The Link 16thmay'09

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Published by Debabrata Malick, Chief Editor. The Link, at BISWA Computer Section, Danipali, Budharaja, Sambalpur. PIN-768004 Ph.No- 0663-2533597, Email: [email protected]

onference Hall in the

of Sri Nirmal Chandra

onal District Magistrate other two Vice

hairman of the district


Volume-102 16th May

r. Narayani Panda & Dr.

aik alongwith Sri Ram

norary Secretary of the

so on the dais on this

al tribute was given to and founder of

If you want to subscribe online The Link, please

growing family

enry Dunant, the great

d Cross Society. Sri Shiv

anager Public Relations


hankar Mishra, Manager

nted BISWA and spoke at the District Blood the morning that day

A Blood Donation Camp



................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................

Khirod Ch. Malick Pitabasa Sethi Duryodhan Malick Ajoy Shroff Shiv Prasad Meher Bibhu Prasad Mohanty Prasant Kumar Sahu Dr. Jharana Mishra
In this Issue... F Editorial F Participatory Planning for Watsan Intervention F Other news of BISWA


Rural Appraisal (PRA) as

its name suggests is a participatory socia


research methodologies

that takes into account

of local knowledge and

local people to make

by all the office bearers


their own appraisal, uses

analysis and plans. PRA

rs of the district branch.


y & Dr. Ambarish Panda,

mobilization and vario

e blood donation camp.

cer took their lead role

facilitate information s

and action among stak

th camp was organised


the morning that day. A


and foot wears were

The Link
Chief Editor Debabrata Malick Editor Ashisbala Dash DTP Govinda Ch. Tripathy
Central Office
BISWA At- Danipali, PO- Budharaja Dist. Sambalpur, PIN-768004 Tele fax- +91-663-2533597 Email:[email protected], [email protected]

BISWA is presently and sanitation

PRA exercises in villag

ng the inmates of Nari

implementation is p

Women Jail) earlier that

objectives of conductin

in a village are to get a the resources that can

red the dais with him. level officials from like, agriculture, veterinary, soil and other line articipated in it as the ers. Sri Shiv Prasad ger Public Relations it representing BISWA ner of District Level mmittee. He suggested points in the subject the programme; ers on ongoing climate make the programme e participatory by not shed farmers but also marginal farmers. The as appreciated and e committee.


problems of the village

the success of our proje


to have a broad id Sanitation constructed.

availability of space f


T h e L in k To,

On 24th April,

conducted at Amkun

91+663 2533597(O)

State Offices
ORISSA Gada Gopinath Colony, In front of High School, Plot No. E/7, PO: Rasulgarh Bhubaneswar-751010 CHHATTISGARH K-7, Sector-2, Agrasen Nagar, In front of Deendayal Upadhyay Nagar Thana Ring Road No.1, Raipur Chowk, Raipur (C.G.)

Dakara Gram Panchay



Block of Sambalpur D




organized by Mr.Ajit S

Village Leader, Mr. San

and Mr. Giridhari Mun

members. Prior to cond

Awareness G
the villages promoted

Hygiene trainings

and sanitation prog

ancillary support to the

Continued from Pg:2

The Lin
irreparable loss as opportunity to visit there the earlier day, so he was able to present a first hand report on caste conflict that broke out there due to scarcity of drinking water. He raised a point that, had there been a timely intervention to repair the tube well at the community, the suffering mass of that community would not have been compelled to go the tube well at the provision to conduct two assessment sessions, the first being conducted after a week of the training session and the second being conducted after a month of the training sessions. This will ensure that the training has actually benefitted the people and increased the knowledge level of the people who have undergone the exercise. other community and then there would not had been scope for any caste conflict. The chair agreed to that point and showed his concern on the knee jerk response of the concerned authority. The point raised by him in this connection, was duly placed in the official proceeding of the meeting. Then he discussed about the day to day incidents of fire breaking out in villages, the

mental with safe

sufferings of these fire role of we NGOs in this


of relief measures exten

y for

feedbacks were gathe

districts and the chairp

those points. The chairp participant members

ining ch is

the meeting with his re

ar set

action plans on prepar districts, as soon after


for the expected flood s

more users' friendly for

cers to follow it up. It

ensuing rain may cr

ted in the module to the risks that the are exposed to due to

forcing some flood si

ctual meanings of health

state. He promised

members again during t Summers would have

of June, as by then th

ic conditions and the

hat can prevent them

they might have their c


on ensuing flood. The m

rom this, there is a

its end by thanks from

WA Participated in SLCC of NGOs

of the meeting is to gather feedbacks from the NGOs from district level, as they are handling the critical situation at field levels to combat the prevailing unprecedented harsh summer situation. He whole hearted appreciated the pro-active role taken by the NGOs in the prevailing situation, as the state government & district administrations have their limitations to provide succours to suffering people. Incidentally Sambalpur was placed at the top of the column of highest temperatures at various prominent urban centres in the state, placed in the meeting. That provided a cue to Sri Shiv Prasad Meher, Manager Public Relations, who represented BISWA as the Convener of District Level Coordination Committee of NGOs in Sambalpur district. He initiated the discussion on the theme with citing the example of what happened at Sadhubahali Village of Salebhata Gram Panchayat in Naktideul Block in Sambalpur district. As he had an
Continued ... Pg.3

ate Level Coordination

Preparatory Meeting for Shitals

SLCC) Meeting of NGOs itigation Rajiv chaired OSDMA. Authority Bhawan, by He Sri was

sed by Odisha State


r on 12.05.2009. The


y, IAS as the Managing

d by Joint Director, General Manager of

ector, General Manager,

e dais. It was attended Coordination

all the Conveners of of NGOs & Honorary


Odisha State Branch of

ross Society alongwith

ves from UNDP & Inter

up of some state level

GOs. After a customary

self introduction by

members, the meeting

he business session. At

he Chairperson briefed said the sole purpose

s of purpose of the

T he Sambalpur Chapter of White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) decided to intensify the Safe Motherhood Campaign for its successful implementation in the district. It has requested the member NGOs to pursue the campaign in an effective manner. There was a meeting of the Chapter organised at BISWA campus on 08.05.2009 in the chairmanship of Sri K.C.Malick, Chairman BISWA & District Convener of the Chapter. The Chapter resolved to intensify the campaign by its member NGOs on a priority basis. The participating members discussed and resolved to organise rallies at school levels and to ensure to reach out to people for their active participation through

media awareness. Finan was identified as the ma the success of the camp assured the participati arrange fund for the welcomed with applaud nominated Sri Pradyum Assistant District Co consensus, where as Mr declared as the Distric meeting was attend Ashalata Pradhan, Mahanta, Sri Kumare Y.K.Mahakud as th functionaries of the m the Chapter. Earlier th already organised so m district to intensify the S Campaign.

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