HPCL Admit Card
HPCL Admit Card
HPCL Admit Card
27th July 2012 Application No: Position : Discipline : Name : Candidate's Address: 201222084701 Roll No: 1121605601 Category: Scheduled Tribe
Please affix your recent passport size photograph and get it attested as given in Para 1 below.
The New Cambridge High School, No.7, 3rd Main, R P C Layout, Vijayanagar, Bangalore - 560040
LandMark: Dear Candidate,
1. You are requested to appear for the w ritten test at the center on the date and time specified above. Please affix your recent passport size photograph (w hich w ill be matched w ith the photograph printed on admit card ) and get it attested by a Gazetted officer or Principal of Govt. School/College/Institution last attended failing w hich you w ill not be allow ed to appear for the w ritten test. 2. This Admit Card should be brought to the examination center and handed over to the Room Invigilator. In case the candidates have submitted multiple (more than one) applications for the same positions, he/she may receive multiple admit cards, in that case the candidate is advised to appear against one of the valid admit card and surrender the other admit card to the Examination Co-ordinator (Invigilator) by bringing the same to his/her notice. 3. You should carry a valid Id Cards to the test center for verification. (The follow ing constitute valid Id Cards Voters Id, Passport, Drivers License). College or employee Id cards w ill not be considered as valid ID. Carrying valid ID card to the test centre is mandatory. 4. ou should reach the test center before the reporting time as mentioned above. Late comers w ill not be permitted to appear in the test 5. Your candidature for this test is Provisional and is subject to your fulfilling the prescribed Age, Educational Qualification, Industry experience, Photograph matching w ith the one pasted above w ith the photo printed on admit card and other conditions as specified in our advertisement.This adm it card is issued purely on the basis of the details furnished by you in the online application form , w hich is subject to a detailed scrutiny and if at any stage of recruitm ent any discrepancy found or you do not fulfil eligibility criteria as prescribed in detail advertisem ent, your candidature is liable to be cancelled. 6. Request for change of Test Center / Test Date & Address of correspondence w ill not be entertained under any circumstances. 7. Reimbursement of 2nd class to and fro rail fare or equivalent by the shortest route to test centre is admissible only for outstation SC, ST & PWD candidates appearing for w ritten test, provided the distance travelled is not less than 30 kms. Candidates appearing for test at centre other than the allotted centre w ill not be reimbursed. Candidates w ill be required to fill in the Travel Allow ance (TA) Form as detailed on HPCL w ebsite and submit it along w ith proof of travel undertaken and SC/ST/PWD certificate (as applicable) on the date of w ritten test. Payment w ill be made to SC, ST & PWD candidates through DD(to be sent through Post). This reimbursement is not applicable to candidates w ho are already in Central/State Government Services/PSUs. 8. Please note dow n your roll number and application number for future reference or keep a photocopy of the admit card w ith you, as this Admit Card w ill be collected from you at the test center. In case you have received more than one admit card, you should bring all admit cards and surrender them to your invigilator. 9. Candidates are required to dow nload admit card online only as no separate physical copy of this admit card is being dispatched. 10. Please note that this letter does not constitute an offer of employment. 11. If there is any variation betw een the English and Hindi version of a question, please treat the English version as authentic. 12. The registration / processing fee of Rs. 100 and Bank charges of Rs. 35 w ould be refunded to all those SC & ST candidates w ho w ill be appearing for the scheduled w ritten test. This refund w ould be made along w ith travel fare (if applicable) through DD, post w ritten test only.