Monroe Thomas Rufer Parks: F-T Ip"l
Monroe Thomas Rufer Parks: F-T Ip"l
Monroe Thomas Rufer Parks: F-T Ip"l
Present Present Present
Present were: Mayor Bud Pierce, Chief David Taylor, Water & Sewer Supt. Mike Lewis, Treasurer Chris Hopkins, Animal Control and Water Randy Poindexter, Attorney Jim Kelly and City Clerk Ruth M. Haskins.
Citizens and guests present were: Kerry Metscher of SSE Surveying, Steve VanDiver and Brady Brite of Headliner News.
Mayor Pierce opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor would like to make some corrments about various items. The sound system is on order and should be here and installed before long. The company had wanted half down and half when finished, but Mayor Pierce told him all would be paid when installed. Railroad has been working and have replaced the crossing at Jefferson, it is not finished but they will finish when the weather improves. Railroad will do Hwy 14 crossing and the Wastewater Plant crossing as soon as possible. Mayor has also found out that the Railroad owns more land than the crty had thought. The city has been mowing all this land, but next year the city will only mow the 5 ft. that the city owns. Railroad will not smooth out ruts. City will have to send them a letter about mowing their grass, if they want to pay us to mow, however if they do not a letter will be sent. As of this time, all the business from last year have renewed that are going to. Have not moved the $30,000.00 yet. Expense for modification kit will be paid out of Sewer, for liquid smoke. Mike stated a candle only last a couple of minutes. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. No response.
Review of the Minutes for the February l4,2lI3Regular Session Board Meeting. Motion made by Rufer to accept the Minutes as written seconded by Parks. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Review of the Minutes for the February 14,2013 Closed Session Board Meeting. Kelly stated before you get into that in the middle of the Minutes, strike the 5th sentence of the Minutes because it was a personal opinion with no basis to the subject. Motion to accept the Closed Session Minutes by striking the 5ft sentence and amending the Closed
Session Minutes made by Rufer seconded byYanzandt. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andY anZandt. Voting'Nay' None.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS. a. Mayor stated for a couple of months we will have this old business on the agenda until we get this EPA plan written. We had a committee meeting and in the packet is the basics of what Simmons gave us. The meeting was attended by Roger, Christine and Mike, we had a good meeting for about 2 hours with Simmons. But we are tonight we need to make some decisions about where we are going with this. Mayor has a couple of things written down that Simmons or someone else needs to go with this. Mayor stated the first thing the Board was handed out, one was a letter from Jerry Corbett, he will go over the headlights. Corbett is a person who lives in Billings and he is a retired Civil Engineer, has worked in and around wastewater construction and sales for 35 years. Corbett has volunteered to help do some of this paper work. When it comes to writing the plan, he would charge $25.00 per hour until the plan is written, Corbett is estimating at least two weeks to finish. Mayor stated he would still like to have an Engineer to go over the report. Kelly asked if Simmons had been told of this plan. Kelly says the reason he is asking this is everyone needs to be on the same page. Kelly stated we must do what we are obligated to do, if he is just writing up the SSES report. Kelly stated what they are doing, part of the plan, do the least costly. Simmons is on the other side. Mayor stated Corbett is wanting to patch. Kelly stated all this has to be done by 2019-2020. Mayor stated when we have meeting me Simmons they will not give us clear path. Mayor stated going into circles, Parks stated it needs to be dealt with. Kerry Metscher from SSE Engineering. Mayor stated we do not have a lot of money just want to do what has to be done as cheaply as possible. Mayor stated we only have 90 days that need to be completed. Simmons says projected time is two years. Kelly stated EPA probably will not go along with that time period. Rufer asked if this gentlemen putting forth the same as Simmons. Rufer says after the meeting with Simmons they wanted to get someone else to do the work. Mayor stated he has spent a lot of time with Mike and Randy and he has a good idea on what needs to be done. Kelly what ever you decide to do run this by Simmons before letting someone else do this. Kelly stated to do the cheapest way possible. YanZartdt have to get approval from Simmons. Kelly asked if all are in agteement with that then let the Mayor gets started. Mayor stated doing the survey testing all manholes, does the Board wants to do this work with City Employees or outside source. Two full time city employees. Also if Camera work need to buy a camera. Board has to decide which path to take. Push camera $12,000. Mayor says if all work done in house would be $100.000.00. for 2year period. Dealing with the lateral lines coming off of the main, who is going to do testing and who is going to fix and who will pay for the work. Kelly has a different idea, we tell EPA 1,2 &3 in the Mt. Vernon Basin area and see if they will accept that. Kelly stated if you do not need to do camera wait. Mayor stated that the camera will have to be used there because that is a bad area. Parks stated if we show EPA that we will be doing some good faith. Kelly stated EPA wanted a plan and what work will be done. Motion will be smoke test2l3 of
town and the rest will be camera work in the Mt. Vernon basin made byYanZandt seconded by Rufer. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks and VanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Rufer asked about the cost of a flusher. Mayor stated they are looking at a used one for $1,500.00. That is all of Old Business for now. NEW BUSINESS, MEMOzuALS, PROCLAMATIONS and ORDINANCES. a. Bank has requested that the Board remove W. J. Walker's name off the CD' for the city accounts of General and Street. Add Bud Pierce, Chris Hopkins and Ruth Haskins. Motion to remove W.J. Walkers name from these accounts and add Pierce, Hopkins and Haskins made byYanZandt seconded by Monroe. Voting ooAye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andYanZartdt. Voting o'Nay" None b. Bank has requested the Board to remove W.J. Walker and Kharissa Hensley off the Safety Deposit Box and add Bud Pierce. Motion to remove W. J. Walker and Kharissa Hensley off the Safety Deposit Box and add Bud Pierce made by YanZandt seconded by Monroe. Voting ooAye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks and YanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. Item all ready taken care of. d. Motion to deduct swimming pool and leaks on water program made by Rufer seconded by Parks. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andYanZandt. Voting 'oNay" None. e. Motion to have an intergovernmental agreement with the school and the school will maintain the ball field for a period of time also a new Scoreboard made by YanZandt seconded by Monroe. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks and Y arilandt. Voting "Nay'' None. Motion to pay half of Judge Worsham's expenses for the Conference made by Rufer seconded by Monroe. voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andyanzandt. Voting " Nay" None. g. Motion to pay for Clerks Notary Fees for the New term, cost is $235.36 made by Monroe seconded by Parks. voting'oAye" Monroe, Rufer, parks andyanZandt. Voting "Nay" None. h. Mayor discussed Public Hearing for Dollar General moving the sewer easement on March 28^ at 6:30 P. M. Also a Special Called Meeting at 7:00 p.M. Motion to Approve Payment of Wages, Expense, Bill Statements and Other Expenditures for the Month of February 2013 made by Rufer seconded by Yanzandt. voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andyanzandt. voting "Nay" None.
by Monroe. voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andYanzandt. voting oNay" None. Police Report by Taylor. Motion to accept the report made by Monroe seconded by Yanzandt. voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andYattzandt. voting "Nay" None.
Treasurers Report by Hopkins. Motion to accept the report made byYanZandt seconded
Court Report by Haskins. Motion to accept the report made by Parks seconded by Rufer. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andYanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.
Animal Control Report by Poindexter. Motion made by Monroe seconded byYanZandt. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks and VanZandt. Voting "Nay" None.
Water & Sewer Maint. Report by Lewis. Motion made by Monroe seconded by Parks. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks and VanZandt. Voting'oNay" None.
Building Inspectors Report by CH & RH. Motion made by Rufer seconded by Parks. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks andYanZandt. Voting'Nay" None.
No further business. Motion to adjoum made by Monroe seconded by Parks. Voting "Aye" Monroe, Rufer, Parks and VanZandt. Voting'o Nay''None.