Boiler Maintenancetasks PDF
Boiler Maintenancetasks PDF
Boiler Maintenancetasks PDF
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HEALTH & SAFETY Comply with any warning notices or site restrictions identified within the site safety plan held by the Responsible Person, and with any other specific or temporary hazards identified or advised during site induction/at time of visit. A specific risk assessment, to satisfy The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, must be carried out. Due consideration to this and any other statutory regulations e.g. COSHH 1999, Manual Handling Reg's 19992. Etc. must be made prior to carrying out any task detailed below. Risk assessments are to be carried out by the operatives employer. Relevant PPE shall be used as indicated by the relevant risk assessment. Due consideration must be given to the MoD Safe Systems of Work, consult with the appropriate Authorised Person where appropriate. Only appropriately appointed Skilled Persons may operate boiler plant. A Permit to work must be obtained before any part of the pressure system is breached. A) Caution should be exercised to avoid injury through accidental contact where surface temperatures are greater than 50C. B) When observing internal boiler firing conditions always use an inspection glass.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS This task is applicable to steam and hot water boilers. Other tasks in this series (see tasks 1 to 15) cover associated items in more detail 2.2 The requirements 016-019 apply to all boiler systems. 2.3 Where manufacturers operation and maintenance manuals are available, these must be consulted and any specific requirements taken into account. 2.4 The sub-contractor shall supply all water treatment chemicals associated with these tasks. 2.5 Where fixed instruments are not provided to record required boiler parameters, a suitable portable instrument shall be used. The details of the portable instrument used, and its calibration status at the time of use, are to be recorded on the work sheet. 2.6 The attached Boiler Logbook Sheets relate to all boiler plant and auxiliaries. Task 016 is to be carried out as required when a defect is suspected and the log book sheet completed indicating repair carried out and spares used. The information provided in the task instruction are the basic tasks required depending on the firing system, should further investigation be required to identify and correct the defect then this must be carried out in accordance with the Manufactures instructions. Task 17- the logbook sheet is to have all work carried out under annual maintenance on the boiler listed including any additional maintenance carried out as a result of this maintenance. Task 18 Arrange thorough examination and report by competent person. Task 19 The log book sheet is to list all boiler auxiliaries and all work carried out under annual maintenance to them identifying any additional maintenance carried out as a result of this maintenance. A copy of these Task Instructions are to be included in the boiler log book 2.7 Log Book Defect Sheet This is to be included at the front of the Log Book and completed on each occasion a defect is located and repaired whether within the Contract Lump Sum or not. 2.8 Checklist 1 relates to all boiler plant and auxiliaries. It is the Responsible Persons responsibility to amend the checklist to make it applicable to their specific boiler systems. Also any parameter that does not apply to a specific boiler system is to be deleted from the checklist before issue. 2.9 The attached Checklist is to be included on the Work Docket issued to the craftsman. Any parameter that does not apply to the specific boiler system for which the Work Docket is being issued is to be deleted from the checklist before issue. 2.10 Record all inspection findings. All items requiring repair shall be listed on the PPM work docket. Any repairs carried out under the Contract Lump Sum shall be indicated as such, any other items in this category requiring shut downs or spares shall be carried out following agreed procedures. Any deviation from accepted operation or any defects considered to present a safety hazard shall be reported to the responsible person, who will advise the client as required. 2.11 The attached task instructions highlight the basic elements that believe should be carried out as a minimum requirement. The sub-contractor may adopt these instructions or submit there their own method statements for approval. The task instructions provided are generic in form and will require modifying to suit specific equipment/systems being maintained. It should be noted that the full requirements of the relevant reference documents must be complied with; the list provided here is not exhaustive. Lead reference documents: -
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The Clean Air Act 1983 HSE Automatically Operated Steam and Hot Water Boilers Guidance Note PM5 1989 HSE Safety in Pressure Testing Guidance Note GS4 1992 HSE Steam Boiler Blow Down Systems Guidance Note PM60 1987 Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 L56 Safety in the installation and use of gas systems and appliances 1995 Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 HSG 93 The assessment of pressure vessels operating at low temperature. 1993 L122 Safety of Pressure systems. Pressure System Safety Regulations 2000. ACOP 2000 PSA MEEG Vol. 4 Sections 2.101and 2.102 BS 5978-1:1989 Safety and performance of Gas Fired hot water boilers (60KW-2MW input). Specification for general requirements. BS 5978-2:1989 Safety and performance of Gas Fired hot water boilers (60KW-2MW input). Specification for additional requirements for boilers with atmospheric burners. BS 5978-3:1989 Safety and performance of Gas Fired hot water boilers (60KW-2MW input). Specification for additional requirements for boilers with forced or induced draught burners. CP 3000:1955 Code of Practice for the Installation and Maintenance of underfeed stokers. BS EN 297 303-1:1999 Heating Boilers with Forced Draught Burners-Terminology, general requirements, testing, and marking. BS EN 297 303-2:1999 Heating Boilers with Forced Draught Burners-Special requirements for boilers with atomising oil burners. BS EN 297 303-3:1999 Heating Boilers with Forced Draught Burners-Assembly comprising boiler body and a forced draught burner. BS EN 656:2000 Gas Fired Central Heating boilers. Type B of nominal heat input exceeding 70KW but not exceeding 300KW. 98/716517 DC Shell boilers Part 7. Requirements for firing systems for liquid and gaseous fuels (prEN125953-7) 98/717177 DC Shell boilers Part 10. Requirements for feedwater and boiler water quality (prEN125953-10) 99/715321 DC Shell boilers Part 9. Requirements for limiting devices and safety circuits for the boilers and accessories (prEN125953-10) 00/705373 DC (prEN 13836) Gas fired central heating boilers. Type B boilers of nominal heat input exceeding 300KW but not exceeding 1000KW.
Task Numbers AD-PPM-016-019 are to be shown on all work dockets as appropriate *Mandatory Frequencies to individually assessed per site approved through Authorising Engineers * Table below guideline only.
Task No
Lead Ref.
Inspect, clean and report any defects on boilers, flues and equipment Inspect, clean, service adjust and overhaul, boilers and flues Arrange thorough examination report by a competent person Inspect, clean, service, adjust and overhaul as necessary boiler auxiliaries
As necessary
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TASK 016 (As Reqd) INSPECT CLEAN & REPORT ANY DEFECTS ON BOILERS FLUES OR EQUIPMENT PROCEDURES Carefully inspect all operating components of the boiler installation and observe any deficiencies in operating conditions, readings of fixed or portable instruments, and for evidence of any unusual sounds, vibrations or smells.
1 (a)
From observation of operating conditions, readings of fixed or portable instruments, it will become apparent when: Coal Fired Boilers (i) boiler fireside surfaces need cleaning (ii) Coal fire beds need cleaning. (iii) system temperatures/pressures need investigation Heavy Fuel Oil fired boilers (i) boiler fireside surfaces need cleaning (ii) Burner nozzles etc. need cleaning. (iii) the burner requires re-setting (iv) system temperatures/pressures need investigation Natural gas, LPG, Light fuel oil (i) the burner requires re-setting (ii) system temperatures/pressures need investigation.
Cleaning Fireside Surfaces. 2 On-load Turn burner or stoker to low fire and use pneumatic percussion lances and alkali spray guns where available. These are particularly effective in cleaning water tube and economic boilers through access holes in the casing whilst still on load. Ensure that gas-tight joints are remade on all soot doors and access openings before returning boiler to service. 3 Off-load Shut boiler damper to prevent rapid chilling of tube plates and the drawing of loose deposits into flueways. Protect burner or stoker mechanism, motors and control gear with dustsheets. Use appropriate hand or power driven tools whilst surfaces are warm and dry. Industrial type portable vacuum plant is recommended for removing deposits collecting in combustion chambers, return casings, economisers, ducts and site flues or brick-set boilers or similar inaccessible places. Note defects such as corrosion or leaking tubes and report to the responsible person for remedial action.
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TASK 017 (1Y) INSPECT, CLEAN, SERVICE, ADJUST & OVERHAUL AS NECESSARY BOILERS AND FLUES PROCEDURES Items 1 to 6 shall be undertaken where applicable to the particular installation and as required. Obtain Permit to Work from Authorised Person prior to carry out following work. Boiler isolated and system de-pressurised. 1. All pressure vessels shall be vented to release pressure or vacuum before opening up for internal inspections. Hosing down whilst still warm will prevent soft loose scale baking hard and simplify any subsequent de-scaling. 2. Remove inspection covers from float chambers, thoroughly clean mechanism, check free movement and ensure that drain pipes and tappings into boiler or drum space are not obstructed. Renew all jointing material and check soundness of any electrical connection. 3. Examine seatings, faces, spindles and glands of valves, cocks and other mountings. Safety valves shall be tested to prove lift pressure. Remove and test accuracy of Boiler pressure or altitude gauges using a deadweight or standard gauge set. Renew water gauge glasses and seals. Consult the Competent Person about inspection requirements. 4. Treatment of the make-up water should prevent the formation of scale but if hard scale is present, descaling will be necessary. The thickness of scale should be recorded. 5. Examine furnaces; tube plates etc. for signs of leakage or corrosion. Clean out boiler flueways, ducts and chimney bases using portable vacuum plant and power tools if available. Ensure damper plates are securely fixed to spindles and operate correctly. Plug air leaks, repair or renew damaged gaskets, corroded platework and tubes. 6. Ensure that where required the Competent Person (Insurance Inspector) has carried out their examination, and given permission for the boiler to be closed up. 7. When all relevant tasks are completed prepare boilers and heat exchangers etc. for closing. First check internal fittings, fastenings and safety devices are sound and free to operate. Visually check that the boiler is clear of all foreign material, before replacing mountings and refilling with water.
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TASK 018 (1Y) Arrange thorough examination and report by competent person. PROCEDURES 1.0 1.1 2.0 Purpose To define a standard procedure for the Thorough and Working Examination of Boiler Plant and Report by the Competent Person. Scope All RPC Scotland Sites where Task 18 are required to be carried out. These tasks only apply to steam boilers and those above 150kW rated output. References Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000, HS(R) 30, ACoP 37. Process - Co-ordination of Statutory Maintenance. SRP02. Pressure systems Health and Safety The boiler must be isolated from all services and a Permit to Work issued in accordance with the Prime Contractors Safe Systems of Work. A permit to enter a confined space may be required if the Competent Person (CP) enters a boiler. 5.0 5.1 6.0 Responsibilities All RFCA employees and Supply Chain Partners involved with Tasks 18 Operation An annual visual inspection of a boiler and boiler mountings by a CP, in accordance with the Written Scheme of Examination. The inspection is normally in two stages; an examination of the cold dismantled plant and working examination when the boiler has been re-assembled. During the working inspection the CP will satisfy himself that the systems indicating and controlling pressure, temperature, burners, water level, and blow-down are working correctly. The preparation of the plant is an opportunity for the Maintenance Manager to satisfy himself that it is operating correctly and economically. The presence of significant quantities of soot, scorching of tubes and tube plates, cracking (particularly of tube plates) indicate that the burners are incorrectly set up. Scale on wetted surfaces, large quantities of rust or very bright metal surfaces indicate incorrect water treatment. Large quantities of sediment in the bottom of the water space of steam boilers can indicate poor water treatment and/or insufficient blowdown. There should be only one copy of the Written Scheme of Examination. Copying is discouraged. The original of the written scheme must be the basis of the CPs examination and permits to work. If, for exceptional reasons, copies are made they must be clearly marked as such on each page and destroyed as soon as they are no longer required. The Written Scheme must be modified to accurately record changes to the system when they occur. Annotations may be made by hand as long as any changes are clear and easily understood. When there are too many changes and the document may cause confusion a new written scheme should be sought from the Competent Person. The Area Professional Advisor will comply with the baseline inspection programme and will submit a schedule of boiler inspections to the SER/Facility Manager. An agreed schedule
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will then be passed to the CP. The CP must be kept fully informed and given sufficient notice on any subsequent changes to the schedule. As most boilers are associated with heating and DHWS this work should be scheduled for May /June to allow time for remedial work to be carried out before the next heating season.
Preparation should be such that all the surfaces to be examined are free from soot, dirt, scale, rust and jointing and gasket residues. The CP may use a hammer to ring certain components. Depending on the type of system the CP may ask for pipes, valves, pumps and controls to be removed from the main boiler and broken down for examination. Non Destructive testing, (NDT) may be required to confirm the thickness and integrity of the remaining metal where there has been significant wasting, erosion and wire-drawing. Thickness is normally determined using ultrasonic measurement. The presence and extent of cracking, particularly around welds, is determined using fluorescent penetrative dyes. Records The CP will utilise an e-reporting system where possible to provide a report of examination and duplicate as soon as is practicable after completing the examination. In any event to arrive within 28 days of the completion of the examination. The report shall: State which parts of the system have been examined, the condition of those parts and the results of the examination. Specify repairs or modifications and the date by which they must be completed, or any changes to the safe operating limits that must be made. The report shall: Specify the date after which the pressure system may not be operated without a further examination. The report shall: State whether the scheme of examination is suitable or requires modification. A typical report of examination of a pressure system should contain the following information. (All systems refers to transportable and installed systems). 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 All Systems: Name and address of owner. Whether subject to a written agreement under Schedule 3. (Hired or loaned) YES/NO. Installed Systems: Address of location of system and name of user if different from ( All Systems Identification of system of part(s) of system examined (i.e. vessel number. A serial number or other permanent ID is required. Boiler No. 1 or Left Hand Boiler is not acceptable.) Condition of system or parts examined. Result of examination. Any repairs which are needed and the time within which they should be completed.
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Any changes in the safe operating limits of the system and the date by which those changes should be made. In the light of any deterioration, or other circumstances, whether any change is advised in the scheme of examination. Date by which the next examination is required to have been completed. Where the current examination has been postponed in accordance with regulation 9(7), names of appropriate members of both the competent persons and the users/owners organisation, date of giving the relaxation and the new date by which the examination was to be completed. Other observations. (Note: This examination relates to those parts of the pressure system where there is a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury from system failure). Date of current examination. Name and address of competent person carrying out examination. Signature (or authorisation). Date of report. Certificate of examination, utilising an approved e-reporting system, where possible.
Attachments N/A.
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TASK 019 (1Y) INSPECT, CLEAN, SERVICE, ADJUST & OVERHAUL AS NECESSARY ALL BOILER AUXILIARIES PROCEDURES Items 1 to 14 shall be undertaken where applicable to the particular installation and as required. Obtain Permit to Work from Authorised Person prior to carry out to following work. Boiler isolated and system de-pressurised.
1. Thoroughly overhaul the mechanism of solid fuel mechanical and gravity fed automatic stokers, elevators and conveyors. Renew all lubricants with correct grades. Clean filters on air compressors; overhaul valves and pistons or gears etc., renew oil to correct level, check drive tension and alignment and examine drains. Examine switch and relay contacts for signs of wear or burning, re-face or renew and adjust as necessary. Check fuses for correct ratings and electrical connections for soundness. Test operation of starting sequence and selection controls before returning to service. When replacing firebars on hand-fired grates allow space for expansion or growth and ensure level surface to avoid fouling stoking tools. Remove ash deposits from air ducts and tuyeres. Overhaul furnace doors, air slides and damper gear. Renew all damaged refractory brickwork. 2. Overhaul oil or gas burners strictly in accordance with makers instructions. 3. Check tightness of fuel valves, servicing as necessary. Check condition of flexible hoses replacing any damaged ones 4. Check fan casings and internal seams for deterioration and impeller blades for damage or erosion affecting balance and efficiency. 5. Remove deposits from air pre-heaters; steam super-heaters and economisers using power driven tools and vacuum plant if available. Economisers should be isolated, cooled and drained. Remove selected top caps, branch lids and bends for internal inspection, flush out, close up and refill. Record and report evidence of leakage or corrosion. Overhaul permanent soot-blowing and mechanical, scraping gear. 6. Renew oversized or eroded steam jets with recommended sizes; check their alignment with channels in patent fire bar grates. Inspect and replace faulty water sprayers. Clean, refurbish or renew with water grit jets as necessary. 7. Dismantle, where appropriate, pumps. Inspect and examine impellers, pistons or rotor gears for excessive wear and erosion. Clear and check shafts, bearings and glands. Reassemble, with correct rotation, renew appropriate lubricants and test delivery pressures. 8. Tanks are to be hosed down with clean fresh water, thoroughly cleaned and dried out. Damaged paintwork is to be wire brushed to bare metal and the paint system restored to a good commercial standard. 9. Remove the heater coils from the heating and pumping unit or burner pre-heater and clean with paraffin before replacing. 10. Clean floats, test for perforation and lubricate all friction points. 11. Ensure that electrical connections are sound, gas pressure and draught lines are leak proof, aspirators functioning correctly and instruments zero when in OFF position. Check remote contents gauges against accurately calibrated dip sticks in storage tanks. Major adjustments and repairs should be undertaken only by the manufacturers staff or trained instrument mechanics strictly in accordance with the makers service manuals. 12. Examine all motors for overheating, undue noise or vibration and ensure that flexible couplings or beltdrive tension are in order. Use a hand blower to remove dust from brush gear and windings. Confirm that holding down bolts and electrical connections are tight. 13. Check that damper levers operate freely and positively on manual and automatic control. Explosion relief doors should be free to move, pivots or springs sound and seatings gas tight. Draught stabilisers are to be checked for free movement, pivots cleaned, lubricated and adjusted if required. 14. Check that Motorised valves operate freely and positively on manual and automatic control. 15. Service Pressurisation Unit. (a) Unless advised to the contrary by the responsible person, a recognised manufacturer of such equipment may only do this work under annual contract arrangements. 16. When all relevant tasks are completed prepare boilers etc. for closing. First check internal fittings, fastenings and safety devices are sound and free to operate. Visually check that the boiler is clear of all foreign material, before replacing mountings and refilling with water. 17. Plant controls, ancillary equipment, fire valve systems and other safety devices are to be functionally tested and left in good working order.
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18. Replace all insulating valve covers, repair any damaged insulation. Check pipework identification markings are in place.
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Checklist No Task Group 2 Tasks Establishment_____________________ Location_________________________ System-LTHW/MTHW/HTHW System Type-District Heating/Ind Bldg Heating Fuel-Nat Gas/LPG/Gas Oil/Light FO/Heavy FO/Coal Frequency- (A) Annually Complete cells with S/NS Y/N as work completed Record any defects here: -
Date-Week Comm.
Week No
Task 017
Obtain Permit to Work from Authorised Person (as reqd) Open vessel hose down whilst warm to remove scale Inspect float chambers, clean & check mechanism free. Ensure that drainpipes and tapings into boiler or drum space are not obstructed. Examine seatings, faces, spindles and glands of valves, cocks and other mountings.
Boiler No1 Boiler No2 Boiler No3 Safety valves tested to prove lift pressure Boiler No1 Boiler No2 Boiler No3 Plug air leaks, repair or renew damaged gaskets, corroded platework and tubes When all relevant tasks are completed prepare boilers and heat exchangers etc. for closing. Internal fittings, fastenings and safety devices checked and free to operate. Check that the boiler is clear of all foreign material, before replacing mountings and refilling with water. Remove and test accuracy of Boiler pressure or altitude gauges Renew water gauge glasses and seals Consult the Competent Person about inspection requirements Record the thickness of scale. CP to advise on descaling Examine furnaces; tube plates etc. for signs of leakage or corrosion
Ensure damper plates are securely fixed to spindles and operate correctly
System-LTHW/MTHW/HTHW System Type-District Heating/Ind Bldg Heating Fuel-Nat Gas/LPG/Gas Oil/Light FO/Heavy FO/Coal Frequency- (A) Annually Complete cells with S/NS Y/N as work completed
Record any defects here: -
Date-Week Comm.
Week No
Task 019
Overhaul furnace doors, air slides, damper gear Service oil/gas burners as makers instructions Replace any damaged flexible hoses Check fan casing and impeller blades for damage As appropriate examine pump impellers, rotor gears, for wear. Repair/replace as necessary As appropriate examine pump shafts, bearings and glands Repair/replace as necessary
Boiler No1 Boiler No2 Boiler No3 Clean tanks internally, externally. Restore paint systems Boiler No1 Boiler No2 Boiler No3 Check all dampers operate manually and automatically Boiler No1 Boiler No2 Boiler No3 Check all motorised valves operate manually and automatically Service pressurisation unit as manufactures instructions Replace all insulating covers, repair damaged insulation Check boilers, servicing complete. Rebuild and reinstate Remove, & clean heater coils. All types. Examine all motors for overheating, noise, vibration Examine all motors, flexible couplings, belt t drives Clean all motors brush gear and windings with blower Check all motor connections and holding down bolts.
Establishment_____________________ Log Book Task Group 02 Log Book Page No 1 Page No 01 Task No 016 For Boilers Task Boilers Job Inspect, clean and report any defects on Inspect/Clean Equipment/Boilers boilers, flues and equipment See Task Instructions for Task Group 02 Location .. Frequency As Necessary
NOTES Record overleaf details of defects and remedial action taken, noting when a defect occurs before the part concerned has had a reasonable life Date Description of Equipment Inspected/Serviced Reference No. or Location Initials
Log Book Task Group 02 Page No 02 Task No 017 Task Boilers Inspect/Clean Boilers/Equipment See Task Instructions for Task Group 02 Frequency Annually
NOTES Record overleaf details of defects and remedial action taken, noting when a defect occurs before the part concerned has had a reasonable life Date Description of Equipment Inspected/Serviced Reference No. or Location Initials
Establishment_____________________ Log Book Task Group 02 Log Book Page No3 Page No 03 Task No 019 For Boilers Task Service Auxiliaries Job Inspect, clean, service, adjust and overhaul See Task Instructions for Task as necessary boiler auxiliaries Group 01 See Task Instructions for Task Location. Group 2 Frequency Annually
NOTES Record overleaf details of defects and remedial action taken, noting when a defect occurs before the part concerned has had a reasonable life Date Description of Equipment Inspected/Serviced Reference No. or Location Initials