Dissertation Report On Working Capital Management
Dissertation Report On Working Capital Management
Dissertation Report On Working Capital Management
+ + +
To determine the optimal debt share * h , it is necessary to specify a particular function
form for is jurisdictions borrowing cost. Following Temple (1994) and others, this
function is assumed to be linear and can be written as (2). Equation (2) captures the fact
that cost of municipal borrowing will increase as the level of borrowing as well as other
factors increase. Substituting (2) into (3), taking first derivative with respect to h and
setting it equal to zero, we get the optimization solution for h
(1 ) (1 )
c f
t D t qY fZ
t eI
+ + +
Through comparative static, equation (4) generates a set of testable hypotheses
a) the level of state and local capital outlay I (-),
b) the other cost of borrowing factor Z (-)
c) the rate of discount D (+)
d) the per capita income Y (+)
e) the current tax price
t (+)
f) the future tax price
t (-)
Optimal debt share * h is negatively related to the investment level I. An increase in
investment I will increase the borrowing cost r (from equation (3)) and consequently
reduces the debt level. In the above analysis, all variables but h are assumed to be
exogenous, but it might be the case that the debt share itself is a function of investment I,
through their relationship with borrowing cost r. This possible endogeneity might be
responsible for the predicted negative relationship between the debt share and the level of
capital investment. Eberts and Fox (1992) posit that the optimal debt share (the share of
total city funds obtained through borrowing in their paper) will increase with the level of
capital investment due to the concerns of the residents for tax-smoothing. In this
dissertation, this problem will be avoided because the possible endogeneity will be
controlled for by explicitly including an equation for borrowing cost and an equation for
investment level into a simultaneous system. As specified in equation (1), the cost of
borrowing will increase as the level of G and other factors Z increase. As a result, the
other factors vector Z as a whole is predicted to have a negative impact on debt level. It is
important to mention that specific factor(s) in Z may or may not follow the predicted sign
for Z vector as a whole, because the specific functional form
is undecided. Higher
discount rate D means that the current debt burden will become smaller to the resident in
the future, so the resident prefer more and more debt financing in the current period as D
increases. The personal income Y has a positive impact (since q < 0) on debt share. This
indicates that when a jurisdictions per capita income raises, it will rely more on debt to
finance capital project. This happens probably because higher per capita income will
reduce borrowing interest costs and therefore make borrowing a more attractive financing
method as compared to taxing. Finally, residents who pay a higher tax price
t are
expected to prefer postponing their tax liability until future, so higher tax price will
positively influence debt share; on the contrary, residents facing higher future tax price
t would rather pay more tax now than in the future, resulting in a lower debt share.
It should be noted that (4) can be rewritten as
(1 ) (1 )
c f
e f
t D t qY fZ
D h I
t e
+ + +
where * h I equals level of current capital outlay funded by debt (
) for the
jurisdiction, after an optimal debt share has been chosen.
This equation suggests that once the current, future tax prices, discount rate and other
issuer and issuance characteristics are fixed, there exists a unique debt level that
minimizes the price of public capital expenditure P for the jurisdiction. The public
investment I is assumed to be exogenous in equation (4) and (5), but studies show that
this might not be the case. So we now turn to look at the determinants of I.
3.4 A model of public capital investment
Following Temple (1990), the analysis of the determinants of public investment will
adopt a median voter model.
In a particular jurisdiction, a median voters utility function is written as
( , , ) U U K E X
where K = the flow of services from the accumulated capital stock possessed by
states and localities. The capital term in the utility function is equal to
(1 ) K d K I
, where I is the level of current capital expenditures,
d is the depreciation rate, and
d) the rate of discount D (+)
e) the future tax price
t (-)
f) the cost of borrowing factors Z (-)
The desired public investment level that maximizes a median voters utility is a
positively related to personal income. Higher per capita personal income will raise tax
revenue, so it will make the jurisdiction able to make more investment in infrastructure.
Additionally, higher income may also call for more investment in public infrastructure.
Increases in intergovernmental revenue will also increase the investment level, because
even if the intergovernmental revenue may not be directly used to fund infrastructure, it
may still lead to higher investment level due to substitution effect. Last one periods
capital stock has a negative impact on current capital outlay. This is so probably because
the more the existing capital stock in the previous period, the less likely the jurisdiction
need for more investment in the current period. Future tax price is negatively related to
public investment level for the same reason as described earlier. Finally, other variables
such as D,
t and those included in the Z vector influence the investment level through
their effects on the debt share. Some studies show that the investment level I rely on
infrastructure needs as well as the cost of capital investment, but not on debt share or
method of financing. This is similar to the statement that the market value of any private
firm must be independent of its capital structure (Miller, 1977). Temple (1990) doesnt
have debt share in her derivation of I , but she then includes it in the estimation. Her
findings show that the debt share variable is insignificant in the determination of
investment level.
3.5 A model of economic growth and public investment
Personal income Y is routinely used in growth models as an independent variable
standing for outcome. Solow-Swan and Ramsey models serve as example. It has also
been found to be a significant determinant in a variety of models attempting to explain
borrowing costs (Kriz,2000; Peng, 2000, p.49 )and regional capital investment (Deno &
Eberts, 1991), but very few of them consider income, investment and borrowing costs
together. Even fewer are the studies that link personal income to debt. Deno and Eberts
(1991) use a simultaneous system to explain the relationship between income and
investment at local level, but they ignore the problem of debt; Temple (1990) finds the
simultaneity between debt share and investment at state level, but she assumes personal
income is exogenous in the system. Existing literature seems to suggest that economic
growth (measured as personal income per capita), public capital investment, debt (debt
level or debt share) and borrowing costs are all interrelated. For the first time, this
dissertation attempts explore these four variables together in one system. In addition,
most current literature analyze state and local economic problem in a static framework,
but this may not be appropriate since the time elements of economic activities are not
taken into account. To address this deficiency, my dissertation develops a model for
regional economic growth using a dynamic approach.
In a neoclassical macroeconomics with endogenous growth, assuming the
government purchases of goods and services, G, enter into the production function as
pure public goods, the function for aggregated outcome, Y, is written as (Barro & Sala-i-
Martin, 2004, pp. 24-26)
( ) [ ( ), ( ), ( )] Y t Y K t L t T t
( ) Y t
= the flow of output produced at time t
( ) K t
= capital investment
( ) L t
= labor input
( ) T t
= technology
= time
The total capital investment at time t can be written as
( ) ( ) ( )
p g
K t K t K t +
( ) ( ) ( )
p g
I t I t I t +
( )
K t
= private capital investment at time t
( )
K t
= government capital investment at time t
( )
I t
= private capital investment at time t
( )
I t
= government capital investment at time t
From previous notation
( )
K t
( )
I t
(11) becomes
( ) [{( ( ) ( )}, ( ), ( )]
p g
Y t Y K t I t L t T t +
Now define the jurisdictions public investment rate at time t,
( ) u t
( )
( )
( )
I t
u t
Y t
Let ( ) Y t
denote the net increase in output
( ) Y t
: ( ) ( ) / Y t Y t t
. ( ) Y t
must be a function
( ) u t
( ) Y t
and t, so
( ) ( , , ) Y t f t Y u
Now consider a time period T, during which the output
( ) Y t
would increase from its
initial value
to its maximum value
( ) Y T
, or
(0) Y Y
( ) Y T
The question at hand now becomes: under (a) and (b), find a
( ) u t
that satisfy (c). This is
equivalent to its dual problem: when
( ) Y T Y
, minimize T. For simplicity, we set T=1
(year), so
(0) Y Y
(1) Y Y
( ( )) J u t dt
Summarizing, our objective is to find a
( ) u t
that minimizes J at every point of time,
under the conditions (a) and (e). This problem can be solved by constructing a
Hamiltonian function
1 ( , , ) H f t Y u +
Solving for
( ) u t
to find an optimal control path
( ) Y t
, we get
0 1
'( ) ( , , )
( , , ) 0
( ) ( , , )
(0) , (1)
t f t Y u
f t Y u
Y t f t Y u
It is necessary to specify the function
in (a) so as to derive the relationship between
( )
I t
and Y (t). First, we define the relative growth rate of output as / Y Y
. If the
private investment at time t,
( )
I t
is held constant, the relationship between the public
investment rate u and relative growth rate of output
will decrease as u increases. It is most helpful to think about the two extremes:
suppose for now there is no private sector in the economy, if the government invests
nothing in capital infrastructure for a certain period t , u = 0 (suppose this period is
For a discussion of Hamiltonian function, please see Chiang & Wainwright (2005).
sufficiently long that the flow of services from past capital investment can be neglected),
the economy of the jurisdiction will stop growing or even gain a negative growth,
because the economy relies on such essential publicly provided goods as road, electricity,
water, etc. to function healthily; conversely, if the government invests all of its revenue in
the infrastructure 1 u , the economy will also stop growing or even worse, other the
producing and other sections of the economy will have little resource as input. With the
private sector in the economy, things may look differently, because, for example, private
firms may assume some of the governments functions such as building roads, producing
tap water, etc, but the government investment will still exhibit the same basic pattern as
described above, just on a smaller scale. This analysis here is analogous to the Golden
Rule of Capital Accumulation first introduced by Phelps (1966). It is believed that this
concave pattern of saving described by Phelps not only is valid on consumption, but also
on the economic growth through its effects on consumption. Having laid that
groundwork, we can now write out the simplest form of function
that complies with
the pattern of Golden Rule:
/ ( ) Y Y u a bu
where a and b are constant and positive
(i) implies that ( ) Y Yu a bu
Substituting (j) into (h) gives
0 1
'( ) ( )
( 2 ) 0
( ) ( )
(0) , (1)
t u a bu
a bu Y
Y t u a bu Y
The solution for (k) is
( )
u t
( )
Y t Y e
Y b
a Y
This solution implies that if a benevolent social planner is ever to choose a u to maximize
growth rate for a certain period t, he or she would choose ( )
u t
, and the growth rate
( ) Y t
achieves its maximum at
Y e
. In addition, the minimum time T needed for
( ) Y t
grow from
is found at
Y b
a Y
into equation (j), we get
Y aI b
To maximize (14) is equivalent to maximizing (12) if we differentiate both side of (12)
with respect to t, and from (l) we know that the maximum value of
can be found at
If we substitute
into (14), we get
e e
Y a b
h h Y
Although the specific function of (12) is not derived here, we are already able to generate
a set of testable hypotheses based on (12) and (15), and on standard macroeconomic
theory as outlined in Barro & Sala-i-Martin (2004)
a) the government long-term debt
b) the government long-term debt squared
c) the previous period per capita personal income of Y (-)
d) the per capita labor input L (+)
e) the per capita private capital
The optimal control model for public investment and economic growth rate certainly
draws on a set of assumption, but the model and some of the assumptions will be put to
test by the data.
Many macroeconomic models assume a non-distorting lump-sum tax to simplify the
analysis, but in reality US is using a progressive or regressive tax system which is always
distorting. The possibility of issuing debt not only makes it possible for public investment
to adjust to its optimal level, but also helps keep tax rate lowand consequently reduce
its negative impacts on economic growth. As a mediator, debt itself may have no direct
relationship with local economy, but it affects the economic growth through two devices:
Here we adopt a Solow-Swan model which assumes positive and diminishing returns to private inputs.
public investment and tax. As shown earlier, public investment rateand therefore the
debt and debt share, may exhibit a quadratic relationship with growth. But the impact
pattern of tax is not clear. For now, it is possible to assume that taxes are distorting and
have linearly negative effects on the economy. So its possible to add another hypothesis
to be tested:
f) the tax rate(income and property) T (-)
3.6 The simultaneous equation system and hypotheses
From above analysis, we obtain a set of four-equation system that will be estimated in
the next chapter. Hypotheses generated from these equations will be tested. For
simplicity, the equations are presented only with endogenous variables; exogenous
variables for each equation are denoted as
respectively . Details about these
exogenous variables will be discussed in the chapter of estimation.
1) Debt level equation:
2) Cost of borrowing equation:
r = r (
, Y,
3) Public capital investment equation:
(Y, r,
4) Economic growth equation:
, Y)
5) Identity based on equation (9)
[ ]
g e
Y X t E I D F + +
IV. Empirical Research
4.1 General Procedure
This dissertation will adopt both cross-sectional and panel data framework. The
rationale behind the cross-sectional framework is threefold. First, it is my belief that the
general pattern of regional economic growth rate and debt of probably is not going to
change over time. It is show in the derivation of the model, the quadratic relationship
between economic growth and debt actually stems from the quadratic relationship
between saving rate (or investment rate) and economic growth. As long as the latter
pattern doesnt change over time, we have no reason to believe that the former will
change. If this is the case, a multiple-year pooled cross-section data will provide such
good features as increased sample size, more precise estimators and test statistics with
more power (Wooldridge, 2006, p. 449). This is especially true when taking into account
the fact that many states maintain a very low borrowing level and only a few states has a
significant debt burden. If we dont pool the historical state data together, the predicted
quadratic relationship between debt and economic growth may not be found. Second, a
cross-sectional framework is superior to time-series in explaining the cross-state
variations. In terms of their borrowing behavior, states are very different from one to
another. Some have tighter restrictions on borrowing than others, some issue more
revenue bonds instead of general obligation bonds, so on and so forth. In addition, as
suggested by some researchers, the bond markets in the United States are segmented:
many state and local bond issues are marketed in local or regional markets and bonds
issued by jurisdictions within a state are viewed as closer substitutes by an investor than
an in-state and an out-of-state bond (Hendershott and Kidwell, 1978). Therefore, it is of
interest to investigate the cross-sectional differences between states. Last, some previous
studies on debt and public investment have also adopted a cross-sectional framework.
These studies include Cunningham
(1989) and Temple (1990).
On the other hand, the changes over time can not be neglected. Many important
variables that will be used in the estimation, such as economic growth rate, public
investment, etc., are serially correlated in nature. Tax reforms like TRA 86 has had a huge
impact on state and local borrowing pattern, so failure to include the time elements in the
estimation will significantly impair the explanatory power of the model. The most
appropriate method to capture both the cross-sectional differences and the changes over
time is the panel data approach. Capeci (1991), for example, uses a panel data set to study
the credit risk and bond yields. It is especially informative to compare the results from
both approaches.
4.2 Estimation Model
For the most part, the variables included in the estimation follow the equations
developed in Chapter 3. To determine the other independent variables
He also conducts a time-series analysis in the same dissertation.
this research draws on a variety of studies. Among other, Cook (1982), Kriz (2000) and
Peng (2000) survey the independent variables that are used to determine default risk and
borrowing costs for municipal bonds; Temple (1994) studies the determinants of state and
local borrowing (debt share in her paper); Duffy-Deno and Eberts (1990) provide clues
for the independent variables to be used in a simultaneous equation system explaining
public infrastructure and economic growth.
(1) Debt equation
totalltdoutffc = capout, cpi, totalltdissng, lnpersinc, igr, genrev, spenlim, Capst_1, taxes
totalltdoutffc = total long-term full faith and credit debt outstanding
capout = per capita capital outlay (-)
cpi = consumer price index (+)
totalltdissng = total long-term debt issue non guaranteed (+)
lnpersinc = log per capita personal income
igr = per capita intergovernmental revenue (-)
genrev = per capita general revenue (-)
spenlim = a binary variable of spending limit (-)
Capst_1 = last one period of per capita capital stock (-)
taxes = state per capita taxes (+)
(2) Borrowing costs equation
r = r (
, Y, Issue size, credit rating, bond insurance, maturity, call provision, bank
qualification, tax status, general interest rate, interest rate volatility, number of bids,
income/debt ratio, income, GSP change, relative supply)
(see Kriz, Peng, p.182)
(3) Public investment equation
capout = lnpersinc, igr, totalltdoutffc, taxes, Capst_1
capout = per capita capital outlay
lnpersinc = log per capita personal income (+)
igr = per capita intergovernmental revenue (+)
totalltdoutffc = total long-term full faith and credit debt outstanding (+)
taxes = state per capita taxes (+)
Capst_1 = last one period of per capita capital stock (-)
Due to data availability, this equation is not going to be estimated in the simultaneous equation system, but some of its
elements are incorporated in the other three equations.
(4) Economic growth equation
lnpersinc= unem, ltdebtsqu, totalltdoutffc,age1865,capout,Capst_1
lnpersinc = log per capita personal income (+)
unem = unemployment rate (-)
ltdebtsqu = long term debt (totalltdoutffc) squared (-)
totalltdoutffc = total long-term full faith and credit debt outstanding (+)
age1865 = percentage of population between 18 and 65 (+)
capout = per capita capital outlay (+)
Capst_1 = last one period of per capita capital stock (+)
4.3 Data and Descriptive Statistics
Instead of using the debt data from each issuing entities, I aggregate the state and
local borrowing levels within each state so as to explain the interstate difference in total
state and local bonds issued. The unit of observation is per capita borrowing for each
state. This is consistent with the method used in Feldstein and Metcalf (1986), and
Temple (1990). A potential weakness of this aggregated state data is the loss of
heterogeneity within states. Since we are more interested in the interstate differences, and
more importantly, the borrowing activity by some local government is actually carried
out by the state, it might be more appropriate to use the state aggregate data.
Data to be used in this dissertation come from various sources. Many demographic
and economic variables are available from U.S. Census, U.S. Bureau of Economic
Analysis, or other U.S. departments; data of private sector are obtained from Federal
Reserve Bank at St. Louis; information on bond issues is collected from the Securities
Data Company. Information on municipal bond issuance is from the Securities Data
To obey the law of parsimony, I use as few variables as possible. The descriptive
statistics is presented in the following table:
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
lnpersinc 902 9.505419 .1828811 9.057997 10.0531
unem 861 6.498606 2.123177 2.4 18
ltdebtsqu 902 9.41e+12 2.77e+13 0 2.58e+14
totalltdou~c 902 1865802 2435420 0 1.61e+07
age1865 902 .6108336 .0199096 .5458851 .6557377
capout 1347 223.2147 151.53 32.73 1803.66
Capst_1 1300 5454.072 3926.04 148.68 32647.38
cpi 902 117.1591 30.53942 60.6 163
totalltdis~g 902 730164.3 1162723 0 1.00e+07
igr 902 440.1211 152.9914 183.2218 1164.703
genrev 902 1749.048 1096.98 825.1176 12867.75
taxes 1200 1148.66 594.2977 235.84 6316.4
spenlim 902 .1718404 .3774509 0 1
4.4 Pooled Cross-sectional Analysis
As Wooldridge (2006, p.449) points out, estimating a pooled cross sectional dataset
with OLS raises only minor statistical complications. To account for the possibly
different distributions in different years, a year dummy will be added to the model.
The model that will be estimated in this dissertation is a simultaneous system with
four endogenous variables and a number of exogenous variables. As outlined in
Wooldridge (2006), Green (2008) and Gujarati (2003), the OLS method is not
appropriate for estimating such a simultaneous equation system, because the error term in
on equation is generally correlated with the other endogenous variable(s) that is/are
included in that equation as explanatory variable(s). To correct for this simultaneity bias,
2SLS method is called for. The 2SLS method basically address the simultaneity bias by
first predicting the value of each endogenous variable with the whole set of included
exogenous variables as instruments and then estimating equation with the predicted value
of endogenous variables by OLS. 3SLS, which is a system method of estimation (Green,
2008) will also be applied. According to Green (2008, p.383), 3SLS is generally superior
to 2 SLS for it is asymptotically efficient whereas 2SLS is not; but there are cases where
2SLS is more favorable (Wooldridge, 2002, pp.198-199). Therefore, compare the results
from 2SLS and 3SLS will provide a more complete picture. The rank-order condition is
assumed to be met because a relatively large number of exogenous variables will be
included in the system. The endogeneity has been tested by Hausman test.
Applying 3SLS with STATA, I obtain the following estimates for the three
equations. Z scores are reported in parentheses.
(1) Debt equation
D = 7.93 149604.1 capout + 6615.0 cpi + .04 totalltdissng + 1.1e+07 lnpersinc
(-3.27) (-8.15) (0.5) (0.34) (3.12)
+ 6150.3 igr 72.1 genrev + 204602.4 spenlim + 2279.8 Capst_1 + 17355.4 taxes
(2.13) (-.14) (.57) (5.64) (7.08)
= -14.85
(3) Public investment equation
I = -732.56 + 74.8 lnpersin +.04 igr 6.6e-06 totalltdoutffc +.117 taxes + .02Capst_1
(-3.30) (3.14) (2.32) (-12.67) (15.18) (20.98)
= .78
(4) Economic growth equation
Y = 7.92 - .02unem 6.38e-15 ltdebtsqu + 1.06e-07totalltdoutffc + 2.45age1865 +
(44.47) (-10.43) (-5.59) (7.03) (8.04)
+7.7e-03capout -9.46e-06Capst_1
(9.31) (-3.34)
= .62
Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation-consistent estimates:
Y = 7.26 - .03unem 2.19e-15 ltdebtsqu + 5.22e-08totalltdoutffc + 3.70age1865 +
(70.07) (-15.42) (-11.27) (20.01) (21.87)
+4.4e-04capout -3.84e-06Capst_1
(7.90) (-1.90)
= .74 F =331.65
A C test was conducted and the endogeneity was found for the three dependent
variables, all significant at very small confidence intervals, but the overidentification test
suggests that there might be more endogenous variables in the model. This problem,
however, will probably be fixed when the borrowing cost equation is incorporated to the
4.5 Panel Data Analysis
Heteroskedasticity was detected and the second equation reported the heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation-
consistent numbers using the 2SLS method (ivreg2, robust command in STATA). These numbers are just slightly
different from 3SLS estimates.
Panel data analysis is gaining popularity in empirical studies because it has some
major advantages over purely cross-sectional or time-series datasets. As Hsiao (2003,
p.5) summarizes in his book, panel data give a researcher a large number of data points,
thus increasing the degrees of freedom and reducing the collinearity; panel data set allow
a researcher to capture more complex patterns that can not be addressed by other data set;
and panel data can eliminate the effects of any missing variables that are correlated with
explanatory variables. Data on state governments are panel data by nature (and usually a
balanced panel data), for this reason a panel data analysis will be conducted so as to
capture cross-sectional as well as time varying effects of some of the key variables in the
A panel dataset is typically analyzed by either the fixed effects (FE) approach or the
random effects approach (FE), or both. According to the discussion in Wooldridge
(2006), fixed effects estimation should be used when we assume that the unobserved
effect is correlated with each explanatory variable; conversely, if we assume the
unobserved effect is not correlated with any of the explanatory variables, random effects
estimation should be used. The key difference between random and fixed effect
estimation is whether or not allow observations of each time period (usually a year) to
have a different intercept. For a fixed effects approach, the first step is to transform the
panel data into a time-demeaned data by subtracting its mean from each variable and then
estimate it by a pooled OLS estimator. For a random effects approach, GLS estimation is
needed because the composite error terms in each period are serially correlated. In the
present research, many key variables such as income, growth rate, debt level or debt ratio,
etc, are all time-varying; additionally, there is no reason to believe that any unobserved
effect is uncorrelated with the explanatory variables in the model. As a result, fixed
effects approach might be more appropriate. In fact, FE is widely thought to be a more
convincing tool for estimating panel data set, because it allows arbitrary correlation
between unobserved effects and independent variables, while RE does not (Wooldridge,
2006, p. 497). In this study, both RE and FE will be implemented for comparison