Lic Health Plus Form
Lic Health Plus Form
Lic Health Plus Form
• LIC’s Health Plus is a ULIP plan which is different from the traditional policies in the sense that it is subject
to market risks.
• LIC does not authorize its agents/intermediaries, staff and officials to express their opinion on the future
performance of the “ULIP” fund, excepting the prescribed illustrative rate of 6% and 10% growth.
Inward No.:
Underwriter’s Decision Policy No. allotted
Pin code
Pin code
Income Tax
Mobile Phone (Yes / No) Exact Nature of Duties
Appointee’s Name
Full Name
Relationship Signature of
to the proposer Appointee
Insured Member’s Name Relationship Sex Age DOB Age Initial Daily Cash Benefit
to the proof
Note Please check the product features for conditions regarding inclusion of family members.
Please submit a separate form (Annexure I) duly filled and signed by the member who is to be included as a
If the member to be included is a minor, please submit a separate form (Annexure II) duly signed by the
proposer on behalf of the minor.
1. Do you smoke or consume any form of tobacco and /or alcohol? ≤ Yes No
2. Are you currently taking any medication or drugs, either prescribed or not prescribed by a doctor, or have
you suffered from any illness, disorder, disability or injury during the past 5 years which has required any
≤ Yes No
form of medical or specialized examination (including X-ray, gynaecological investigations, pap smear, or
blood tests), consultation, hospitalization or surgery?
2. Do you have any proposal for life, medical, health, accident, disability cover, critical illness or any other
health-related insurance that has been postponed, declined or accepted on special terms?
≤ Yes No
2. Do you have a parent and /or a brother or a sister who has suffered/suffering from, or died under the age ≤ Yes No
of 60 due to any of the following conditions: Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, raised
cholesterol, cancer, or any hereditary disease?
2. Do you have any surgery planned or are you currently aware of any medical condition that might require
medical advice/surgery in the near future?
≤ Yes No
b) Diabetes ≤ Yes No
c) Cardiovascular disease e.g.: Palpitations, heart attack, Stroke, chest pain ≤ Yes No
d) Genitourinary disease e.g.: Kidney disorder, Bladder disorder, urine abnormality, renal stones or genital ≤ Yes No
organ disorder.
e) Cancer of any type e.g.: Leukaemia (blood cancer), cyst or growth of any kind ≤ Yes No
f) Mental disorder e.g.: Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or any other mental or nervous disorder. ≤ Yes No
h) Digestive disease e.g.: Liver and gall bladder disorder, gastric ulcer, bleeding from intestine or any other
disorder of the digestive tract ≤ Yes No
i) Respiratory diseases e.g.: Asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, persistent cough, or any other
disorder of the chest or lungs. ≤ Yes No
j) Musculoskeletal diseases e.g.: prolapsed disc, back or neck complaint, any physical disability or other
disorder of the bones, joints, arthritis, gout etc ≤ Yes No
k) Neurological diseases e.g.: Fits, epilepsy, recurrent headache, paralysis, any other disease or disorder of
the brain, spinal cord or nerves.
≤ Yes No
7. Have you ever been tested positive for HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B or C or sexually
transmitted diseases? ≤ Yes No
7. Have you been absent from work for more than 5 continuous days in the last two
years due to health reasons?
≤ Yes No
7. Are you currently covered under any health insurance policy with LIC or any other company? ≤ Yes No
11. Whether any Proposal submitted and is pending in any of the LIC Offices ? ≤ Yes No
If the answer to any of the above questions (from 1-9) is “yes” please give details (such as units consumed,
diagnosis and further information as cured, still under treatment, treatment from / to, copies of hospital/
diagnostic reports, reasons, details of declined/rejected/cancelled proposals etc) hereunder. Please attach
separate sheet if necessary. For question numbers 10 & 11, if the answer is “ yes “, please submit details in a
separate sheet.
Are you pregnant now? Date of last Delivery Have you ever had any abortion or mis- Date of last
carriage or caesarian section? If so give Menstruation
details in a separate sheet.
Wing to which Rank therein Date of last Medical Medical category after Were you ever below A-1 category If so
you belong Medical Examination when
FUND TYPE Investments in Short-term investments such as Investment in listed Details and objective of
Govt./Govt. Guaranteed Money Market instruments (incl. equity shares the fund for risk/return
securities/ corporate debt govt. securities and corporate
Health Plus Not less than 50% Not more than 90% Not less than 10% & Income and Growth –
Fund Not more than 50% Low Risk
a. Whether the terms and conditions of the proposed plan have been explained to you by the agent ≤ Yes No
b. Have you understood fully, the terms and conditions of the plan you propose to take ≤ Yes No
I _______________________, hereby declare that I have read the proposal form fully and the same was
interpreted to me by the agent and also declare that I have understood the nature of the questions and the
importance of disclosing all material information while answering such questions. I hereby declare that the
foregoing statements and answers to all questions, including those in the annexures signed by me, have been
given by me after fully understanding the questions and the same are true and complete in every particular and
that I have not withheld any information and I do hereby agree and declare that these statements and this
declaration shall be the basis of the contract of assurance between me and the Life Insurance Corporation and
that if any untrue averment be contained therein, the said contract shall be absolutely null and void and all
monies which shall have been paid in respect thereof shall stand forfeited to the Corporation. Not withstanding
the provision of any law, usage, custom or convention for the time being in force prohibiting any doctor/ hospital
and / or employer from divulging any knowledge or information about me concerning my health or employment
on the grounds of secrecy, I / my heirs, executors, administrators and assignees or any other person or persons
having interest of any kind whatsoever in the policy contract issued to me hereby agree that such authority
having such knowledge or information shall at anytime be at liberty to divulge any such knowledge or information
to the Corporation and its representatives (including but not limited to Third Party Administrators).
And I further agree that, if after the date of submission of the proposal but before the issue of the first
Premium Receipt (i) any change in the state of my health or my occupation or any adverse circumstances
connected with my financial position or (ii) if a proposal for an assurance or application for revival of policy on my
life made to any office of the Corporation or with any other insurer is withdrawn or dropped, deferred or accepted
at increased premium or subject to a lien or on terms other than as proposed, I shall forthwith intimate the same
to the Corporation in writing to reconsider the terms of acceptance of assurance. Any omission on my part to do
so shall render this Assurance invalid and all moneys, which shall have been paid in respect thereof, shall stand
forfeited to the Corporation. I hereby give my consent for undergoing medical examination/tests including test for
HIV as required by Corporation. I further declare that I have discussed my financial standing with the agent/
intermediary. I confirm that I have been informed about and have understood the benefits and exclusions under
this product for which I have made this application. In consultation with the agent/ intermediary, I have taken a
personal and independent decision in an informed manner to go for the Plan. I understand that the “application
money” deposited by me as a token consideration under this proposal for insurance, and the closing NAV on the
date of completion of this proposal only will be applied for allotment of units.
In case form is filled up / signed in a language different from that of the Proposal Form:
Declaration by the person filling in the form: “I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above
questions to the proposer in _________ language and I have truthfully recorded the answers given by the
“I certify that the contents of the form and documents have been fully explained to me by Mr/
Ms:___________________ and I have understood the significance of the proposed contract”.
In case the Proposer is illiterate, the thumb impressions of the Proposer should be attested by a
person of
standing whose identity can easily be established, but unconnected with the Corporation and this
should be made by him/her.
“I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions and contents of the proposal form to the
proposer in ______________language, and that the proposer has affixed his / her thumb impression above, in
my presence, after fully understanding the contents thereof.”
----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Signature or Thumb Impression of the Proposer Signature of the Medical Examiner
No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue Insurance in respect of
any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on
the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy, accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with
the published prospectus or tables of the insurer. Provided that acceptance by an insurance agent of commission in connection with a policy of life
insurance taken out by himself on his own life shall not be deemed to be an acceptance of a rebate of premium within the meaning of this sub section if at
the time of such acceptance the insurance agent satisfies the prescribed conditions establishing that he is a bona fide insurance agent employed by the
Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.
No policy of Life Insurance shall, after the expiry of two years from the date on which it was effected, be called in question by an Insurer on the ground
that a statement made in the proposal for insurance or any report of a medical officer or referee or friend of the Insurer or in any other document leading
to the issue of the Policy, was inaccurate or false, unless the insurer shows such statement was on material matter or suppressed facts which it was
material to disclose and that it was fraudulently made by the policy holder and that the policy holder knew at the time of making it that the statement was
false or that it suppressed facts which it was material to disclose.
Note: “Material” shall mean and include all important, essential and relevant information in the context of underwriting the risk to be covered by the
Check List
Please verify the following items under this checklist before submitting the proposal form to
LIC office.
1 Photo Addendum sheet (Form No. HI/PPL/1/a) with photos of members to be covered under
Health Insurance Policy (Photos to be pasted as per instructions on the addendum)
♦ YES ♦ NO
7 Full details of the health policies held on the life of the proposer in a separate sheet (if the
space provided in the proposal is not sufficient)
♦ YES ♦ NO
8 Full details of the Health and medical information on the lives of the proposer and members
on a separate sheet (if the space provided is not sufficient)
♦ YES ♦ NO
11 Proof of Residence (Telephone bill, Ration Card, Electricity bill, Bank A/c Statement, Letter
from any recognized public authority)
♦ YES ♦ NO
12 Proof of identity (Pass port, ‘PAN’ Card, Driving License, Voter’s identity, letter from a
recognized public authority verifying the identity and residence proof of the proposer)
14 Whether declarations have been signed at all places and duly witnessed
♦ YES ♦ NO
15 Whether Details and signature of appointee are taken in case of nominee being minor
♦ YES ♦ NO
16 Whether all fields are properly filled in (without any blanks or dashes)
♦ YES ♦ NO
Medical Requirements
50,000 to 1,00,000 NM NM NM A
1,00,001 to 2,00,000 NM NM A B
2,00,001 to 3,00,000 NM A A B
3,00,001 to 5,00,000 A B B C
Where A – MER, FBS, RUA; B – MER, FBS, RUA, HbA1c, ECG ; C – MER, FBS, RUA, HbA1c, TMT
Note: The above requirements are mandatory. In addition, if any other Medical/ Special reports are
called for by the underwriter, they will have to be furnished.
(Form No. HI/ACR/1)
Nature of duties
(a) Employment
(c ) HUF
(ii) Proof of income verified in respect of income stated above
3. Physical Measurements and Identification Marks of the Proposer and other Members (beneficiaries) to be insured under
the proposal.
Page 1 of 2 of ACR
Page 2 of 2 of ACR
I hereby declare that I have discussed the following aspects with the proposer/ members covered and the
statements recorded by me reflect the true answers and correct statements and bear testimony to the replies
given by the proposer/members covered:
I. I am personally satisfied that, the proposer is financially sound and that his income justifies the
current proposal.
II. I have personally seen the proposer/members covered and satisfied that he/ she does not have any
physical deformity or impaired sight or hearing problem or any mental retardation.
III. My inquiries regarding the health condition of the proposer/members covered do not reveal that the
proposer/members covered has suffered from any illness or has been investigated or hospitalized or
has undergone any surgical procedure or operation.
V. I have discussed with the proposer/members covered about the status of all his / their previous
health policies and that no policy has lapsed during the last 5 years and all his / their policies are in
VI. I have discussed and I am aware that no proposal or revival of policy on the life of the
proposer/members covered has been deferred, declined or dropped or accepted at terms other than
those proposed.
VII. I have also personally discussed about the occupation, financial and social status of the
proposer/members covered and I am aware that neither these nor any other circumstances will add
to the risk.
VIII. I have fully explained the terms and conditions of the health insurance plan to the proposer /
I further declare that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I am satisfied with the identity of the proposer/ members I am satisfied with the identity of the proposer/ members covered
covered and on the basis of my independent enquiries, I and on the basis of my independent enquiries, I hereby declare that
hereby declare that the foregoing statements are true and the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief knowledge and belief
Dated at on the day of 200 #### Dated at on the day of 200 200
Signature Signature
Name Name
Designation Designation
Affix Stamp size Affix Stamp size Affix Stamp size Affix Stamp size Affix Stamp size
photo only photo only photo only photo only photo only
Relation to
Signature of the
- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - -
Policy Number Division Name & Code Branch Name & Code Sent to TPA on
IMPORTANT: Form to be detached and sent to the TPA for the issue of Health Card
Bank Name
Details of
Note: I undertake to intimate regarding change in bank details to LIC promptly and I am aware that
claims arising under this Policy will be settled through the above Bank Account only.
The payments will be made based on the accuracy of the above data. Divisional Health Unit is
requested to verify data in Policy master and ensure accuracy of data.
Policy Number Division Name & Code Branch Name & Code
The Bank Account Details are verified with the data captured in the Policy Master and are
found to be in order and where discrepancies have been noticed the data has been corrected.
Employer’s DO Code
Nature of duties Initial Daily Cash
Benefit opted
Policy Number
1. Do you smoke or consume any form of tobacco and /or alcohol? ≤ Yes No
2. Are you currently taking any medication or drugs, either prescribed or not prescribed
by a doctor, or have you suffered from any illness, disorder, disability or injury during the past 5 years
which has required any form of medical or specialized examination (including X-ray, gynaecological
investigations, pap smear or blood tests), consultation, hospitalization or surgery? ≤ Yes No
3. Do you have any proposal for life, medical, health, accident, disability cover, critical illness or any other
health-related insurance that has been postponed, declined or accepted on special terms?
≤ Yes No
4. Do you have a parent and /or a brother or a sister who has suffered/suffering from, or died under the
age of 60 due to any of the following conditions: Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, raised
≤ Yes No
cholesterol, cancer, or any hereditary disease?
5. Do you have any surgery planned or are you currently aware of any medical condition that might
require medical advice/surgery in the near future?
≤ Yes No
b) Diabetes ≤ Yes No
c) Cardiovascular disease e.g.: Palpitations, heart attack, Stroke, chest pain ≤ Yes No
e) Cancer of any type e.g.: Leukaemia (blood cancer), cyst or growth of any kind ≤ Yes No
h) Digestive disease e.g.: Liver and gall bladder disorder, gastric ulcer, bleeding from
intestine or any other disorder of the digestive tract
≤ Yes No
j) Musculoskeletal diseases e.g.: prolapsed disc, back or neck complaint, any physical
disability or other disorder of the bones, joints, arthritis, gout etc
≤ Yes No
k) Neurological diseases e.g.: Fits, epilepsy, recurrent headache, paralysis, any other
disease or disorder of the brain, spinal cord or nerves.
≤ Yes No
7. Have you ever been tested positive for HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B or C or sexually
transmitted diseases?
≤ Yes No
8. Have you been absent from work for more than 5 continuous days in the last two
years due to health reasons?
≤ Yes No
10. Do you currently have any health insurance policy with LIC or any of the other companies? ≤ Yes No
11. Whether any Proposal submitted and is pending in any of the LIC Offices? ≤ Yes No
If the answer to any of the above questions (from 1-9) is “yes” please give details (such as units consumed,
diagnosis and further information as cured, still under treatment, treatment from / to, copies of hospital/
diagnostic reports, reasons, details of declined/rejected/cancelled proposals etc) hereunder. Please attach
separate sheet if necessary. For question numbers 10 & 11, if the answer is “ yes “, please submit details in a
separate sheet.
Are you pregnant now? Date of last Delivery Have you ever had any abortion or mis-carriage or Date of last
caesarian section? If so give details in a separate Menstruation
Wing to which Rank therein Date of last Medical Medical category after Were you ever below A-1 category If so
you belong Examination Medical Examination when
a. Whether the terms and conditions of the proposed plan have been explained to you by the agent ≤ Yes No
b. Have you understood fully, the terms and conditions of the plan you propose to take ≤ Yes No
And I further agree that, if after the date of submission of the proposal but before the issue of the first Premium
Receipt (i) any change in the state of my health or my occupation or any adverse circumstances connected
with my financial position or (ii) if a proposal for an assurance or application for revival of policy on my life
made to any office of the Corporation or with any other insurer is withdrawn or dropped, deferred or accepted
at increased premium or subject to a lien or on terms other than as proposed, I shall forthwith intimate the
same to the Corporation in writing to reconsider the terms of acceptance of assurance. Any omission on my
part to do so shall render this Assurance invalid and all moneys, which shall have been paid in respect
thereof, shall stand forfeited to the Corporation. I hereby give my consent for undergoing medical
examination/tests including test for HIV as required by Corporation. I confirm that I have been informed
about and have understood the benefits and exclusions under this product for which I have made this
application. In consultation with the agent/ intermediary, I have taken a personal and independent decision in
an informed manner to go for the Plan.
Dated at---------------------------------------on the ----------------------------day of---------------------200
C Consent by the Principal Insured -- I hereby give consent for including the above proposer
as a member beneficiary in my policy no.______________
In case form is filled up / signed in a language different from that of the Proposal Form:
Declaration by the person filling in the form:
“I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions to the above beneficiary in _________
language and I have truthfully recorded the answers given by the above beneficiary.”
“I certify that the contents of the form and documents have been fully explained to me by Mr /
Ms:__________________________________ and I have understood the significance of the proposed contract.
In case the Beneficiary is illiterate, the thumb impressions of the Beneficiary should be attested by a
person of standing whose identity can easily be established, but unconnected with the Corporation
and this declaration should be made by him/her.
“I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions and contents of the Annexure I to the
beneficiary in ______________language, and that the beneficiary has affixed his / her thumb impression above
in my presence after fully understanding the contents thereof.”
I certify that the beneficiary has signed / put his / her thumb impression in my presence after admitting that, all
answers to questions in this Annexure I are properly recorded.
--------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Signature or Thumb Impression of the Beneficiary Signature of the Medical Examiner
Policy Number
1. Is the life to be assured currently taking any medication or drugs, either prescribed or not
prescribed by a doctor, or has the minor ever suffered from any illness, disorder, disability or
injury during the past 5 years which has required any form of medical or specialised ≤ Yes No
examination (including X-ray, blood tests etc), consultation, hospitalisation or surgery?
2. Has the life to be assured any surgery planned or has the life to be assured currently been
advised to seek medical advice/surgery in the near future? ≤ Yes No
b) Diabetes ≤ Yes No
d) Genitourinary disease e.g.: Kidney disorder, Bladder disorder, urine abnormality, renal
stones or genital organ disorder. ≤ Yes No
e) Cancer of any type e.g.: Leukaemia (blood cancer), cyst or growth of any kind ≤ Yes No
j) Musculoskeletal diseases e.g.: prolapsed disc, back or neck complaint, any physical
disability or other disorder of the bones, joints, arthritis, gout etc ≤ Yes No
k) Neurological diseases e.g.: Fits, epilepsy, recurrent headache, paralysis, any other
disease or disorder of the brain, spinal cord or nerves.
≤ Yes No
4. Has the life to be assured ever been tested positive for HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B or C? ≤ Yes No
5. Has the life to be assured been absent from school/college for more
than 5 continuous days in the last two years due to health reasons? ≤ Yes No
6. Has the life to be assured involved or planning to be involved in a dangerous sport or hobby? e.g.:
diving, mountaineering, parachuting, private aviation, racing, etc. ≤ Yes No
7. Does the life to be assured have any health insurance policy with the LIC or
any of the other companies? ≤ Yes No
8. Whether any Proposal submitted and is pending on the life to be assured in any of the LIC Offices ? ≤ Yes No
If the answer to any of the above questions (from 1-6) is “yes” please give details (such as units consumed,
diagnosis and further information as cured, still under treatment, treatment from / to, copies of hospital/
diagnostic reports, reasons, details of declined/rejected/cancelled proposals etc) hereunder. Please attach
separate sheet if necessary. For question numbers 7 & 8, if the answer is “ yes “, please submit details in a
separate sheet.
I_________________________________________ hereby declare that the foregoing statements and answers to all
questions in this annexure signed by me, have been given by me after fully understanding the questions and the
same are true and complete in every particular and that I have not withheld any information and I do hereby
agree and declare that these statements and this declaration shall be the basis of the contract of assurance
between me and the Life Insurance Corporation for inclusion of the minor life mentioned above as one of the
beneficiaries under this contract and that if any untrue averment be contained therein, the said contract shall be
absolutely null and void and all monies which shall have been paid in respect thereof shall stand forfeited to the
Corporation. Not withstanding the provision of any law, usage, custom or convention for the time being in force
prohibiting any doctor/ hospital and / or employer from divulging any knowledge or information about the minor
life mentioned in this Annexure II, concerning his/her health on the grounds of secrecy, I / my heirs, executors,
administrators and assignees or any other person or persons having interest of any kind whatsoever in the policy
contract issued to me hereby agree that such authority having such knowledge or information shall at anytime be
at liberty to divulge any such knowledge or information to the Corporation and its representatives (including but
not limited to Third Party Administrators).
And I further agree that, if after the date of submission of the proposal but before the issue of the first Premium
Receipt (i) any change in the state of health of the minor life mentioned in this Annexure or (ii) if a proposal for
an assurance or application for revival of policy on the minor life, mentioned in this Annexure, made to any office
of the Corporation or with any other insurer is withdrawn or dropped, deferred or accepted at increased premium
or subject to a lien or on terms other than as proposed, I shall forthwith intimate the same to the Corporation in
writing to reconsider the terms of acceptance of assurance. Any omission on my part to do so shall render this
Assurance invalid and all moneys, which shall have been paid in respect thereof, shall stand forfeited to the
Corporation. I hereby give my consent for letting the beneficiary mentioned in this Annexure II to undergo
medical examination/tests including test for HIV as required by Corporation.
In case form is filled up / signed in a language different from that of the Proposal Form:
“I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions to the proposer in _________ language and I
have truthfully recorded the answers given by the proposer .”
“I certify that the contents of the form and documents have been fully explained to me by Mr /
Ms:__________________________________ and I have understood the significance of the proposed contract”.
“I hereby declare that I have fully explained the above questions and contents of the Annexure II to the proposer
in ______________language, and that the proposer has affixed his / her thumb impression above in my
presence after fully understanding the contents thereof.”
I certify that the proposer has signed / put his / her thumb impression in my presence after admitting that all
answers to questions in this Annexure II are properly recorded.
---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Signature or Thumb Impression of the Proposer Signature of the Medical Examiner