Rasterization Texture

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Rasterization and

Texture Mapping
Lecturer: Erick Fredj
This presentation is largely inspired by
Pfister and Chan Computer Graphics
Course from MIT 2007.
Hill, Chapter 10
Triangle rasterization using barycentric
Hidden surface removal (z-buffer)
Texture mapping
3D Graphics Pipeline
The rasterization step scan converts the object into pixels
Rasterization (scan conversion)
Determine which fragments get generated
Interpolate parameters (colors, texture coordinates, etc.)
Parameter interpolation
What does interpolation mean?
Example: colors
Game Plan
Theory (using triangles):
vector representation of a triangle
introduction to barycentric coordinates
implicit lines
Application (still using triangles):
rasterization and interpolation using implicit lines and
barycentric coordinates
A triangle in terms of vectors
We can use vertices a, b, and c to specify the three points of a
We can also compute the edge vectors.
Points and planes
Three non-collinear points determine a plane
Example: the vertices a, b, and c determine a plane
The vectors b-a and c-a form a basis for this plane
Basis vectors
This (non-orthogonal) basis can be used to specify the
location of any point p in the plane
( ) ( ) a c a b a p + + = |
Barycentric Coordinates
We can reorder the terms of the equation:
This yields the equation:
This coordinate system is called barycentric coordinates
o, |, are the coordinates
( ) ( )
( )
c b a p
c b a p
a c a b a p
| o
| |
+ + =
+ + =
+ + =
c b a p | o + + =
| o + + = 1
Barycentric Coordinates
Barycentric coordinates describe a point p as an affine
combination of the triangle vertices
For any point P inside the triangle (a, b, c):
Point on an edge: one coefficient is 0
Vertex: two coefficients are 0, remaining one is 1
c b a p | o + + =
| o + + = 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
< <
< <
< <

Recap so far
We need to interpolate parameters during rasterization
If a triangle is defined by (a, b, c) then any point p inside can
be written as
with these properties:
c b a p | o + + =
| o + + = 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
< <
< <
< <

Signed distances
Let p = oa + |b + c. Each coordinate (e.g. |) is the signed
distance from p to the line through a triangle edge (e.g. ac)
Signed distances
Let p = oa + |b + c. Each coordinate (e.g. |) is the signed
distance from p to the line through a triangle edge (e.g. ac)
Signed distances
Let p = oa + |b + c. Each coordinate (e.g. |) is the signed
distance from p to the line through a triangle edge (e.g. ac)
Signed distances
The signed distance can be computed by evaluating implicit
line equations, e.g., f
(x,y) of edge ac
Implicit Lines
Implicit equation in two dimensions:
Points with f(x,y) = 0 are on the line
Points with f(x,y) 0 are not on the line
Implicit Lines
The implicit form of the slope-intercept equation:
Implicit Lines
The slope-intercept form can not represent some lines, such
as x = 0.
A more general implicit form is more useful:
The implic
it line through two points (x
) and (x
( ) ( ) 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
= + + y x y x y x x x y y
What is the implicit equation of this line?
( ) ( )
0 _ _
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
= +
= + +
y x
y x y x y x x x y y
Solution 1: -2x + 4y = 0
Solution 2: 2x - 4y = 0
Whats the lesson here?
k f(x,y) = 0 is the same line, for any value of k
The value of f(x,y) = -2x +4y tells us which side
of the line a point (x,y) is on
The value of f(x,y) = -2x +4y tells us which side
of the line a point (x,y) is on
f(2,2)= +4 (+=above)
f(4,1)= -4 (-=below)
Edge Equations
Given a triangle with vertices (x
), (x
), and (x
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 20
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 12
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 01
y x y x y x x x y y y x f
y x y x y x x x y y y x f
y x y x y x x x y y y x f
+ + =
+ + =
+ + =
Barycentric Coordinates
Remember that: f(x,y)=0 kf(x,y)=0
Barycentric Coordinates
Remember that: f(x,y)=0 kf(x,y)=0
A barycentric coordinate (e.g. |) is a signed distance from a
line (e.g. the line that goes through ac)
For a given point p, we would like to compute its barycentric
coordinate | using an implicit edge equation.
We need to choose k such that kf
Barycentric Coordinates
We would like to choose k such that: kf
We know that | = 1 at point b:
The barycentric coordinate | for point p is:
( )
( )
b b ac
b b ac
y x f
k y x kf
1 , = =
( )
( )
b b ac
y x f
y x f
= |
cartesian coordinates of p
cartesian coordinates of b
Barycentric Coordinates
In general, the barycentric coordinates for point p are:
Given a point p with cartesian coordinates (x,y), we can
compute its barycentric coordinates (o,|,) as above.
( )
( )
( )
( )
b b ac
c c bc
y x f
y x f
y x f
y x f
= = | o
cartesian coordinates of p
cartesian coordinates of b
cartesian coordinates of a
GPU Triangle Rasterization
Many different ways to generate fragments for a triangle
Checking (0<o<1 && 0<|<1 && 0<<1) is one method
In practice, GPUs use optimized methods:
fixed point precision (not floating-point)
incremental (use results from previous pixel)
Triangle Rasterization
We can use barycentric coordinates to rasterize and color triangles
for all x do
for all y do
compute (alpha, beta, gamma) for (x,y)
if ( 0 < alpha < 1 and
0 < beta < 1 and
0 < gamma < 1 ) then
c = alpha c0 + beta c1 + gamma c2
drawpixel(x,y) with color c
The color c varies smoothly within the triangle
This is called Gouraud interpolation after its inventor Henri
Gouraud (French, born 1944)
Triangle Rasterization
Instead of looping over the whole image, we can loop over
pixels inside the bounding rectangle of the triangle
xmin = floor(xi)
xmax = ceiling(xi)
ymin = floor(yi)
ymax = ceiling(yi)
for all y = ymin to ymax do
for all x = xmin to xmax do
alpha = f12(x,y) / f12(x0,y0)
beta = f20(x,y) / f20(x1,y1)
gamma = f01(x,y) / f01(x2,y2)
if ( alpha > 0 and beta > 0 and gamma > 0 ) then
c = alpha c0 + beta c1 + gamma c2
drawpixel(x,y) with color c
Triangle rasterization using barycentric coordinates
Hidden surface removal (z-buffer)
Texture mapping
One Triangle
With one triangle, things are simple
Fragments never overlap!
Two Triangles
Things get more complicated with multiple triangles
Fragments might overlap in screen space!
Fragments vs. Pixels
Each pixel has a unique frame buffer (image) location
But multiple fragments may end up at same address
Which triangle wins?
Two possible cases:
green triangle on top orange triangle on top
Which (partial) triangle wins?
Many other cases possible!
intersection #1
intersection #2
Hidden Surface Removal
Idea: keep track of visible surfaces
Typically, we see only the front-most surface
Exception: transparency
First Attempt: Painters Algorithm
Sort triangles (using z values in eye space)
Draw triangles from back to front
draw last
draw first
increasing z
Correctness issues:
Solve by splitting triangles, but ugly and expensive
Efficiency (sorting)
The Depth Buffer (Z-buffer)
Perform hidden surface removal per-fragment
Each fragment gets a z value in screen space
Keep only the fragment with the smallest z value
The Depth Buffer (Z-buffer)
fragment from green triangle has z value of 0.7
The Depth Buffer (Z-buffer)
fragment from red triangle has z value of 0.3
The Depth Buffer (Z-buffer)
Since 0.3 < 0.7, the red fragment wins
The Z-buffer
Lots of fragments might map to the same pixel location
How to track their z-values?
Solution: z-buffer (2D buffer, same size as image)
Z-buffer Algorithm
Let CB be color buffer, ZB be z-buffer
Initialize z-buffer contents to 1.0 (far away)
Z-buffer Algorithm
Let CB be color buffer, ZB be z-buffer
Initialize z-buffer contents to 1.0 (far away)
For each triangle T
Rasterize T to generate fragments
For each fragment F with screen position (x,y,z)
and color value C
If ( z < ZB[x,y] ) then
Update color: CB[x,y] = C
Update depth: ZB[x,y] = z
Z-buffer Algorithm Properties
What makes this method nice?
Z-buffer Algorithm Properties
What makes this method nice?
simple (facilitates hardware implementation)
handles intersections
handles cycles
draw opaque polygons in any order
Triangle rasterization using barycentric coordinates
Hidden surface removal (z-buffer)
Texture mapping
The Quest for Visual Realism
Add surface detail without raising geometric complexity.
Texture mapping is a shading trick that makes a surface look
textured even though, geometrically, it is not.
Concept of Texture Mapping
Find mappings between different coordinate systems.
Mapping Terminology
There are two main steps in texture mapping:
3D Graphics Pipeline
!Texture mapping happens in the fragment (pixel) shader
Photo Textures
There are many free
textures available online.
Type free textures in
Check out Paul Bourkes
web page.
Texture Synthesis
The concept is very simple!
Parameterization in Practice
Texture creation and parameterization is an art form
You can even go to Texture Mapping School
All 3D design programs (e.g., 3D Studio Max) provide tools for
texture mapping
Texture Mapping
Texture mapping is a 2D projective transformation
Texture coordinates (s, t) to screen coordinates (x, y)
Triangle Rasterization
Interpolate texture coordinates across scanlines
The first idea is to use basic Gouraud shading for texture
But wait
Something is terribly wrong...
Notice the distortion along the diagonal triangle edge of the
cube face
Perspective Projection
The problem is that perspective projection does not
preserve affine combinations of points
In particular, equal distances along a line in eye space do not
map to equal distances in screen space
Linear interpolation in screen space is not equal to linear
interpolation in eye space!
How to fix?
Suppose we assign parameter t to vertices P and R
Suppose t = 0 at P, and t = 1 at R
P projects to P and R projects to R (divide by w)
What value should t have at location Q?
How to fix?
We cannot linearly interpolate t between P and R
Only projected values can be linearly interpolated in screen
Solution: perspective-correct interpolation
Perspective Correct Interpolation
Linearly interpolate t / w (not t) between P and R.
Compute t
= t
/ w
and t
= t
/ w
Lerp t
and t
to get t
at location Q
But, we want the (unprojected) parameter t
, not t
Perspective Correct Interpolation
The parameter t
is related to t
by a factor of 1 / w:
Lerp 1 / w
and 1 / w
to obtain 1 / w
at point Q.
Divide t
by 1 / w
to get t
Perspective Correct Interpolation
Given parameter t at vertices:
Compute 1 / w for each vertex (per-vertex)
Lerp 1 / w across the triangle (per-fragment)
Lerp t / w across the triangle (per-fragment)
Do perspective division (per-fragment):
Divide t/w by 1/w to obtain interpolated
parameter t
Perspective Correct Interpolation
This looks correct now:
Perspective Correction Hint
Texture coordinate and color interpolation
Either linearly in screen space (wrong)
Or using perspective correct interpolation (slower)
where hint is one of:
GL_NICEST: Perspective
Screen Pixels in Texture Space
Lets look at what can happen to pixels mapped into texture
Sampling Texture Maps
When texture mapping it is rare
that the screen space pixel
sampling density matches the
sampling density of the texture
Typically one of two things can
This happens when you zoom really close into a texture
mapped polygon or due to perspective projection
A pixel projects to something smaller than a texel in texture
This happens when you zoom out or due to perspective
A pixel projects onto several texels in texture space.
Nearest Neighbor Interpolation
Texture Space
Nearest Neighbor Interpolation
Better Filters
Texture Space
Better Filters
We could perform this filtering during texture mapping
However, even this is very expensive
Instead, we can use pre-filtering of the texture prior to
The basic idea is to construct a pyramid of images that are
pre-filtered and down-sampled
Generate Mipmaps
You can use glTexImage2D() directly, but it's much simpler to
use gluBuild2DMipmaps()
gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGB,
width, height, GL_RGB,
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mytextureimage);
This is a great function! The 2D texture does not even need to
be a power of 2!
MipMap Interpolation
Sometimes, a pixel really should be filtered with a filter size
that is not part of the mipmap
We can use linear interpolation between mipmap levels to
compute the texel color
If we use a bi-linear filter inside the mip-mapped texture, this
is called tri-linear interpolation
C = lerp(C
, C

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