43rd International Chemistry Olympiad Practical Answer Sheets
43rd International Chemistry Olympiad Practical Answer Sheets
43rd International Chemistry Olympiad Practical Answer Sheets
Task 1
A 16 B 16 1 2
Volume of standard AgNO3 solution used V= mL, Volume of AgNO3 15 points Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Unknown 4
0 pnts +0.7 mL
(15 +1 points)
B. Determination of Mg
by direct titration with EDTA
Volume of EDTA
0 pnts -2.25 mL
-0.25 mL 0 +0.25 mL
0 pnts +1.25 mL
1 point is for correct number of significant figures from reading volumes.
(15+1 points)
Treatment of Data 1.
Total amount of Cl- ion in 100.0 mL unknown solution = Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Unknown 4 17.94 19.94 21.93 23.92 mmol (2 pt, within 10%)
Total amount of Mg2+ ion in 100.0 mL unknown solution = Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Unknown 4
For MgCl2 =
Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Unknown 4
g/100 mL
0.09313 0.08537 0.07762 0.06986
For NaCl =
Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Unknown 4
g/100 mL
0.9341 1.061 1.186 1.312
Task 2
A 1 3 2 1 1 12 2 2
(3 points) 1 point for the graph If the volume of gas produced stays within the range of 0-2 mL 2 points >2 mL 1 points >3 mL 0 points 43rd IChO Practical Tasks Answer Sheets, Official English version 4
2. Report the volume of gas evolved, Vuncatalyzed.
Vuncatalyzed =
(1 point)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 17 31 45 57 68 73 73 73 73
(12 points)
6 points for Vmeasured > 0.92 Vmax, Points for volume = 30 (Vmeasured - 0.8Vmax)/Vmax 6 points for ratemeasured > 0.92 ratemax , Points for rate = 30 (ratemeasured - 0.8ratemax)/ratemax
C. The atmospheric pressure is 690 torr.
2. Calculate the maximum number of moles and the maximum volume (mL) of hydrogen gas which will be evolved theoretically from the hydrolysis of 29.5 mg ammonia borane with a purity of 97% w/w at 25
V(H2)max =
(2 points)
Rate =
mL H2min-1
(2 points)
ii) in mmol H2/ min by assuming that the temperature is 25 C. The atmospheric pressure is 690 torr.
Rate =
mmol H2min-1
(2 points)
4. purity of potassium tetrachloropalladate(II) is 98% w/w.
Calculate the rate of hydrogen production per mole of palladium in (mol H2)(mol Pd)-1(min)-1. The
(2 points)
Task 3
1 5 2 6
TLC1 1) For the appearance of three spots loaded on the base line, 1 point. 2) For the well developed and separated spots on the TLC. 2 points 3) For the solvent front line and the base line 1 point 4) For the accurate representation of the sketch of the TLC plate. 1 point
5 points
2. Copy (sketch) the TLC2 plate in bag TLC2 on your answer sheet.
1) For the appearance of three spots loaded on the base line. 1 point. 2) For the well developed and separated spots on the TLC. 2 points 3) For the solvent front line and the base line 1 point 4) For the accurate representation of the sketch of the TLC plate. 1 point 5) For the absence of fraction B in fraction A and vice versa. 1 point
6 points
3. Determine and record the Rf values of the spots on the TLC2 plate in bag TLC2.
Rf value
3 points
4. Measure and record the volume and absorbance values for fraction A and fraction B.
Sample Fraction A
Fraction B
Volume mL 3 points
mL 3 points
3 points 3 points
If 20.0 mL volume 0.0 point If 20.0 mL volume < 30.0 mL, 0.0-3.0 points If 30.0 mL volume < 45.0 mL, 3.0 points If 45.0 volume < 55.0 mL, 3.0-0.0 points If 55.0 volume 0.0 points
If 80.0 mL volume 0.0 points If 80.0 mL < volume 100.0 mL, 0.0-3.0 points If 100.0 volume < 140.0 mL, 3.0 points If 140.0 volume < 150.0 mL, 3.0-0.0 points If volume 150.0 mL, 0.0 points
If absorbance < 0.30, 0 points If 0,30 absorbance < 0.40, 0-3 point If 0,40 absorbance < 0.60, 3.0 points If 0,60 absorbance < 0.70, 3-0 points If absorbance 0.75, 0 points
If absorbance < 0.45, 0 points If 0.45 absorbance < 0.55, 0-3 point If 0.55 absorbance < 0.70, 3.0 points If 0,70 absorbance < 0.80, 3.0-0.0 points If absorbance 0.8, 0.0 points
If %yield < 35, 0.0 points If 35.0 %yield < 45.0, 0-6 points If 45.0 %yield < 53.0, 6 points If 53.0 %yield < 56.0, 6-0 points If %yield 56, 0 points
If %yield < 23, 0.0 points If 23.0 %yield < 33.0, 0-6 points If 33.0 %yield < 41.0, 6 points If 41.0 %yield < 44, 6-0 points If %yield 45, 0 point