Captain Restengill, H (Aquatic) em F12/M12 (Modified Arcanist Kit From CGR1-see
Captain Restengill, H (Aquatic) em F12/M12 (Modified Arcanist Kit From CGR1-see
Captain Restengill, H (Aquatic) em F12/M12 (Modified Arcanist Kit From CGR1-see
9; S 17; I 18; W 13; D 18; Cn 16; Ch 9; Cm 11 (10 to half-elves); proficiencies: common, elvish, swimming, spellcraft, read/write common, spelljamming, spacemanship, sail manipulation, blind-fighting, wildspace navigation, phlogiston navigation, space heraldry, cartography, signaling, spelljamming shipwright, spelljamming carpenter, zero-gravity combat, fire control, balance, appraising, longsword, spear, dagger, footman's mace, staff, hand axe, hammer, battle axe, heavy crossbow, light crossbow; spells: 4L1, 4L2, 4L3, 4L4, 4L5, 1L6; spellbooks: read magic, detect magic, comprehend magic, mending, identify, conjure spell component, wizard mark, armor, alarm, shield, sleep, magic missile, charm person, protection from evil, cantrip, vocalize, wizard lock, continual light, magic mouth, knock, locate object, mirror image, levitate, invisibility, forget, detect invisibility, ESP, web, stinking cloud, protection from normal missiles, blink, dispel magic, explosive runes, secret page, sepia snake sigil, tongues, slow, lightning bolt, enhance rating, hold person, minor globe of invulnerability, charm monster, fire shield, wall of ice, wall of fire, wizard eye, dimension door, fire trap, hallucinatory terrain, Evard's black tentacles, remove curse, magic mirror, polymorph self, animate dead, extension II, hold monster, feeblemind, enhance maneuverability, passwall, telekinesis, teleport, contact other plane, anti-magic shell, extension III, globe of invulnerability, guards and wards, enchant an item, create minor helm, legend lore, true seeing, glassee, invisible stalker; longsword+2 of underwater action (see below), ring of jumping and falling (see below), ring of spell storing (chain lightning, dispel magic, remove curse, true seeing each once/week), wand of disintegration (42 charges, see below), heavy crossbow of distance, shirt of armoring AC 2 (see below), earring of magic resistance (5%), luckstone, spear of impaling (see below), case of 20 blessed heavy crossbow bolts, Nephthys's everfull purse (produces 26 cp, 26 ep, and 26 base 10 gpv gems/day) Restengill is the son of an aquatic elf that had a tryst with a married human and cheated on her husband. From this union he has gained not only smooth bluish skin but also gills that allow him to breathe in water. Restengill was raised as a son by his mother's husband but always knew how much his lineage hurt the elf he called father. He learned magic from friendly high elves, a trait almost unique among aquatic elves and due to his human side. As he grew older he yearned for adventure and excitement that the seas could not give him and instead watched the mighty elven jammer ships land and take off from the high elven settlement. When he was old enough he announced his intent to leave. Though his mother begged him to stay he had no ear for the cries of such a traitorous woman and instead accepted his adopted father's blessing and the sword he bears with pride to this day. It is his most valued possession. Restengill served for a short time with the elven fleet, where he learned to power a spelljammer, to operate on a spelljammer as a sailor, and about the wide reaches of space. But that was a long time ago. Restengill left the fleet to seek out magic and adventure. Restengil never cared about money but he knew he'd need it so one of the first things he did was seek out a magical (naturally) way to solve his monetary needs. His solution ultimately came by making a deal with an Arcane. At the time the Arcane was being held by certain unscrupulous humans that wanted information from the blue giant. In return for its freedom it agreed to meet Restengill in one year at a prearranged place and time
and provide him with the magic he sought. This may also be how he arranged to stop aging. Restengill does not age, ever. He is immune to magical, normal, and otherwise induced (such as by toxin or undead) aging. His aging stopped when he was still young and he appears to be in his mid to late 20's by human standards. What magic or effect caused this is unknown, as is his exact age, but he often talks about events that happened a decade ago as though it were yesterday. It is generally conceded that whatever his secret, it is not a magical item or a spell that requires renewing. Restengill operates by a strict moral code, his own strict moral code. He often feels obligations others do not believe exist, such as he refuses to have more than one woman at a time and if he marries it will be to the death. He will not betray those who have not betrayed him that he feels obligation or responsibility to. It is this second code that has kept him from ever opposing the elven fleet, though the fact that the elven fleet has never chosen to deal with him is more likely due to the fact that he's never crossed them than any feeling of friendship or alliance on their part toward him. He realizes this, just as he knows many of his other feelings of obligation are not returned, and doesn't worry about it. He's only worried about his own morals and ethics. Of course, should the elven fleet ever act against him he would consider it betrayal and no longer feel any sort of obligation to them. Restengill does not go out of his way to violate laws as this would only serve to distract him as he had to deal with the authorities (in one way or another) but neither does he consider himself bound by any law he does not feel he should be bound by. Restengill is always interested in new magic and will do anything that doesn't violate his code to get it. He has a collection of minor and unusual items of many types and has even enchanted a few items of his own on long voyages. As such it is possible he has access to any item the DM desires. And since he doesn't flaunt his magic (that would give foes an advantage) and always keeps something in reserve he could have some very powerful magic that is not listed above. Restengill worships Erevan Ilesere but sometimes offers up prayers to Vhaeraun instead. Nayline, hf F6 (myrmidon kit from CFHB): AC 3; MV 12"; hp 42; #AT 3/2, 1, 2, or 5/2; AL LN; THAC0 15; S 16; I 11; W 11; D 13; Cn 16; Ch 9; Cm 10; proficiencies: common, ettiquette, read/write common, spacemanship, ancient history (military history), fire building (substituted for the usual fire-building due to her background in space), balance, zero-G combat, blind-fighting, scimitar specialization, ambidexterity, twoweapon style (2 slots), light crossbow, shortsword; chainmail+2, scimitar of speed+2, shortsword+1 +4 vs reptiles ("Lizard Skewer"), light crossbow, case of 20 blessed light crossbow bolts, dagger, 2 potions of extra-healing, potion of super heroism, potion of invulnerability Nayline is one of the officers on Restengill's hammership, Dark Night, and his concubine. She holds no specific position other than being a ship's officer but due to her personal relationship with Restengill she is effectively the ship's first mate and no one questions this or challenges her authority. Nayline has been with Restengill ever since he purchased
the Dark Night and was one of the first officers to join the crew. She came to respect him quickly and then grew to love him, even though he was married and she knew he would never leave his wife. She did not help him decide to kill his wife but was nonetheless pleased by it as he began to build a relationship with her thereafter. She consoled him when he had to kill his son. Now she is his only lose companion but he still refuses to marry her. She knows this is because he's wary of what happened the last time but it still hurts. Nayline will protect Restengill from anything, no matter what, and is quite willing to give her life for him. She's just not certain how far he's willing to go for her. Gioval, hm F4 (space pirate kit-see below): AC 4; MV 6"; hp 16; #AT 3/2 or 1; AL LN(E); THAC0 17; S 17; I 13; W 12; D 8; Cn 14; Ch 10; Cm 10; proficiencies: common, spacemanship, rope use, sail manipulation, blind-fighting, balance, fire control, zerogravity combat, bardiche specialization, two-handed weapon style, javelin, ballista; splint mail, bardiche, ring of the ram (12 charges/week), quiver of 6 javelins, 2 potions of healing, locked chest of 20 gems (10 gpv each), 32 ep, and 14 gp Gioval was one of Restengill's marine officers but constantly got onto the crew about how they handled the ship and never moved fast enough for his tastes (whenever he wasn't actually I a battle, preparing to or actually boarding or repelling boarders, that is). He learned to master the techniques of drawing the best performance out of the ship (sail manipulation) and only dogged the crew the more for it. When Restengill added Hoy Li to the ranks of the marines he offered Gioval the position of sail master (a position he'd performed himself until then). Gioval gladly agreed, promising to "whip the crew into top shape" and has held the position ever since. He's also been as good as his word and all the Dark Night's crew are crack. Restengill, for his part, lets Gioval perform his duties and instead concentrates on other things, even in battle (this prevents any conflict between them both using sail manipulation at the same time). Oglish, half-ogrem F8 (space pirate kit-see below): AC 7; MV 9"; hp 46; #AT 2 or 3/2; AL NE; THAC0 13; S 17; I 9; W 8; D 10; Cn 14; Ch 7 (14 to ogres and half-ogres); Cm 3 (10 to ogres and half-ogres); proficiencies: ogrish, common, spacemanship, rope use, balance, zero-gravity combat, blind-fighting, fire control, boarding pike use, grappling hook use, battle axe specialization, spear, pike, morning star, footman's mace; studded leather, morning star+1 of wounding, battle axe, 2 potions of healing, locked chest of 18 gems (10 gpv each), 46 gp, and 13 sp Oglish is simply a brutal, hulking, killer. He doesn't kill for fun, sport, or enjoyment, rather it's simply his business. As such he's been placed in charge of the marines. He is an imposing sight in battle to friends and foes alike, raising the morale of the Dark Night's crew and sending fear through the ranks of his foes. He is merciless in combat, until the entire enemy crew surrenders. Then he backs off and calls his troops back. Oglish was not a good leader for the marines since he lacks any sort of true leadership, command, or organizational skill. Instead Gioval had to perform these functions under his direction while he simply ensured his troops were extremely capable and well-trained and led the way into any fray. Hoy Li now serves this function under the massive half-ogre and again, no one complains.
Fetiz, rastipedef W4 (war wizard kit from CGR1): AC 3; MV 15"; hp 10; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg 1-4/1-4 or by weapon; SD never surprised from behind; AL N; THAC0 20; S 18; I 17; W 7; D 11; Cn 12; Ch 7; Cm 7 to rastipedes; proficiencies: rastipede, common, spelljamming, spacemanship, balance, fire control, read/write common, read/write rastipede, spellcraft, space heraldry, signaling, semaphore, wildspace navigation, staff; spells: 3L1, 2L2; spellbook: read magic, detect magic, mending, affect normal fires, cantrip, shield, armor, alarm, sleep, shocking grasp, spider climb, identify, protection from evil, conjure spell component, light, locate portal, wizard lock, magic mouth, continual light, deeppockets, pyrotechnics, strength; quarterstaff, potion of healing, wizard locked and locked chest guarded by magic mouth of 90 gems (10 pv each) and 65 gp Fetiz is the primary helmsman of the Dark Night. While he has trained as a war wizard in order to perfect his art and continues to study combat and battle he really hires out as a helmsman, the duty he performs for Restengill. He is happy serving under Restengill and performs well. His ability to provide the same SR as a 12th level spellcaster, a feat only matchable by Restengill himself aboard the Dark Night, is a significant advantage for the ship. Add to this Fetiz's skills as a war wizard (+1 initiative in ship combat and the spelljamming proficiency) and any ship he helms is a vessel to be feared. Yoshu, hm W8 (war wizard kit from CGR1): AC 6; MV 12"; hp 18; AL LE; THAC0 19; S 15; I 17; W 10; D 11; Cn 14; Ch 6; Cm 7; proficiencies: common, spelljamming, spacemanship, read/write common, balance, zero-gravity combat, blind-fighting, spellcraft, phlogiston navigation, signaling, semaphore, fire control, wildspace navigation, planetology, observation, dagger, light crossbow; spells: 4L1, 3L2, 3L3, 2L4; spellbook: read magic, detect magic, mending, identify, armor, cantrip, conjure spell component, shield, alarm, dancing lights, affect normal fires, sleep, charm person, enlarge, magic missile, burning hands, grease, catapult (from FRA), flaming sphere, detect invisibility, web, stinking cloud, strength, invisibility, levitate, ray of enfeeblement, mirror image, wizard lock, magic mouth, Melf's acid arrow, filter (from CWHB), vocalize (from CWHB), dispel magic, explosive runes, slow, enhance rating, lightning bolt, fireball, protection from normal missiles, monster summoning I, blink, hold person, minor globe of invulnerability, enchanted weapon, fire trap, wall of fire, wall of ice, wizard eye, fire shield, ice storm, spark burst; light crossbow, quiver of 20 blessed light crossbow bolts, 2 potions of extra-healing, dagger+2, ring of spell turning, ring of fire resistance, bracers of defense AC 6, wand of flame (50 charges), wand of paralyzation (43 charges), wizard locked and locked chest guarded by magic mouth, fire trap, and explosive runes on inside lid of 85 gems (10 gpv each), 72 pp, and 18 gp Yoshu refuses to say where he originates from or to talk much about any other aspect of his history before joining the Dark Night's crew. His sparkling emerald green eyes, lavender hair, and pitch black skin, however, mark him as no average human. Despite his odd appearance Restengill willing hired him as ship's mage after witnessing a demonstration of Yoshu's skills (the Dark Night had only made a few runs to that time but already Restengill was being sorely taxed by trying to perform the duties of both the ship's mage and the sail master). No one in the crew has ever regretted that decision.
Yoshu, like the other officers, carries several potions of healing in case he or another crew member is injured, but so far Yoshu has never been so badly wounded he needed to use one of the potions himself. He is quick with his spells in battle, knowing that the mage that casts first is often the one that wins and seeing no reason to hold back his significant might. He possesses spells even Restengill lacks but refuses to trade spells, instead only adding new spells that are interesting from occasionally captured enemy spellbooks (Restengill will not forcibly take the spells as he feels that would be betrayal of his employee's trust in addition to theft-an odd stand for a pirate). Jilla, hf C6 of Limbo (astrologer kit from CGR1): AC 2; MV 6"; hp 38; AL CN; THAC0 18; S 15; I 11; W 18; D 12; Cn 7; Ch 12; Cm 10; proficiencies: common, phlogiston navigation, planetology, spacemanship, astrology, healing, spellcraft, religion (wildspacedeals with common human wildspace religions as detailed in the various SJ products), wildspace navigation, footman's mace, staff, hammer; spells: 5L1, 5L2, 3L3; plate mail, medium shield, hammer+1, footman's mace, 4 potions of healing, locked chest guarded by fire glyph of warding (at 6th level) of 44 gems (10 gpv each), 37 gp, and 92 sp Jilla is one of the two ship's clerics aboard the Dark Night. As a cleric of the planar church of Limbo and an astrologer she sees chaos in everything. She is a skilled healer and excellent ally in combat, however, which is all Restengill really cares about so she serves well. She's very popular among the crew, especially since she likes gambling and doesn't mind satisfying her carnal desires with different crew members (she finds taking a single partner for any extended period of time to be too orderly). She is usually heard discussing (and sometimes arguing) philosophy with Felavia but she has managed to gain several converts among the crew for her religion. Felavia, hf C9 of Discordant Unification (astrologer kit from CGR1): AC 3; MV 9"; hp 54; AL N; THAC0 16; S 14; I 8; W 13; D 9; Cn 8; Ch 11; Cm 5; proficiencies: common, phlogiston navigation, planetology, spacemanship, religion (wildspace), healing, wildspace navigation, balance, herbalism, footman's flail, club, staff; spells: 5L1, 4L2, 3L3, 2L4, 1L5; banded mail, medium shield, footman's flail, staff of curing (25 charges), quarterstaff+2, 4 potions of healing, locked chest guarded by electrical glyph of warding (at 9th level) of 13 potions of healing, 4 potions of extra-healing, 127 gems (10 gpv value each), 44 gp, and 18 sp Felavia is the other ship's cleric on the Dark Night and an astrologer just as Jilla is. Felavia, however, is a cleric of the planar church of Concordant Opposition (which she prefers to call Discordant Unification). In addition to her spells she knows priestly recipes for producing potions of healing and extra-healing in return for financing her potion production, Restengill gets half the potions she produces, which he distributes to his officers or stores away for later use (the others are donated to her church or given to deserving members of the faithful). Felavia is not pretty (in fact she's ugly) but her great power and her tendency to occasionally bestow a potion of healing on a crew member that has converted to her faith makes her very popular (as is her faith). Since both the crew members that became her mates died within a month of doing so, however, it is whispered that any who choose to take her as a mate or spouse will be cursed with the
same fate so she has no suitors. Felavia is troubled by the fact that, though Jilla is her junior, she is both smarter and wiser. Unfortunately there's nothing she can do about this. She keeps her staff fully charged and will not ever use all its charges, as she doesn't wish to lose such a valuable item. Hoy Li, hm sohei6 of the Path and the Way (uses OA rules): AC 6; MV 9"; hp 35; AL LE; THAC0 18; S 17; I 5; W 16; D 12; Cn 15; Ch 9; Cm 5; proficiencies: common, read/write common (10), spacemanship (15), longsword, dagger, pike, spear (weapon of choice-gains +1 to hit and damage), two-weapon style, ambidexterity; spells: 3L1; special abilities: focus ki power once/day for one turn (gives +1 att/round, +1 to AC, +1 to hit, +1 to damage, +1 to saves, +3" MV, and dodges missiles by making a save vs. breath weapons), no longer able to use "fighting death" ki power; brigandine, longsword, dagger, spear, 3 potions of healing, locked chest of 46 gp and 32 sp Hoy Li was a sohei at a temple in Shou Lung that fell out of political favor and was attacked and burned by a rival. The fact that the act was ignored by imperial troops that were in the area caused Hoy Li, one of only a few survivors to come to hate the Emperor's rule and seek any way to fight it. He, naturally, had little success but did manage to join with some unscrupulous nobles that also opposed the Emperor (albeit secretly). It was while working for these nobles that he made his way into space. It was not long after reaching the stars that he, like many Shou, came to realize the Emperor was ultimately a very minor figure. Though Hoy Li has held desperately to his faith (its about all that keeps him alive and sane, now) he lacks purpose and signed on with Restengill as one of his marine commanders. The marines appreciate both his leadership and having a spellcaster among their number. Hoy Li's lack of purpose prevents his use of the "fighting death" ki power possessed by most 5th and higher level sohei. Nightingale, hm W4 (war wizard kit from CGR1): AC 5; MV 12"; hp 19; AL NE; THAC0 20; S 13; I 17; W 8; D 15; Cn 16; Ch 10; Cm 11; proficiencies: common, spelljamming, spacemanship, read/write common, spellcraft, balance, phlogiston navigation, wildspace navigation, signaling, space heraldry, semaphore, zero-gravity combat, fire control, cartography, light crossbow; spells: 3L1, 2L2; spellbook: read magic, detect magic, mending, identify, armor, cantrip, conjure spell component, spider climb, ventriloquism, shield, light, message, levitate, mirror image, wizard lock, detect invisibility, pyrotechnics, continual light, flaming sphere; 2 potions of healing, light crossbow, case of 20 blessed light crossbow bolts, wizard locked and locked chest with continual light cast on the inside of the lid containing 42 sp, 12 gp, and 13 gems (10 gpv each) The most recent addition to the Dark Night's officer ranks, Nightingale is the backup helmsman. He was hired because of his experience (he wasn't a complete novice) and his training as a war wizard (Restengill has come to value their skills a great deal). He doesn't have the greatest of spell selections but arms himself with those he feels will be most useful in battle at all times anyway. He hopes to trade spells with Restengill or Fetiz in time but for now is waiting to get the chance to prove himself so they'll be more willing to trade with him. His favorite combat spells are shield, light, and detect
invisibility (he targets invisible foes with a light spell so they can be seen by all) but keeps an armor spell on himself at all times also.
5 m&f lizard men (F2 marine specialized in javelin, 4 F1 spacers-see below) 4 m&f hurwaeti (F1 myrmidon, 2 F1 space pirates-see below, F1 spacer-see below) 17 m&f humans (7 F1 marines specialized in broadsword, 10 F0 spacers-see below) 3 m hill dwarves (2 F1 axes for hire, F1 outcast) 4 m&f halflings (F0 spacers-see below) 2 high elves (mated pair, m F1/W1 war wizard and f F1 archer with longbow) 12 m&f half-elves (3 F1 marines specialized in broadsword, 2 space pirates-see below, 7 spacers-see below) 7 m&f rock gnomes (2 F1/W(I)1 imposters, 5 F1 spacers-see below)
Dark Night, hammership: AR 6; Tonnage: 60; HP 60; MC: B; Crew: 36/60; Landing: Water only; Save As: Thick Wood; Power Type: 2 major helms (1 is a backup helm); Weaponry: 2 heavy catapults (5 crew each), heavy ballista+1 of fire resistance (4 crew; see below), blunt ram; Cargo: 30 tons; Keel Length: 250'; Beam Width: 25'; mast of maneuverability +1 (as sails of maneuverability), portal device, planetary locator, "topped-out" rigging, netting
when the only way to gain an item is to purchase it). Ransoming people and information for items is another common tactic. They seek out unusual and exceptionally powerful items primarily, however (they consider themselves more selective connoisseurs than common arcanists). When they have a chance to steal or otherwise illegally acquire (illegal so they don't have to waste money on it or deal with competitors) a unique or extremely powerful item (DM's decision) they must take the chance-unless it is suicidal. Pirate arcanists are hunted by the law and those seeking the return of the items they stole. Some bounty hunters seek them so they can claim the pirate arcanist's magical items for themselves. Naturally they even compete with and seek out each other. Races: Humans, scro, half-elves, lizard men, and rastipedes are all perfectly suitable for this kit. Xixchil tend to tend toward items that allow them to manipulate objects and bodies but are otherwise also quite suitable.
The spacer kit is a modification of the mariner kit from PO:S&P. The kit is the same except as noted below. Requirements: Wemics, swanmays, alaghi, mongrelmen, bullywugs, and centaurs may not [generally] take this kit. Recommended nonweapon proficiencies: Spacemanship, balance, fire control, rope use. Equipment: Heavier armor may be worn than on naval vessels but those ships with traditional rigging still have crews that favor lighter, more mobile armor in order to maneuver in the rigging better. Benefits: Spacers get a +2 on reaction rolls from spacefarers of all sorts (those that actually travel the spaceways vs. just living in the SJ rather than a groundling setting). They gain a +1 bonus to their spacemanship rolls. Hindrances: the differences between travel on a spelljammer and being on the ground are much less than for naval vessels. Nevertheless, their superior attitude as spacefarers gives them a -1 to reactions from groundlings (members of generally terrestrial societies) and a -2 to reactions from purely naval sailors from such societies.
Longsword of underwater action: These swords are only known to exist in two varieties: long (65%) and short (35%). They vary from +2 to +4 in power, immune ot any sort of corrosion, and all are enchanted for two additional benefits. The first is that there are never any penalties for using the sword in a liquid (note this has some interesting effects in glass and similar substances that aren't true solids). The second is that when in water as long as the sword is drawn the wielder is granted a heightened sense of smell and sonar so that they can operate as though they were truly aquatic. All the known blades of this sort have been forged and enchanted by elves though it's said a few have also been produced by tritons, locathah, and mermen (any such blade would be merely +1 or +2 if constructed by a triton). Ring of jumping and falling: This ring functions as a ring of jumping in all respects with one additional benefit: the ring allows the wearer to land safely if they jump from any height. Specifically if the wearer falls, jumps, or otherwise drops from any height and lands on their feet the impact will neither cause them damage nor knock them down (they won't fall over). In fact it won't even disturb in process spell casting. This is not a feather fall effect, however, and the wearer does not have his rate of descent reduced, nor does he land softly (he might break through a structure if landing on its roof from a sufficient height, for instance). The ring merely absorbs the impact as it effects the wearer. If the wearer lands on a liquid or semi-solid surface rather than a solid one they have exactly six seconds in which the ring will hold them in place before the properties of the surface they landed on take effect. Thus if the wearer were to land on water next to a stone ledge
he would have six seconds to walk to the ledge before he suddenly sank into the water. If he can't clear the liquid in that time the usual effect (submersion) will occur. This ring will not protect against temperature extremes, falling into trees, onto sharp spikes, and similar occurrences except as noted. If the surface landed on is sloped they may begin to slide if there is not enough traction to keep them in place (smooth liquids have traction about equal to a smooth tile floor for the first six seconds). Wand of disintegration: Like most wands these can hold up to 100 charges and may be recharged. They are all made of metal and never more than 8" long nor shorter than 4" with a 1/4" diameter at most. With the expenditure of one charge (usually through a command word) the wand produces an effect exactly duplicating a disintegrate spell cast by a 12th level wizard. Shirt of armoring: These items (also coming in the form of tunics and occasionally tabards) all protect their wearers as though the wearer was armored all over. The shirt of armoring does not interfere with spell casting and is only as encumbering as a normal shirt but while wearing it the owner is otherwise treated in all ways as though they were completed protected by armor equal to the AC of the shirt (according to a table below). Since this is magic it applies even to usually unarmored areas of the body (such as the eyes). Thus one of these shirt could not be used in conjunction with an armor spell of bracers of defense but it could be worn to bed comfortably. Mages value these greatly and often keep them clean with spells and cantrips, refusing to ever remove them. The AC of one of these shirts and it equivalent armor type are determined according to this table:
D20 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 AC 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Armor Type Leather Ring Mail Scale Mail Chainmail Banded Mail Plate Mail Dwarven plate
It is believed only elves and certain halfling clergies have the ability to construct these and as such over 95% of any such garments encountered will be sized for wearers of those sizes (though there's no problem with wearing an overlarge shirt). Spear of impaling: All these spears are 16' long and act as long spears+2 +3 vs creatures larger than man-sized and charging creatures. On a roll of 20 (modified only by the spear's own bonuses) the spear impales the creature it's used against, doing double damage and making it impossible to remove the spear without one or more constitution checks on the part of the wounded individual and additional damage as though the creature had been hit again. Thus a zombie would be impaled on a natural roll of 18-20 as would an ogre or a charging knight on an unmodified roll of 17-20. When the spear is later (or even forcefully during combat) removed from the impaled ogre (for instance) the ogre must pass a constitution check or pass out. In addition, whether the constitution
check succeeds or not, the ogre will take damage equal to another hit by the spear (if being removed in combat an enemy may also add strength bonuses to this damage). Siege Weapons of Fire Resistance: Though greatly desired by spelljamming ship captains of all sorts, and even naval ship captains, these weapons are actually produced for and used by ground-based forces most often. Each siege weapon bears a bonus of +1 to +5 (typically +1) and is immune to damage from fire- and heat-based attacks. They also have a +2 bonus to saving throws vs electrical attacks (most save as thick wood unless otherwise noted). As an additional power, and why they are so loved by groundbased and other troops, is that the weapons extend fire resistance as the ring to within 5' of the weapon.