Database Exam 1 Review
Database Exam 1 Review
Database Exam 1 Review
available in ANGEL. Questions 1-40: (80 points: 2 points each) 40 multiple choice questions Chapter 1: (15 questions) Difference among database, data, information, meta data, and data model o Database: organized collection of logically related data o Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events Structured: numbers, text, dates Unstructured: images, video, documents o Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person using the data o Metadata: data that describes the properties and context of user data Drawback of old traditional file methods o Disadvantages of File Processing Program-Data Dependence All programs maintain metadata for each file they use Duplication of Data Different systems/programs have separate copies of the same data Limited Data Sharing No centralized control of data Lengthy Development Times Programmers must design their own file formats Excessive Program Maintenance 80% of information systems budget o Problems with Data Dependency Each application programmer must maintain his/her own data Each application program needs to include code for the metadata of each file Each application program must have its own processing routines for reading, inserting, updating, and deleting data Lack of coordination and central control Non-standard file formats o Problems with Data Redundancy Waste of space to have duplicate data Causes more maintenance headaches The biggest problem: Data changes in one file could cause inconsistencies Compromises in data integrity Advantage of database approach o Solution: The Database Approach Central repository of shared data Data is managed by a controlling agent Stored in a standardized, convenient form Requires a Database Management System (DBMS) o Advantages of the Database Approach Program-data independence Planned data redundancy Improved data consistency Improved data sharing Increased application development productivity Enforcement of standards
Improved data quality Improved data accessibility and responsiveness Reduced program maintenance Improved decision support Difference between program-data dependence and program-data independence and their examples (Slides #7-#22 of Ch1 PowerPoint Slides and Sample Flat Files in the Chapter 1 folder in ANGEL) What DBMS does o Database Management System DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages hardware resources A software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to user databases
Costs and risks of the database approach o New, specialized personnel o Installation and management cost and complexity o Conversion costs o Need for explicit backup and recovery o Organizational conflict Different types of database technologies/database management systems (Hierarchical, network, relational, and object-oriented)
What is enterprise data model? What is its purpose and how it looks like. o First step in database development o Specifies scope and general content o Overall picture of organizational data at high o level of abstraction o Entity-relationship diagram o Descriptions of entity types o Relationships between entities o Business rules Database development process: know the steps, inputs and outputs from each step, what you do for each step. (Several phases of database design/development) Study this very thoroughly. Several questions will be asked about this.
Chapter 2, 3, 4 & 13 (25 questions) Different terms used to represent basically the same things in object-oriented class diagrams, entity relationship diagram, (relational data model), and relational database. For example, an object class in class diagrams, an entity type in entity relationship diagrams, (a relation in the relational data model), and a table in relational databases are different terms that represent basically the same thing.
What are candidate keys and primary keys (Identifiers)? How are they different? o Identifiers (Keys) Identifier (Key)an attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies individual instances of an entity type Simple versus Composite Identifier Candidate Identifier (Key)an attribute that could be a keysatisfies the require ments for being an identifier o Candidate Key (Possible Identifier) Properties/Attributes that uniquely identify each object (record) of a class/an entity. Student ID is a candidate key. Finger print is a candidate key.
Name is not a candidate key. Car entity type Vehicle No. License Plate No. Each of these uniquely identifies a particular car. They are both candidate keys. o Criteria for Identifiers Choose Identifiers that Will not change in value Will not be null Avoid intelligent identifiers (e.g., containing locations or people that might change) Substitute new, simple keys for long, composite keys o Primary Key (Identifier) A candidate key that has been selected as the identifier for a class/an entity type. Indicated by UNDERLINE. For Car class/entity, you can select either vehicle No. or License Plate No as the primary key. For Student class/entity, you can select Student ID or Finger print What is composite primary key? o Composite primary key (Identifier) More than one properties/attributes to identify a unique object instance. At FGCU, scheduled course is uniquely identified by a combination of year, semester and CRN. This is because CRN is re-used. Composite primary key is often too long to use. You may need to create a primary key such as scheduled course no. If US Government uses last name, first name, birth date and time, and birth place, we can probably uniquely identify each person. But the combination of all these is too long to use. US Government created an ID field, called SSN. SSN is not a natural property of human beings. If any of natural properties is not a good candidate, you should create a primary key field. What are single-valued attributes and multi-valued attributes? How are they different? (Study the Ch2 and Ch4 of the textbook, and Non-Normalized DB Sample in the Ch4 folder in ANGEL.)
What are simple attributes and compound/composite attributes? How are they different?
How to read ERD and Class diagram, especially relationship and its minimum and maximum cardinality/multiplicity. (Slides #41-57 of Ch2 PowerPoint Slides). There are several questions about this. What determines 1-1, 1-Many, and Many-Many relationships? What are differences among them? How do you read ERD and Class diagram to find a 1-1, 1-Many, and Many-Many relationship. (Slides #41-57 of Ch2 PowerPoint Slides) What are unary, binary and ternary relationships? What are differences among them? o Degree of Relationships Degree of a relationship is the number of entity types that participate in it Unary Relationship, Binary Relationship, Ternary Relationship
Is there any limit about how many relationships a table can have with other tables or with itself?
Why a many-to-many relationship sometimes needs to have attributes or properties (Slide #52-#59 of Ch2 PowerPoint Slides) What is super-type and sub-type relationship and what are typical examples of super-type and sub-type relationship? What is generalization and specialization super-type and sub-type relationship? (Slide #3#15 of Ch3 PowerPoint Slides) o Supertypes and Subtypes Enhanced ER model: extends original ER model with new modeling constructs Subtype: A subgrouping of the entities in an entity type that has attributes distinct from those in other subgroupings Supertype: A generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes Attribute Inheritance: Subtype entities inherit values of all attributes of the supertype An instance of a subtype is also an instance of the supertype How to add foreign key fields to transform a conceptual data model to a logical relational data model. (Slide #21-#47 of Ch4 PowerPoint Slides) There are several questions about this. What is a foreign key and purposes of foreign keys (Slide #11-13 of Ch4 PowerPoint Slides) What is the purpose of normalization (Slide #48 & #49 of Ch4 PowerPoint Slides) 1st, 2nd and 3rd normal form, full functional dependency, partial functional dependency, and transitive dependency, what normalization form a table is in and why, how to normalize a table up to 3NF. (Slide #50-#67 of Ch4 PowerPoint Slides) Entity constraints, Referential integrity, and Domain constraints. What they are, how they are implemented in a relational database (slide #14-#20 of Ch4 PowerPoint Slides). How to implement 1-1, 1-many, many-to-many relationships of conceptual data model in a relational data model/database (Slide #34-#58 and #66-78 of Ch2, and Slide #21-#47 of Ch4 PowerPoint Slides) How foreign keys, computed (derived) attributes and compound attributes are implemented in a relational data model and then a relational database (Slide #18-#30 of Ch2 PowerPoint Slides, and Slides #9-#13 and #21 of Ch4 PowerPoint Slides)
Question 41: (20 points) Develop a logical relational data model that whose classes/entity types are all normalized to the third normal form using an Object Class Diagram or ERD. [In the real exam, you will see short description of business operations here] 1. Given a user view (a figure) shown below, construct a logical relational data model using the Object Class Diagram/Entity Relationship Diagram. 2. Your diagram must show all necessary classes (entity types), properties (attributes), and associations (relationships) with appropriate minimum and maximum multiplicity (cardinality). 3. Consider only properties (attributes) that are necessary to support the user view shown below. Do NOT include unnecessary properties (attributes). 4. Indicate the primary keys. 5. Show all necessary foreign keys. 6. All classes (entity types, relations, tables) must be in 3NF. [In the real exam, you will see a sample form (figure) here]
Acronyms you need to memorize for multiple choice questions are : DBMS (Database management Systems) ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) OO (Object-Oriented). For example, OO Class Diagram means Object-Oriented Class diagram. RDBMS (Relational database management systems) 1NF (1st normal form) 2NF (2nd normal form) 3NF (3rd normal form)