) and duration on the crater size and hence the removal rate. By increasing the current and machining time the material removal rate is increased. The volumetric removal rate (VRR), in mm 3/min, can be expressed by the following formula [6]: VRR= (4*104) I Tw-1.23 ..... (5) where I is the EDM current (A) and Tw is the melting point of the workpiece material (C). Or material removal rate (MRR), in mm 3/min is defined in Eqs. (6) [16, 20, 2224]. MRR = Vw.p/t .... (6)
where: Vwp = volume of material removed from workpiece (mm3). t = time of machining (min).
Fig. (2-13) Effect of pulse on-time (energy) on removal rate and surface roughness
2-5 EDM Electrodes 2-5-1 Materials Four main factors determine the suitability of a material for use as an electrode. These are [5]: (i) The maximum possible metal removal rate.
(ii) Wear ratio. (iii) Ease with which it can be shaped to the desired shape. (iv) Cost. Metals with a high melting point and electrical conductivity are usually chosen as tool materials for EDM [6]. Graphite is the most common electrode material because of its good machinability, EDM wear characteristics and small flush holes can be drilled. Copper has good EDM wear and better conductivity and is economical. It is generally used for better finishes in the range of 0.5m Ra. Copper tungsten and silver tungsten are used for making deep slots under poor flushing conditions especially in tungsten carbides [3]. It offers high machining rates as well as low electrode wear [6]. Copper graphite is good for thin crosssectional electrodes. Electrical conductivity is greatly improved, but corner wear is not as good as it is for the same grade of pure graphite. Brass is inexpensive and easy to machine, but does not wear well. Steel is used to match the parting planes of molds. Tungsten is used to make small holes (<0.2mm) [3].
2-5-2 Polarity Electrode polarity depends on both the workpiece and electrode materials [6]. Table (2-1) shows the possible electrode polarity for different workpiece and tool combinations, some power supplies insert an opposite polarity at fixed intervals to try to prevent arcing [3]. Table (2-1) Electrode Polarities for Different Workpiece Materials [3, 6]. Electrode material Graphite Copper Cu W Steel Brass WORK MATERIAL Tungsten Ni base Copper Aluminum carbide alloy + + , + , + + + , + + + +
Steel + , + + + , +
2-5-3 Electrode Wear The melting point is the most important factor in determining the tool wear. Electrode wear ratios are expressed as end wear, side wear, corner wear, and volume wear as shown in Fig. (2-14). The term no wear EDM is generally applied to cases in which the electrode-to-workpiece wear ratio is 1% or less [3, 6]. Wear first appears on corners. Thus, corner wear is most likely to determine when an electrode must be redressed [3].
Electrode wear depends on a number of factors associated with the EDM, like voltage, current, electrode material, and polarity [6], a large pulse current increase electrode wear [3]. As can be seen from Fig. (2-15) the corner ratio depends on the type of electrode. The low melting point of aluminum is associated with the highest wear ratio and silver-tungsten has shown a low wear ratio [6].
Fig. (2-15) Corner wear ratios for different electrode materials [6]. The wear rate of the electrode tool material Wt and the wear ratio RW [6] is represented as follows: Wt = (11* 103) I Tt-2.38 ... (7) Rw = 2.25 Tr-2.3 . (8)
where: Wt= wear rate of the tool, mm3/min I = EDM current, A. Tt= melting point of the tool electrode, C. Rw= wear ratio. Tr= ratio of the workpiece to tool electrode melting points. The following equation is used for finding relative percentage wear of electrode (EW) [17, 20, 22, and 23]: EW = VE / V w.p ..(9) where: EW = volumetric electrode wear, %. Ve = volume of material removed from electrode (mm3). Vwp= volume of material removed from part (mm3).
2-6 Dielectric Solutions The dielectric solution performs several functions: 1- It is a spark conductor that must ionize under an applied voltage. 2- It is a coolant for workpiece and electrode. 3- It is a flushing medium that carries away the EDM chips resulting from the process. Desirable properties are low viscosity, high flash point, and low cost. Because of small working gaps at finish spark settings, a low-viscosity dielectric is especially important. Low viscosity also helps in setting of the EDM chips, thus keeping the dielectric solution clean. The most common dielectric fluid is petroleum-base oil. Also used are kerosene, silicone oils, and water-base dielectrics. Demonized water has fire safety, low cost, low viscosity, and absence of carbon to react with the work. On balance, however, the petroleum-base oils give better control of the spark gap and are the most-used dielectric [3]. For most EDM operations kerosene is used with certain additives that prevent gas bubbles. Other dielectric solutions with a varying degree of success include aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol, water in emulsions, and distilled water [6]. Flushing is defined as the correct circulation of dielectric solution between the electrodes and workpiece. Suitable flushing conditions are essential to obtain the highest machining efficiency [5].
CHAPTER THREE EXPERMENTAL WORK AND RESULTS 3 1 : Introduction In this chapter the experimental work and testing procedures will be shown, it includes the specification of machine tool, power supply, mechanical properties of workpiece material, electrode tools and the dielectric solution; in addition it will show the process mechanics.
3 2 : Experimental Work 3 2 1 : Mechanism Mechanism was used in this work ( local made)which include : 1. Base made of ( low carbon steel) 300*350 mm .as shown in fig.(3 1). 2. Guide ( cylindrical shape with 10 * 50 mm ) welding on the base . 3. Tool holder ( aluminum bar 12 * 120 two no. ) the relative motion of this tool holder are sliding on the guide and locked by bolt to insure the vertical motion. 4. Work piece holder ,as shown in fig. ( 3 - 2).
3 2 2 : Power supply The source of power for the experimental work is the generator power supply. The EDM power supply unit also operates with manual control. Manual control is more or less a feedback loop, as information is fed to the controller from the workpiece; the controller is able to change its inputs thus affecting the workpiece [28].
Fig. (3 - 3)Power supply model (Cebora MMA 4040) The unit used AC 380V input voltage contains (three phase), and output voltage 70V (two phase), but are available with other currents like 10 200A. A generator for the experimental work unit used is available in welding machine (50/60HZ) type MMA 4040/ T- cell (Cebora-Italian). Generator current range is (10-400A) depending on industrial application, as shown in fig. (3 - 3).
3 2 3 : Dielectric solution Dielectric solution is the distilled water is water that has many of its impurities removed through distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container. distilled water can transport the high spark current between the tool-electrode and workpiece for conducting the sparks by breaking down at the appropriate applied voltage. Secondly, the dielectric solution flushes out the chips from the machined area, and finally, the dielectric reduces temperature of the workpiece. Electrode Instrument Meter is used in measurements of PH (Hydrogen Power)= 7.0 ph , the device model HI 9811 (Hanna Portable Instruction Manual), as shown in fig. (3 4) and fig. (3 5) as shown the Pyrex container .
3 2 4 : Work piece The workpiece used was made of copper with constant thicknesses (1.45 mm). as shown in table (3 - 1). general Properties of work material. Table (3 - 1) the general Properties of work material 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Copper ,Cu, 29 Transition metal Solid 8.94 g.cm-3 8.02 g.cm-3 1357.77 K, 1084.62 C , 1984.32 F 28335 K, 2562 C , 4643 F 300.4 KJ.mol-1 +1, +2, +3, +4 (mildly basic oxide) 1.90 (Pauling scale) 1st : 745.5 KJ.mol-1 11 Ionization energies (more) 2nd : 1957.9 KJ.mol-1 3rd : 3555 KJ.mol-1 12 Atomic radius 128 pm 13 Covalent radius 132 4 pm 14 Crystal structure face centered cubic 15 Magnetic ordering Diamagnetic 16 Electrical resistivity (20 C) 16.78 n.m 17 Thermal conductivity (300 K) 401 W.m-1. K-1 18 Thermal expansion (25 C) 16.5 m.m-1 .K-1 19 Young's modulus 110 128 Gpa 20 Shear modulus 48 Gpa 21 Bulk modulus 140 Gpa 22 Poisson ratio 0.34 23 Mohs hardness 3.0 24 Vickers hardness 369 MPa The chemical composition to the workpiece. Name, symbol, number Element category Phase Density Liquid density atm. p. Melting point Boiling point Heat of vaporization Oxidation states Electro negativity
95 % Cu 3 % Zn 2 % Fe
3 2 5 : Tool-Electrode The tool used was made of copper with constant diameter( 3.5 mm). and have the same properties of workpiece, see Table(3 - 1)and the mechanical composition of workpiece as shown in fig.(3 6) and fig.(3 7).
3 3 : Practical experimental 3 3 1 : first experimental as shown in table (3 2) and fig.(3 8). Table (3 - 2) show the results of 1stexperimental Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight of electrode(before machining) Weight of electrode(after machining) Weight of workpiece(before machining) Weight of workpiece (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper (1.45 mm thickness) Copper (3.5 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) Distiller water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (10) A 33 min. 11.5371 gm 11.5365 gm 44.0760 gm 43.8598 gm 4.65 mm
3 3 2 :Second experimental as shown in table (3 3) and fig.(3 9). Table (3 - 3) show the results of 2nd experimental. Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight of electrode (before machining) Weight of electrode (after machining) Weight of workpiece(before machining) Weight of workpiece (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper (1.45 mm thickness) Copper ( 3.5 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) Distiller water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (50) A 27min. 16.5177 gm 16.5173 gm 15.0724 gm 14.8608 gm 4.6 mm
3 3 3 : Third experimental as shown in table (3 4) and fig.(3 10). Table (3 - 4) show the results of 3rd experimental. Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight of electrode (before machining) Weight of electrode (after machining) Weight of workpiece(before machining) Weight of workpiece (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper (1.45 mm thickness) Copper ( 3.5 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) Distiller water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (100) A 23min. 16.1501 gm 16.1484 gm 15.5023 gm 15.2907 gm 4.6 mm
3 3 3 : third experimental Table (3 - 4) show the results of 3rdexperimental Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight (before machining) Weight (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper (1.45 mm thickness) Copper (3.5 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) Distiller water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (100) A 23min.
3 3 4 : fourth experimental as shown in table (3 5)and fig.(3 11). Table (3 -5 ) show the results of 4th experimental Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight of electrode (before machining) Weight of electrode (after machining) Weight of workpiece(before machining) Weight of workpiece (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper (1.45 mm thickness) Copper ( 3.5 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) Distiller water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (150) A 19min. 14.0652 gm 14.0646 gm 15.4575 gm 15.2514 gm 4.54 mm
3 3 5 : fifth experimental as shown in table (3 6) and fig.(3 12). Table (3 - 6 ) show the results of 5thexperimental Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight of electrode (before machining) Weight of electrode (after machining) Weight of workpiece(before machining) Weight of workpiece (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper (1.45 mm thickness) Copper ( 3.5 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) Distiller water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (200) A 15min. 12.2663 gm 12.2657 gm 33.5248 gm 33.3223 gm 4.5 mm
3 4 : extra experimental (micro hole machining) 3 4 1 :1st extra experimental as shown in table (3 7) and fig.(3 13). Table (3 - 7 ) show the results of 1st extra experimental. Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight of electrode (before machining) Weight of electrode (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper (0.69 mm thickness) Stainless steel ( 0.4 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) tap water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (200) A 15min. 0.0664 gm 0.0652 gm 0.421
3 4 2 :2nd t extra experimental as shown in table (3 8) and fig.(3 14). Table (3 - 8 ) show the results of 2nd extra experimental. Working Parameters Workpiece Tool-electrode material Shape of tool-electrode Tool-electrode polarity Work piece polarity Dielectric Input voltage Output voltage Type of current Current Machining time Weight of electrode (before machining) Weight of electrode (after machining) Diameter of the result hole Description Copper ( 0.62 mm thickness) Stainless steel ( 0.3 mm diameter) Cylindrical bar (conical) Negative (-) Positive (+) tap water 380V (three phase) 70V (two phase) D.C Pulse current (10) A 30 min. 0.0653 gm 0.0646 gm 0.32 mm
3 5 : Developed the mechanism After 5th experimental work we are limitation the error which meet us and possibility to avoid it , we were designed and manufactured anew mechanism which include: 1- Base ( 35*40 mm made of wood) 2- Guide (cylindrical shape with 12 * 50 mm two no. made of M.S) fastening on the base by nuts. 3- Tool holder ( aluminum bar 12.5 * 150 two no. ) the relative motion of this tool holder are sliding on the guide and locked by bolt to insure the vertical motion. 4- Bolt and spring arrangement to keep the constant gap. as shown in the fig.( 3 15).
3 6 : The computations 3 6 1 : the machining time. From the experimental work results we can draw the relationship between the machining time and the current as shown in table (3 9)and fig.(3 16) Table (3 9) the machining time with current. Exp.( 1 ) 10 A 33 min. Exp.( 2 ) 50 A 27 min. Exp.( 3 ) 100 A 23 min. Exp. ( 4 ) 150 A 19 min. Exp.( 5 ) 200 A 15 min.
35 30
3 6 2 : computing the material removal rate (MRR): We can calculating the material removal rate by using the equation (10) which equal the volume of removal metal from workpiece over the machining time , with constant thickness of workpiece (1.45 mm) and variety current (10,50,100,150 and 200 A) as shown in table (3 10) and fig(3 17). MRR = volume of removal metal / machining time ....(10) Table (3 10) computing the material removal rate
Current Exp. (1) Exp. (2) Exp. (3) Exp.(4) Exp. (5) 10 50 100 150 200 Diameter of hole 4.65 mm 4.6 mm 4.6 mm 4.54 mm 4.5 mm Volume of metal removal 24.6118 mm3 24.08537 mm3 24.08537 mm3 23.46115 mm3 23.04956 mm3 Machini ng time 33 min 27 min 23 min 19 min 15 min MRR 0.74581 mm3/min 0.89205 mm3/min 1.04719 mm3/min 1.23479 mm3/min 1.53663 mm3/min
1.8 1.6 1.4 MRR (mm/min) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250
Current (A)
3 6 3 : computing the electrode wear (EW): We can calculating the electrode wear by using the equation (11) which equal the current value multiply the melting point over (- 2.38) multiply the constant 11000 , with variety current (10,50,100,150 and 200 A) as shown in table (3 11) and fig(3 18). Wear of electrode = 11000 * I * Tt -2.38 (11) Table (3 11) computing the electrode wear (EW) current
Exp. (1) Exp. (2) Exp. (3) Exp.(4) Exp. (5)
0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 50 100 150 200 250
CHAPTER FOUR DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE WORK 4 1 : Discussion In this chapter , the discussion of results obtained from experimental work. This discussion concentrates mainly on the effect of machining time on the current, as shown in fig. (3 16) at copper workpiece thickness (1.45 mm) with varying currents (10,50,100,150 and 200 A). Fig. (3 16) show that the machining time decreases with increases the current due to increases the spark number and material removal rate increases with increases the current resulting in greater amount of spark generation in the sparking zone , which in turn increases the material removal and electrode wear as shown in fig. (3 17) and fig.(3 18) respectively.
4 2 : conclusions The main conclusion which can be deduced from the experimental work can be summarized as follows: 1. EDM system has been built for this purpose . 2. The results for the MRR in this method are about (0.74581 1.53663 mm3/min). 3. The results for the wear of electrode between (0.006567 0.131354). 4. the material removal and electrode wear increases in current.
4 3 : Recommendation for future work The following research points maybe suggested for future work: 1. 2. 3. 4. Studying the effect of cutting other materials like Al and steel. Using other dielectric solution such as oil. Using other tool electrode materials such as steel and carbon. Studying the surface roughness in the current of EDM.
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