Inventory Management Case Study

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Coverdrive Ltd Case Study Working Capital Management Inventory Control Since joining Coverdrive, John Thistle the

e management accountant, has been implementing various systems linked to short-term planning and reporting. He has recently focused on a review of the stock holding of raw materials, consumables and maintenance spares and having conducted a full physical stock take and valuation at quarter ended 31 March he is concerned at the lack of control that exists in ordering issue and control of some stock items. At a recent management meeting John had agreed with Steve Ambrose, the MD, that one of his short-term objectives as management accountant would be a full review of working capital requirements and its control. He reports his concerns expressed regarding the control of stocks and Steve asks him to prepare a presentation on the issues of inventory control for the next management meeting, to which he plans to invite both the production and stores managers. Preliminary notes prepared by John in advance of the meeting In manufacturing and distributive trades, inventories (or stocks) constitute a substantial portion of total assets employed. Inventory control comprises accounting and the physical control of materials, work-in-progress and finished goods. Accounting control is effected by the use of a series of control accounts for each category listed above and stores ledger accounts relating to quantities and values of stock on hand. Physical control comprises strategy for buying, handling, storing, issuing, supervising the stores function and taking stock. Inherent in any system of inventory control is the concept of stock levels, which are normally expressed in physical units but may also be in money terms. The objective of establishing control levels is to ensure that excessive stocks are not carried and working capital is not sacrificed, thereby avoiding the likelihood of being out of stock of any material. What are the factors to be considered when establishing control levels?


These include: i ii iii iv v vi vii viii Working capital available and the cost of capital. Average consumption or production requirements. The re-order period the period between placing the order and receiving delivery. Storage space available. Market conditions. Economic order quantity. Possibility of loss through deterioration or obsolescence. Costs of ordering, receiving, inspecting and accounting.

The stock levels used in inventory control systems for both accounting and physical measures are minimum stock, maximum stock, re-order level and the re-order quantity or economic order quantity; and I suggest that we implement such controls across our range of stock. Minimum stock level: The lowest level to which stocks should normally be allowed to fall, and is held as a buffer stock to be made available in situations of non-delivery by a supplier. It takes into account the re-order level and average consumption in the average delivery period. Maximum stock level: The highest level to which stock should normally be allowed to rise, otherwise too much working capital is tied up, thus sacrificing liquidity, and there is a risk of loss through deterioration and obsolescence. It takes account of the re-order level, the re-order quantity and the minimum consumption in the minimum delivery period. Re-order level: This is the level at which an order would normally be raised. It takes into account the maximum usage in the maximum delivery period. Re-order quantity or economic order quantity: This is the quantity which is most economical to order as it minimises the costs of ordering and the carrying costs such as storage, insurance and interest on capital. Once the re-order quantity has been determined, the other control levels can be determined by the following formulae: Minimum stock level = Re-order level (average usage in average delivery period).


Maximum stock level = Re-order level + re-order quantity (minimum usage in minimum delivery period). Re-order level = maximum usage x maximum delivery period. Example: The following relates to stock item COV 5, calculate: re-order level maximum stock level minimum stock level 1200 units maximum 900 units minimum maximum 4 months minimum 2 months 3000 units

Usage per month: Estimated delivery period: Re-order quantity:

Re-order level = 4 x 1200 = 4800 units Maximum level = 4800 + 3000 - (900 x 2) = 6000 units Minimum level = 4400 - (1050 x 3) = 1250 units The tabulation below shows a typical cycle of events for this stock item. This is a monthly summary and assumes that stock was received on the last day of month 2 and 5. Re-order levels would have been reached at the start of month 1, prior to the end of month 3 and towards the latter part of month 6. This summary is based on monthly receipts and issues. However the status of stock would be reported daily. Stock Item COV 5 (Units) Re-order and usage profile: Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Opening balance Issues Issues Receipt of order Issues Issues Issues Receipt of order Issues Quantity 1200 1100 3000 1200 1200 1100 3000 1100 Balance 5000 3800 2700 5700 4500 3300 2200 5200 4100


When graphed this profile shows:



The graph shows the movement of stock and the levels kept within the predetermined levels of control. In the model illustrated so far, the re-order quantity is given. However, consideration must now be given to the determination of the economic order quantity. When an order is placed with a supplier, certain start-up costs such as administration are incurred. If this was the only factor for consideration, we would make the order as large as possible, thus benefiting from maximum discounts. But, as previously mentioned, we must consider the holding costs. The economic order quantity is that quantity which minimises the total of the starting and carrying costs. There are two methods of determining this. One is the tabular method, the other by mathematical model.


(i) Where

Mathematical formula Q A P S Q = = = = = Economic order quantity Annual demand in units Cost of placing an order Cost of holding one unit in stock for one year 2AP S

Assume that in case of a further stock item COV 6, 6000 units are required annually and that expenses relating to start up costs are 25 per order and carrying costs are 0.20 per unit per annum. Orders could be arranged in lots of 600, 1200, 2000, 3000 or 6000. Then: Q Q = = 2 x 6000 x 25 0.20 1225 units or 5 orders per annum

Tabular Method (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Order size Frequency of orders Average stock (1/2 batch size) Starting costs (no. of orders x 25) Carrying costs (average stock x 0.20) 600 10 300 250 60 310 1200 5 600 125 120 245 2000 3 1000 75 200 275 3000 2 1500 50 300 350 6000 1 3000 25 600 625

Total Cost

From this tabulation it appears that the EOQ is 1200 units as this minimises the total costs.


Presented Graphically 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 Order size 4 5 6 000s units Cost Total cost Economic order quantity 1200 Carrying cost

Conclusion Intend to apply these controls and this model to a sample of stock items over the next few months to determine the possible savings in terms of investment in working capital.


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