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C&B Chapt 2

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ith the 1950s and 1960s came tremendous technological advance ments that led to a substantive knowledge explosion in physiologi cal psychology Psychologists were provided with a much better understanding of brain function than had previously been possible. As a result, many psychologists came to believe that the next great breakthrough in under standing behavior would come as a result of neuropsychological research. It therefore seems strange to report that many psychologists have typi cally avoided any reference to a potential physiological basis of consciousness, preferring instead to concentrate on behavioral changes as well as means for achieving these changes (often referred to as altered states). In part, at least, the apparent lack of interest of many psychologists in the develop ment of a physiological explanation of conscious states can be attributed to historical accident. In Chapter 1 we learned that the early interest in the psychology of con sciousness faded quickly in response to the scientific rigors demanded by behaviorism, the philosophical approach adopted by most physiological psy chologists. The research efforts in physiological psychology have been labeled reductiomstic, rather than hohsbc The physiological psychologist, in hic research efforts, views the organism not as an integrated whole hut in terms of its component parts: receptors, transducers (those parts of the system that change stimuli energies into neural energy), integrators (the brain and spinal cord in higher organisms such as humans), and effectors, Such a research stance is not conducive to the study of a holistic concept such as consciousness. ()pjy the last few decades has there been a rekindling of interest by psychologists in the study of consciousness (Eccies, 1977; Graham, 1990; Orn stein, 1972, 1986). Along with this renewed interest in consciousness has come the realization that our understanding of how changes in consciousness (i.e., altered states) come about and are maintained may he increased by an aware

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referred to as the neuron. There are roughly 12.5 billion neurons in the human adult nervous system. These cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but in one form or another they usually have a cell body or soma, den drites, an axon, and a terminal arboration (see Figure 2.1). Within the cytoplasm of the cell body the nucleus and other organelles can be found, which assist in carrying out the life functions of the cell. The nucleus is the central mass of the cell that controls all cellular functions and contains the genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The most important organelles found in the cytoplasm of the soma and in the axoplasm (the corresponding substance in the axon) are the small, rod-shaped structures called mitochondria, which are responsible for the energy-producing reactions of the cell. The dendrites are treelike structures attached to the soma. There may be a single dendrite, as in the case of the bipolar neuron, or many, as in the case of the multipolar neuron. Dendrites receive information from other neurons and conduct these messages with decrement down their structure to the soma. While a neuron can have one or more dendrites, it can have but a single axon. That portion of the neuron where the cell body and the axon connect is called the axon hillock. It is here that action potentials, the neural impulses that are conducted down the axon, are usually initiated. The axon can be coy ered with a white, fatty substance called myelin. The myelin sheath is seg mented rather than continuous. The myelin segments are separated by bare spaces called nodes of Ranvier. The myelin serves as a kind of electrical insulation preventing crosstalk between myelinated axons. Myelination also results in a more rapid rate of information conduction. At its distal end (the end away from the center, i.e., the soma), the axon divides and branches a number of times. Collectively, these branches are referred to as the terminal arboration. On the end of each of these little branches is a rounded swelling called a terminal button. The function of these buttons is the storage and, when condi tions are right, the release of a chemical called a neurotransmitter substance.


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In addition to connecting the axon to the soma, the axon hillock is that region of the neuron that has the lowest threshold value. If the strength of an impulse is sufficient to reach or exceed this threshold level, then a full-blown action or spike potential will be initiated and will be conducted down the axon at full strength and at a rate or speed determined by the neuron. This is the allor-none law of axonal conduction. if the strength of the impulse is not sufficient to reach threshold, then the impulse may summate (add its strength to that of other graded potentials at the hillock), or it may simply die out. When the action potential finally reaches the terminal buttons, the neurotransmitter substance is released and we have the beginning of synaptic transmission.

Synaptic Transmission

The junction between the terminal button of an axon and the membrane of another neuron, muscle, or gland is the synapse. The neuron that contains that terminal button is called the presynaptic element, and the neuron, muscle, or gland upon which the terminal button synapses is the postsynaptic element. Such an anatomical arrangement clearly requires a communication system that differs considerably from that which operates within the neuron. Synaptic transmission involves a number of separate but interrelated steps. The first of these steps involves the synthesis of the neurotransmitter substance. It is believed that over 20 such chemical molecules serve as neurotransmitters in the human nervous system. Acetyicholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are the most common of these chemical transmitters. In Chapter 3 we will see that scientists are becoming increasingly convinced that dopamine plays an important role in a broad range of drug addictions (Nash, 1977); in Chapter 7 we wifi discover the role of serotonin in sleep and dreams, Generally, the chemical molecule is synthesized from its precursor elements in the presence of an appropriate enzyme, a protein molecule that

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Angstrom = 10m) to the receptor sites on the membrane of the postsynap tic element. This is the fourth step. The fifth step involves an interaction of the transmitter substance with a specific postsynaptic receptor to produce a physiological reaction. This results in a change in the permeabffity of the postsynaptic membrane with a consequent flow of ions through it and the mi tiation of a graded potential. Just what this mechanism is and how it works are as yet unknown. Step six, the final step, is vital if we are to avoid having a postsynaptic ele ment in a continual state of firing. The activity of the neurotransmitter must be stopped. To accomplish this, the system must somehow remove the active transmitter molecules from the synapse. Enzymatic degradation and reab sorption are the mechanisms employed. In the former case an enzyme is released into the synapse, usually at sites on the postsynaptic membrane. This enzyme destroys the neurotransmitter and renders it ineffective. Reab sorption, or what is also known as the reuptake process, is the extremely rapid removal of transmitter substance from the synaptic cleft by the termi nal button. The exact mechanism by which reuptake is accomplished is still poorly understood. Any understanding of how drugs in general, and partic ularly the psychoactive drugs discussed in Chapter 3, produce their effects dependents upon a knowledge of neural conduction and transmission.

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Together with supportive cells called neuroglia, or simply glial cells, neurons combine to form the major structures of the nervous system. This system can be divided into two major components: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system (CNS) is the portion of the nervous system housed in a bony skeletal covering, the skull and the spinal column. In turn, the CNS can be divided into two structures: the brain and the spinal cord The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the part of the nervous system that lies outside this bony protective covering and allows the structures of the

Studies of the ANS have clearly demonstrated that it has two major branches that appear to be both anatomically and functionally distinct: the sympathetic branch and the parasympathetic branch. Figure 2.2 shows that these two branches exit and enter the CNS via the spinal cord and brain stem at different levels. Cell bodies that give rise to the fibers of the sympathetic nervous system are located in the thoracic and lumbar segments of the cord, and for this reason the sympathetic nervous system has often been referred to as the thoracicolumbar system. Similarly, the parasympathetic nervous system is often referred to as the craniosacral system because the cell bodies that give rise to the fibers of this autonomic branch are located in the nuclei of the cranial nerves located in the brainstem and the gray matter in the sacral region of the cord. The shorter, preganglionic motor fibers of the sympathetic branch exit the spinal cord via the ventral root and shortly afterward pass into the spinal sympathetic ganglia. At this point, one of three things can occur. First, the preganglionic motor fibers can synapse on cell bodies that make up the gan glia. Second, they can ascend or descend in the sympathetic ganglia and then synapse. Finally, they can pass completely through the spinal sympathetic ganglia and synapse in one of the sympathetic prevertebral ganglia. The longer postganglionic motor fibers then proceed to the target organ, the organ that they innervate (see Figure 2,2), The preganglionic motor fibers of the parasympathetic branch do not synapse in a chain of ganglia but rather synapse on cell bodies that make up ganglia that lie very near their target organs. Thus, the postganglionic fibers that arise from these cells travel only a short distance to reach the organ to be innervated. The preganglionic motor fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system are thus long, while the postganglionic fibers are short. This is in con trast to the situation found in the sympathetic branch, where preganglionic fibers are short and the postganglionic fibers are long.

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Pelvic nerve


Source: N, R. Carlson (1998). Physiolog, and Behavior (6th ed). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted with permission.

energy-using processes. Among other effects, stimulation of the parasympathetic branch will result in an increased blood flow to the digestive system, decrease in heart rate, increased salivation, and pupil constriction, all of which are energy-conserving or anabolic processes. Much more will be said about the ANS in Chapter 5 when we discuss biofeedback.


Earlier in this chapter we observed that the brain and the spinal cord, the two components of the CNS, were the best-protected structures in the nervous system.

The Spinal Cord

Lying within the spinal column, the spinal cord consists of a butterfly-shaped inner core (gray matter) of cell bodies, dendrites, and unmyelinated axons and an outer layer (white matter) of ascending and descending myelinated axons called tracts. These ascending sensory tracts and descending motor tracts act as a conduit, carrying information between some of the sensory organs of the body and the brain and between the brain and the bodys motor apparatus.

Research Techniques

Advances in X-ray techniques and computers have led to the development of several methods for studying the structure and function of the living brain. For years, X-rays were used to detect changes in the brain as a function of trauma or disease. However, a single X-ray of the brain was extremely diffi-

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any particular area of the brain. An even more detailed view of the brains structure can be provided by a process called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Although the MRI scan ner resembles the CAT scanner, it does not use X-rays. Instead, the persons head is placed in a strong magnetic field, and radio waves are passed through the brain to reveal the distribution of specific types of atoms within a brain area by using the magnetic properties of the nuclei of the different atoms to make clear pictures of the structures of the brain (Pykett, 1982). The positron emission tomography (PET) scan, which was developed in 1979, allows the researcher to assess the amount of metabolic activity in var ious parts of the brain. This information, in turn, is helpful in determining brain function. In a PET scan, a radioactive form of glucose, 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG), is injected into the bloodstream of the subject and is allowed to accu mulate in the most active cells of the brain. The individuals head is placed in a PET scanner, and as the radioactive isotopes decay, they emit positively charged subatomic particles called positrons. These positrons react with other particles to generate gamma rays, which are detected by a series of detectors in the PET scanner (Li & Shen, 1985). It is the function of the PET scanner to determine from where those gamma rays come. The more gamma rays are detected in a certain area of the brain, the more glucose is being used in that area and the more neural activity is occurring there (Phelps & Mazzi etta, 1985) A major emerging research application of the PET scanner has been to provide information concerning two of the most fundamental but least well understood aspects of human behavior, emotion, and conscious ness (Reiman, Lane, Ahern, Schwartz, & Davidson, 1996). Earlier in this chapter we noted that axons produce action potentials and the synaptic vesicles of the presynaptic neuron release neurotransmitters that inter act with receptor sites on the postsynaptic neuron to create postsynaptic poten tials. In 1929 an Austrian psychiatrist, Hans Berger, discovered that patterns of this electrical activity could be recorded from electrodes placed at various points on the scalps of human beings. The recorded combined electrical activity from large numbers of neurons and synapses was called an electroencephalogram,

cortex, and the subject is presented with an appropriate stimulus, such as an auditory click or a flash of light, we would observe a wave in the EEG record that is distinguishable from the surrounding waves in that it appears just after the stimulus and is of greater amplitude. This large wave is called an evoked potential. Had the stimulus been a click and had the electrode been placed over the auditory cortex, the response, called an auditory-evoked potential, would represent the voltage changes occurring in the cortex as the burst of impulses enters it from the auditory nucleus of the thalamus. Similar voltage waves are created by each nucleus in the auditory pathway to the cortex as the stimulus signal travels through the nervous system. The problem with these other evoked potentials is that they are much weaker and remain hidden hi the mass of electrical activity reaching the electrode from all simultaneously active brain areas. So while these other evoked potentials existed in theory, it was impossible until recently to observe them. To solve this problem, electrophysiologists reasoned that while these potentials evoked by a stimulus would always be present, the other potentials in the brain related to other ongoing events were only randomly related to the click-evoked potentials. This would suggest that if the stimulus were presented repeatedly instead of just once and if the results of these repeated records were stored and combined by a computei. the random activity should cancel out, leaving only the click-evoked potentials. The process by which the various records are combined is called signal averaging even though it really consists of simply adding the voltages together algebraically Typically, this process of signal averaging is carried out over a period of 500 milliseconds (msec). The records are termed averaged evoked potentials (Carison, 1998; Graham, 1990). As you can see in Figure 2.3, as more and more records are averaged the random activity does drop out and the smaller potentials are clearly seen. As researchers have become more and more familiar with these evoked potential waves, they have given each its own designation, such as P-300 (the positive


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Source: N. R. Carison (1998). Physiologii and Behavior (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Reprinted with permission.

wave form that occurs about 300 msec following stimulus onset) or N-80 (the negative wave form that occurs about 80 msec following stimulus onset).

The Brain


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The brain is the central character in our continuing story of the biological basis of consciousness. In describing its organization as that part of the CNS that is most integrally involved in consciousness, it would be helpful to include some artificial boundaries. For our purpose it will be sufficient to divide the brain into two parts: the brainstem and the cerebrum. If you look closely at Figure 2.4, you will note that the lowest part of the brain retains roughly the shape of the spinal cord, although it enlarges some what as you move upward. This part of the brain, from the most inferior level to the superior end of the thalamus, constitutes the brairistem. At this point the tubular form appears to be lost, and the brain becomes greatly enlarged. This part of the brain that lies superior to the thalamus is known as the cerebrum. In both of these divisions we will find a large number of structures that in turn are composed of nuclei (clusters of cell bodies) and fiber tracts (groups of axons). As you read the remainder of this section on the brain, you should keep in mind that this boundary between the brainstem and the cerebrum is an artificial one, something that we have concocted but for which nature has little or no regard. One final suggestion to the reader is in order: Refer fre quently to Figures 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 as you read the following section to help you better understand both the structure and organization of the brain.

The Brainstem

Beginning at the most inferior end of the brain and moving upward, the first major structure we find is the medulla oblongata. Here, some of the cranial nerves exit and enter the CNS. Here also are located a number of nuclei that regulate many of the life-support systems, including the cardiovascular system,

Medulla oblongata


A Midsagittal View of the Human Brain

the respiratory system, and skeletal muscle tonus (Smith, Ellenberger, Ballanyi, Richter, & Feldman, 1991). From Figure 2.4, it should be clear that all fibers pass ing between the brain and the spinal cord must pass through this division. As the motor fibers of the corticospinal tracts, which originate in the motor region of the cerebral cortex, approach the spinal cord, they decussate, or cross over to the contralateral (opposite) side. This means that information arising in the left hemisphere (left side of the brain) controls movement on the right side of the body. Similarly, information arising in the right hemisphere con trols movement on the left side of the body. We will have more to say about this later in this chapter as we discuss the left-brain/right-brain phenomenon. Finally, deep in the center of this part of the brainstem lie the beginnings of the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS). Anatomically, it begins as a tight, complex network of nuclei, axons, and dendrites and retains this form until it reaches the tegmentum. At this point, it branches out, sending projections to the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. Functionally, the ARAS is involved with sleep and arousal, selective attention, muscle tonus, and vital reflexes. We will have more to say about the role of the reticular formation in sleep and arousal in Chapters 7 (Sleep and Dreams) and S (Sensory Depri vation) (Turner & Knapp, 1995). Immediately rostral (toward the head) to the medulla lies the pons, which is exactly what its name implies (in Latin): a bridge between the spinal cord, the medulla, and higher brain centers and between the brainstem

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the corpora quadrigemina. The superior and inferior colliculi function as prim itive processing centers for visual and auditory information, respectively. In addition to several important motor nuclei, the tegmentum also contains the superior end of the reticular formation. As we ascend to the higher levels of the brain, it is clear that the brain expands, losing the tubelike form it had in the lower brainstem and the spinal cord (see Figure 2.4). At this point, the upper part of the brainstem is sur rounded by the beginnings of the cerebrum. The hypothalamus is located at the base of this region just superior to the pituitary stalk and gland. It is com posed of a number of nuclei, and although it is a small structure, its nuclei have been implicated in a wide range of behavioral functions. The hypothala mus is important in such diverse behavioral functions as hunger, thirst, maintenance of water and salt balance in the body, temperature regulation, and sexual behavior. Most important, the hypothalamus is central in the study of consciousness, sleep, and waking (discussed in Chapter 7). The hypothala mus also controls, in part at least, the autonomic nervous system (discussed in regard to biofeedback in Chapter 5). Lying just dorsal to the hypothalamus is the bibbed structure called the thalamus. Like the hypothalamus, the thalamus is composed of a number of nuclei. Some of these nuclei receive sensory information from the various sensory tracts and project fibers to the appropriate sensory projection area of the cortex. These are sometimes called sensort relay nuclei. Separate sensory relay nuclei are found here for all of the sensory modalities except olfaction, the sense of smell. Other thalamic nuclei receive input from other fibers within the thalamus and project to specific regions of the cortex Finally, a third type of thalamic nuclei projects diffusely to widespread regions of the cortex and to other thalamic nuclei.

The Cerebrum Leaving the thalamus and moving upward, we next locate the cerebrum, which is the most highly developed division of the human brain. It consi.s ts of three primary structures: the limbic system, the basal ganglia, and the cerebral hemispheres.

serve as a communication channel between the hemispheres through which hemispheric function is synchronized and duplication of effort is prevented (Springer & Deutsch, 1997). The surface of the hemispheres is covered by cortex, which in humans is highly convoluted. These convolutions are composed of sulci (small grooves), fissures (large grooves), and gyri (bulges between adjacent sulci or fissures). By using these landmarks, it is possible to divide the surface into FIGURE 2.5

Prir aud


FIGURE 2. Projection

Dominant Lateral Cortical Surface with Lobes




Lateral fissure INFERIOR

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Occipital lobe

Primary visual cortex


FIGURE 2.6 Dominant Lateral Cortical Surface with Lobes and Projection Areas


:ipital lobe

four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. Figure 2.5 shows the division of the surface of one hemisphere. The central sulcus or the fissure of Rolando, separates the frontal and parietal lobes. The other major fissure, called the lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure, separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobes. Besides looking at the hemispheres in terms of lobes, we can also view them in terms of projection areas or zones. At least a part of each of these lobes is known to serve a different sensory or motor function. The anterior part of the parietal lobe is associated with a somatosensory function, while the posterior part of the frontal lobe is concerned with motor function. The occipital lobe is a isual center, the temporal lobe is the auditory cortical center (see Figure 26) Not all of the human cortex, however, is committed to the specific senses or to motor function. That part of the cortex not so committed is generally called the association or silent cortex. Some researchers, such as A. R. Luria (1966), make a distinction between secondary and tertiary association cortex. Found adjacent to the primary projection areas, the secondan association cortex areas are higher-level processing centers for the specific sensory information coming into the primary areas. These secondary association areas are believed to be sense-modality specific; thus, damage to one of them produces perceptual disorders restricted to a specific sensory modality.

port for this theory comes from the fact that damage to the premotor area results in disturbances in the organization of movements As we will see shortly, damage to a particular part of this premotor cortex on the left side, called Brocas area, produces a disorganization of speech called Brocas aphasia The remainder of the frontal lobe is often referred to as the prefrontal area or frontal granular cortex Clinical findings, by no means conclusive, suggest that this area is involved in intellectual functions, such as the planning and control of actions, and in the control or inhibition of emotional tendencies

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In the beginning of this chapter we noted that psychologists, in discussing the concept of consciousness, rarely refer to its physiological basis Despite this fact, it has long been recognized that states of awareness or consciousness are products of the brain Most people who have watched boxing matches, for example, know that a single blow delivered to the head may be sufficient to render the recipient unconscious for several minutes. Medical professionals

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have observed that severe brain damage, such as might result from an acci-


dent or major illness, may reduce the individual to little more than a vegetablean organism with a series of simple reflexes but with no awareness or consciousness Finally, more focal damage to specific regions of the brain has been shown to produce a loss of particular functions, abilities, and even some
aspects of awareness or consciousness.

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centuries ago, French philosopher Ren Descartes (15961650) concluded that the pineal gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain, was the seat of consciousness. His selection of the pineal gland appears to have been based upon a belief in the unity of consciousness and Descartess anatomical observations that the pineal gland was the only brain structure that was not bilaterally represented as two separate structures, The concept of cerebral localization, the idea that a particular function could be assigned to a specific region of the brain, began to receive serious attention by the early 1800s. Although he was dismissed as a quack in many scientific circles, Franz Gall (17581828), a German anatomist, and his student Johann Spurzheim (17761832) were among the first to suggest that specific psychological traits should reside in specific brain locations. More specifi cally, Gall and Spurzheim proposed that speech was controlled by centers located in the frontal lobes of the cerebrum. What upset the scientific com munity and eventually led these two scientists into disrepute was their insis tence that the shape of the skull reflects the underlying brain tissue and hence the relative strengths of an individuals mental abilities and emotional char acteristics. This area was referred to as phrenology. Specifically, it was the work of the French physiologist Pierre Jean Marie Flourens (17941867) that spelled the demise of Gall and Spurzheims phrenology. On the basis of his observations of the behavior of pigeons after the removal of sections of their brain, Flourens held that both common and specific actions are traceable to various portions of the brain, thereby reject ing the notion of exact or precise localization, This setback to the supporters of the cerebral localization position proved to be only temporary; in 1861, Paul Broca (18241880), the noted French sur geon and anthropologist, presented two cases of patients independently diagnosed as aphasic, that is, having a loss of articulate speech. Both of Brocas patients had suffered damage to the left frontal part of the brain; the right side of the brain in each case was intact. Broca concluded that the damage to the third convolution of the left frontal lobe, now referred to in the literature as Brocas area (see Figure 2.7), had produced the aphasia and therefore was the

INFERIOR FIGURE 2.7 Identified

Lateral View of Human Brain with Speech Centers

center of articulate speech, at least for right-handed people. Brocas findings served to sway sentiments away from Flourenss position and back to the position of cerebral localization. Approximately 10 years later, in 1870, Gustav Theodor Fritsch (1838 1927) and Edward Hitzig (18381907), German physiologists, provided fur ther evidence to support the cerebral localization position. By applying a very weak current to specific areas of the cortex of dogs, they were able to observe localized muscle contractions of small muscle groups. With this technique, Fritsch and Hitzig were able to develop maps of brain function. Finally, by the 1930s, to treat epileptic patients who had not responded to drug therapy regimens, Wilder Penfield (18911976) and his colleagues at the Montreal Neurological Institute pioneered the use of surgery to remove a brain site where abnormal brain wave activity was initiated. While their tech nique proved to be successful in many cases, most surgeons were hesitant to use it where brain tissue near the parts of the brain controlling speech and language were involved. After all, why substitute one debilitating syndrome (loss of speech) for another (epilepsy)? Clearly, what was needed was a method for determining with great precision the anatomical centers for these functions. To meet this need, Penfield employed direct electrical stimulation to exposed brain tissue to map the precise location of brain centers which con trolled speech and language in a given patient (Penfield & Roberts, 1959). While it is probably not the first thing you think about when you wake up, you are probably aware that humans have a bilaterally symmetrical body

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the basis of the earlier work of Broca, which demonstrated that damage to the left cerebral hemisphere left patients without the abilityT to speak even though the right hemisphere remained intact, Jackson concluded that rather than the two hemispheres being duplicates, one hemispherern most people the leftwas the leading side. In the years following Jacksons pronouncement, research efforts were focused on the localization of function in the leading or left hemisphere of the brain The German neurologist Karl Wernicke (18481905) discovered a lan guage loss that differed from that described by Broca. While Brocas patients were unable to produce articulate speech, those of Wernicke were unable to understand the speech of others The brain area implicated by Wermcke, the back part of the temporal lobe of the left hemisphere, also differed from that identified by Broca (see Figure 2.7). Early studies also suggested that the left cerebral hemisphere was involved in certain apraxias (ideomotor and possibly ideational) Apraxaa is the inability to perform certain learned or purposeful movements despite the absence of paralysis or sensory loss (Heilman, Rothi, & Kertesz, 1983; Kimura, 1977). Most early researchers chose to focus their research efforts on localizing functions in the left cerebral hemisphere, while ignoring the right side, despite Jacksons admonition that such a one-sided view of the localization of function was incorrect. Jackson based his warning on his own clinical obser vatiort (Jackson, 1958) of a patient with a right parietal lobe tumor who evi denced great difficulty in recognizing people, places, and things. Still other evidence suggested that singing and general musical ability were controlled by the right hemisphere

s which con rts, 1959). n you wake ietrical body


Although the split-brain procedure was not introduced until the early 1940s, its theoretical effects upon consciousness were being argued as early as the midnineteenth century by such prominent investigators as Gustav Theodor

formed the first split-brain operations on human patients in a last-ditch effort to control life-threatening seizures in some epileptics (Van Wagenen & Herren, 1940). In the split-brain procedure, the brain is divided into two halves a left and a right hemisphere. To accomplish this, the transverse bundles of fibers that connect the cerebral hemispheres (the corpus callosum) are surgi cally severed. Perhaps the most surprising observation was made by Akelaitis (1941, 1944), who carried out a rather extensive postoperative study of Van Wage nens patients. Akelaitis observed that these patients evidenced few, if any, deficits in perceptual and motor abilities, and their everyday behaviors appeared to be quite unaltered. Unfortunately for some of these patients, the surgical procedure did little to change the condition that was responsible for the operation m the first place Van Wagenen soon gave up the use of the procedure with epileptics It should be noted that Van Wagenens surgical procedure varied considerably from patient to patient but usually consisted of cutting only the anterior half of the corpus callosum and rarely the anterior commissure (Springer & Deutsch, 1997) These negative results, however, did not dampen research mterest m the %pht-bram procedure and its effects Thus, in the early 1950s, Myers and Sperry (1958), using cats instead of human subjects, demonstrated that visual information presented to one hemisphere in a cat that had undergone a cornmissurotomy was not available to the other hemisphere. Each hemisphere functioned independently, as if it were a complete brain. Myers and Sperry concluded that cutting the corpus callosum had kept the information presented to one hemisphere isolated from the other hemisphere. It was only natural that this initial finding was to open up an entirely new set of research questions concerning the extent of the independence of the two hemispheres and the role of the corpus callosum in the integration of the cerebral hemisphere functions in the intact brain.


FIGURE 2 Commiss

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Anterior commissure

:elaitis (1941, f Van Wage I few, if any, ty behaviors patients, the ponsible for ;e of the pro surgical proconsisted of the anterior iterest in the Myers and i that visual gone a cornhemisphere and Sperry mation pre It was only t of research iemispheres ebral hemi


FIGURE 2.8 Midsagittal View of the Human Brain with Location of Commissures Encouraged by the Myers and Sperry animal research findings and the Van Wagenen procedure, two California neurosurgeons, Bogen and Vogel (as reported in Springer & Deutsch, 1997), were led to reevaluate the use of the split-brain surgery in the treatment of epileptics with life-threatening seizures that had not responded to drug therapy. In their surgical procedure, section ing of the corpus callosum was incomplete, leaving the anterior, hippocam pal, habenular, and posterior conunissures intact (see Figure 2.8). This left sufficient, transverse fibers intact to allow for hemispheric communication. Over the next several years Bogen and Vogel performed some 24 com plete commissurotornies on such patients. Postoperative observations demonstrated that, relative to seizure activity, the results of the surgical inter vention exceeded expectations. Additionally, the operation appeared to leave the patients personality, intelligence, and general behavior unaffected. How ever, when these patients were more closely scrutinized in Sperrys labora and tory at the California Institute of Technology, their everyday behavior d their performance on specialized tests devised by the experimenters reveale the some very distinct behavioral changes. For this work, Sperry received 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine.

hemispheres exercised normal control over the contralateral (opposite-sided) hand, they had less than normal control over the ipsilateral (same-sided) hand. When a conflict develops between the two cerebral hemispheres, their individual inputs dictating distinctly different movements for the same hand, the hemisphere opposite the hand generally takes charge and overrides any input from the ipsilateral hemisphere. In examining the effects of such surgery on intelligence, perception, and emotion, these investigators observed that the surgery left each patient with two separate mindsthat is, with two separate spheres of consciousness. The dominant left hemisphere showed a clear advantage in both verbal and mathematical tasks. However, the right cerebral hemisphere did not prove to be iriferior to the left in all respects. On certain spatial tasks, for example, the right hemisphere showed a clear superiority. Such patients, with right-brain superiority were able to arrange blocks to match a picture design or draw a threedimensional cube better with their left hand than their right, which had been deprived of input from the right hemisphere (Sperry, 1996). More recent research has replicated these findings, and taken together, these symptoms have become known as the disconnection syndrome (Proverbio, Zani, Gazzaniga, & Mangun, 1994; Reuter-Lorenz, Nozawa, Gazzaniga, & Hughes, 1995; Seymour, Reuter-Lorenz, & Gazzaruga, 1994). Additionally, both hemispheres appeared to be equally capable of independently generating an emotional reaction (Sperry, 1966). Once again, the argument concerning the effect of physically splitting the brain with respect to the unity of the consciousness was raised. This time, however, the adversaries were able to call upon a considerable body of empirical evidence. Roger Sperry used this evidence to support his position that the splitbrain procedure produced a doubling of the individuals consciousness.

Everything we have seen so far indicates that the surgery has left these peopie with two separate minds, that is, two separate spheres of consciousness.

brain. Und all percept hemisphei Additi ities that p the split-b becomes ci brain that and give i Havin the right h hemispher ability in ti left hemisi right hemi Suppo brain pati and studie as Patient surgery. H hemisphei mal locati brain pati sphere. Or using his Patient P.S sphere. mi spelling w p.s, was Smylie, IN

tie to the fact ,here. tat, while the posite-sided) (same-sided) pheres, their same hand, verrides any eption, and patient with Jusness. The 31 and math ye to be infe >le, the right ram superi raw a three ch had been Viore recent symptoms Zani, Gaz ughes, 1995; temispheres tional reac 3plit-ting the time, how )f empirical iat the split ;ness.
ese peo )Usness.

that can be where thought and the speech centers are housed and where the brain inter acts with the mind. In the intact individual, the right hemisphere, which Eccies referred to as the minor hemisphere, is an unconscious part of the brain. Under normal conditions the contributions of the right hemisphere to all perceptions, experiences, and memories are transmitted to the dominant hemisphere, the left hemisphere, via the corpus caliosum. Additionally, the minor hemisphere may generate special neuronal activ ities that provide it with some communication to the self-conscious mmd In the split-brain cases in which the communication system is severed, it becomes clear that the right hemisphere is always an unconscious part of the brain that relies on the linkage through the corpus callosum to receive from and give information to the conscious self (Eccies, 1977). Havmg reviewed the extensive body of literature dealmg with the role of the right hemisphere in language, Gazzaniga (1983) concluded that the right hemisphere of the normal brain is nonlinguistic. Any indications of linguistic ability in the right hemisphere of split-brain patients can be attributed to early left hemisphere damage resulting in a shifting of language functions to the right hemisphere. Supporting evidence for this position comes from one of a group of splitbrain patients operated on by Donald Wilson of Dartmouth Medical School and studied by Michael Gazzaniga and his colleagues This patient, identified as Patient P.S., was a right-handed male, 16 years old at the time of his surgery. His preoperative history indicated considerable damage to the left hemisphere at an early age (Gazzaniga & LeDoux, 1978), Because of the nor mai location of the speech centers in the left hemisphere, the typical split bram patient is unable to name objects presented only to his right hemi sphere One can imagine the investigators surprise upon discovering that, b using his left hand to arrange letters selected from a Scrabble game set, Patient PS was able to spell the names of objects flashed to his right hemi sphere. Initially, P.S.s right hemisphere could communicate verbally only by spelling with the Scrabble letters Howe er, further evidence suggested that P.S. speaking from his right hemisphere as well (Gazzaniga, Volpe, Smyhe, Wilson, & LeDoux, 1979)

was able to respond to the questions asked of it. The answers and evaluations of this hemisphere, however, sometimes differed from those of the dominant left side. For example, the left hemisphere stated that P.S. wanted to be a draftsman when he grew up, yet his right hemisphere spelled out automobile race when asked what job it would pick. During the height of the Watergate affair, the widest divergence between the two hemispheres on the likedislike scale occurred in response to the item Nixon; the right hemisphere expressed dislike, while the left hemisphere expressed like. Gazzaniga and LeDoux also observed that the answers to several questions varied in several different testing sessions. The patient seemed to be in a better mood when the opinions and values of the two hemispheres were sunilar. On the basis of these observations, these investigators concluded that each of ESs hemispheres had a sense of self as well as its own processing system for the subjective evaluation of current events, the planning for future events, the setting of response priorities, and the production of personal responses (LeDoux, Wilson, & Gazzaniga, 1977). The findings of both the Sperry (1974) and Gazzaniga (1983) laboratories suggest that the split-brain procedure produces some serious behavioral side effects, not the least of which is that the patient evidences behavior of two separate individuals. Recall, however, that in initially describing the results of this surgery. we observed that without the special behavioral tasks devised by Sperry and his colleagues, these behavioral changes might have gone unnoticed. Such patients everyday speech, language comprehension, personality, and motor coordination remain remarkably intact. Clearly, some unifying mechanism or mechanisms must exist that explain how the two separate hemispheres in the split-brain patient act as a unit during the individuals everyday activities. As it turns out, a variety of such mechanisms may well compensate for the lack of intact cerebral cornmissures. Some of these mechanisms have to do with the concept of decussation. Earlier in this chapter we discussed the fact that many of the ascending

retma of the retin temporal field to ft concerflll of the rig Fmal municatE ever, as 1 movrng, world. Ix head and with the unity of commun rnamtam sphere tc able to ft A sti. nism of i. split-brai infomiat as thoug informat carried p the skm responsil fibers coi at the le somatos(

to point to a to spell out appropriate hemisphere evaluations ie dominant ted to be a it automc. f the Waterres on the right henm

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visual field, wh an image on the retina. With a subject fixating a point, the part of the visual field to the right of the pomt of fixation falls on the temporal (toward the side) half of the retina of the left eye and on the nasal (toward the nose) half of the retina of the right eye. At the optic chiasma, the fibers from the nasal half of the retina of the right eye decussate and combine with the fibers from the temporal half of the retina to send information concerning the right visual field to the primary visual cortex of the left cerebral hemisphere. Information concerning the left visual field is projected only to the primary visual cortex of the right hemisphere in the same manner (see Figure 2.9). Finally, the visual areas of the left and right hemisphere normally corn municate through the corpus callosum. If the corpus callosum is cut, how ever, as it is in the split-brain patient, and if the eyes and head are kept from moving, then each hemisphere would be able to see only half of the visual world. In everyday life, howevei, how many situations exist in which the head and eyes are not tree to move? The conjugate eye movements, combmed with the fact that each eye projects to both hemispheres, serve to establish unity of the visual world for the split-brain patient Thus, een without the communication between the left and right visual cortex, the unity can be maintained, at least in part, as the eye movements initiated by one hemi sphere to bring an object into direct view sen e to make the information avail able to the other hemisphere as well. A study by Levy, Trevarthen, and Sperry (1972) suggests a second mecha nism of unity. In this study. ai object was placed in the right or left hand of the split-brain patient, who was then asked to identif it on the basis of cutaneous information onl These investigators observed that these patients responded as though they were conscious of stimulation from both sides of space. Touch information, which is primarily responsible for such sensory experiences, is carried principally by the lerrmiscal tracts, fibers that carry information from is the skin receptors to the somatosensory cortex, the part of the cortex that responsible for processing cutaneous information. Almost but not all of these fibers convey such information to the contralateral hemisphere by decussating ral at the level of the medulla. The remaining fibers project to the ipsilate somatosensory cortex; thus, both hemispheres receive touch information.

and tract

Primary visual cortex

Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)



Primary Visual Pathways to the Brain

Once again, even in the case of the split-brain patient, we have a situation in which both hemispheres receive information from both sides of the body. Because this ipsilateral information is generally incomplete and inadequate, the split-brain patient, who has only that information to work with, is gener ally unable to identify verbally an object held in the left hand. Nonetheless, these ipsilateral pathways do provide at least partial information. One final way in which information may be made available to both hemi spheres, even in the split-brain patient, is through the commissures located below the cortical level. The commissurotomy severs the transverse fibers that conned the cortical level of the brain. While these are the major fibers connecting the hemispheres, there are other, smaller comrnissures located below the level of the cortex that connect those paired structures that are a

Up to this underpmn accomplisi patient. Ca studying t this final addressed Thetv attention I hypnosis. found its c brain dam they no lo the act of c was certau brain local about ho% dreaming more sens nonlogical been used As rea ber that th patients w research Ii experience only one Wheaton, itoring of]

mporaI tinaI ers


Jeniculate (LGN)

a situation )f the body. nadequate, h, is gener onetheless, both hemi res located erse fibers lajor fibers es located that are a

Up to this point, we have been concerned with finding the physiological underpinnings of consciousness or awareness in the normal waking state. To accomplish this goal, we have relied principally upon studies of the split-brain patient. Can we also learn something about the physiology of altered states by studying them in the individual who has undergone a commissurotomy? In this final section, we will focus briefly on those few studies that have addressed this question. The two altered states of consciousness that have received the greatest attention from the standpoint of hemisphere differences are dreaming and hypnosis. The association between duality of the brain and dream activity found its origin in anecdotal reports of patients who, after suffering localized brain damage in the posterior region of the right hemisphere, observed that they no longer had dreams (Humphrey & Zangwill, 1951). The notion that the act of dreaming is dependent on the integrity of a particular brain region was certainly a reasonable one, especially in view of the results of the many brain localization studies of that period. Additionally, if you stop and think about how you might describe your own dream world, the conclusion that dreaming depends upon an intact right cerebral hemisphere makes even more sense. Most of us would agree that our dreams are best described as nonlogical, full of visual images and emotional contentterms that have been used tucharacterize the right hemisphere. As reasonable as such a conclusion may seem, it is necessary to remem ber that the database with which we are working is the anecdotal reports of patients who indicated that they did not dream. From the sleep and dream research literature, however, we know that even though the normal person experiences five or six dream periods each night, he or she normally recalls only one or two dreams and often none at all (Rechtschaffen, Verdone, & Wheaton, 1963). A more direct test of this hypothesis would involve the mon itoring of both ongoing brain wave (EEC) and rapid eye movement (REM)

tive, utilitarian, and tied to reality; and their symbolization was concretistic, discursive, and rigid. Hoppe suggested that there may be a lack of communication between the left hemisphere and the source of imagery and fantasy. As Segalowitz (1983) observed, it is very tempting to conclude from all this that the right hemisphere is the seat of the unreal fantasies and images we experience in our dreams. However, until it is clearly demonstrated that the epilepsy these patients had or the major brain surgery they underwent were not responsible for this effect, we must be cautious in making such a generalization, This is not one of the problems we must face, however, in searching for the physiological concomitants of the hypnotic state. To date, split-brain patients have not been employed in such research. Nevertheless, studies using normal subjects suggest the possibility of differential hemisphere involvement during hypnosis. Research on what contributes to hypnotic susceptibility and the ease with which an individual can be hypnotized or is susceptible to hypnotic suggestions identifies two possible factors: the abilities to become absorbed by a novel event and to concentrate on that event. These are very similar to what is thought to be characteristic of the right hemisphere (Kihlstrom, 1985; Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974). It was but a short step in logic, then, to hypothesize that hypnotic susceptibility is correlated with right-hemisphere activity Lateral eye movement studies such as those performed by Bakan (1969), provide some evidence that is consistent with the right-hemisphere hypothe sis. In these studies, Bakan found greater hypnotizability in the subjects who had a preference for leftward eye movements. He proposed that the eye movements are related to hemispheric activity, a hypothesis that was based on the well-established fact that eye movements to one side are controlled b centers located in the frontal lobe of the contralateral hemisphere. Bakan suggested that cognitive activity occurring in one hemisphere would produce eye movements to the opposite side, and therefore, eye movements provide

the lowly I showed a s than high-h involvemen T_ittle eL Some inves sciousness; dichotomy 1 does not pei We also seats of cons the altered s ever, except state of sleej can specula and dreamu sciousness learned aboi

Carison, N. R 0flLgtem, R. F Segalowitz, S


J P.,

ver than norave access to ig to Hoppe, unimaginaconcretistic, Jf con-tmunici fantasy. As [this that the e experience )ilepsy these responsible n. :hing for the rain patients sing normal nent during and the ease
vpnotic sugsorbed by a

greater suppression o bal categorization and mental arithmetic tasks would produce greater sup pression of alpha activity in the left hemisphere. The highly hypnotizable subjects evidenced a greater shift of cortical activation between tasks than did the lowly hypnotizable subjects, although most subjects in both groups showed a shift in the appropriate direction. These data suggest that rather than high-hypnotic susceptibility being related to greater right-hemisphere involvement, it may involve greater task-specific hemispheric activation. Little else can be said about the physiology of consciousness at this time. Some investigators argue that humans have a double physiological consciousness; others believe that, physiologically, consciousness is not a dichotomy but rather is a continuum. Unfortunately, the state of the science does not permit us to resolve this controversy. We also would have been more than pleased to delineate physiological seats of consciousness, or places in the brain that influence or control some of the altered states of consciousness and awareness that we wifi discuss. How-

ever, except for some consciousness-altering drugs (see Chapter 3) and the state of sleep (see Chapter 7), this cannot be done in a concrete way. Yes, we can speculate on right-brain involvement in phenomena such as hypnosis

ir to what is 85; Tellegen thesize that ikan (1969),

and dreaming, but that is all we can do. We hope that as the study of consciousness grows as an area of interest within psychology, more will be learned about its physiology We look forward to the discoveries.

rehypothe.ibjects who iat the eye was based )ntrolled by Bakan su id produce nts provide


Carison, N. R. (1998). Physiology of behavior (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Ornstein, R. E. (1986). The psychology of consciousness. New York: Penguin. Segalowitz, S. J. (1983). Two sides of the brain: Brain lateralization explored. EnglewoOd Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Springer, S. P., & Deutsch, C. (1997). 14t brain/right brain (5th ed.). New York: Freeman.

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