Brand Audit Guidelines

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The final report consists of a brand inventory, brand exploratory and provides recommendations concerning how to build and manage equity for the brand chosen. Your written summary should be double-spaced typed pages, plus a one-page executive summary, appendices as necessary, and complete references (1 margins, 12-point type). SUGGESTED COMPONENTS OF FINAL BRAND AUDIT REPORT (sequence may vary) HISTORY AND OVERVIEW The first page is an overview of the brand and its history.

KEY CHALLENGES FACING BRAND The second page should set-up the key challenges facing brand. The challenges should relate to brand architecture, brand portfolio, brand extension, and/or brand revitalization. BRAND INVENTORY Brand inventories are comprehensive summaries of a firms marketing and branding program.

a.) Detail the brand architecture. i. Graphically display the brand hierarchy. ii. Discuss the roles of brands in the portfolio. Focus on your selected brand and other brands deemed relevant to your brand. iii. Discuss the hierarchy relationship of your brand. b.) Analyze the firms branding and marketing programs. How do they contribute to brand knowledge? How consistent have they been over time? Is there consistency between the brand and marketing elements? i. Analyze the brand graphics (logos, names, packages). ii. Analyze the brands past and current advertising campaigns. iii. Analyze the brands product, promotions, distribution, and pricing. c.) Profile competitive brands and market situation. BRAND EXPLORATORY Brand exploratories are in-depth profiles of consumers brand knowledge structures.

a.) Develop a detailed and accurate profile of current brand knowledge structures. In appendix, provide specifics about survey and data collection to assess brand knowledge structures. b.) Assess the brands associations at each level of CBBE pyramid. c.) Discuss if consumers knowledge structures have undergone any significant or recent changes. RECOMMENDATIONS


Externally, consumer-focused assessment A comprehensive examination of a brand involving activities to assess the health of the brand, uncover its sources of equity, and suggest ways to improve and leverage that equity It includes brand vision, mission, promise, values, position, personality, and performance

BRAND AUDIT STEPS Brand inventory (supply side) Brand exploratory (demand side)

BRAND INVENTORY A current comprehensive profile of how all the products and services sold by a company are branded and marketed Brand elements Supporting marketing programs Profile of competitive brands POPs and PODs Brand mantra Suggests the bases for positioning the brand Offers insights to how brand equity may be better managed Assesses consistency in message among activities, brand extensions, and sub-brands in order to avoid redundancies, overlaps, and consumer confusion BRAND EXPLORATORY

Provides detailed information as to how consumers perceive the brand: Awareness Favorability Uniqueness of associations Helps identify sources of customer-based brand equity Uncovers knowledge structures for the core brand as well as its competitors

SUGGESTED BRAND AUDIT OUTLINE Brand audit objectives, scope, and approach Background about the brand (self-analysis) Background about the industries Consumer analysis (trends, motivation, perceptions, needs, segmentation, behavior) Brand inventory Elements, current marketing programs, POPs, PODs Branding strategies (extensions, sub-brands, etc.) Brand portfolio analysis Competitors brand Competitors inventory Strengths and weaknesses

BRAND EXPLORATORY Brand associations Brand positioning analysis Consumer perceptions analysis (vs. competition) Summary of competitor analysis SWOT analysis Brand equity evaluation Strategic brand management recommendations

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